7 Steps To Creating An Engaging Email Template | FiveCRM (2024)

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7 Steps To Creating An Engaging Email Template | FiveCRM (25)

7 Steps To Creating An Engaging Email Template | FiveCRM (26) Abe Dearmer

7 Steps To Creating An Engaging Email Template | FiveCRM (27) May 04, 2023

10 min read

7 Steps To Creating An Engaging Email Template | FiveCRM (28) Email-Marketing

Creating an engaging email template is crucial for successful email marketing campaigns. In today's fast-paced digital world, grabbing and maintaining the attention of recipients is no easy task. However, by following a strategic approach and implementing effective techniques, you can significantly enhance the impact of your email communications. In this blog post, we will explore a step-by-step guide to help you create compelling emails that resonate with your audience and drive desired actions. From content relevance and concise writing to design considerations and call-to-action strategies, these key steps will empower you to craft emails that captivate, inform, and inspire engagement.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Content Relevance: Ensure that your email content is relevant and valuable to your recipients. Tailor your messaging to their needs and interests, providing information that adds value to their lives.
  2. Concise Writing: Keep your email content clear, concise, and easily digestible. Avoid overwhelming readers with excessive text and use formatting techniques such as headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability.
  3. Design Considerations: Design an email template that aligns with your brand identity and the content you're delivering. Utilize attractive layouts, well-placed text, and visuals to create a polished and visually appealing email.
  4. Brand Identity: Include your company logo in every email to reinforce brand awareness and establish trust with your audience.
  5. Readable Fonts: Choose fonts that are easy to read and maintain readability across various devices. Consider font size adjustments and color contrasts to enhance legibility and make key elements stand out.
  6. Call-to-Action Strategies: Create compelling and visually prominent call-to-action buttons to encourage readers to take the desired actions. Use persuasive language and clear directives to drive engagement and conversions.
  7. Email Marketing Tool: Consider leveraging an email marketing tool like FiveCRM to streamline your email campaigns, track customer interactions, and gain valuable insights to optimize your strategies.

Table of Contents:

  • Engaging Email Content
  • Short and Simple
  • Prioritize the Information
  • Design and Layout
  • Brand Identity
  • Call to Action
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ

Engaging Email Content

The best way to create an engaging email template is to have engaging content to go with it. Make sure that all the information you put into your emails is relevant to the reader, and will add value to their lives.

View it from the perspective of the person receiving your email, and then write it around that because you may feel that the information you are putting in is important, but it may not help the customers at all. Another way to keep the readers engaged is to have CTA's which link to relevant sources so that the reader can head to the link if they are interested.

Short and Simple

Keep away from unnecessary words that will elongate the text, instead opt for a clear and concise way of writing. A cluttered email with too much text can be off-putting, and readers these days don't have the time to read each and every line.

Incase you feel you have a lot to say about a certain topic, it would be a good idea to break it up and send separate emails for it, perhaps even creating an email series around the topic. This way, if the reader is interested in the topic, they will look forward to receiving the next email on that subject.

Prioritize the Information

When talking about multiple points within an email, it is good to break it up into different sections, with headings and subheadings. On average, a recipient of emails takes about 15-20 seconds to scan through its content. To play this to your advantage you should have headings that help prioritize the content you have written by having bold text.

Another way is to place it in such a way that the most important sections come on top and then the rest follows. That way you can have the maximum impact and ensure that what you want to convey is conveyed easily to the recipient.

Design and Layout

Design a template for the email based around the subject of the content and the kind of business you do. There are many basic templates available for free for you to choose from, but for a unique and new layout, creating one from scratch is a good idea. This will also help you base your layout and design around the content instead of it being the other way round.

Choose an attractive layout not just for the template, but for the content as well. Well-placed text is easier to read and will make the email look more polished.

If you are just starting out, experiment with the first few email templates and see what is getting the best response from your readers. Once this has been determined you can stick to it, as this will also help in creating uniformity and help you in creating a high conversion email template.

Brand Identity

Make sure to include your company logo in every email as that will help the reader knowing where it is from. This creates brand awareness in case you are relatively new, or helps readers get attracted to your emails if they already know your brand.

Font Style

No email is going to be useful if the font isn't readable. It's important to choose fonts that are easy to read and don't look comical or clumsy. It can prove beneficial to pick 2 to 3 font styles and place them appropriately to create distinction and readability.

Adjust the size of the font as well because keep in mind that it will be read on smartphones as well as on laptops. You can even choose different colors for different sections of the email to create distinction, and make headings bold to help them stand out.

Call to Action

Whether you want your recipient to buy, register or follow your company, create a stimulating CTA in every email so the reader is compelled to take the next step and click on the link. Ensure that it is attractive and easy to find, and is written in a short and concise manner, without it being too much like a 'sales pitch'.

Engaging email templates can help companies in creating a way for customers to stay connected and informed, and help in increasing the number of people who want to purchase from them. Apart from brand awareness, a good email will also help you establish yourself as experts in the industry.


In conclusion, creating engaging email content is essential for effective communication and building strong connections with your audience. By focusing on relevant and valuable information, viewing it from the recipient's perspective, and incorporating clear and concise language, you can ensure that your emails capture and maintain readers' attention. Prioritizing the information through headings and subheadings, as well as thoughtful design and layout, enhances readability and emphasizes the most important sections. Incorporating your brand identity, using readable fonts, and strategically placing call-to-action buttons contribute to a professional and persuasive email template.

To take your email marketing to the next level, we recommend trying FiveCRM. With its powerful features and user-friendly interface, FiveCRM can help you streamline your email campaigns, track customer interactions, and drive conversions. Don't miss out on the opportunity to supercharge your email marketing efforts. Sign up for a free trial of FiveCRM today and experience the difference it can make for your business. Start engaging your audience and maximizing your results with FiveCRM.


  1. What are the key steps to follow when creating an engaging email template?

    • The key steps to follow when creating an engaging email template include: ensuring relevant and valuable content, keeping it concise and easy to read, prioritizing information with headings and subheadings, designing a visually appealing layout, incorporating your brand identity, using readable fonts, and including a compelling call-to-action.

  2. How can I ensure that the content of my emails is relevant and valuable to the recipients?

    • To ensure that your email content is relevant and valuable, put yourself in the recipients' shoes and consider their needs and interests. Focus on providing information that will add value to their lives, such as helpful tips, exclusive offers, or relevant industry updates. Tailor your content to your target audience and make it personalized and engaging.

  3. What are some effective strategies for keeping readers engaged in my email campaigns?

    • Some effective strategies for keeping readers engaged in your email campaigns include using eye-catching subject lines, personalizing the emails, segmenting your email list, including compelling visuals, incorporating storytelling techniques, using a conversational tone, and providing clear and concise information. Additionally, including relevant and clickable call-to-action buttons can encourage readers to take the next step.

  4. How can I make my email content concise and avoid overwhelming readers with excessive text?

    • To make your email content concise and reader-friendly, avoid unnecessary words and focus on delivering your message succinctly. Break up the text into short paragraphs, use bullet points or numbered lists for key information, and utilize headings and subheadings to help readers scan the content easily. Remember that readers have limited time, so keep your emails clear, concise, and to the point.

  5. Is it beneficial to break up a lengthy email into separate messages or create an email series?

    • Yes, breaking up a lengthy email into separate messages or creating an email series can be beneficial. This approach allows you to deliver information in bite-sized pieces, increasing the likelihood that readers will engage with the content. By creating an email series, you can build anticipation and keep readers interested, encouraging them to look forward to receiving the next email on the topic.

  6. How can I prioritize the information in my emails and make it easier for recipients to scan through the content?

    • To prioritize the information in your emails and make it easier for recipients to scan through the content, use clear and descriptive headings and subheadings. Structure your email in a logical flow, with the most important sections or key points at the beginning. Additionally, consider using bold text or highlighting to draw attention to important information and make it stand out.

  7. What role does the design and layout play in creating an engaging email template?

    • The design and layout of an email template play a crucial role in creating an engaging email. A visually appealing design can capture readers' attention and make your email more memorable. Use a layout that complements your content, with well-placed text and visuals. Consider using whitespace effectively to avoid a cluttered look. A visually pleasing email enhances readability and improves the overall user experience.

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