A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (2024)

Some of the resources I used include well-known advisers such asSeeking Alpha.* Click the link for some free stock advice. They have free Investing 101 type of materials that I would recommend for any beginner. Furthermore, if you don't want to spend time doing your own analyses and valuation, I suggest that you subscribe to their services and access their library of fundamental analyses.

I learned to invest by reading online materials, listening to podcasts, and watching videos, all available free online. I seldom buy books although I have read many that I have downloaded.

  1. Gain some knowledge.
  2. Practice to gain experience.
  3. Repeat steps (1) and (2).
  4. Only move on to the next level after you have mastered a particular level.
  5. Repeat (1) to (4).
  6. Start to invest with real money when you reach the Advanced level.

According to a study by technology giant Microsoft, the attention span of people has fallen from 12 seconds to 8 seconds — thanks to the mobile revolution and an increasingly digitized lifestyle.

To learn successfully, it must be done in small chunks - bite-sized learning. This is the practice of delivering training in smaller, more focused chunks or bites that can be easily learned without committing large amounts of time.

The best analogy I can give is infographics – yes this is bite-sized learning.

Anyway, the point I am making is that you read one or two articles to gain some background knowledge. Then explore one or two case studies and repeat the learning cycle until you have completed everything at a particular level.

I will provide the links to the necessary free online value investment resources so that you can gain background knowledge for each level.

To gain experience you have to learn from case studies and try to answer all the questions that I posed in mycase studies.

There are 4 levels to go through.

  • Level 1 – Foundation.
  • Level 2 – Intermediate.
  • Level 3 – Advanced.
  • Level 4 – Expert.

I am assuming that you start at the Foundation level and will provide some pointers on when you can move from one level to the next.

If you have been following my case studies postsegAsia Fileyou ought to be able to create a similar analysis and valuation by the time you finish the Advanced level.

How long will it take?

Realistically and assuming that you can spend at best an hour a day, I would think that you would need to spend about 4 to 6 months at the Foundation level and another 4 to 6 months at the Intermediate level.

I think it will take another 12 to 18 months at the Advanced level before you are ready to go to the Expert level.

A long time? Remember that you are here to learn how to invest for a lifetime.

The difference between self-learning online compared to a classroom setting where there is a teacher is that with self-learning you need the self-discipline to go through all the materials and to do the work examples and case studies.

The biggest challenge will be the “practice” part as you are not able to discuss with other students or a lecturer/teacher.

My advice if you are stuck - pose the questions online. What I did was skip the part and then come back after you have learned a bit more. It has worked most of the time.

Secondly, when you read the case studies online, they generally present the situation and analysis together. Effectively you get the "solution" as you read the case.

This is not as good as a case study in a classroom setting where the case study has been prepared in such a manner that the solution is not provided. You first read the case and then discuss the issues and solutions in class.

Unfortunately, you don't have this "discovery" dimension when covering case studies on your own.

One way to get around this predicament is to try to do the analysis yourself and then compare it with the one presented. Of course, to do this, the "solution" has to be presented separately.

You ought to be able to use the case studies in my blog in this manner. If you have the discipline to take this step, it will accelerate your learning.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (1)
Chart 3: Learn how to invest

How to learn investing in stages

The learning objectives for the various levels are as follows

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (2)
Chart 4: Foundation Level

Foundation level: mostly conceptual:

  • Intro to investing.
  • Intro to business analysis.
  • Understanding financial statements.

You can move to the Intermediate level when you can to go through Annual Reports and understand the financial statements. You then see whether the Chairman Statements and/or Management, Discussions, and Analysis is a public relations exercise or they provide information for you to analyze the company's performance.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (3)
Chart 5: Intermediate Level

Intermediate level: a bit of quantitative analysis:

  • Intro to value investing.
  • How to analyze business.
  • Intro to valuation.

You are ready to move to the Advanced level when you can identify undervalued companies using multiples as well as assess whether the company can sustain its performance over the next couple of years.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (4)
Chart 6: Advanced Level

Advanced level: – number crunching, more emphasis on case studies:

  • How to value companies.
  • Business strategies.
  • Value investing spectrum.

You can move to the Expert level when you can perform the analysis and valuation as presented in my case studies with equivalent details and depth. When you reach this stage, you can be assured that you have successfully learned to invest.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (5)
Chart 7: Expert Level

Expert level:

  • CAPM and Modern Portfolio Theory.
  • Options.
  • Other investment approaches – Technical, Smart Beta.

The formal course route.

If you opt for a formal course, you will have to choose the course to follow. The process of choosing the best value investment course for you involves several trade-offs;

  • Self-study vs classroom setting for a formal course.
  • A general value investing course vs a formula course.

The factors to be considered in choosing a course are:

  • Do they cover all the concepts and skills required?
  • How comprehensive is the course material?
  • How much hand-holding do they provide?

To effectively evaluate the course, you have to:

  • Go through all the course descriptions.
  • Check on the credibility of the course leader/teacher.
  • Review past student comments and ratings.

I suggest that you separate the qualitative assessment from the price assessment. Shortlist 3 to 5 courses and then only decide on the trade-off between content and price.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (6)
Chart 8:Self-taught or formal course

Self-study or classroom setting?

Now that you have decided to follow a formal course, there are two aspects to consider:

  • How to learn investing ie classroom vs self-study as per the discussions in the previous section.
  • Course focus i.e. whether you follow a “formula” or learn about value investing in general. A formula here refers to a specific technique that is being marketed. You can think of this as a “copy and paste” investing strategy. This is opposed to learning about value investing in general.

The chart below illustrates the 4 possible options formed by the combination of these 2 aspects.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (7)
Chart 9: Options for how to learn investing

I must admit that 2 decades ago, there were not that many online courses. Most of the courses were formal classroom types. These were not suitable for me as I had a very tight work schedule.

To a great extent, this influenced my decision to self-study rather than attend a formal class.

Today there are online courses that are self-study focussed. However, the issue of whether it is self-study or online class still boils down to whether you study on your own time or join a group based on a timetable.

I would still have chosen self-study as a fixed schedule would still be a problem for me.

I suspect that the majority of you are likely to be working. And then you may have other family and social commitments. If so, go for the self-study route.

This is because learning value investing is not something that you complete in one week or month. Be prepared for a least one year of learning. As such you want a course that gives you flexibility over your time.

You will of course lose the classroom cum teacher interaction with self-study. But there are ways to make up for this.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (8)
Chart 10: General Course vs Formal Course

General course vs formula course

Think of the following analogy when it comes to thinking about learning value investing in general or taking a formula course.

If you want to open up a burger restaurant, one option is to buy the kitchen equipment, tables, chairs, and utensils and develop your burger recipe. Alternatively, you could be a franchisee to a burger chain.

The former is learning value investing in general. You will have to compile your course material and even establish your investment process.

The latter is following a formula that the vendor has developed and tested. I call this a cut-and-paste approach.

Value investing requires a certain amount of knowledge about how to read financial statements and how business works. Some business experience would be helpful. You also need to be numerate as you need to value companies.

If these are challenges, you should start with a formula course. Usually, these are techniques that have been developed by the vendor. They target people who do not have quantitative and business skills. A common marketing point here is that you can quickly learn to invest.

After you have mastered the “cut-and-paste” course, you always have the option to learn about value investing in general. By then you don’t start from zero as the formula course would have covered most of the common value investing concepts.

But, if you have a business background and are numerate, you go for the general course.

From what I could see, the general courses are cheaper. At the same time, you could invest via indexing while learning. Then by the time you are ready to set up your investment process, you can switch over from indexing to your approach.

I opted to learn about value investing in general because I have a strong business background. Secondly, I am numerate and also able to read financial statements.

Thirdly (and this is with hindsight), you will come across free formulae when learning about value investing in general. For example, you will learn about Graham's Net-Net process. There is also the Magic Formula and Dogs of the Dow. So why pay for a formula when there are free ones?

My recommendation?

If you have fears about financial statements, business analysis, or quantitative techniques, go for the formula course. Your goal is to develop your investment skills and you want to start with something that you can learn and use.

But if you don’t have such fears, go for the general course. It is much cheaper and you have the indexing option to make money while learning. This indexing option will negate the advantage claimed by the formula course ie you can start to invest quickly.

What to assess

There are 4 steps to becoming a value investor.

  • Learn the concepts - knowledge acquisition.
  • Develop the skills - applying the knowledge.
  • Cultivate the right habits - behavioral/soft skills.
  • Establish your process - SOP.

Accordingly, the assessment of any value investing course should be based on how well it delivers these 4 items. You need to assess them on several criteria:

  • Do they cover all the concepts and skills required?
  • How comprehensive is the course material?
  • How much hand-holding do they provide?

These criteria apply to all the various combinations of courses shown in Chart 9.

The challenge with assessing any course is that before you sign up for a course, you only have access to the marketing materials. If you are lucky, you may find a sample podcast or video.

Effectively you are trying to compare courses based on limited information. The checklist I have provided has been developed with this constraint in mind.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (9)
Chart 11:Checklist for concepts/skills

Checklist for the basic concepts/skills that you need to develop.

You have to run through all the value investment resources presented by the course to be able to see whether the following are part of the course content. Be prepared to do some guesswork based on the course description.

  • Value investing - Margin of safety, Mr market, Buying at a discount.
  • Understanding financial statements (only for the general course) - Ratio analysis.
  • Business analysis - moats, risks, management performance.
  • Valuation - discount rates, free cash flows, DCF, relative valuation.
  • Portfolio - number of stocks, position sizing.
  • Risk mitigation - diversification, behavioural biases.

A general value investing course should cover all the above topics.

A formula course will leave out the part about understanding financial statements, business analysis, and portfolio part. They will substitute these with their “formula".

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (10)
Chart 12:Checklist for course materials

Checklist for the course materials

The aim is to relate the way the course is presented to your learning preference. I am more of a textbook person while you may be better at watching videos. You gauge whether the course is text-based or more focused on podcasts or videos about your learning style.

This is not as critical today because most courses have a combination of reading materials, podcasts, and videos.

It is more important to see how the course delivers the numerical analysis part of the course. As a beginner, you want to see worked examples and ready spreadsheet templates. This is especially if it is a self-study course.

Do you remember how you learned your arithmetic in school? The teacher showed the example on the board and then you learn by doing the exercises. When it comes to the quantitative part, check that the course has a similar approach.

Learning to invest is like learning how to drive. While there are concepts to learn, the key is practice. You become a good driver by spending more time driving than learning traffic codes. This applies to investing. You want to spend most of the time analyzing and valuing companies.

So, you want value investment resources that can help you analyze and value companies. They should have worked examples, case studies, and spreadsheet templates.

Finally, besides the value investment resources, you should see whether there is a library of resources that you can access as a student. Yet, today this is not critical as there are many free online materials on value investing.

Checklist for hand-holding

I have already emphasized the importance of practice. This is where hand-holding is helpful. There are 2 sources of guidance here:

  • Coaching by the teacher/lecturer.
  • Peer interaction.

When I first started to learn, only classroom settings can provide both. However today with social media, this no longer applies. I have seen self-study courses where there is some mechanism to connect students so that they can benefit from peer interaction.

So, you can still have a self-study course where there is some access to coaching and peer interaction.

But the challenge is not whether these are available. The difficulty is assessing the quality of the help.

If you attend a Business School MBA course, not only will you have good lecturers, but you will interact with more experienced students. This is different from attending an investment course full of teenagers.

Unfortunately, you cannot assess the quality of the hand-holding at the pre-buying stage. One way to assess the quality is to look at past student comments and ratings if these are available.

I would also check the credentials of the person presenting the course. Look at his qualifications and experience and judge whether he can provide practical answers to questions you may have.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (11)
Chart 13:Checking the validity of a formal course

How to assess the validity of the formula course

When it comes to formula courses, there are two selling points:

  • It is a successful formula that will enable you to make money.
  • You can start value investing immediately.

The issue is then assessing the validity of the formula.

This is a tough one because the vendors would have done their best to convince you that they have a secret formula that has been tested. I am sure that the vendor would be presenting his track record and you can only take his word for this.

You can only check his authority indirectly:

  • At the pre-buying stage, you only have the past student comments and ratings to work on. One metric that I used was to look at the number of past students. Unfortunately, not all sites provide this information.
  • Another metric is to look at how long the course has been offered. The older courses could mean that they had enough interest to continue with the course. I know this is not ideal.
  • You could also look at market share ie the comparative number of past students. You are of course equating popularity with the validity of the formula.
A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (12)
Chart 14:How to choose the best course

How to choose the best course?

The most important thing to remember is not to do the assessment mechanically. Only compare the course characteristics with the checklist after understanding the checklist criteria.

It may sound ironic, but before you assess any course, do get some overview of what is value investing. Many value investing sites offer free valuing investing 101 materials. Examples are:

  • The Motley Fool.
  • Morningstar.
  • The Street

Once you have an overview, then visit the site that focuses on comparing investing courses.

Some of them may not list their criteria for recommending the courses. The idea is not so much to understand the criteria, but rather to get a sense of how others are evaluating courses.

Proceed only when you have some understanding of what value investing is all about and have seen how others have assessed the course.

Remember my analogy? You are a primary student trying to choose the best teacher and/or school. Getting a bit of knowledge first and seeing how others have chosen will help to move beyond this primary student level.

Furthermore, separate the qualitative analysis from the pricing. What you want is to identify the top 3 to 5 courses based on your qualitative assessment.

Only after then do you compare prices. By then you would have a workable number of courses to analyze the trade-off between price and assessment factors.

In terms of the qualitative assessment, you are comparing:

  • Course content. Check that it covers all the basic concepts and skills.
  • Learning style. Look at the course materials and whether the presentation format fits your learning style.
  • Support provided. Look at hold-holding as well as access to resources.

You will realize that the various trade-offs are not sequential choices. You may start by choosing a self-study instead of a classroom programme. But, when you look at what is offered in a formula course vs a general one, you may opt for a classroom course.

I went through the iterative process. I only decided to be a self-taught value investor after going through the whole assessment process as described.

I would not be surprised if you have to go through the same iterative process before you come to a final decision.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (13)
Chart 15:Summary for choosing the best course

What to learn

There are two aspects to this question:

  • What is value investing?
  • What are the skills required to be a good value investor?

“What is value investing” covers various value investing concepts. The latter is about fundamental analysis and risk mitigation. Fundamental analysis in turn can be broken down into company analysis and valuation.

To learn how to be a value investor, you should follow these steps:

  • Learn the concepts.
  • Develop the skills.
  • Cultivate the right habits.
  • Establish your process.

The last 2 bullet points are related to the behavioural aspects and I will cover them in Part 3.

What is value investing

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (14)
Chart 16:What is value investing

Value investing is an investment philosophy. It is about how you approach investing. I would like to distill value investing into 5 key concepts as follows:

  • Buy part ownership of businesses. There is a business behind every stock and you become part-owner of the company you invest in. This is opposed to the other investment approach of buying and selling pieces of paper and ignoring the value of the underlying business.
  • Buy a bargain. Value investing is about buying when the price is trading at a discount to the value of the business as determined by its fundamentals. You believe that the market price will eventually reflect the business fundamentals enabling you to make money.
  • Buy with a margin of safety. All valuations are based on assumptions. To protect yourself against error or bad luck, you have a margin of safety when estimating the value of the business.
  • Invest for the long term. Stock prices are volatile in the short run. You want to hold long-term so that the market price reflects the business fundamentals rather than just market sentiments.
  • Worry about the downside and let the upside take care of itself. While there will always be investment risks, you can adopt measures to mitigate them.
A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (15)
Chart 17:Value investing process

The value investment process

You have to answer 3 main questions whenever you invest:

  • What to buy. You hunt for what to buy based on companies that you understand.
  • How much to buy? Have a stock portfolio with about 30 companies in the portfolio. This will provide diversification benefits without spreading your investments too thinly. This will determine how much you buy for each stock.
  • When to buy or sell. You should ignore the market most of the time except when you want to enter or exit a position.

The value investment process to answer these questions involved:

  • Screening for companies for in-depth study. Analysis and valuation are time-consuming activities. Screening helps you to focus on those that are likely to lead to actual investments.
  • Analyzing the screened companies. There are two objectives here.
    • To make a case of why you should invest in them that is independent of the pricing vs value part. You want to know whether this is a “good” company to invest in.
    • To ensure that the assumptions you use in your valuation are grounded in reality.
  • Valuing the companies. All valuations are based on assumptions and different techniques will lead to different values. You want to triangulate a value with a margin of safety.
  • Comparing the price with value. The goal is to assess whether this is a good investment ie can you make money? The analysis and valuation also help ensure that you are not buying a value trap.
  • Mitigating risks. Warren Buffet has 2 rules for investing:
    • Rule 1 - never lose money.
    • Rule 2 - never forget rule 1.

The following articles in the blog provide details of the above.

  • An Effective Way To Screen For Value Traps.
  • Can we learn anything from investment case studies?
  • The Basics Of Valuation - Picking out Value Traps
A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (16)
Chart 18:Behavioural requirements

Behavioural requirements

There are certain mindsets required to be able to follow the value investing approach. These are more than tackling behavioral biases.

You have to also cultivate the following attitudes as they are part and parcel of the value investing approach.

  • Be patient. You are relying on the success of the underlying business to make money. Company performance changes slowly and you may have to wait years for the market to re-rate the company.
  • Be a contrarian. You are buying bargains. The nature of investing is such that a stock is only selling at a bargain if there is low demand. This will happen only if the crowd is not interested in the stock.
  • Be the tortoise rather than the hare. You should not seek excitement from your investments. Fundamental analysis takes time and it takes more time for the market to come around.
  • Have confidence in yourself. If you are going to be a contrarian, you need to be confident that your analysis is correct and that the market is wrong. You are a contrarian based on analysis.
  • Be resilient. In looking for the value stocks to invest in, the process eliminates far more stocks than it uncovers. It can be a frustrating way to invest during a bull market. Many stocks that you dismiss during your search will keep rising in value in bull markets. This is even though at first, you found them too expensive.
A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (17)
Chart 19:How to be a value investor

Company analysis

Company analysis involves collecting info related to the company’s profile and performance. It incorporates basic info about the company. This could be its history focusing on events that have contributed to shaping the company.

Apart from specific information about the company, the analysis will also cover external data. Examples are the industry performance, threats, and opportunities affecting the company's prospects. You are looking beyond the company to its competitors and industry.

Company analysis generally involves both qualitative and quantitative information.

The quantitative side involves looking at factors that can be measured, such as the company’s assets and profits. The limitation here is that it does not capture the company’s performance that cannot be measured by a number. A good example is the R&D efforts or the quality of management.

Financial statement analysis is an important aspect of numerical analysis. By analyzing reported financial info, you can get a picture of the profitability and risks of a company. This generally involves studying the accounting ratios. These include asset utilization, profitability, leverage, liquidity, and valuation ratios.

The analysis of the non-numerical items is the other side of company analysis - the qualitative side. The qualitative analysis involves studying the other part of the annual reports. This generally covers the Chairman's statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis. It covers even Corporate Governance and Sustainability reports. I also look at market research reports, trade journals, and government reports.

Techniques used here include the various MBA type of analysis. Examples are the SWOT analysis, Porter 5 Forces, PESTLE Analysis, Value-Chain, and Ansoff-Matrix.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (18)
Chart 20:Company analysis

Given that a company analysis can vary in terms of depth and breadth, how do you decide what is enough?

  • Before you perform any analysis, you have first to figure out the purpose of the analysis. Analyzing companies for investments is different from analyzing them to determine their creditworthiness.
  • Analyzing companies for takeover also looks at different things. It also differs if you are an insider trying to figure out the business direction of the company.

In the context of value investing, you are trying to determine the prospects of the company to determine its intrinsic value. The focus is not on what the company had achieved but rather on what it will achieve.

You should not be surprised by this perspective. When you value a company, you are looking at its future earnings. An assessment of its prospects will go a long way to establishing its future earnings.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (19)
Chart 21:My fundamental analysis approach

My approach

I have 2 decades of experience running public companies. These companies produce 5 years plan which involves projecting the business performances over the next 5 years. I would say that I have been involved in developing several 5 years plans in several sectors.

Despite the experience and knowledge, it is very challenging to forecast business performance. When I look back at the actual results and compare them against the various 5 years projections, the track record is nothing to shout about.

I would say that the best was achieving about 70 % to 80 % of the next 1 to 2 years’ forecast. This is because there are many factors affecting performance such as:

  • Competitors' actions.
  • Uncertainty in the company product development timeline and the market reception of the new products.
  • Changes in government policies and unforeseen economic situations.

The list could go on. The reality is that I have doubts about the accuracy of any forecast beyond the next 2 to 3 years.

The worst part is that these projections were for established businesses. They were not start-ups.

Management as insiders have problems forecasting the company’s performance. What makes you think that an outsider would be able to do better?

That is why it is not realistic to have financial models that extrapolated business performance decades into the future.

Don’t be too clever

Because of my experiences, when it comes to company analysis and valuation, I try not to be too clever.

Rather I frame my analysis and the corresponding valuation in the following context:

  • I know the historical performance. The depth and breadth of the analysis will determine the accuracy of the assessment as an outsider.
  • I use the historical performance as the base. I then judge the business prospects relative to the historical performance. I categorize the future performance into 3 - same, better, or worse than the past.

The focus of the company analysis is the future. You are trying to understand the prospects and it is easier to do this in a relative sense.

This presupposes that you have analyzed the current and/or historical performance. It is much easier to analyze the current and historical situation because all the data are available.

Once you have a bearing on the current situation, it is much easier to assess the future relatively.

In analyzing the current/historical performance, I look at several areas:

  • Operations. I focus on profitability and growth.
  • Capital allocation. The focus is on those elements that impact shareholders' value creation. This covers reinvestments, dividends, and capital structure.
  • Financial strengths. This impacts both financial risks and the cost of funds which in turn affects the valuation.
  • Market potential. I looked at projected industry growth, whether it is in a sunset sector or the likelihood of the business being disrupted.
  • Management. Comparing the company's performance with its peers will provide a good picture of how well management performed. I also look at the continuity of staff.

The real challenge is how you decide whether the historical performance is good, bad, or average.

  • One way is to compare it with peers on several metrics - returns, growth, and market share.
  • For a more objective measure, I compared the returns with the cost of funds. In a competitive environment, returns would be equal to the cost of funds. Poor performance is when the returns are lower than the cost of funds. The best is for returns to exceed the cost of funds.
  • If the company has laid out some business plans or directions, I also compared its performance relative to the plans.
A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (20)
Chart 22:Focus on desk research


Scuttlebutt is a term associated with Fisher. He referred to this as fieldwork to gather information about the company.

The goal of the scuttlebutt approach is to get a better understanding of a particular industry/company beyond desk research.

If you are already knowledgeable eg you spent many decades working in the industry, then the scuttlebutt may not add any value.

For an individual investor, I would think that your first step is to read the past decade of the company’s annual reports. And if you are not familiar with the industry, there are lots of info that you can get online.

I am sure this would be a more cost and time-effective way to get a good understanding than the scuttlebutt approach involving fieldwork.

Think in terms of the cost-benefit. Besides, unless you are a trained investigator, you may not be seeing the correct things with fieldwork.

The moral of the story - you are better off with desk research as an individual investor.

Link to valuation

The rationale of my approach to company analysis applies to valuation.

I know with certainty what has transpired. If I value the company based on its historical performance, I am very certain that it is a realistic picture of its historical value.

But for investing, we are looking at the prospects. I believe that if I have a realistic value of this past, I can use this to judge the future value.

I can determine based on my company analysis whether:

  • The future is better and correspondingly, the future value is better than the historical value.
  • If the future performance is expected to be similar, then it is safe to assume that the future value would be the same as the historical value.
  • If the future is worse, then you can expect a lower value for the future.
A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (21)
Chart 23:What to analyze

What to analyze

I have been involved at the senior management level in running companies. I have also done a few hundred analyses and valuations over the past 2 decades.

I realized that there is not much difference in analyzing the business in the context of running it compared to investment analyses.

But, the focus is different. When investing, you are trying to formulate your investment thesis. You want the outlook of the business and its valuation assumptions to be realistic.

The basic steps involved in a company analysis can be summarized as:

  • Identifying the company and industry’s economic characteristics.
  • Identifying the products and/or services.
  • Assessing management.
  • Understanding the risks and concerns of the company.

Accordingly, I frame my analysis to answer the following:

  • Where is it now?
  • How did it get here?
  • How does it make money?
  • Where is it heading?

Financial statement analysis

The investment industry is today very competitive. Many platforms provide both financial statements and standard analyses of companies. These typically included liquidity, profitability, activity, leverage, and DuPont ratios.

Many investment sites provide detailed descriptions of the use of each of these ratios. They would do a much better job than I would so please refer to them if you are not familiar with these ratios. Investopedia is a good place to start.

For my financial statement analysis, I refer to the following sources (in alphabetical order). You can use them or subscribe to other services.

  • Finbox
  • Macrotrends
  • TIKR.com
  • Yahoo Finance


While knowing the importance of management in driving the business, the challenge is how to evaluate them. This is because you are not able to meet with them as a retail investor.

I try to get a picture of management by looking at the following;

  • Are they owner-managers?
  • How long have they been with the company?
  • How have they performed relative to their peers?
  • How have they allocated capital?

The goal is to ensure that management does not do things that benefit them rather than the company or shareholders. Examples of red flags are giving themselves bonuses even though the company is making a loss, or using company assets for their benefits.

Secondly, business performance needs a long-term perspective. You do not want management to forgo investments that only show results after several years.

How can you achieve this?

  • The best way is for the major shareholders to be part of management. This is common in family-controlled companies.
  • The second is to tie performance bonuses to long-term returns on capital with clawbacks for losses. Performance payment should be made years later and even after the person has retired to send the message that the company wants long-term results.


When it comes to risk, my analyses and valuation are based on a long-term view of the business. I try to identify and assess those factors that will affect the long-term prospects of the business. You can consider these as strategic risks.

My view is that as a minority shareholder, you are not management. Hence you leave all the operational and other short-term risks to management to resolve. You focus on those risks that will change the nature of the business.

I cover risks in more detail in other articles. Refer to

  • How to mitigate risk when value investing.
  • The best way to reduce investment risk.

At this stage, remember that looking at the business risk is only one component of the risks you face in investing.


There are 3 general valuation approaches.

  • Relative valuation.
  • Asset-based valuation.
  • Earnings-based valuation.

The simple way to understand stock valuation is to use the analogy of how houses are valued. Refer to the chart below.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (22)
Chart 24:Valuation analogy

When it comes to determining the fundamental value of a company, you are looking at business prospects. Many would rely on either asset-based or earnings-based methods as they reflect the business prospects.

But from the business prospects’ angle, the relative valuation may not always show a realistic picture. Imagine a situation where the prospects for a sector are bad. But since you are comparing with the sector, a company may do well relative to the sector. Relative valuation will show that this is a good stock when in reality the prospects are dim.

But many people use relative valuation because it seemed so easy to value companies with this approach.

Relative valuation

If you are thinking of selling your house, one way to get the value of the property is to look for the comparable value of houses in the neighborhood. You might scale it to account for some of the differences in the properties.

For example, if your neighbour’s house is worth $ X on 2,000 sq ft of land, you may conclude that since your house is on 3,000 sq ft of land, it is worth $ 1.5 X.

When it comes to valuing companies, there are several common bases for comparison such as Earnings, Book Value, or Revenue. And a common way to account for the different sizes of the companies is to consider the metrics on a per-share basis.

Once you have the Earnings or Book Value per share, you then compare it with its market price. You then have for example the Price to Earnings ratio commonly known as the PE multiple. You can also have the Price Book Value ratio or the PBV multiple. You can imagine having various types of multiples such as the Price to Sales or Price to Cash Flow.

How then do you determine whether the stock is cheap or expensive? There are 2 common approaches:

  • Compare it with the historical multiples of the company.
  • Compare it with the multiples of comparable companies.
A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (23)
Chart 25: Three Valuation Methods

Asset-based valuation

This is valuing your house based on what it cost to buy the land and build the house with an adjustment for loss in usage or depreciation. You might use the historical cost to serve as the floor value or you might use the current cost.

In the context of valuing your house, this is referred to as the cost approach. According to Investopedia, this is a method where the price for a property is equal to the cost to build an equivalent building. In the cost approach, the property's value is equal to the cost of land, plus the total costs of construction, less depreciation. It yields the most accurate market value for when a property is new than through alternative methods.

For example, if the market value of the land is RM 500,000 and the cost to construct a duplicate of the house is RM 150,000, the total cost is then RM 650,000. If the house is 10 years old, you would then have to deduct an amount for depreciation. Let’s say this is RM 50,000. Then the value of your house based on the cost method is RM 600,000.

There are several ways to determine the value of companies when using the Asset-based approach. For example, we could use the Book Value, the Reproduction Value, and even the Revised Net Asset Value (RNAV).

Asset-based valuation focuses on the value of the company’s assets. In its most basic form, the Asset Value is equal to the company’s Book Value or shareholders’ Equity. The Asset Value is obtained by subtracting liabilities from assets.

The PBV multiple then gives a simple way to assess whether a stock is trading below its intrinsic value. If you have a situation where the PBV multiple is less than 1, you can conclude that the stock is cheap relative to its intrinsic value.

Earnings-based valuation

When valuing properties that are generating rental income, valuers use the income approach. This is sometimes referred to as the income capitalization approach.

According to Investopedia, the income approach estimates the value of a property by taking the net operating income of the rent collected and dividing it by the capitalization rate.

For example, if the annual rental for a house is RM 45,000 but you have to spend about RM 5,000 per year on assessment, quit rent, and repairs, then the annual net income is RM 40,000. If the capitalization rate is 8 %, the value of the house is then RM 40,000 / 0.08 = RM 500,000.

The income approach for real estate valuation is akin to the discounted cash flow (DCF) for valuing companies. The capitalization rate is similar to the discount rate used in the DCF method.

For valuing companies, the variables to consider are then what to use as the cash flows, the discount rate, and how to account for the life of the business.

There are two options when using Earnings-based approaches. The first is to ignore growth and determine what is known as the Earnings Power Value (EPV). The other way is to incorporate growth into the projections to determine the Earnings Value with growth.

There are of course many valuation models. For this article, I will cover 2 simple ones assuming that there is no growth.

  • EPV = Book Value X (ROE / Discount rate). Note that this formula takes into account the Book Value as well as the returns generated.
  • EPV = PAT / Discount rate. This model looks at earnings.

There are then two issues to consider. What to use as for the numerator (ie ROE or PAT as the case may be) and the discount rate. The parameters used will affect the value.

As for the discount rate, it is meant to account for the time value of money as well as the risks associated with the cash flows. I will use the cost of equity as the discount rate as this represents the returns that investors expect.

To then determine whether the stock is cheap I compared the price with the computed intrinsic value.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (24)
Chart 26:Earnings-based valuation

Margin of safety

There are several ways to estimate the intrinsic value of a company. All valuations are based on assumptions and the different methods will result in different values because of these. That is why valuation is considered both an art and a science. The values are imprecise estimates.

To get around these “imprecise results”, many fundamental investors adopt the margin of safety concept. Instead of using the full computed value, they will reduce the computed value by a margin of safety. 30 % is commonly used.

In practice, this meant that if the computed value is RM 10 per share, you would consider the intrinsic value to be RM 7 per share. In other words, you would only consider buying the stock if the market price is lower than RM 7 per share. If the market price is RM 8 per share, you would not consider this cheap.

The other way around the “impreciseness” is not to rely on one valuation method, but to use a variety of approaches. The goal is for all the computed values to be pointing in the same margin of safety direction. This is following Warren Buffett’s famous saying:

“It is better to be approximately right than precisely wrong.”

If you want to know more about valuation refer to the following articles:

  • The Basics Of Valuation - Picking out Value Traps.
  • How to overcome issues when valuing cyclical companies.
  • Focusing on the assumptions of the perpetual growth model.
  • How to value high-growth companies.

Value investment resources

There are tons of material on the web. It is like going to school. There are lots of textbooks on the same subject for a particular school level. This gets worst the higher up the education level you go.

But the schools don’t make you buy all of them. There is a booklist that specifies what you ought to read.

Along the same lines, I have narrowed down the resource list for each level to the extent that for some sites I list specific articles, podcasts, or videos.

The analogy is that you don’t read all the books in the library.

For each level, I have attempted to narrow the choices to the top 5 for each of the media so that you can be focused on getting the appropriate background knowledge.

I would expect you to go through all the recommended material in the top 5 lists.

Of course, not all at once. Maybe one or two articles, podcasts, or videos a day.

I would suggest that for each medium, you start from the top of the respective list. However, you should cover the reading material, podcasts, and videos for each level concurrently as they can help to reinforce the learning.

How did I select my list?

Firstly, I am recommending those that I have read, listened or watched over the past 20 years.

Then if there are not sufficient sites to fill up the respective resource list, I did a Google search.

  • For each search criteria, I run through what Google has identified.
  • I don’t select them based on Google page ranking. Rather I try to identify those that complement my historical lists.

For transparency, there are annotations in the resource list on whether these were materials I used or found through Google search.

In this post, I have provided the URLs for Foundation and Intermediate levels. Links for the Advanced level are provided in Part 3 of this series.

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (25)

A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing (2024)


A comprehensive guide on how to learn investing? ›

Invest in Dividend Stocks

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

How do I start learning about investing? ›

Beginners investing tips
  1. Avoid lifestyle creep. ...
  2. Start investing — even a little at a time. ...
  3. Know what you're investing for. ...
  4. Understand the risk you are taking. ...
  5. Diversify your investments. ...
  6. Invest for the long-term. ...
  7. Watch out for high fees. ...
  8. Consider how much time you can put into investing.
Apr 15, 2024

How much money do I need to invest to make $1000 a month? ›

Invest in Dividend Stocks

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

What are the 5 steps to start investing? ›

A 5-step guide
  1. Get out of debt. Pay off everything but your house if you've bought a house.
  2. Set up an investment portfolio. Use Fidelity, Etrade, Wealthfront, Morgan Stanley, Vanguard, or whatever platform you prefer.
  3. Automate or invest every month. Invest however much you can afford. ...
  4. Buy index funds and ETFs. ...
  5. Don't obsess.
May 5, 2024

How to start investing in the stock market as a beginner? ›

How to start investing in stocks: 9 tips for beginners
  1. Buy the right investment.
  2. Avoid individual stocks if you're a beginner.
  3. Create a diversified portfolio.
  4. Be prepared for a downturn.
  5. Try a simulator before investing real money.
  6. Stay committed to your long-term portfolio.
  7. Start now.
  8. Avoid short-term trading.
Apr 16, 2024

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

What is the smartest way to start investing? ›

Best ways for beginners to invest money
  1. Stock market investments.
  2. Real estate investments.
  3. Mutual funds and ETFs.
  4. Bonds and fixed-income investments.
  5. High-yield savings accounts.
  6. Peer-to-peer lending.
  7. Start a business or invest in existing ones.
  8. Investing in precious metals.
Jul 18, 2024

What are the 5 golden rules of investing? ›

The golden rules of investing
  • If you can't afford to invest yet, don't. It's true that starting to invest early can give your investments more time to grow over the long term. ...
  • Set your investment expectations. ...
  • Understand your investment. ...
  • Diversify. ...
  • Take a long-term view. ...
  • Keep on top of your investments.

What is the 4 rule in investing? ›

The 4% rule limits annual withdrawals from your retirement accounts to 4% of the total balance in your first year of retirement. That means if you retire with $1 million saved, you'd take out $40,000. According to the rule, this amount is safe enough that you won't risk running out of money during a 30-year retirement.

What is the 10 5 3 rule of investment? ›

According to this rule, stocks can potentially return 10% annually, bonds 5%, and cash 3%. While these figures are not guarantees, they serve as a guideline for investors to forecast potential returns and adjust their portfolio accordingly.

What type of stock is best for beginners? ›

Focus on Blue Chip Stocks

Focusing your beginner portfolio on these types of stocks can provide some key advantages: Stability - Blue chip stocks tend to be less volatile than smaller companies or startups. Their large size and diversified operations allow them to weather market fluctuations well.

What are the 10 best stocks to buy right now? ›

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Company (ticker)Analysts' consensus recommendation scoreAnalysts' consensus recommendation
ServiceNow (NOW)1.49Strong Buy
Assurant (AIZ)1.50Strong Buy
Howmet Aerospace (HWM)1.50Strong Buy
Insulet (PODD)1.50Strong Buy
21 more rows

Is $1,000 enough to start investing in stocks? ›

With many available options, investors can use $1,000 to purchase ETFs, stocks, or bonds. Simply paying off outstanding debt may save money in interest payments over time and prove to be a wise investment.

What is the first thing I should invest in? ›

Short-term investments like high-yield savings accounts or money market mutual funds can help you earn more on your savings while you work towards a big purchase such as a car or a down payment on a house.

Is learning to invest hard? ›

Investing can be a challenging skill to learn due to the high level of variables involved. However, setting clear goals and understanding financial concepts can help ease the learning process.

How much money do I need to begin investing? ›

There's no rigid minimum when it comes to getting started with investing. You can begin your journey with any amount, even as little as $1, thanks to low or no-minimum brokerage accounts and the availability of fractional shares.

How can I start investing in myself? ›

In addition to investing in your financial future and health, investing in your professional development can bring meaning to your life.
  1. Pave the way with education. ...
  2. Gain experience. ...
  3. Hone your skills. ...
  4. Expand your network. ...
  5. Start a side gig. ...
  6. Aim for work-life balance. ...
  7. Obtain a certification. ...
  8. Find a mentor.
Feb 23, 2024

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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