9 Investing Mistakes 91% Of People Make | The Sage Millennial (2024)

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9 Investing Mistakes 91% Of People Make | The Sage Millennial (1)Rylan Agera

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We’ve all been there: You’re at a party with your closest friends drinking beer when a guy from the group starts bragging about how investing changed his life and made him a millionaire.

Wait that’s not the catch, It made him a millionaire in 6 months only!

You hear this, get super depressed, and wish it was you, but get all the energy you have, and jump right into investing.

You buy some stocks, some bonds, some debentures, gold, and a lot of other things, or maybe you just stick to stocks because your friends said: “P.S. The Gold is in the Stock!” Surely he said that.

But wait, you went too fast too soon. You’ve already made awful mistakes you just wished you could erase. It’s not over yet.

Brace yourselves, here are the 9 investing mistakes made by all but taught by none. If you want to ensure you minimize your risk and at the same time make some profits, give this article a good read.

1. Know Your Stocks

9 Investing Mistakes 91% Of People Make | The Sage Millennial (2)

The most successful investor Warren Buffett has said it time and again, and I’m repeating it – Don’t invest in something you don’t understand. Be it a stock, a bond, forex currencies, derivatives whatever it may be, if you understand the market, the company, the currency, go ahead and pour your money into it.

But if you don’t understand it, investing in such instruments will only bring losses and minimal to no profits. If you don’t understand the business model of a company, don’t buy that company’s stocks.

The easiest way to avoid this problem is to diversify your investment portfolio, meaning instead of buying stocks and bonds straight from a company, invest in instruments like mutual funds. It’s diverse, your risk is lowered and the chances of you not making losses are high.

2. Lack of Patience

You’re probably investing your money because you’ve heard that the fastest way to multiply your money is by investing in stocks. That’s so far away from the truth. Yes, you can multiply your money by investing, but fast. Not really.

Tell me this, how many times do you need to realize the fact that the quote – slow and steady wins the race, is real? Be it at the gym, in college, or in sports.

Only by constant practice, will you achieve great results. All this requires time, a lot of time. Similarly, investing is a long-term game. You can’t hope to buy the stock of a company today and make a profit tomorrow all the time.

Sometimes you can make day-to-day profits but the instances are quite rare. Approximately 80% of people who invest their money in any financial instrument end up losing money instead of making money; that’s a proven fact. Have patience and understand one simple fact about investing – It’s A Long Term Game.

3. Don’t Get Too Attached To A Company

Have you ever fallen in love? If you have then you know what I’m talking about. You get completely engrossed in that girl/boy and forget all other gold mines around you.

If a stock increases in value, we feel amazing as our choice was good and we forget that we bought the stock for investment, meaning if it performs well, you should think of selling it or forgetting about it (if you’re investing for the long term).

Just because a company is showing steady growth over some time doesn’t mean you only focus on that company. I recommend you have a list of the top 10 companies you like and spend equal amounts of time learning about all of them.

4. Power of Diversification in Investments

Do you know what Investing 101 says? It says to not invest in just one company. You need to diversify your investment portfolio. Diversification is the key to success in investing.

Let’s get it straight, you’ve heard this a lot of times, investing is a risky game, one company that has made amazing growth in the last five years can easily become insolvent, which makes your share value Zero! That’s exactly why people who invest in mutual funds show better returns than those who just invest in a particular stock and keep diversification at bay.

So instead of leaning on just one company to make you money, pick up a few stocks from every industry you know of and trust. A few of these companies will make your profits while the others give losses; overall making it a balanced portfolio with normal profits.

5. Keep Your Emotions Aside While Investing

Did you know the No.1 killer for return on investments is your emotions? You might say that you don’t get affected by small bumps in the market but in reality, you do and it hurts bad! But that doesn’t imply you take action based on your emotions.

When the market is down, all your investments will suddenly be negative and if you sell them now, you’ll surely make losses.

Most fall into this trap and sell their investments as they don’t want to see their stocks fall more in value. It’s not their rational mind talking, it’s their emotional side doing all this nasty work.

Understand this fact, the market will give you good returns over a long period. Short-term downfalls don’t affect your overall long-term investment goals. Tell your emotions to take a nap, instead of selling your shares during a recession or when the market crashes, keep them close to you.

6. Trying To Time The Market

We’ve all been there, seeing the professional day traders on the clock at all times, buying a stock at 11:00 a.m. and selling it at 11:45 a.m. They try to predict how the market will respond to the news and accordingly act to make profits.

Though it may sound easy, it’s a burden! You can’t time the market, all you can do is make educated guesses to determine how you think the market will perform under a given situation and when will it fall or rise. That’s all it is – a guess.

Answer this, do you fill CNG into a car and guess it won’t get spoiled or it won’t explode? Or do you make sure you put the right fuel (eg – petrol) to make it run smoothly?

Similarly, are you willing to pour your money into a stock because you guess it will double in three days? I think you’ve got my point.

7. Happy With Early Profits

You just began your investment journey, made some profits, and now you think you’re a Pro. Yeah, that happens with almost everyone, but don’t let it happen to you. Greed almost every time spoils your strategy. You make a profit buying and selling Stock A, now all you’ll focus on is that stock.

You don’t learn about any other investment instruments as you aren’t keen to learn and just want to make a quick buck. Maybe you’ll tell everyone you know about how much money you made with Stock A, and when the value of that stock crashes, you’ll lose everything.

What should you learn from this? Just because you made some profit easily, doesn’t mean you know everything about investing and it doesn’t mean you can’t incur losses.

8. Follow Consistent Investing

9 Investing Mistakes 91% Of People Make | The Sage Millennial (3)

The excitement of making profits shouldn’t exceed your main goal, which is to make consistent profits through investing. Consistency is the main element that will help you achieve your investment goals. You should invest when the market is bad. You should also invest when the market is good.

Don’t waste your time trying to time the market. It’s a guess, and we all know how good we guess in day-to-day situations. If you want profits and you want to grow your investment portfolio, consider investing consistently and see your money grow on its own.

9. Not Knowing Your Risk Tolerance

If you watch a lot of TV, especially news channels, you might have come across a mutual funds ad. They say it in small words at the end of their ad – “Mutual funds are subject to market risk. Please read all scheme-related documents carefully”

This statement alone means it has risk and these companies promoting you to invest don’t guarantee you risk-free profits they don’t guarantee profits at all. We interpret that anyone who enters the market makes money and losses are not an option. Identify your risk-taking capacity and then invest accordingly.

Investment Strategies: Crafting Your Path to Financial Success

Mistakes are bound to happen. No one’s an expert in the very beginning. Everyone starts at level zero and walks their way to the top. Developing a strategy towards investing does justice to your goals as you’ll be developing a strategy based on your risk-taking, goals, and the time you need to stay invested.

Once you have a strategy, slowly put some money and try it out. If it works great, keep pouring in more money. If due to changes in market conditions your strategy fails, no problem. Change it and make a new strategy based on the current market situation.

And if all this seems too heavy for you, meet a financial consultant and let him take care of your investment portfolio.

All this information might seem a lot at first but read it a couple of times and it’ll be easy for you to understand.

Learning How to invest won’t happen in a week or even a month. Start today, learn every day, and practice what you learn to make some real money with your investments!

What according to you are investing mistakes almost everyone makes? Put it down in the comments below.

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9 Investing Mistakes 91% Of People Make | The Sage Millennial (2024)


What are the eight common mistakes investors make? ›

Common investing mistakes include not doing enough research, reacting emotionally, not diversifying your portfolio, not having investment goals, not understanding your risk tolerance, only looking at short-term returns, and not paying attention to fees.

What are the mistakes people make in the stock market? ›

20 Investment Mistakes to Avoid
  • Expecting Too Much. Having reasonable return expectations helps investors keep a long-term view without reacting emotionally.
  • No Investment Goals. ...
  • Not Diversifying. ...
  • Focusing on the Short Term. ...
  • Buying High and Selling Low. ...
  • Trading Too Much. ...
  • Paying Too Much in Fees. ...
  • Focusing Too Much on Taxes.
Nov 7, 2023

What are the failed investment strategies? ›

  • Buying high and selling low. ...
  • Trading too much and too often. ...
  • Paying too much in fees and commissions. ...
  • Focusing too much on taxes. ...
  • Expecting too much or using someone else's expectations. ...
  • Not having clear investment goals. ...
  • Failing to diversify enough. ...
  • Focusing on the wrong kind of performance.

How do you avoid behavioral mistakes in investment? ›

Make sure that you don't allow your emotions to affect your decision-making process. Some people invest once in a year or two and forget about them for a few years. This practice can severely harm your investment portfolio. Not being active is one of the common errors in investment.

What are the five 5 biases which people have when investing? ›

Five Behavioral Biases Affecting Investors

Here, we highlight five prominent behavioral biases common among investors. In particular, we look at loss aversion, anchoring bias, herd instinct, overconfidence bias, and confirmation bias. Loss aversion occurs when investors care more about losses than gains.

What are the three golden rules for investors? ›

The golden rules of investing
  • Keep some money in an emergency fund with instant access. ...
  • Clear any debts you have, and never invest using a credit card. ...
  • The earlier you get day-to-day money in order, the sooner you can think about investing.

What are five mistakes new investors make? ›

5 Investing Mistakes You May Not Know You're Making
  • Overconcentration in individual stocks or sectors. When it comes to investing, diversification works. ...
  • Owning stocks you don't want. ...
  • Failing to generate "tax alpha" ...
  • Confusing risk tolerance for risk capacity. ...
  • Paying too much for what you get.

Why do 90% of people lose money in the stock market? ›

Staggering data reveals 90% of retail investors underperform the broader market. Lack of patience and undisciplined trading behaviors cause most losses. Insufficient market knowledge and overconfidence lead to costly mistakes.

Why do most people fail in trading? ›

The emotional aspect of trading often leads to irrational decisions like panic selling. When the market moves unfavourably, many traders, especially those who are inexperienced, tend to panic and exit their positions hastily. This panic selling often occurs at the worst possible time, leading to significant losses.

What investments do poorly in a recession? ›

Growth stocks without strong balance sheets and high debt loads are often the most vulnerable to a recession.

What is the number one rule of investing don't lose money? ›

Warren Buffett once said, “The first rule of an investment is don't lose [money]. And the second rule of an investment is don't forget the first rule. And that's all the rules there are.”

What investment strategy has the highest risk? ›

While the product names and descriptions can often change, examples of high-risk investments include: Cryptoassets (also known as cryptos) Mini-bonds (sometimes called high interest return bonds) Land banking.

What is the biggest mistake in the stock market? ›

Investors should avoid the following common investment mistakes:
  • Being distracted by negative news.
  • Trying to time the market.
  • Keeping hold of losers.
  • Believing cash is king.
  • Putting all their eggs in one basket.
Jun 5, 2023

What is investor bias? ›

A bias can be a conscious or unconscious mindset. When investors take biased action, they fail to acknowledge evidence that contradicts their assumptions. Smart investors avoid two major types of bias: emotional and cognitive. Controlling them can allow the investor to reach a decision based on available data.

Which investor is making a common error? ›

The investor who is making a common error is someone who sells the slumping stock while they are still able to make a profit. This is considered a common error because selling a stock that is currently undervalued and has the potential to increase in value in the future can result in missed profits.

What is the 8 percent rule in investing? ›

As Morningstar noted, Ramsey recommended that retirees invest all of their assets in equities and then withdraw 8% a year of the portfolio's starting value, with each year's expenditures adjusted for inflation. For example, if you have a $500,000 starting portfolio, you would withdraw $40,000 in Year 1.

What are the 7 key factors that are common to all investors? ›

Schwab's 7 Investing Principles
  • Establish a plan Current Section,
  • Start saving today.
  • Diversify your portfolio.
  • Minimize fees.
  • Protect against loss.
  • Rebalance regularly.
  • Ignore the noise.

What not to tell investors? ›

So here are 9 things not to do when talking to investors.
  • Talk About Exits. ...
  • Be Oblivious and Don't Listen. ...
  • Ask for an NDA. ...
  • Say: “I have no competitors.”

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