9 Relationship Red Flags You Should Never Ignore (2024)

The internet has dubbed character traits like bad grammar and not drinking coffee as red flags (you've seen the memes). I concur — as a perpetually caffeinated journalist living in New York City, the correct use of the word "you're" and an overpriced cup of coffee are basically my turn-ons. Don't even get me started on people who put pineapple on their pizza. Immediate swipe left.

Jokes aside, there are some legitimate (and more valid) red flags that really shouldn't be ignored. Sure, maintaining any relationship requires compromise or sacrifice, but you should never give up your wants and needs or put your happiness at bay. When we'renewly in love, relationship red flags can be notoriously easy to miss or ignore — although they're usually clear as day after the fact.

So we've tapped relationship experts Dr. Jessica January Behr, Logan Ury, and Susan Trombetti to help us out.

Meet the expert

  • Jessica January Behr, Psy.D, is a licensed clinical psychologist and founder ofBehr Psychologyin New York City.
  • Logan Ury is a dating expert and Director of Relationship Science atHinge.
  • Susan Trombetti is amatchmakerand the CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking.

Keep reading for some common relationship red flags, plus advice for how to deal.

What Are Red Flags?

If you've ever played the game "Red Flag or Deal-Breaker" with friends, you know that some "red flags" are totally subjective. Most of the time, they're specific to each individual and their "values, desires, and preferences," according to Dr. Behr. (For example, not being religious may be a deal-breaker to one person and a total non-issue to another person.)

Also, what we consider to be a red flag can evolve.

"What is a red flag today might not be one tomorrow, and vice versa," Dr. Behr said before adding that "some common red flags that people report have to do with communication, values, and judgment."

Sometimes, we get a warning sign — either by someone's words or actions — that they're not ready for a relationship or not ready for a relationship withyou, noted Ury. However, depending on the person and the behavior, it could take one date or several years for that alarm bell to sound.

Here's How to Know If You're in a 'Toxic' Relationship

Unfortunately, it's totally common for us to miss these red flags when we're blinded by love.

"People can be emotionally charged and ignore the red flags in the beginning or find a way to deceive themselves to lessen the impact because sometimes they just don't want to face reality," explained Trombetti. "Other times, they just miss them if their picker is off or they lack boundaries."

Sometimes, they only come into focus once the relationship is over.

"You can clearly see them in hindsight, and lots of people [realize] the warnings were there," Trombetti added.

Below are a few universal toxic behaviors in modern dating that relationship experts say should set off alarm bells. While some can be worked through with communication (depending on what they are and how you feel about them), others, like any kind of abuse, should be considered deal-breakers — aka exit the relationship as soon as possible.

1. Love Bombing

Ury told us that one of the biggest relationship red flags she sees these days is "love bombing," which is when your partner becomes very invested early on. A form of manipulation, the love bomber will talk all about your future, shower you with affection and grandiose declarations of love, and get you to fall for them — only to pull away and leave you brokenhearted. Love bombing is most common amongnarcissistsand goes hand-in-hand with other toxic relationship traits, including gaslighting and emotional abuse, so consider this one a dealbreaker.

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2. An Obsession with Social Media

While media and social platforms have become heavily inundated in our day-to-day lives, Ury advised watching out if someone is a littletoointo their profile and following. She shared that 74 percent of Hinge users see this as a red flag since it can allude to the person being insecure or self-absorbed.

3. Lack of Communication

We all know that communication is a key pillar in any relationship. If your partner seems absent or like they're not listening to you while you're speaking or doesn't respond to your texts or messages, this is a sign that they are disconnected or distracted, said Dr. Behr. Step one: Have a conversation to see if your different communication styles can be worked through with a little patience and understanding.

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4. Controlling or Jealous Behavior

Some jealousy here and there can be harmless, and it is pretty common in a relationship. However, if your partner starts to become possessive or controlling of your plans, what you wear, who you hang out with, or isolates you from your friends and family, this can be a serioussign of emotional abusedown the line, Trombetti suggested.

5. Bad Relationships with Friends or Family

Dr. Behr noted a lack of familial relationships or talking poorly about friends and family may be cause for concern, especially if these things are important to you. Ury recommended first giving them the benefit of the doubt and asking your partner why this is the case before considering it a deal-breaker.

"Perhaps their upbringing made it hard for them to be close to their family, but they've worked hard to cultivate a strong 'chosen family' in their group of friends," said Ury.

6. Extreme Emotional Reactions

If someone displays unmanageable emotions and easily flies off the handle, this is a serious red flag. Responding with uncontrollable rage or the "silent treatment" could point to abusive (physical or emotional) behavior in the future, noted Trombetti. On the other hand, Trombetti added, a lack of empathy may mean they're void of emotion and care. In other words: You want someone whose emotions are in control and appropriate for the situation.

7. Alcohol or Substance Abuse

If you're dating someone who is often unable to handle their alcohol (and not just on one occasion), or they drink and use substances in excess, they could potentially have an addiction. The first step, in this case, is a serious conversation. If your partner has a binge drinking problem and refuses help, consider this a deal-breaker — it's like waiting for a time bomb to go off. On the other hand, if they can recognize the problem and get help, this could deepen your relationship.

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8. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a hot topic in modern dating, so you've probably heard of it. Basically, it means they turn the blame on you for something they did or hold you responsible for the way they reacted to a situation.

"It's just a way to blow you up and make you think you are crazy," said Trombetti.

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation meant to leave you feeling insecure and questioning your sanity, so trust your gut if something feels wrong and leave the relationship.

9. Downright Abusive Behavior

While some of the red flags above are considered types of emotional abuse, it bears repeating: If anyone verbally, emotionally, physically, or sexually abuses you or puts you in harm's way, get out as soon as possible and receive any necessary help — full stop, Dr. Behr advised. "These are the types of red flags that should not be resolved in the context of a relationship. If you are in harm's way, it is not a red flag; it is a stop sign," Dr. Behr said.

How to Handle Relationship Red Flags

As mentioned above, if your partner isabusivein any way or puts you in danger, Dr. Behr strongly urged you to end the relationship. That is your sign to get out now. With some of the less severe red flags, it can be hard to know whether or not you should address it with your partner or just run. Experts suggested a few steps to take to assess whether or not this is something that can be worked through.

Never Ignore

If you notice something that is wrong or even makes you feel a certain way, all the experts agreed: Do not ignore it. It's your mind's way of flagging the issue.

"Signs need to be interpreted," explained Dr. Behr.

It's easier said than done, of course. Sometimes, we ignore red flags in a relationship because we really want it to work this time, or perhaps you're so caught up in the relationship that you let them slip by, noted Ury.

"They're an opportunity to pause, assess the situation, and decide if you should continue investing time in this person," Trombetti added.

Check-In with Yourself

Once you've identified an action or behavior as a red flag, it's time to do some inner reflection. Of course, you shouldn't compromise on your needs, but there's also the possibility you're being too harsh on your partner.

"Take a moment and ask yourself, 'Am I being too judgmental, or is this a genuine issue?'" said Ury.

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Talk It Out

If the issue at hand is still worrisome to you, it's time to communicate with your partner.

"Let your partner know if their behavior or emotion is unacceptable and unsustainable for you and why," said Dr. Behr, noting that your partner could just be "unaware of how their words or actions affect others" and not ill-intended.

Other times, we misinterpret somebody's words or behaviors based on our own past life experiences.

"Asking questions and sharing your own experience can help," said Dr. Behr. "Sharing your own vulnerability and interpretations can help your partner to learn about you and present themselves in a more accurate way."

Dr. Behr also noted that we all have different love languages, and your partner may not be used to showing love the way you need. The only way to work through the disconnect is by being upfront and asking for what you need.

"Through communicating, you may be able to find new understanding, tolerance, or acceptance of the former red flag that allows the relationship to continue and even grow," said Dr. Behr.

Again, abuse is an automatic deal-breaker and does not require any communication.

Don't Settle

If something "disturbs your peace enough to change your behavior," you may want to consider ending the partnership.

"If you have communicated, shared your vulnerability, and asked for what you needed and the behavior or feeling has not changed, it may be that you and this individual aren't compatible at this time," suggested Dr. Behr.

Dr. Behr also noted that it may be better to cut your losses and look elsewhere if you're not super invested, adding that a red flag just means that you and the other person are not compatible, and that's totally OK!

How to Identify Red Flags

Unfortunately, we often notice red flagsafterthe love-spell fog of a new relationship wears off. How many times have you easily spotted a red flag once the relationship was over? (For me, more than I'd like to admit.) If you relate to this, there are a few ways that you can improve your red flag radar.

Ury suggested making a list of common red flags you've come across in the past, especially if you're someone who tends to overlook them. The next time you spot that same characteristic in a potential partner, Ury said to "run in the opposite direction." The sooner you spot a red flag, the more time you'll save both parties, noted Ury. Remember, relationships are a learning experience, so take anything you discover from one and apply it to the next.

The Bottom Line

If you spot a relationship red flag, don't ignore it and hope it goes away on its own. Face it head-on by asking yourself why it bothers you, communicating your concerns to your partner, and either working through it or ending the relationship.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

9 Relationship Red Flags You Should Never Ignore (2024)


9 Relationship Red Flags You Should Never Ignore? ›

Overly controlling behavior is a common red flag in relationships. People that try to control your movements, decisions, or beliefs are more concerned about what they want than what is best for you. If a guy or girl tries to control what you wear or where you go, this could be a red flag.

What is the most common red flag at the beginning of a relationship that people ignore? ›

Overly controlling behavior is a common red flag in relationships. People that try to control your movements, decisions, or beliefs are more concerned about what they want than what is best for you. If a guy or girl tries to control what you wear or where you go, this could be a red flag.

What are the 10 red flag symptoms? ›

Examples of red flag symptoms in the older adult include but are not limited to: fever, sudden unexplained weight loss, acute onset of severe pain, neural compression, loss of bowel or bladder function, jaw claudication, new headaches, bone pain in a patient with a history of malignancy or that awakens the patient from ...

What are the red flags for manipulative partners? ›

Some red flags to look out for include: experiencing an emotional rollercoaster in the relationship, feeling controlled in various aspects of your life, frequent guilt-tripping, being isolated from supportive relationships, being gaslighted or having your reality distorted, having your insecurities exploited, and ...

What is a big red flag in a guy? ›

Examples of dating red flags are talking only about themselves, avoiding difficult conversations, gossiping about their ex, and withholding affection. Dating red flags can reveal themselves both physically and verbally, and can be dangerous if not spotted early.

What are the signs of a bad relationship? ›

Unhealthy relationships are built on power and control. In the beginning, unhealthy behaviors might not seem like a big deal. However, insults, jealous accusations, yelling, put-downs, shoving, pushing or other abusive behaviors, are unhealthy and disrespectful.

What is a black flag in a relationship? ›

Black flags are the non-negotiable issues that indicate an unhealthy or unsafe relationship. These encompass severe trust breaches through repeated lies or betrayals, dangerous behavior putting one's safety at risk, and actions that fundamentally challenge the relationship's core values.

What is a red flag toxic behavior? ›

Lies and excuses.

There is always an excuse for everything, even things that don't require excusing. They make up lies faster than you can question them. They will always blame others—it is never their fault. They spend more time rationalizing their behavior than improving it.

What are the 5 D red flags? ›

The classic cardinal signs of cervical ischemia, colloquially referred to as the '5Ds and 3 Ns,' also present in the late stage of CAD: diplopia, dizziness, drop attacks, dysarthria, dysphagia, ataxia, nausea, numbness, and nystagmus [19,20].

What are two of the 10 symptoms you should never ignore? ›

Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. ...
  • Chest or upper abdominal pain or pressure. ...
  • Fainting, sudden dizziness, weakness. ...
  • 'The worst headache of my life' ...
  • Changes in vision. ...
  • Confusion or changes in mental status. ...
  • Any sudden or severe pain. ...
  • Uncontrolled bleeding.

How to outsmart a manipulator? ›

8 Ways To Deal With Manipulators
  1. Ignore everything they do and say. ...
  2. Hit their center of gravity. ...
  3. Trust your judgment. ...
  4. Try not to fit in. ...
  5. Stop compromising. ...
  6. Never ask for permission. ...
  7. Create a greater sense of purpose. ...
  8. Take responsibility for yourself.
Mar 15, 2015

What does a manipulator say in a relationship? ›

Manipulators exaggerate and generalize. They may say things like, “No one has ever loved me.” They use vague accusations to make it harder for you to see the holes in their arguments. This tactic is meant to poke fun at your weaknesses and make you feel insecure.

How do you test for red flags in a relationship? ›

Relationship red flags
  1. One of you tries to control or change the other.
  2. Your partner doesn't respect your boundaries.
  3. You don't spend much time together.
  4. The relationship feels unequal.
  5. They say negative or hurtful things.
  6. You don't feel heard in the relationship.
  7. You're afraid of expressing disagreement.

What's the biggest green flag in a guy? ›

  1. Effective Communication and Active Listening. ...
  2. Respect for Boundaries and Individual Autonomy. ...
  3. Emotional Intelligence and Empathy. ...
  4. Shared Values and Life Goals. ...
  5. Consistency and Reliability. ...
  6. Mutual Trust and Loyalty. ...
  7. Support for Personal Growth and Development. ...
  8. Healthy Conflict Resolution Skills.
Aug 19, 2024

How do you tell if you are the problem in a relationship? ›

If you avoid communication and block your partner's attempts at connecting and working through issues, that's problematic. Not listening, interrupting, not letting your partner make their point, and impatiently wanting to make your point is also problematic.

Do guys test you by ignoring? ›

Yes, some guys might employ the tactic of ignoring as a form of testing someone's interests or feelings. This behavior is often referred to as "testing the waters" or playing hard to get.

What is early relationship red flag? ›

They might ask you too many personal questions. They may get too touchy or sexual early on. They may be pushy about ordering more drinks or staying later than you want," she said. "Any one of these behaviors is a boundary issue and a significant red flag."

What is red flag in first dating? ›

Red Flags on the First Date

They hit you with last-minute or late-night plans. They treat wait staff or others disrespectfully. Instead of being present or looking you in the eye, they are on their phone or not paying attention. They bring up their past relationships or speak badly about their ex'es.

What are silent red flags in a relationship with a woman? ›

Someone who lies, someone who is manipulative, someone who gives you the 'silent treatment' during a conflict are all examples of red flags in a relationship. The above may sound logical in black and white, but recognising these red flags in your own relationship or when you are dating someone is not always so easy.

Is it a red flag if your partner has no friends? ›

They don't have any friends

If your partner doesn't have any friends of their own, this can be a red flag for many reasons. They may be unable or unwilling to create and maintain friendships with others. This could mean that they lack social skills, have a difficult personality, or a negative view of other people.

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