8 times Sasuke proved he was stronger than Jiraiya in Naruto (2024)

There is no doubt that Sasuke is one of the most popular characters in the Naruto series. He also played an important role in the overall plot and his efforts have certainly altered the course of the series. He is someone who is exceptionally powerful and is also considered to be the strongest reincarnation of Indra in the series.

Jiraiya too is an impressive shinobi belonging to the Legendary Sannin. Despite his strength and overall combat abilities, there are numerous occasions when Sasuke proved that his strength surpassed Jiraiya’s. Let’s take a look at some of these instances and compare the two characters.

Some instances in the Naruto and Boruto series that feature Sasuke's strength and contrast it with Jiraiya's abilities

1) Killed Danzo

8 times Sasuke proved he was stronger than Jiraiya in Naruto (1)

Danzo Shimura isn’t necessarily stronger than Jiraiya, but he is someone who would resort to any measures to take down the person in front of him. Sasuke wanted to kill Danzo, but he struggled initially. This fight was wearing Sasuke down since Danzo kept using the Izanagi with all of the Sharingans that were planted on his palm. Despite all of this, Sasuke was able to kill Danzo in the Naruto series.

2) Kept up with Kinshiki Otsutsuki

8 times Sasuke proved he was stronger than Jiraiya in Naruto (2)

The Otsutsukis as a race are far superior compared to humans and every member of this clan is exceptionally strong. Kaguya and Hagoromo were some of the first Otsutsuki characters that were introduced in the Naruto series. When Sasuke was able to keep up against Kinshiki Otsutsuki from the Boruto series we realized just how strong he had become. There was no doubt that his abilities were far superior to Jiraiya’s at that point in time.

3) Capable of using Perfect Susanoo

8 times Sasuke proved he was stronger than Jiraiya in Naruto (3)

Sasuke Uchiha was able to use Perfect Susanoo which is considered to be the best defensive technique that any member of the Uchiha clan could use. His Perfect Susanoo allowed him to go toe-to-toe with the likes of Six Paths Sage Mode Naruto and that shows just how durable this technique is. Given that Jiraiya wasn’t even able to perfect Sage Mode, one can understand that Sasuke had surpassed the Pervy Sage in terms of strength and overall combat abilities. Sasuke was also considered to be the strongest reincarnation of Indra, which certainly puts things into perspective when evaluating his overall powers. He utilized his Susanoo and saved his comrades from the Infinite Tsukuyomi as well.

4) Indra’s Arrow

Indra’s Arrow is arguably one of the strongest offensive abilities that Sasuke has in his arsenal. This attack was so strong that it was able to counter Naruto’s Six Paths: Big Ball Rasenshuriken. Given the sheer size and destructive abilities of this technique, and the technique it was able to counter, fans realized that there were very few people who could rival Sasuke at that point in the series. Unfortunately, Jiraiya isn’t one of them since the disparity in their power levels is just far too great.

5) Amenotejikara

8 times Sasuke proved he was stronger than Jiraiya in Naruto (5)

Amenotejikara is one of the most powerful techniques in the series and the reason behind it endows Sasuke with the ability to control space an time. With the help of the Rinnegan, he can shift between spaces and can also swap places with any object or person in the vicinity. This has tremendous offensive and defensive utility since he can escape traps while trapping his opponent. Given Jiraiya's skill set, he has very little chance against such advanced tactics.

6) Subdued all Tailed Beasts

8 times Sasuke proved he was stronger than Jiraiya in Naruto (6)

The Tailed Beasts are considered to be freaks of nature, and these are creatures capable of destroying villages if they want to. Kurama almost destroyed Konohagakure and would have succeeded if not for Minato and Kushina’s efforts. Sasuke had the Rinnegan, which is one of the most powerful doujutsus in the Naruto series. Towards the end of Shippuden, Sasuke utilized the powers of the Rinnegan in order to take control of not one, but all the Tailed Beasts and sealed them using Planetary Devastation. One requires a ton of power and high chakra levels to pull this off. One can gather from this that Jiraiya’s powers are inferior to Sasuke’s based on the aforementioned feats.

7) Worked with Naruto and Sakura to seal Kaguya Otsutsuki

8 times Sasuke proved he was stronger than Jiraiya in Naruto (7)

Kaguya Otsutsuki was the strongest character in Shippuden and there was little to no chance for the shinobis to defeat her. She had the ability to open portals to other dimensions, and possessed some of the most destructive abilities in the Naruto series. Her techniques, such as the Expansive Truth Seeking Orbs were capable of altering the planet if she wanted to. Sasuke not only dealt damage to this character, but he also played an important role in sealing Kaguya Otsutsuki. If not for his efforts, the entire shinobi world would have perished.

8) Saved Naruto from Momoshiki

Momoshiki Otsutsuki was a character in the Boruto anime series who caused havoc for everyone. He was close to killing Naruto by taking him to another dimension. If not for Sasuke’s ability to utilize space-time techniques, Naruto would not have been saved at that point in the series. Fans can comprehend Sasuke's capabilities and how overall his combat ability surpass Jiraiya's in every way, based on what they saw during this moment. Despite his incredible feats and abilities, the Pervy Sage was clearly weaker than Sasuke at this point in the series.

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Edited by Babylona Bora


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8 times Sasuke proved he was stronger than Jiraiya in Naruto (2024)


Is Sasuke stronger than Jiraiya? ›

Any notable version of Shippuden Sasuke would absolutely dogwalk Jiraiya. To have this battle be even sort of fair, I'm using the weakest version of Shippuden Sasuke, that being Taka Sasuke during the Bee fight. Via Bee's own statement, Sasuke is strongest opponent he's ever faced.

At what points was Sasuke stronger than Naruto? ›

In their early life, Sasuke was clearly the stronger of the two. He was superior in just about every way, from school work to training. Naruto often got angry and frustrated at how much better Sasuke was. Sasuke's skills gave him great popularity and also seemed to make him the favorite with adults.

Who is stronger, Naruto or Jiraiya? ›

Both are at the levels they were at while fighting Pain. Naruto has perfect Sage Mode which is stronger than Jiraiya's imperfect Sage Mode. Jiraiya has much more battle experience and his Sage Mode has the two toads on his shoulders that help with collaborations.

Did Jiraiya figure out it was Sasuke? ›

It was later all but confirmed that Jiraiya knew the truth, as he outright called Sasuke by name after a harrowing encounter with Urashiki.

Can Naruto defeat Sasuke? ›

While Sasuke certainly had more grace and skill when it comes to ninja techniques, in terms of brute strength and overall power, Naruto was superior. He could produce thousands upon thousands of clones at the time while Sasuke could not even tap into the power of the Sharingan.

Can Sasuke beat Tsunade? ›

Tsunade is Physically stronger than Sasuke but that's a non-factor as she wouldn't be able to touch him nor harm his Strongest Susanoo. EMS scales to KCM2 Naruto. Tsunade is Kage level. That's impressive but not to the Uchiha and Hokages.

Who is faster, Naruto or Sasuke? ›

In fact, Sasuke was even faster than Naruto until recently, and during their last fight, it was quite clear that he held enough speed to overwhelm the Uzumaki ninja, despite him having enough reflexes that allowed him to dodge attacks at the speed of light.

Who has beaten Sasuke? ›

  • Sasuke lost his battle with Haku because he decided to save naruto instead of fighting Haku with his new unlocked sharingan.
  • He got the beat down by Lee before the exams.
  • he lost his battle against Orochimaru in the forest of death.
  • He than lost his battle with Gaara. ...
  • The next battle he got embarrassed by Itachi.
Jan 19, 2020

Can Sasuke defeat Madara? ›

It is easy to see that Sasuke supplants Madara in every category except for chakra reserves as the latter was the jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails. However, Sasuke is far ahead in all the other categories. Consequently, Sasuke is undoubtedly the strongest Uchiha in Naruto.

Can Jiraiya beat Genjutsu? ›

I've read, that Jiraya was one of the people who could break through Itachi's genjutsu. Could be, i'm not saying it is not truth, but technically Orochimaru could be able to do so as well. This is because Jiraya as well as Orochimaru use Senjutsu, which is in a way capable of breaking out of genjutsu.

Can Jiraiya beat Goku? ›

The ability also enhances all of his ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. Sage Mode gives Jiraiya a major advantage against other shinobi, but it would be meaningless against a Super Saiyan God like Goku.

Who can beat Naruto? ›

Since Naruto mainly relies on ninjutsu, Meliodas can easily beat him. In fact, no matter how much damage Naruto causes, Meliodas could always use Full Counter and knock him out easily.

Did Sasuke ever talk to Jiraiya? ›

In an indirect and impersonal way, Jiraiya the toad sage interacted with Sasuke, rescuing him and Naruto from the wrath of Itachi and Kisame in that hotel, but that wasn't a true interaction of characters. After this scene, Jiraiya and Sasuke never crossed paths again.

Did Naruto give Jiraiya a scar? ›

Following an encounter with Naruto's Version 2 form, he received a large scar in the centre of his chest.

Who knows Boruto is Naruto's son? ›

Jiraiya realised at this point Boruto and Sasuke are actually from the future and that Boruto is Naruto's son due to their chakra compatibility (meaning they are related) and knowing Naruto's family well enough to know he currently has no living relatives.

Who is stronger, Jiraiya or Itachi? ›

What people don't realize is a Itachi was a spy he only wanted to protect the village and was still working for hiruzen. He spared Kurenai, asuma and kakashi. (We learn in the shinden novels that Tsukuyomi can instantly kill) And he disengaged Jiraiya but was always stronger than Jiraiya.

Can Ems Sasuke beat Jiraiya? ›

Amaterasu or one of the Susanoo arrows can deal with Jiraiya before frog song can work and Sasuke has feats of reacting to Raikage and Cloaked Bee which are vastly superior reaction feats than Jiraiya posses. Jiraya loses, no doubt.

Who is stronger Jiraiya or Akatsuki? ›

Jiraiya is much stronger than most people, and he's a bigger concern to Akatsuki than Orochimaru. That being said, Jiraiya is not invincible and he has lost fights before.

Can Jiraiya beat Sakura? ›

When it comes to combat, Jiraiya definitely can win that. It won't be easy but he can. He loses because he's a perv. Sakura will likely end up missing a punch and Jiraiya will check her out while she's bent over.

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