73 Blockchain Statistics In 2023 - How Many People Own Bitcoin? (2024)

If you’ve been monitoring the cryptocurrency scene, the emergence of DeFis against established financial services and the values of some NFT assets seem to defy plain logic. Although the crypto scene is currently in a blood bath due to recent events like the Luna crash, many of you might wonder what’s next.

Though we can’t forecast what will happen exactly, we can make informed projections about the many trends that will shape this space in the coming years. Emerging technologies surround us. Identifying a worthy strategy, evaluating its market potential, and then applying the necessary skills to develop it successfully is critical in how we do business.

These 2023 blockchain statistics will help you analyze the crypto-verse and its possible future. We are calling all marketers and crypto enthusiasts to dive into the latest facts and figures.

Let’s begin, shall we?

Top Blockchain Statistics 2023

  1. With a compound annual growth rate of 56.3%, the blockchain industry will be worth $163.83 billion by 2029.
  2. There are 8,832 active cryptocurrencies in the world as of June 2023
  3. There are over 170 million blockchain wallets worldwide (Blockchain.com users + Coinbase users)
  4. The global spending on blockchain solutions will reach$19 billion by 2024.
  5. There are over 85 million Bitcoin block explorer blockchain.com wallet users worldwide as of June 2023.
  6. Around 405376.125 Bitcoin transactions are carried out every single day as of June 2023.
  7. 10% of the global population owns cryptocurrencies.
  8. 16% of Americans have invested in cryptocurrency.
  9. Using blockchain, financial institutions can save up to $12 billion every year.
  10. Blockchain technology in the healthcare sector globally is predicted to reach $231.0 million by 2023, with a 63% growth rate over the next six years.
  11. Moving securities to blockchains might save $17 billion to $24 billion in global trading processing fees annually.

General Blockchain Statistics 2023

  1. From 2022 to 2030, the worldwide blockchain technology industry is predicted to grow at an 85.9 percent CAGR.
  2. By 2026, the worldwide blockchain market will be worth $67.4 billion.
  3. Banking is the sector with the highest distribution of blockchain market value.

Here is a table showing the highest distribution of blockchain market value by sector.

SectorMarket Share
Process manufacturing11.4%
Discrete manufacturing10.9%
Professional services6.6%
  1. Blockchain is mostly used in cross-border payments and settlements.
  2. As per a Pwc “time for trust” report, By 2030, blockchain will increase global GDP by $1.76 trillion.
  3. blockchain-based cryptocurrencies can potentially produce up to $1 billion in income for the banking sector alone.
  4. The global spending on blockchain solutions will reach $19 billion by 2024.

The table shows the global spending on blockchain solutions from 2017 to 2024.

YearSpendings on Blockchain Solution
20170.95 billion
20181.5 billion
20192.7 billion
20204.5 billion
20216.6 billion
202419 billion
  1. Most consumers prefer mobile wallets to other types of blockchain wallets.
  2. 4.691 Bitcoin transactions are carried out every second on June 2023.
  3. The total cost of incorporating blockchain into the healthcare sector might reach $5.61 billion by 2025.

Sources: Statista, Markets and Markets, BIS, Ycharts, Economic Times, Binance, Deloitte.

Business Blockchain Statistics

  1. According to a Deloitte survey, 86% of people believe Blockchain technology can enhance our integration toward more touchless business processes.
  2. In the Same survey, 91% of respondents expected to see a quantitative, verifiable return on their blockchain investments in the next five years.
  3. 60% of Chief information officers across industries are on the verge of incorporating blockchain into their infrastructure.
  4. Blockchain was acknowledged as a critical component of corporate infrastructure by 53% of C-level executives.
  5. By 2026, blockchain in the food and agriculture industries will be worth $1.48 billion.
  6. Here are the top 10 companies that use blockchain technology. Check the complete list here on Forbes.
CompaniesBlockchain Network Used
AllianzHyperledger Fabric, Corda
Andreessen HorowitzBitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Flow, Celo, Near, Arweave and others
Ant GroupAntchain
AnthemHyperledger Fabric
A.P. Moller—MaerskTradeLens, Hyperledger Fabric
BHPMineHub, Hyperledger Fabric
  1. The size of the industrial blockchain market will increase to $85.64 billion in 2023.

Sources: Deloitte, Forbes, BIS, Gartner, PwC, Statista, Coingecko, Finances Online.

Blockchain Demographic Statistics

  1. Men are twice as likely as women to invest in cryptocurrencies.
  2. 36% of blockchain users have an annual salary of $100,000 or more.
  3. The gender gap in cryptocurrencies is wider than the gap in traditional investments currently in place.
  4. As per a survey by CNBC and Acorn, 16% of men and 7% of women invest in blockchain technology.

Here are the findings from that survey in table form.

Investment TypeShare of Males InvestingShare of Females Investing
Blockchain Technology16%7%
exchange-traded funds14%7%
Individual Stocks40%24%
Mutual Funds30%20%
Real Estate36%30%
  1. North America receives the most cryptocurrency value compared to the rest of the world.

Here is the table showing global regions receiving the total crypto value.

RegionTotal crypto value Received
North America35%
Latin America9%
Central and Southern Asia13%
Eastern Asia11%
Middle East7%
  1. 86 percent of Americans have heard at least once about blockchain, with 24% having heard a lot about the technology.
  2. 82% of crypto users hold a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  3. 13% of USA adults say they know nothing about cryptocurrencies.
  4. Asian, Black, and Hispanic American adults are more likely to have invested in, traded in, or used a blockchain technology than White American adults.
  5. 58% of cryptocurrency owners are under the age of 34.

Sources: Statista, Blockchain.com, Exploding topics, Binance, Economic Times, Forbes.

Essential Blockchain Trends and Other Statistics

  1. Secure information exchange is the most important element pushing blockchain adoption. Improved access to payments and financial instruments are other major drivers of blockchain adoption.
  2. Nearly 80% of central banks throughout the world are considering launching their own cryptocurrency.
  3. By 2030, blockchain will generate more than $3.1 trillion in commercial value.
  4. By 2027, the Internet of Things (IoT) will be worth around $1,463.2 billion.
  5. 52% of FSIs feel blockchain will be useful for customer verification.
  6. According to a Deloitte poll, 86% of tech-savvy teams feel Blockchain has significant benefits.
  7. According to a Deloitte poll, 68% of executives say data security and privacy are the areas most in need of improvement to accelerate blockchain implementation.
  8. By 2025, blockchain will have been used in 55% of healthcare applications.
  9. More than 100 Chinese companies provide blockchain applications in the real economy.
  10. Blockchain has been used to transfer over $270 billion in assets.
  11. South Korea’s blockchain market worth began at around $20.1 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach $356.2 billion in 2023.
  12. The blockchain gaming industry is expected to grow to $39.7 billion by 2025.

Sources: Deloitte, Coindesk, Economic Times, Binance, Statista, PwC, Gartner.

How Many Cryptocurrencies Are There

  1. There have been over 22,900 cryptocurrencies to date. But due to some blockchains failing to sustain or getting banned the number has decreased to around 8,832 active cryptocurrencies in the world as of June 2023.

How Many People Own Bitcoin

Blockchain.com is a platform thatenables buying Bitcoin, almost 85 million users had made individual Bitcoin wallets as of June 2023. This is a 102%increase in users over the previous year and an increase of 42 million people from2019.

Another popular platformfor accessing Bitcoin is Coinbase, which has more than 108 million bitcoinusers. This totals more than 193million Bitcoin wallets.

  1. The Bitcoin blockchain is 464.83 Gigabytes in size as of June 2023. Its size was 1.02 Gigabytes in February 2012.
  2. The FBI holds 1.5% of all bitcoins in the world.
  3. 21 million bitcoins can exist at the same time.
  4. As of 2023, nearly 90% of Bitcoins are already mined.
  5. 1 Bitcoin transaction consumes 2,188 kilowatt-hours of energy. If we compare it to VISA transactions, 100000 VISA transactions consume 148.63 kilowatt-hours of energy.
  6. It is forecasted that the last Bitcoin will be mined in the year 2140.
  7. Bitcoin is priced at $25,658.00 as of 10th June 2023.
73 Blockchain Statistics In 2023 - How Many People Own Bitcoin? (1)

Image Credit: Statista.

  1. There are 85 million bitcoin block explorer blockchain.com wallet users worldwide as of March 2023.
  2. Around 405376.125 Bitcoin transactions are carried out in a single day as of June 2023.
  3. There are 14,915 Bitcoin ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) globally.
  4. There are 11,386 Bitcoin ATMs in the United States.
  5. The United States has 89.4% of the world’s Bitcoin ATMs.
  6. Genesis Coin is the top Bitcoin ATM producer globally.
  7. Microstrategy is the public company with the most Bitcoins on its balance sheet.

Here is the list of Top Public Companies with the most Bitcoins on their balance sheet:

CompanyBitcoins on the Balance sheet
Marathon Digital Holdings8,133
Hut 85,242
73 Blockchain Statistics In 2023 - How Many People Own Bitcoin? (2)

Image Credit: Statista.

Sources: Statista, Binance, Coindesk, OpenSea.

Ethereum Specific Statistics

  1. There are 120.23 million Ethereum in circulation as of June 2023.
  2. Ethereum doesn’t have a supply limit like Bitcoin.
  3. 1.047 million transactions were carried out on the Ethereum blockchain daily as of 10th june 2023.
  4. There are 449918 Active Ethereum Addresses as of 10th june 2023.
  5. Ethereum has a 63.4% market share in the overall Defi market.
  6. OpenSea is the most popular address on the Ethereum Blockchain.
  7. Ethereum’s price is $1064.81 at the time of writing this article.
  1. Ethereum and Bitcoin together make up over half of the cryptocurrency market.
  2. Over 3,000 Decentralized apps (Dapps) are currently on the Ethereum blockchain.
  3. There are mainly 4 types of blockchain networks:
  • Private blockchain,
  • Public blockchain,
  • Hybrid blockchain,
  • Consortium blockchain.

Sources: Statista, Ycharts, Coinmarketcap, coindesk.

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Conclusion: Blockchain Statistics (2023)

That was my set of up-to-date Blockchain statistics as of 2023.

The Blockchain industry may have suffered somewhat in the second quarter of 2022 due to the great LUNA crash, but it is bouncing back. The technology is highly sophisticated and will surely make its way into web 3.0 as we enter the metaverse.

As they say in the Crypto community, #DYOR (Do Your Own Research) before investing. Let this statistical guide be your friend in #DYOR. I will keep updating this space with more facts and figures as I keep getting my hands on them. Until then, happy reading.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many blockchains are there as of 2023?

There are over one thousand blockchains globally with four main typesof networks. These networks are Public blockchain, Private blockchain, Hybrid blockchain and Consortium blockchain.

  1. What are the biggest blockchains in 2023?

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, BNB, and USD coin are five of the biggest blockchain networks by market cap as of June 2023.

  1. What are the most popular blockchain networks to consider in 2023?

Ethereum, Avalanche, Cardano, and Polkadot are some of the important and interesting blockchain projects that people should consider in 2023 and beyond.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the realm of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, my comprehensive knowledge spans across various facets of this dynamic and ever-evolving landscape. I have actively followed market trends, analyzed statistical data, and kept a close eye on technological advancements. Let me delve into the concepts presented in the article and provide further insights:

  1. Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR): The article mentions a CAGR of 56.3% for the blockchain industry, projecting a worth of $163.83 billion by 2029. CAGR is a crucial metric for assessing the industry's growth over time, providing a more accurate representation than a simple annual growth rate.

  2. Cryptocurrency Landscape:

    • The article notes the existence of 8,832 active cryptocurrencies globally as of June 2023. This highlights the sheer diversity and proliferation of digital assets within the cryptocurrency space.
    • The prevalence of over 170 million blockchain wallets worldwide emphasizes the widespread adoption and use of blockchain technology for managing cryptocurrencies.
  3. Blockchain Spending and Financial Impact:

    • The projection that global spending on blockchain solutions will reach $19 billion by 2024 indicates the substantial financial investments being made in integrating blockchain across various sectors.
    • The article suggests that financial institutions leveraging blockchain could save up to $12 billion annually, showcasing the potential cost efficiencies introduced by this technology.
  4. Blockchain in Healthcare:

    • The prediction that blockchain technology in the healthcare sector will reach $231.0 million by 2023 reflects the growing recognition of blockchain's role in securing and managing sensitive healthcare data.
  5. Blockchain in Trading:

    • The assertion that moving securities to blockchains might save $17 billion to $24 billion in global trading processing fees annually underscores the efficiency gains and cost savings achievable through blockchain implementation in financial markets.
  6. Blockchain Market Distribution:

    • The breakdown of blockchain market value by sector, with banking leading at 29.7%, demonstrates the diverse applications of blockchain technology across industries.
  7. Cryptocurrency Ownership Demographics:

    • The demographic statistics provide insights into the gender and age distribution of cryptocurrency users, with men being twice as likely to invest and 58% of cryptocurrency owners being under the age of 34.
  8. Blockchain Adoption in Business:

    • Business-focused statistics, such as 86% believing that blockchain can enhance touchless business processes and 91% expecting a return on blockchain investments, showcase the positive sentiment and anticipation within the business community.
  9. Top Companies Using Blockchain:

    • The list of top companies using blockchain technology, including Adobe, Allianz, Andreessen Horowitz, and others, highlights the diverse applications of blockchain across industries.
  10. Ethereum Specifics:

    • Ethereum-specific statistics, such as its market share in the DeFi market (63.4%) and the number of active addresses, shed light on Ethereum's significance in the broader blockchain ecosystem.
  11. Cryptocurrency Market Size:

    • The breakdown of global regions receiving cryptocurrency value indicates the geographical distribution of crypto adoption, with North America leading at 35%.
  12. Blockchain Trends and Future Predictions:

    • The article outlines several trends and predictions for the future, including the role of blockchain in the Internet of Things (IoT) and its potential to generate over $3.1 trillion in commercial value by 2030.

In conclusion, the presented blockchain statistics provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the industry, covering aspects such as market size, adoption trends, demographic insights, and future projections. These insights are invaluable for marketers and enthusiasts seeking to navigate and understand the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology.

73 Blockchain Statistics In 2023 - How Many People Own Bitcoin? (2024)


How many people own 1 BTC? ›

However, some estimates can be made based on blockchain data and surveys of Bitcoin holders. According to data from Bitinfocharts, as of March 2023, there are approximately 827,000 addresses that hold 1 bitcoin or more, representing around 4.5% of all addresses on the Bitcoin network.

How many people use Bitcoin blockchain? ›

There are an estimated 81.7 million people holding Bitcoin as of June 2023. Most analyses tend to overestimate the number of users.

How many crypto users are there in 2023? ›

Singapore, January 22, 2024 – Crypto.com today released its annual Crypto Market Sizing Report, showing that global cryptocurrency owners increased by 34% in 2023 – rising from 432 million in January 2023 to 580 million in December 2023.

What are the statistics of crypto blockchain? ›

CB Insights has estimated the global blockchain funding market as worth $9.2 billion in the first quarter of 2022. That dropped to $6.5 billion in the second quarter of 2022 – a 29% QoQ decrease. The cryptocurrency bear market in 2022 played a role in lighter venture capital inflows to the sector.

What does the average person own in Bitcoin? ›

Simple math shows that the average bitcoin holding per person is about 262,500 satoshis. At $69,000 per bitcoin, that works out to an investment of about $180 to reach the global average bitcoin allocation.

How many people are holders of Bitcoin? ›

How many Bitcoin holders are there? Knowing the exact number of BTC holders will forever stay a mystery; however, according to data collected by Buy Bitcoin Worldwide, there are about 106 million BTC owners worldwide. The number of Bitcoin wallets is estimated to be around 200 million.

What percent of Americans own Bitcoin? ›

Cryptocurrency awareness and ownership rates have increased to record levels: 40% of American adults now own crypto, up from 30% in 2023. This could be as many as 93 million people. Among current crypto owners, around 63% hope to obtain more cryptocurrency over the next year.

What percentage of bitcoins are holders? ›

BitInfoCharts data shows that around 1.86% of wallet addresses — over one million — hold more than 90% of all total BTC currently in circulation. Known as whales, some of these individuals or entities hold large amounts of crypto.

How big is the Bitcoin blockchain right now? ›

Bitcoin Blockchain Size is at a current level of 587.38, up from 587.11 yesterday and up from 497.75 one year ago. This is a change of 0.04% from yesterday and 18.01% from one year ago.

Which country buys Bitcoin the most? ›

Note that if we were to rank countries based on their actual number of crypto owners, India would rank first at 93 million people, China would rank second at 59 million people, and the U.S. would rank third at 52 million people.

Who uses Bitcoin the most? ›

20 Countries that Use Crypto and Bitcoin the Most
  • China. Total Population as of 2022: 1.41 Billion. ...
  • Germany. Total Population as of 2022: 84.08 Million. ...
  • Indonesia. Total Population as of 2022: 0.28 Billion. ...
  • United Kingdom. Total Population as of 2022: 66.97 Million. ...
  • Kenya. ...
  • Nepal. ...
  • Colombia. ...
  • Morocco.
Sep 18, 2023

What is the fastest blockchain in 2023? ›

Solana: The fastest blockchain in the crypto world!

Despite these impressive numbers, Solana has only exploited 1.6% of its theoretical maximum speed of 65,000 TPS. In second place, we find Sui, another non-EVM blockchain, which reached 854 crypto TPS in July 2023.

What is the most used crypto blockchain? ›

Identifying the top Blockchain networks

But it is equally true that the Ethereum blockchain is the most popular. How big is the Ethereum blockchain? It depends how you measure it. In 2021, the total number of transactions on Ethereum surpassed the number of Bitcoin transactions for the first time.

How many users does blockchain have? ›

Key Blockchain Statistics:

There are 83,434,000 total blockchain wallet users as of July 15, 2022. By 2022, worldwide spending on blockchain solutions will reach $11.7 billion. 2.8% of the world's population is already using blockchain.

What percentage of companies use blockchain? ›

Nearly 90% of the businesses surveyed reported deploying blockchain technology in some capacity, with 87% saying they plan to invest in blockchain in the next year. This is particularly pronounced in China, where over half of the respondents plan to invest in blockchain in 2023.

How many owners does Bitcoin have? ›

Bitcoin Users Key Facts
Bitcoin Owners106 million
Daily Bitcoin Users400,000
Bitcoin Wallets200 million
Bitcoin Traders53 million
Daily Bitcoin Transactions270,000
2 more rows

How many people own 10 BTC in the world? ›

Today, there are currently 154,000 wallet addresses that hold more than 10 bitcoin. Given that there are 8 Billion people in the world, this means that roughly 1 in every 51,000 people have at least 10 bitcoin.

How many people own over 1,000 Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin Rich List
Balance, BTCAddresses% Addresses (Total)
[10 - 100)1369420.25% (0.28%)
[100 - 1,000)138030.03% (0.03%)
[1,000 - 10,000)19640% (0%)
[10,000 - 100,000)1000% (0%)
8 more rows

How many crypto millionaires are there? ›

Key Takeaways. There are 88,200 crypto millionaires worldwide. 40,500 of these millionaires have amassed their fortune in Bitcoin (BTC). The number of global crypto owners reached 580 million by the end of 2023, according to Crypto.com.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.