A List of Language Learning Methods - creative writing blog (2024)

Here is a list of language learning methods I’ve encountered. Many methodsare from the 19th-century, and their corresponding textbooks arein the public domain and freely available from Archive.org.

A List of Language Learning Methods - creative writing blog (1)

Ahn’s Method

Developed by Dr. J.H.P. Seidenstücker (you can read his German-French original here)but made popular by Franz Ahn, this method relies mainly on translation back and forth between short passages, each section providing new vocabulary and grammar and building on the previous ones.Ahn writes, inthe introduction to his Latin:

The plan upon which the exercises are constructed is popularly known in this country as “Ahn’s Method”, though we believe Dr. Seidenstücker has a prior claim to the invention. It is based mainly on the principle, that words in combination spontaneously exhibit the structure of simple sentences. The learner accordingly has FEW RULES, but MUCH PRACTICE, the rules being taught rather by example than precept, and are fixed upon the memory by frequent repetition and recapitulation.

Ahn’s method wasfurther popularised by Franz Thimm, who created a series of “Self-Taught…” textbooks based on it.Thimm writes, in theintroduction to hisRussian:

Seidenstücker was the first who in 1811 introduced this new Method for the Latin, Greek and French languages, and to him belongs in justice the merit, of having introduced a rational system of tuition. Ahn who made use of his method long after in 1834, acknowledges in his Preface, Seidenstücker as the originator of the System. But there was an essential point omitted even in these books. It was, that the “grammatical form should precede the Exercises, so that the learner should at once be made acquainted with the grammatical structure of the foreign language, without which, he could never attain a thorough knowledge of it.”

  • ♥ I find this incremental accumulation of vocabulary and grammar rules very effective, and I particularly enjoy the satisfaction of being able to read and translate simple texts from the outset.
  • ♥ Being old-fashioned and interested more in reading than writing or speaking, I also love the19th-century vocabulary that is useless except for literature enthusiasts.

This method is for you if you:

  1. Enjoy translation.
  2. Learn well by reading.
  3. Areinterested in reading literature (from previous centuries).


A language method for the digital era. Duolingo is a free web and mobile app that teaches and spontaneouslytests listening, reading, writing, and in certain languages, also speaking skills. Itgradually builds vocabulary and sentence structure, but doesn’t explicitly teach grammar.

This method is for you if you:

  1. Easily lose motivation.
  2. Oftenforget to study.
  3. Like to compete with friends.
  4. Learn well by interaction.

The Gold List Method

Developed by Victor Huliganov, this method relies on writing lists of words longhand and repeating them over a period of time, but without the intention to memorise. At each repetition,the list is revised to remove words that have been learnt and leave behind those that are still causing difficulties. Huliganov’s theory is that this aids in placing the words in long term memory, rather than the short term memory which is promoted by cramming and conscious memorisation.

  • ♥I’m excited to try this method, although I haven’t done so yet. Myfeeling is that, as much as I love lists,their weakness is alack of context, and the fact that they don’t make full use of spatial memory.

This method is for you if you:

  1. Like keeping notebooks.
  2. Enjoy handwriting.
  3. Dislike rote memorisation.

The Shadowing Technique

Developed by Alexander Arguelles, this is an unusual method in which the learner paces back and forth, preferably outdoors, listening to an audio recording of a foreign language textbook. As the learner paces and listens, they follow the textinthe textbook, and repeat what they’ve heard, out loud, to the best of their ability. This helps particularly with learning the pronunciation of words, forcing the learner to speak quickly, without hesitation,and I believe the theory is that physical movement helps cement the language in the nervous system.

  • ♥I’ve tried this method while exercising (indoors) on the cross-trainer, and I must say I found it very enjoyable, and I really sensed that it helped with pronunciation, though perhaps not as much with retention. I think it’s definitely important to learn with the whole body, and not approach study as a purely cerebral activity.

This method is for you if you:

  1. Don’t like sitting down for long periods of time.
  2. Learn well by reading.
  3. Learn well by listening.
  4. Learn well by speaking.
  5. Areinterested in improving yourpronunciation.


Assimil publisha popular series of language courses which work by combining short dialogues with audio. The accompanying textbook is bilingual, with funcartoonsandphoneticised spellings. These courses are ideal for use with the Shadowing Technique.

  • ♥Ialways want to know how words are spelt, so I like the fact that Assimil’s text and audio are so closely linked.

This method is for you if you:

  1. Learn well by listening.
  2. Learn well by reading.
  3. Like pictures! ;)


The Pimsleur technique is based on simulating dialogue with an audio recording. A conversationbetween two people is performed, then the learner is promptedeither in the target language, or their native language, and there is a pause for them to respond. For example:

A: “Hvordan har du det?”
B:Say, “Fine, thanks, and you?”

To which you would respond, out loud: “Bare bra, takk. Og du?”

The dialogues build on previous ones, and get more and more complex. Although there’s some breakdown of pronunciation (in the languages I’ve heard), there is really no grammar to speak of, except for some minor attempts to encourage listeners to spot patterns. The dialogues are aimed at teaching travellers the most usefulquestions and answers, so that’s fair enough.

  • ♥ I think the Pimsleur method’s chief strength lies in its use of repetition, and the way it simulates a conversation between the reader and the characters in the course. Having said that, the conversations are sometimes very contrived, and seem to be aimed at American men trying to seduce foreign women!

This method is for you if you:

  1. Learn well by listening.
  2. Learn well by speaking.
  3. Want to learn a language for travel.

The Natural Method

The natural methodtries to mimic the way in which a native speaker might acquire their language as a child,using only the target language, and necessary visual aids.

James Henry Worman createda series ofcourses following the Natural Methodin the 19th century (Archive.org has several of them). He creditsJohann Heinrich Pestalozzi, an 18th-century Swiss educator, as the originator of the method. More recently,Hans Ørberg’s Lingua Latina series has gained popularity.

While both Worman’s and Ørberg’s books use copious amounts of pictures, what differentiates them from many books used for language education in schools (I’m thinking of the likes of the Cambridge Latin Course), is that theyonly use the target language.I feel this really facilitates the learner to begin thinking in the target language early on, which is precisely the intention.

  • ♥ Althoughitrequires a basic knowledge of the alphabet, and of pronunciation, and may not be as easy to use for non Indo-European native speakers, I loveLingua Latina. It is a beautiful book, both in the uniformity and elegance of its illustrations, and in its system.
  • Ayan Academy provides audio recordings of many natural method books on Youtube and on their Patreon. For example, here is French by the Nature Method by Arthur Jensen.

This method is for you if you:

  1. Like pictures.
  2. Don’t particularly enjoystudyinggrammar.
  3. Want tobecome a “natural”.

The ManescaMethod

Also known as the Ollendorff Method, after Heinrich GottfriedOllendorff who stole/appropriated Manesca’s Method and applied it to other languages (the Boston Language Institute has an interesting article on the subject).

This is a method thattries to mimicnativelanguage acquisition, and may be considered an off-shoot of the Natural Method. Manesca’salso has the distinction of being the earliest known full language course, although Ollendorff’s editions became far more popular. The Manesca Method relies on working with a teacher, who introduces just one word at a time. The students are then prompted one at a time,and this repetition (and some simple home study) helps retention, without resorting to memorisation. This method wasn’t originallyintended for self-study, but you can easily use the textbooks to practice on your own. Here is Manesca’s original French textbook, and here is Ollendorff’s version.Evan derMillner has also created a video series thatfollowsManesca’s French course.

If you’re interested in learning Latin, Wikipedia notes that“the French-Latin Ollendorff was, as far as can be ascertained, the first textbook written in modern times aimed at teaching Latin as a spoken language, using ‘modern’ methods.”

  • ♥ I would love to try this method with a teacher.I love the idea of words being introduced one at a time, and of creating my own textbook as I work through the course.

This method is for you if you:

  1. Want to study with a teacher or group.
  2. Learn well by reading.


While not a language learning method per se, many grammars are marketed ascomplete solutions. I think, depending on their writer’s skill, grammars can bevery interesting to read, even cover to cover. They will often include exercises and reading material, but their strength lies in the way they present linguistic patterns. This becomes particularly useful to alearner who already has a goodgrammatical understanding of a similar language, becausethe comparison can greatlyaccelerate their learning.

  • ♥ I love grammars! The first thing I do when I start learning a new language is to scour Archive.org for old grammars. Some of my favourites are for learning Latin.

This method is for you if you:

  1. Like to learn by reading.
  2. Enjoy learning grammar.
  3. Already know a similar language.

What (I think) a good language method should do:

  1. Encourage the learner by giving them the satisfaction of using the language early on.
  2. Introduce grammar rules one by one, but also provide an overview which allows the learner to spot patterns.
  3. Aid the learner in reading, writing and listening.
  4. Engage the learner with interesting texts, idioms and stories.

Have I missed a method? Tweet me & I’ll check it out.

A List of Language Learning Methods - creative writing blog (2024)


What is the Ahn's method? ›

Ahn's Method

Developed by Dr. J.H.P. Seidenstücker (you can read his German-French original here) but made popular by Franz Ahn, this method relies mainly on translation back and forth between short passages, each section providing new vocabulary and grammar and building on the previous ones.

How to not get bored learning a language? ›

TV shows and films are an excellent resource for learning languages because they give you an opportunity to listen to native speakers converse with each other in your target language while also providing context. Plus, if you choose something that you actually enjoy watching, then it will never get boring!

What is the Rhythym method? ›

Overview. The rhythm method, also called the calendar method or the calendar rhythm method, is a form of natural family planning. To use the rhythm method, you track your menstrual history to predict when you'll ovulate. This helps you determine when you're most likely to conceive.

What is the Bardole method? ›

The Bardole Method is a method of separating and isolating DNA material from small evidence items. The application could include many items that are currently difficult to sample, like shell casings, fingernail clippings, rings, gun parts, keys, bomb fragments, and other small items.

How to learn a language creatively? ›

The Most Effective Language Learning Strategies for Creative Learners
  1. Use Visual Aids to Learn Vocabulary. ...
  2. Incorporate Music into Your Learning. ...
  3. Use Technology to Your Advantage. ...
  4. Incorporate Creativity into Your Language Learning. ...
  5. Find Opportunities to Practice Your Language Skills. ...
  6. Conclusion.

What are the four language activities? ›

Four Skills Activities: Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening.

How to teach languages effectively? ›

What is the best way to teach a language?
  1. 1 – Create a safe and positive language learning environment. ...
  2. 2 – Keep constant exposure to the target language. ...
  3. 3 – Learn to draw and visualise things and terms. ...
  4. 4 – Experiment with your classroom setup. ...
  5. 5 – Keep lesson content real and relevant. ...
  6. 6 – Keep learners engaged.
Sep 21, 2021

What is the best method to learn language? ›

There's no one right method for learning a new language, and people learn in different ways. But experts consider a few key language learning methods to be the most effective. These include conversations, games, one-on-one tutoring and consuming media in another language.

What is the fastest language learning method? ›

13 tips for how to learn a language fast
  • Learn one language at a time. ...
  • Start with short, simple dialogues. ...
  • Study pronunciation very early on. ...
  • Concentrate on one language island at a time. ...
  • Focus on comprehensible input. ...
  • Use a structured reading technique. ...
  • Read wisely, not widely. ...
  • Avoid relying on parallel texts while learning.
Dec 13, 2023

What is the most effective language learning strategy? ›

The most effective language learning strategies
  1. Have a definite goal in mind. ...
  2. Immerse yourself in the experience. ...
  3. Listen on a regular basis. ...
  4. Use spaced repetition to improve your vocabulary skills. ...
  5. Think in the language you're learning. ...
  6. Make lots of mistakes. ...
  7. Read as much as you can in your foreign language.
Dec 20, 2023

What is the hardest language to teach? ›

Most difficult language in the world: The official language of Mainland China, Taiwan, and Singapore, Mandarin has consistently been ranked as the hardest language in the world. Mandarin is spoken by over 1.118 billion people and is the second most spoken language in the world only second to English.

What's the secret to learning a language? ›

Language requires a lot of repetition, a lot of reference experiences, and a consistent commitment and investment. It's better to allot a particular period of your life, even if it's only 1-2 weeks, and really go at it 100%, than to half-ass it over the course of months or even years.

Is there a trick to learning a language? ›

Immerse yourself in the local culture. Make use of free foreign language podcasts and apps. Don't practice in isolation; get feedback from native speakers. Don't worry about making mistakes.

What is the ANN methodology? ›

Abstract. Artificial neural network (ANN) model involves computations and mathematics, which simulate the human–brain processes. Many of the recently achieved advancements are related to the artificial intelligence research area such as image and voice recognition, robotics, and using ANNs.

What is the concept of ANN? ›

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are biologically inspired computer programs designed to simulate the way in which the human brain processes information. ANNs gather their knowledge by detecting the patterns and relationships in data and learn (or are trained) through experience, not from programming.

What is the artificial neural network process? ›

A neural network is a method in artificial intelligence that teaches computers to process data in a way that is inspired by the human brain. It is a type of machine learning process, called deep learning, that uses interconnected nodes or neurons in a layered structure that resembles the human brain.

What is the functional unit of ANN? ›

ANNs consist of many interconnected computing units, called neurons, and are functional approximates that map inputs to outputs. ANNs are a function or approximator to map inputs to outputs and vice versa.

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