7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace (2024)

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Table of Contents:
  • Overview
  • Acknowledgement
  • Set Boundaries
  • Seek Help from Professionals
  • Practice Self-Compassion
  • Be Patient
  • Exercise Self-Care
  • Lean on Support from Loved Ones
  • Pave Your Path to Healing

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Read Time: 8 Minutes

7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace (4)

Written by:Cynthia V. Catchings, LCSW-S

Published On: February 3, 2022

7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace (5)

Medically reviewed by: Ashley Ertel, LCSW, BCD

Reviewed On: February 3, 2022

Updated On: March 27, 2024

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Healing from the emotional trauma of an abusive relationship with a narcissistic partner can be deeply challenging but is certainly achievable. This process often involves reliving painful memories, questioning past actions, and the tempting yet dangerous idea of reigniting the toxic relationship. It’s essential to recognize the manipulative nature of narcissistic tendencies, which can escalate to domestic violence. The entanglement in such relationships brings feelings of guilt, shame, and a struggle to detach from the allure that, despite its toxicity, the relationship feels intoxicatingly hard to leave behind.

A crucial step toward healing is understanding that the burden of blame for staying or feeling entrapped is not yours to bear. The realization that you were involved in an unhealthy dynamic, manipulated by a partner’s narcissistic behavior, paves the way for acknowledging your resilience. As you navigate through the healing journey, remembering your strength as a survivor, not a victim, will guide you toward healthier, more fulfilling relationships. In this article, we’ll explore signs of recovery from narcissistic abuse and offer expert advice to aid in your healing process.

Keep reading to learn how to heal from narcissistic abuse.


Keep in mind that narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) doesn’t only affect romantic relationships. You might have a relationship with somebody who has NPD, such as a family member (i.e. “narcissistic father” or “narcissistic mother”), a friendship, or a romantic relationship. Acknowledging that you were in the relationship and have experienced narcissistic gaslighting is the first step you’ll need to take to start healing from narcissistic abuse.

Once you acknowledge this truth, you can begin to accept that what you experienced was, in fact, emotional abuse. That means you can begin to let go of the blame you might be putting on yourself. Denial is a form of self-protection, and it’s perfectly normal that you might resist acknowledgement about the relationship in the beginning. That said, you do need to accept the reality of the situation and your emotions so you can heal.

Set Boundaries

Once you’ve come to terms with the fact that the relationship was unhealthy, you’re ready to take the next steps in learning how to heal from narcissistic abuse. Setting healthy relationship boundaries is a key trait here.

Start With No-Contact (If Possible)

Typically, setting firm boundaries and cutting off contact is recommended at the end of any abusive relationship. Keep in mind that the no-contact rule goes both ways. At first, it might be hard for you to set that boundary and stick to it. Part of a narcissistic relationship includes promises of change and highs in the relationship that you might be tempted to try and recapture. Boundaries can help you resist going back to your narcissistic abuser.

If cutting off all contact isn’t possible — maybe children are part of the equation, or it’s a close narcissistic family member that you’ll still occasionally have contact with — setting firm boundaries about what’s acceptable for you is important. Remember to not only inform them of the boundary, but also to let them know what the consequence will be if they can’t respect it. For example, you might tell them, “I’ll see you during this time/event, but if you can’t respect my wishes [remind them of the boundaries you set], I will leave.”

Be Specific

Whether you’re setting boundaries with parents, a friend, or a partner, it’s very important to be specific about what boundaries you consider necessary. This might include insisting they don’t share any personal information about you with anyone else. It might be something like they can only contact you via an email address you set up just for their communication. It might be that they can’t yell at you or talk down to you. Your boundaries are yours. You have every right to set them and be firm about them.

Seek Help from Professionals

Therapists can use a variety of techniques to help you. Online cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective type of therapy that’s often used to help people when they’re on the road to narcissistic abuse recovery.

7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace (8)Expert Insight

“When you are dealing with narcissistic abuse, it is essential that you look for professional help; they have the knowledge and experience to help you heal, and you do not have to do this alone.”

7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace (9)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker-Supervisor (LCSW-S), CIMHP, EMDRCynthia Catchings

Working with a therapist, you can begin to:

  • Identify the reasons why you accept abuse
  • Build coping skills to help you navigate abusive relationships
  • Resist the urge to remain in contact with somebody who’s abusive
  • Become open and honest with others in your life about the abuse you’ve experienced
  • Figure out if symptoms of anxiety, depression, or another mental health condition might be coming into play
  • Deal with and overcome any thoughts you might be having about self-harm or suicide

7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace (10)Expert Insight

“Clinicians that specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and personality disorders are trained to deal with narcissistic abuse issues. It is important that you see the right professional to make sure that you get the best help possible.”

7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace (11)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker-Supervisor (LCSW-S), CIMHP, EMDRCynthia Catchings

Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion can be instrumental in learning how to heal from narcissistic abuse. You might find that your first reaction is to blame yourself. It may take some time for you to stop critiquing your own behaviors that contributed to the relationship. Remind yourself that how someone treats you is not your fault. Reward yourself for finally getting to a place where you can heal and get out of the situation. Recognize the signs you’re healing from narcissistic abuse as you see them. Above all, be proud of how far you’ve come. One day, you’ll find that you’re able to forgive yourself instead of judging yourself for the past. It might help to create some mantras to use when you start to feel down. Remembering that you’re strong, that you deserve love, and that you’re brave for getting out of the relationship, can all help you heal.

Be Patient

Even the best relationships can be difficult at times. When you’re recovering from a relationship that included narcissistic abuse, things can be even more challenging. Be patient with yourself and be patient with the healing process.

As time goes on, you’ll find you can start to let go of the toxic relationship and move forward. Eventually, you’ll get to a place where you believe that you deserve healthy and positive relationships in your life. Patience will be key in your recovery.

Exercise Self-Care

Taking care of yourself can be beneficial in many ways. It’s always important to practice self-care, but especially when you’re healing from narcissistic abuse, being kind to yourself is essential.

Self-care is doing things that help you meet your own physical and emotional needs. Our mind and body are connected, so working on both areas of your life can help you feel stronger, braver, healthier, and more ready to take on the world. You might focus on:

  • Paying attention to your stress level
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Eating healthy
  • Taking the time to do things you enjoy
  • Connecting or reconnecting with people in your life who are positive
  • Getting physical activity in your day
  • Using the coping skills you learn in therapy to help you manage your relationships
  • Practicing mindfulness, yoga, or other relaxation techniques

Lean on Support from Loved Ones

There may not be another time in your life where you need more support from your loved ones than when you’re getting out of a toxic or narcissistic relationship. Opening up about the emotional abuse and asking for help can not only be good for your healing journey, but it can also help you begin to reestablish trust in others. The healing process can be lonely, but the people in your life who love you and want to support you can:

  • Give you the compassion you’ve been lacking
  • Distract you
  • Keep you busy on especially difficult days
  • Validate your pain
  • Continuously remind you that this isn’t your fault

Overall, building a strong support system is essential for anyone healing from narcissistic abuse. It provides a network of understanding and empathy to lean on during tough times.

If you don’t have anyone in your life who can offer the support you need, consider reaching out to a support group where you can be with like-minded people who understand what you’ve gone through and where you’re at right now.

7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace (12)Expert Insight

“If you do not know where to start, look online, ask a school counselor, or talk to someone you trust that has been in therapy before. They can guide you to find the right professional for you.”

7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace (13)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker-Supervisor (LCSW-S), CIMHP, EMDRCynthia Catchings

Pave Your Path to Healing

Healing from narcissistic abuse is a journey of self-care and support. Acknowledge the abuse, set boundaries to protect yourself, and engage in activities that foster physical and emotional well-being. Be sure to surround yourself with a network of loved ones, join a support group, or consider getting professional help to find strength and guidance.

Remember, with the right tools and a supportive community, recovery from narcissistic abuse is possible.

See References

7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace (14)

Cynthia Catchings

Cynthia Catchings is a trilingual licensed clinical social worker-supervisor, mental health consultant, professor, and trainer for federal law enforcement agencies. Cynthia has over 15 years of experience in the mental health profession. She is passionate about women’s mental health, life transitions, and stress management. Her clinical work, advocacy, and volunteer service have focused on working with domestic violence survivors and conducting mental health research in over 30 countries.

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7 Tips for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse — Talkspace? ›

As we discussed in an earlier blog post, there's nothing easy about being married to a narcissist. That is why being married to one often leads to divorce.

What are the four D's of narcissistic abuse? ›

As we discussed in an earlier blog post, there's nothing easy about being married to a narcissist. That is why being married to one often leads to divorce.

What is the fastest way to recover from narcissistic abuse? ›

You can start healing from narcissistic abuse by first acknowledging that it happened to you. Then, heal your mind through your body by partaking in self-care through enjoyable physical activity. Lastly, you can reach out to your support system or a support group for guidance and care.

How long does it take your brain to heal from narcissistic abuse? ›

It can take years to fully recover from the damage that was done because of the psychological manipulation that you have endured. That being said, moving past the abuse and achieving full recovery is entirely possible with professional help.

How do narcissists punish their victims? ›

Insults: Verbal abuse like name-calling, harsh criticism, and other insults are ways for those with narcissistic personality disorder to chip away at a victim's self-esteem. Abusers will often try to disguise their abusive behavior as sarcasm or jokes.

What mental illness is caused by narcissistic abuse? ›

Mental health issues

Like other forms of psychological abuse and emotional abuse, it can lead to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

What is the final stage of narcissistic abuse? ›

The four phases are idealization, devaluation, discard and hoovering. There is no set amount of time that each phase lasts, it could be weeks or months.

What are the 5 things to never do after breaking up with a narcissist? ›

The 5 things to never do after breaking up with a narcissist are: engaging in communication, stalking their social media, isolating yourself, rushing into a new relationship, and neglecting professional help.

What is the best therapy for narcissistic abuse recovery? ›

What is the best therapy for narcissistic abuse?
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Trauma-focused CBT (TF-CBT)
  • Prolonged exposure therapy (PE)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
Oct 11, 2023

How does the body respond to narcissistic abuse? ›

After experiencing narcissistic abuse, you may live with physical symptoms, including headaches, stomachaches, or body aches. You may also have difficulty sleeping after experiencing narcissistic abuse. You may be stressed about what happened and find it difficult to shut off your brain at night.

Do narcissists know they are abusive? ›

Some narcissists, such as malignant narcissists, actually enjoy abusing others. It's important to know that NPD occurs on a spectrum, and many narcissists don't actively seek to abuse and hurt others. Many are entirely unaware that their efforts to meet their own needs are actually harmful to others.

What does a depressed narcissist look like? ›

Signs of narcissistic depression can include: Damage to interpersonal relationships. Hostility toward others (e.g., blaming, making accusations) Suicidal ideation typically triggered by external events (e.g., perceived rejection)

What is the best self-care to take after narcissistic abuse? ›

Work on rebuilding your self-esteem. One of the most important things you can do after narcissistic abuse is work on rebuilding your self-esteem. This includes learning to love and accept yourself, setting boundaries with others, and speaking up for yourself.

What is the last trick of a narcissist? ›

In a narcissist's twisted world, their final trick is their most devastating. Before they leave you for good, they need to utterly destroy you. This isn't just an option for them it's a necessity. They want you to feel completely worthless, to break you down to your core.

Do narcissists ever cry? ›

While people with narcissism aren't devoid of emotions, their motivations may be self-focused. They can know they're hurting your feelings, but as long as it elevates their status, they may not care. Someone living with narcissism does cry. They can feel regret, remorse, and sadness.

How does the narcissist react when he realizes you no longer care? ›

When a narcissist realizes your refusal to be controlled, they panic because their demands are no longer met. They'll become coercive, manipulative, and potentially aggressive. On the other hand, they might become superficially charming to lure you back in before they start controlling you again.

What are the 4 trauma responses of narcissistic abuse? ›

Psychotherapist Pete Walker identified four responses to traumatic experiences–flight, fight, freeze, and fawn. Fawn refers to pleasing an individual to reduce the threat of harm and often occurs in victims of narcissistic abuse or children who grew up in psychologically abusive environments.

What are the 4 S's of narcissism? ›

'They need the four S's: Sex, Supply, Safety and Services. If you provide two of those, you will do. 'One of the most dangerous concepts out there is that you are "somehow special" or "talented" for being chosen by the narcissist.

What are the 4 stages of gaslighting? ›

Gaslighting is the action of repetitively (and often brazenly) lying to someone to manipulate, and ultimately control them and the relationship. It could be divided into four different types: outright lying, manipulation of reality, scapegoating and coercion.

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Narcissists trash and complain about their exes.

This is a classic move that people with NPD make to impress you or build you up before dating. By calling their exes crazy or manipulative, they're cheaply suggesting you're better than them.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.