9 Sales Prospecting Tips & Best Practices In 2024 (2024)

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Sales prospecting is integral to your sales process. If done correctly, it fills your pipeline with qualified leads. If done incorrectly, you risk wasting time and money chasing down prospects who’ll never buy your product or service. In this article, we discuss the ins and outs of sales prospecting, including how it works, top prospecting tips, key questions to ask leads and important software to make your process more effective and efficient.

What Is Sales Prospecting?

Sales prospecting is a lead generation tactic where salespeople source and contact customers who fit their ideal customer profile to develop new business. The sales prospecting process differs across organizations. However, common sales prospecting processes include researching leads, reaching out with a personalized pitch, conducting a discovery call for further qualification and then closing the deal.

There are many sales prospecting techniques used for outreach and qualification. Common techniques include cold calling, cold emailing, LinkedIn outreach, attending networking events, door knocking and more. The best techniques for you will depend on your industry, product or service and ideal customer.

Why is Sales Prospecting Important?

Sales prospecting helps salespeople fill their pipelines with good-fit leads in an effort to close deals. When prospecting is done correctly, it builds trust, grows your book of business and can generate referrals from happy customers.

Specifically, sales prospecting is important for the following reasons:

  • Generate new leads: Effective sales prospecting helps you research and identify leads that fit your ideal customer profile.
  • Qualify leads: Leads typically are prequalified during the research phase of sales prospecting. However, discovery calls are also conducted to qualify leads further as they move through your sales pipeline toward the close of the deal.
  • Understand your customer better: Sales prospecting allows you to have real conversations with potential customers. This helps you understand their pain points better so that you can tailor your offer to their needs.
  • Build personal relationships: Build trust with prospects through personal conversations that give prospects the opportunity to get to know you and become comfortable with your offering.
  • Faster close rates: Sales prospecting gives you the opportunity to turn a lead into a loyal customer with as little as one conversation. This can sometimes be faster than inbound lead generation.
  • Generate referrals: Building relationships and delivering value to your prospects can result in referrals from happy customers, making your prospecting process quicker and more effective.

Sales prospecting is important for many reasons. It helps you identify qualified leads, build trust with prospects, close deals faster and generate referrals from happy customers. If you prospect effectively, you keep your pipeline filled with quality customers in need of your solution.

Leads vs. Prospects vs. Opportunities

The goal of sales prospecting is to identify good-fit leads and convert them into prospects and opportunities through a repeatable qualification process. A lead is an unqualified customer who fits your ideal profile or who’s expressed interest in your product or service. A prospect is a lead that’s been qualified and an opportunity is a prospect with a high likelihood of becoming a paying customer.

For this reason, the sales prospecting process is the act of identifying leads, qualifying them as prospects through discovery calls or other methods and then converting them into an opportunity through lead nurturing activities. The specific similarities and differences between a lead vs. prospect vs. opportunity include the following:


A lead is an unqualified customer who has expressed interest through inbound lead generation or someone who fits your ideal customer profile and is available for outreach. Inbound leads that are passed off to a salesperson are referred to as a marketing qualified lead (MQL). Leads that salespeople identify and reach out to manually are considered sales qualified leads (SQL).


A prospect is a lead that’s been qualified by a salesperson. To turn a lead into a prospect, salespeople typically conduct a sales qualification process that includes a discovery call to assess if the lead is a good fit for their product or service. Leads that are qualified as prospects will move to the next stage in your sales pipeline for further nurturing.


An opportunity is a qualified prospect with a high probability of converting into a paying customer. Prospects typically are converting into opportunities through lead nurturing activities that occur after the discovery process. For example, a salesperson might offer a demo with a sales engineer to turn an interested prospect into an opportunity to become a customer.

How Sales Prospecting Works

Your sales process can be broken up into three broad stages: Lead generation, lead nurturing and deal closing. Sales prospecting is the act of identifying and qualifying leads in the first stage and converting them into opportunities that are nurtured toward deal-close. For this reason, sales prospecting follows a defined process and is represented as one or a few steps in your sales pipeline.

There are many sales prospecting methods. The most common include cold calling, cold emailing, social selling, business networking, door knocking and more.

Regardless of the technique you choose, sales prospecting follows a process that includes identifying leads, researching leads, reaching out to leads and qualifying leads as prospects through a discovery call.

Here are the specific steps in a standard sales prospecting process:

  1. Define your ideal customer profile: The first thing you want to do is define the type of customer you’re looking to prospect. The best way to do this is to create an ideal customer profile that includes firmographic and psychographic information.
  2. Decide on your outreach method: Next, decide on your outreach method. This can include cold emailing, cold calling, LinkedIn networking and more. The specific method you choose will be dependent on your industry, product or service and ideal customer.
  3. Generate a list of leads: Source a list of leads manually through activities, such as LinkedIn research, or use a sales prospecting tool like a lead database. Each lead should fit your ideal customer profile.
  4. Research each lead: With your list of leads generated, research each lead to understand their needs better and to verify prequalification. The information you source in this step will help you create personalized outreach to qualify the lead as a prospect.
  5. Conduct manual outreach: Next, reach out to each lead manually using the method you identified in step two. Make sure you personalize your outreach based on your research. For example, if you’re cold emailing, you might personalize the subject line and email introduction, which can increase engagement.
  6. Qualify leads as prospects: The goal of your manual outreach is to assess interest and get the lead to agree to a discovery call. On that call, qualify the lead as a prospect by verifying key information, such as budget, purchase authority, needs and timeline.

If you follow the broad steps above, you’ll create an effective and repeatable sales prospecting strategy that efficiently identifies and qualifies leads as prospects. From there, convert prospects into opportunities through lead nurturing activities and close the deal.

Top 9 Sales Prospecting Tips

There are many tips to improve your sales prospecting process and results. These include things, such as conducting effective research, serving as a trusted resource, following up consistently and asking happy customers for referrals. Let’s look at the top nine sales prospecting tips.

1. Define Your Target Market

Before actively prospecting, it’s important to first define your target market. This helps you narrow down who you’re looking to prospect and the pain points they might have. Furthermore, it helps you niche down and position yourself as an expert in a specific field or for a specific market.

For example, instead of selling general software, target the healthcare industry with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)-compliant software.

2. Create an Ideal Customer Profile

With your target market defined, create an ideal customer profile. An ideal customer profile is a document outlining the ideal customer for your product or service. It includes demographic, firmographic and psychographic information that helps you identify your ideal customer better during the prospecting phase of your sales process.

3. Use a Sales Prospecting Tool

A sales prospecting tool is software that helps salespeople automate and streamline prospecting tasks related to generating and qualifying leads. Common sales prospecting tools include email finders, business-to-business (B2B) lead databases, email verification software, live chat software and more. Leveraging these tools helps with researching, contacting and qualifying leads as prospects.

4. Host a Webinar

Webinars are a great way to source leads, qualify them as prospects and position yourself as a thought leader in the space. Offer a free live webinar on a topic interesting to your ideal customer and relevant to your product or service. From there, reach out or conduct inbound lead generation manually to generate webinar signups in return for someone’s email. Host the webinar, offer an upsell during the event and follow up with interested leads.

5. Attend Networking Events

One of the best ways to build meaningful connections with potential customers is in person via live networking events. These networking events can be informal meetups you find on Meetup or more formal industry events, such as conferences. Before the event, prepare a script and then meet as many quality leads as you can, collecting their contact information and following up after the event for a discovery call.

6. Conduct a Discovery Call

A discovery call is the best method to qualify leads as prospects. Discovery calls typically are 30-minute conversations where salespeople use a qualification framework, such as budget, authority, need and timing (BANT) to convert a lead into a prospect. The BANT framework asks predetermined questions to uncover four key pieces of information: Prospect budget, purchasing authority, needs and pain points and the timeline for making a purchase.

7. Write a Sales Script

When meeting leads in real life or during a discovery call, it’s important to draft a sales script prior to the meeting. This way, you can ask leads similar questions to compare them apples to apples and determine the best prospects for your product or service.

8. Follow Up Consistently

After a discovery call or meeting, make sure you follow up with prospects consistently. While some may purchase your product directly after your first or second touchpoint, many will need more nurturing to convert. Offering a product demo, for example, is a good way to continue the sales conversation and qualify prospects as opportunities ready to purchase.

9. Ask for Referrals

Once you convert prospects into paying customers, focus on delighting them and making them rabid fans of your product or service. From there, ask your happy customers for referrals. This way, you can streamline your prospecting process by reaching out to warmer leads who are better qualified than researching manually and reaching out to cold leads.

Top 5 Questions To Ask Your Prospects

The best questions to ask are open-ended questions. Open-ended questions help you better uncover your prospect’s pain points as well as ask follow-up questions that uncover additional pieces of important information. These questions are most commonly asked during a discovery call to qualify leads.

1. What Are Your Biggest Challenges Right Now?

Understanding your prospect’s biggest challenges is a great way to understand their needs better before pitching them. It positions you as a trusted advisor who’s trying to help them succeed rather than trying to sell them your product or service.

2. What Business Problem Are You Trying to Solve?

Identifying your prospect’s key business problem will help you position your product or service as the solution. You can ask this question as a follow-up to the question about their biggest challenges. This way, you can home in on one specific challenge that’ll move the needle most if solved.

3. What Are Your Goals for the Next Year?

This question helps you understand your prospect’s long-term goals better. You can ask your prospect for their quarterly, semi-annual and annual goals to get a full picture of their strategic direction. From there, you can show how your product or service helps them achieve their goals.

4. What Are Your Biggest Priorities Right Now?

Asking this question will help you understand which of their goals and priorities are the most important. You can use this information to focus on the benefits of your product or service that’s most relevant to helping them achieve their priorities.

5. How Do You Measure Success?

Understanding which success metrics your prospect measures and is trying to improve is helpful when positioning your product. For example, if their success measure is email open rates, you can show them how your solution increases open rates and provide supporting data.

Top Sales Prospecting Tools

Sales prospecting tools help you source, qualify and communicate with prospects. The best sales prospecting tools typically are B2B lead databases or email finding tools that offer email verification and lead scoring capabilities.

Here are the top tools to supercharge your prospecting efforts:

  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: LinkedIn offers its own sales prospecting tool that allows you to search for LinkedIn leads using advanced filters and reaching out to them on the platform. This is best for social sellers and those using LinkedIn to prospect.
  • ZoomInfo: Leading B2B lead database that helps you identify, connect with and close customers. Also included are sales automations as well as tools for marketing, operations and human resources (HR).
  • Uplead: A B2B lead database focusing on small businesses. In addition to its lead database, it also offers an email finder, email verification and Chrome extension for real-time prospecting.
  • Hunter: Leading email finding and verification tool that helps you find and verify prospect email addresses based on website domains. You can send cold emails directly from the platform as well as take advantage of its Chrome extension.

In addition to these top sales prospecting tools, many customer relations management (CRM) platforms and sales pipeline software offer many prospecting features, such as lead qualification, email verification and a B2B lead database. Check out our article on the best CRM software for a complete list.

Sales Prospecting Glossary of Terms

There are many sales prospecting terms to understand when creating your own prospecting process. Here are the top terms to know:

  • Bad lead: Leads that are unlikely to become a paying customer.
  • BANT: Lead qualification framework that stands for budget, authority, needs and timeline.
  • Buyer persona: A document that creates a fictional avatar based on your ideal customer profile.
  • Discovery call: The first call a salesperson makes to a lead to qualify them as a prospect.
  • Ideal customer profile: A document that defines the demographic, firmographic and psychographic information of your ideal customer.
  • Lead: A person or company who has expressed some level of interest in your product or service.
  • MQL: Leads that have been generated by the marketing team but have not yet been qualified by the sales team.
  • Opportunity: Prospects with a high likelihood of becoming a paying customer.
  • Prospect: A lead that has been qualified by a salesperson.
  • SQL: Leads that have been generated by the sales team.

Difference Between Sales Prospecting & Inbound Lead Generation

There are two types of lead generation tactics that differ in how leads are generated. Inbound lead generation uses marketing activities, such as social media and content marketing to attract leads to a business. Conversely, outbound sales prospecting generates leads through manual outreach via cold calling, cold emailing and more.

Inbound Lead Generation

Inbound lead generation attracts and qualifies leads who’ve expressed interest in your product or service. This is most commonly done by creating valuable content that attracts potential customers to your website or social media channels where they can express interest in learning more about your product or service.

Common ways potential customers express interest include completing a contact form, downloading a free e-book, requesting a demo, filling out a survey and more.

Outbound Sales Prospecting

Outbound sales prospecting is the act of manually researching, reaching out to and qualifying leads as prospects. These leads typically have not yet expressed interest in your product or service and are therefore cold leads. The most common way to generate leads via this outbound method include cold emailing, cold calling, social selling and more.

For more information on the similarities and differences between the two, check out our article on online lead generation.

Bottom Line

Sales prospecting is an effective method for sourcing and qualifying leads. The best methods for sales prospecting include cold calling, cold emailing, social selling, networking, door knocking and more. Regardless of the tactic, everyone should follow a defined sales prospecting process that qualifies leads through a discovery call.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the top sales prospecting techniques?

There are many methods for sales prospecting that help you find and engage with qualified leads. The top sales prospecting techniques include cold emailing, cold calling, LinkedIn outreach, networking, door knocking and referrals.

What are the four types of selling?

Almost all sales prospecting and selling strategies can be boiled down into four types of approaches. These include transactional selling, solutions selling, consultative selling and provocative selling.

How do I gather customer data for my profile?

You can gather customer data through surveys, customer feedback and analyzing customer behavior on your website and social media.

9 Sales Prospecting Tips & Best Practices In 2024 (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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