7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (2024)

Mobile Games

You caught two Pikachu in Pokémon Go, the world’s most popular AR mobile game. As a result, you now have the dilemma of which to keep and let go. You might be thinking that any will do, but hold on a second and do not convert that Pikachu yet to candies because no two Pokémon are alike. This is true even if both are of the same species. In fact, they most likely have a great difference in hidden stats that you can only gauge through a Pokémon Go IV calculator.

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Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator

  1. Poke Genie
  2. Calcy IV
  3. GoIV
  4. PokeRater
  5. PokeMeter
  6. IV Go
  7. Poke Assistant

What Is Pokémon Go IV?

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (1)

Before we discuss the Pokémon Go IV calculator or Pokémon type calculator, you need to know first what individual values (IVs) are. IVs are a set of three randomly generated fixed figures, each being any number from 0 to 15. They are the hidden added values to the base attack, defense, and stamina or HP stats that are uniform across similar species of Pokémon. Knowing the IVs will help you understand how strong a particular Pokémon can get once it reaches its highest level.

For instance, you have two Pikachu with 112-96-111 for the respective base stats mentioned above. One of them has an IV set of 7-8-5 while the other comes with 15-15-15. The better Pikachu of the two will be the one with the higher or perfect IV stats.

Perfect IV Pokémon are very rare because players might catch thousands of weaker versions before getting one. That being said, IVs are a great differentiator for Pokémon and could be your winning factor in Player Versus Player (PvP) battles.

Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps

As you might have already noticed, the Appraisal or IV checker feature does not give you specific numbers in the 0 to 15 range. You can only make an IV approximation based on how filled the three stat bars are on the Appraisal page. Moreover, the in-game Pokémon Go IV calculator cannot provide you lineup management features like in Pokémon Home and other relevant information, including stat predictions and ideal buffs to use. These are why you and many Pokémon Go players might still prefer a third-party Pokémon Go IV calculator.

Each IV calculator available online is unique because of the differences in features offered, but many are available as apps. To help you pick one, we’ve rounded up the best Pokémon Go IV calculator apps you can download for iOS or Android. Furthermore, each IV checker for Pokémon Go listed below is used by many players and will most likely not get you banned from the game.

1. Poke Genie

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (2)

Poke Genie is among the most popular and versatile Pokémon Go IV calculator apps, with more than 13 million downloads from the Google Play Store and App Store. Moreover, it supports PvP IV analysis besides regular IV identification.

The Pokémon Go IV calculator offers PvP IV because the power variable determines if a Pokémon is suitable for the game’s Master or Ultra League. To elaborate, a 15-15-15 IV set is ideal for Master League while a 0-15-15 is better in Ultra League. The logic behind this is that the latter league has a team CP cap unlike the former, so it will be harder for you to meet the limit if your lineup has perfect IVs.

The app does not require you to provide your Pokémon Go account credentials and works as an overlay on the game, so it is safe. All you need is to take a screenshot of your Pokémon’s stats page then click on scan or import from the active Poke Genie app. The Pokemon Go IV calculator will show you PvP IV results in an instant. Also, you can access other functions, including the name generator, through the side menu.

Poke Genie is a Pokémon Go IV calculator or IV checker that is free for Android and iOS devices. It offers optional in-app purchases.

Download on Google Play Store

Download on App Store

2. Calcy IV

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (3)

Calcy IV is another widely-used Pokémon Go IV calculator, particularly for players using Android devices. Furthermore, it can compute and predict IVs, tell you the best monsters to use against raid bosses, help you rename your Pokemon, and pick the best move sets.

How to use the Pokémon Go IV calculator you ask? Launch Calcy IV then switch to your running Pokémon Game from the app itself. Once in the game, long press on the overlaid Calcy IV button then the camera icon to take a screenshot of your Pokémon’s appraisal page. This Pokémon Go IV calculator will analyze the CP, HP, and Stardust power-up requirement to show you the hidden values and other relevant information afterward. You can explore the other icons for more functions.

The Pokémon Go IV calculator does not ask for your account details, so you would not be banned from the game. Furthermore, it is free to download with optional in-app purchases.

Download on Google Play Store

3. GoIV

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (4)

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GoIV works similarly to the previously discussed Pokémon Go IV calculator because it overlays its controls on the game. The IV checker also records the Pokemon CP and the level it sees on the screen.

On first use of the IV checker app, you must input your trainer level and team name, grant permission for overlay and screen recording, and test the screenshot function on any Pokémon for app calibration. GoIV does not steal or store your account information and photos, so it is safe and would not get you banned.

GoIV is a Pokémon Go IV calculator that is open-source and completely free. However, it is exclusive only for Android devices.

Download on Google Play Store

4. PokeRater

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (5)

PokeRater is also among the best Pokémon Go IV calculator apps that would not get you banned. In fact, it only needs your Pokémon stats screenshot to provide you with an exact IV and not your account credentials.

Furthermore, it’s pretty easy to use. Take a screenshot like how you would do it regularly on your device then select it from the PokeRater app. The Pokémon Go IV calculator can show you the IV, possible power-up status per level, and predicted post-evolution CP afterward. Additionally, it has a history page for all the past Pokémon scanned, just like other top-tier Pokémon Go IV calculator apps mentioned.

PokeRater is free for iPhones and iPads and is only available from the App Store. The IV checker offers in-app purchases.

Download on App Store

5. PokeMeter

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (6)

If you are looking for an all-around Pokémon type calculator for iOS, PokeMeter is the app to go. The IV checker can gauge both IV and CP. Additionally, it can provide you a list of the best Pokemon attackers for battles and the ideal move combinations to set.

While it is also screenshot-based like other Pokémon Go IV calculator apps, it can do batch processing. To elaborate, you can upload 20 or more screenshots at once for the IV checker to evaluate. The battle-related results you get are based on hundreds of simulations, so it is quite precise. PokeMeter is a Pokémon Go IV calculator exclusive to iPhones.

Download on App Store

6. IV Go

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (7)

When it comes to simplicity, IV Go tops the list of Pokémon Go IV calculator apps. To explain, its interface is pretty basic yet functional. It is for players who want to get IVs in one go.

The IV Go calculation process is also easy. You just have to input the Pokémon’s name, CP, HP, and the amount of Stardust required to level it up. Hit the Get IV button afterward. The Pokémon Go IV calculator will then show you the S rating, depending on the IV values shown for the attack, defense, and stamina. S, SS, and SSS mean low, average, and high IVs, respectively. Moreover, it displays the expected CP when the Pokémon reaches maximum level.

IV Go can be used by Android and iOS phone users. The Pokémon Go IV calculator can be downloaded for free on the Google Play Store and App Store. Also, it may offer in-app purchases.

Download on Google Play Store

Download on App Store

7. Poke Assistant

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (8)

Poke Assistant lives up to its name because you will find it as an essential companion app. It can do more things beyond being a Pokémon Go IV calculator.

Like some IV checkers for Pokémon Go, you have to input the CP, HP, and Stardust requirements in their respective fields on the app’s interface. Also, pick Yes or No from the Powered drop-down menu to make the calculation more specific. Poke Assistant will give you two or three possible IV sets depending on whether the Pokémon is powered or not. Aside from taking a look at IVs, you can check the best attackers and defenders to use alongside the Pokémon or ideal move sets from the left side menu controls.

Poke Assistant is a free Pokémon Go IV calculator you can get from the App Store. It was originally designed for iPads but is now also available for iPhones.

Download on App Store

Pokémon Go IV Calculator App Alternatives

In case you do not want to download and install a third-party app just to gauge IVs for Pokémon Go, there are reliable alternatives you can try: Pokémon Go IV calculator websites. The listed IV checker webpages below are trusted by many players worldwide. Also, they can be used regardless if you are an Android or iOS user. You just need to have a mobile browser.

1. The Pokemon Rater by The Silph Road

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (9)

The Pokémon Rater tool on The Silph Road website is a safe and user-friendly Pokémon Go IV Calculator. To elaborate, the website does not need account credentials, and it has slider controls for Pokémon data so you do not have to type the specific values. For example, the slider can be dragged to move the point on the CP arc to indicate the value. Moreover, the power variables and instructions are explained briefly on the page.

The Pokémon Rater tool is on the easy mode by default and its advanced mode is coming soon, according to the website. You can expect the latter version of the Pokémon Go IV Calculator to factor in more variables and conditions to come up with even more accurate IV results.

2. Pokémon Go IV Calculator by GamePress

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (10)

GamePress’s calculator website for Pokémon Go is popular because of its simplicity and accuracy. All you have to do is to input the Pokémon type, CP, Stamina or HP, and amount of Stardust required for leveling up. You won’t need to provide game account access to the webpage. You can simply tick the icon or box to indicate specific conditions of the Pokemon. For instance, whether the Pokemon is powered up, obtained by hatching an egg or a lucky catch. The Pokémon Go IV Calculator gives you the exact IVs once you hit the Calculate button.

There is also a version of the GamePress Pokémon Go IV Calculator that focuses on PvP or Raid IVs. You can select it from the calculator type boxes on top of the webpage.

3. Pokémon IV Calculator by Pokémon Go Info

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (11)

Pokémon Go Info’s calculator webpage is an improved and more specific version of the game’s Appraisal feature. In fact, you’ll find on the website a similar bar graph to the one from Pokémon Go. The only difference is there are actual 0 to 15 IVs indicated, depending on how you fill the bars. To summarize, the webpage wants you to copy how the bars from the game look like then give you a better IV estimate. You also have to choose the Pokemon you are checking from the drop-down menu and input the value on the CP field. Click the Calculate button after information completion.

The Pokémon IV Calculator by Pokemon Go Info has instructions on the website if you need more information.

Pokémon IV vs CP: Which Is More Important?

To prioritize IVs over Combat Points (CP) or vice versa has been a debate in Pokémon Go strategy, so you should also understand the second power variable to get a concrete answer.

CP is the two-, three- or four-digit sum of a Pokémon’s base stats and IVs, with level taken into account. While CP also indicates the strength, two Pokémon of the same species and level can have nearly the same CP but have a wide IV margin.

For example, you have two Level 20 Pokémon of the same species. One has 1200 CP while the other has 1280 CP. Let’s say, they have hidden 7-7-7 and 15-15-15 IVs, respectively, or vice versa. With just CP information available, you might be missing out on the Pokémon that has the biggest growth potential among others of the same species.

To summarize, IV is the better indicator of a Pokémon’s true power compared to CP. This does not mean perfect IVs is the only ingredient for winning battles, though. Your Pokemon should have a strong move set to maximize attack and defense. Perfect IVs will just be useless if your Pokemon sticks to the weak basic tricks.

On the other hand, the two power variables and a Pokémon Go IV calculator would not matter that much for you if you are playing Pokémon Go just to catch ‘em all rather than to win it all against fellow trainers.

The Rise of the Pokémon Go IV Calculator

Just like how Pokémon Go hacks make gameplay better, knowing IVs helps players make the most of their strategies. As a result, many third-party Pokémon Go IV calculator or IV checker apps emerged through the years. This is even if some violate Niantic’s Terms and Conditions. Consequently, someone who uses a Pokémon Go IV calculator that accesses the game’s servers and accounts to get the information for evaluating IVs can get banned. The ban can happen in three strikes and be temporary or permanent.

The popularity of Pokémon Go IV calculator apps pushed Niantic to add an in-game IV checker in a 2016 Pokémon Go update. The feature is called Appraisal. Before, Appraisal is just your Pokemon Gym Leader Candela, Blanche, or Spark hinting that a Pokémon is good, mediocre, or bad. It has been improved since 2019 to include a graphical presentation.

Below are the steps on how to use the Pokémon Go IV calculator feature:

1. Tap the Main Menu icon from your game’s Map View.
2. Click the Pokémon option.
3. Select the specific Pokémon you want to appraise.
4. Access the Pokémon’s menu via the three-line icon.
5. Hit the clickable Appraise option.
6. Wait for your Gym Leader to appear onscreen.

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (12)

7. Estimate the IV via the star ranking seal and stat bar.
*Zero, two, and three stars stand for low, average, and high IV, respectively, while a red seal with three stars means perfect IV.


IV variations make Pokémon Go fun, particularly for hardcore gamers. Apps and websites that reveal IVs are here to stay, even if the Appraisal feature is already built into the game. In fact, players want the specific figures and complementary functions only a third-party Pokémon Go IV calculator can provide.

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I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of Pokémon Go and its mechanics, particularly the intricacies of Individual Values (IVs) and the various calculators available. My knowledge extends beyond the basics, and I've explored the nuances of IVs, their impact on Pokémon strength, and the significance of using third-party IV calculators.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article about Pokémon Go IV calculators:

  1. Individual Values (IVs):

    • IVs are hidden stats that affect a Pokémon's base attack, defense, and stamina or HP.
    • Each IV is a randomly generated number from 0 to 15.
    • IVs play a crucial role in determining a Pokémon's overall strength at its highest level.
  2. Pokémon Go IV Calculator:

    • These are third-party tools that help trainers assess the hidden IVs of their Pokémon.
    • IV calculators provide specific numbers for attack, defense, and stamina, unlike the in-game Appraisal feature.
    • They assist in determining the potential of a Pokémon in battles and competitions.
  3. Popular Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps:

    • Poke Genie:

      • Offers PvP IV analysis and is widely used for its versatility.
      • Operates as an overlay on the game without requiring account credentials.
    • Calcy IV:

      • Computes and predicts IVs, recommends monsters for raid bosses, and assists in renaming Pokémon.
      • Does not ask for account details, ensuring safety.
    • GoIV:

      • Overlays controls on the game, records Pokemon CP and level.
      • Open-source and safe for Android users.
    • PokeRater:

      • Requires only Pokémon stats screenshots for exact IV calculation.
      • User-friendly and free for iPhones.
    • PokeMeter:

      • An all-around Pokémon type calculator for iOS with batch processing capability.
    • IV Go:

      • Simple interface with easy input for Pokémon's name, CP, HP, and Stardust.
      • Available for both Android and iOS users.
    • Poke Assistant:

      • Beyond IV calculation, provides information on best attackers, defenders, and move sets.
      • Available for free on the App Store.
  4. Pokémon Go IV Calculator App Alternatives:

    • Websites like The Silph Road, GamePress, and Pokémon Go Info offer IV calculation without the need for app downloads.
    • They provide a safe and user-friendly alternative for both Android and iOS users.
  5. IV vs. CP Debate:

    • IVs are considered a better indicator of a Pokémon's true power compared to Combat Points (CP).
    • CP, while indicating strength, can vary widely among Pokémon of the same species and level due to different IVs.
  6. In-Game Appraisal Feature:

    • Niantic introduced the Appraisal feature in 2016, which evolved to include graphical presentation in 2019.
    • While it offers a basic assessment of a Pokémon's quality, third-party calculators provide more specific figures.
  7. Takeaway:

    • The popularity of third-party Pokémon Go IV calculators led to the addition of an in-game Appraisal feature by Niantic.
    • Players often prefer specific figures and additional functions offered by third-party calculators.

In conclusion, understanding IVs and utilizing reliable calculators enhances the strategic aspect of Pokémon Go, especially for players engaged in battles and competitions.

7 Best Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps Trainers Should Try (2024)


What is the best IV calculator for Pokémon GO? ›

Best pokemon go iv calculators for android
  • Poke Genie.
  • Calcy IV.
  • GoIV.
  • IVs & Damage Calculator.
  • IV Calculator for Pokémon GO.
  • PokeRater.
  • Offline IV Calc for Pokemon GO.
  • PokéFind.

What is the perfect IV number in Pokémon GO? ›

A 100% IV would mean that Attack, Defense and Stamina are all at 15. Everything below that works out to being a percentage of the maximum possible stat of 45. For example: A Gengar with 10 Attack, 10 Defense and 12 Stamina would have an IV of 71%.

What is the app that scans Pokémon GO IVs? ›

Smart IV is a FREE Pokémon GO IV scanner that seamlessly gives details about your Pokémon without leaving the game. 100% IV Checker tells if your Pokémon is 100% IV even before catching the Pokémon. Discover all Pokémon and their abilities within Smart IV.

What is the app that tells you how strong Pokémon are? ›

Poke Genie's "Power up/Evolution Simulator" feature shows you the exact CP and HP as well as the amount of dust and candies it costs for each power-up and evolution. Poke Genie calculates these based on your own Pokemon's IV to give you the most precise results.

How to know if a Pokémon is 100% IV? ›

Getting a 3-star ranking with a red emblem means that your Pokémon's IVs are perfect, while 3 stars with a gold emblem indicate IVs that are around 82% to 98% perfect. Check out apps like Poké Genie to get a more in-depth look at your Pokémon's IVs.

How accurate is Calcy IV? ›

Is Calcy IV precise? Yes, Calcy is as precise as any IV-calculator can get. It uses a very accurate arc-alignment formula to determine the level of your Pokemon.

How rare is a 100% IV Pokemon GO? ›

Though, the chances of a lucky Pokémon having 100 IV are 1 in 64 presently. Although you get only one chance in 4,096 chances to catch the high-rank character in Pokemon Go and the probability of finding perfect IVs is 0.0244% from a wild catch, you can do some research to improve your chances.

What does 3 * 4 * mean in Pokemon GO? ›

3-star means it's above 80%, so all three of the IVs are high. A perfect Pokemon (15-15-15 IVs) will be 3-star with a red background, which the game also counts as 4-star, so there's a search term for it (4*).

Can you get 6 perfect IVs? ›

Of the 12 IVs between both parents, the more 31s you have, the better odds you have of breeding your 5 or 6 perfect IV Pokémon.

What is the smart IV Pokémon app? ›

Smart IV is a free GO IV scanner that provides detailed information about your monsters without requiring you to leave the game. With this app, you can easily check the Individual Values (IV) of your Pokémon and determine their overall strength. One of the standout features of Smart IV is its 100% IV Checker.

How does Calcy IV work? ›

Calcy IV is a screenshot based IV calculator for Pokemon GO which is safe to use. You can either use AutoScan and Calcy will do everything automatically or you can use the click to scan mode: Go to a monster screen (with CP, HP, and POWER-UP cost in it). Tap the C-IV button.

Is there a Pokemon Go cheat app? ›

Pokemon Go Cheat Apps for Android

PGSharp is an excellent pick for Android users. This third-party application offers exceptional features like GPS spoofing, location simulation, etc.

Which is the no. 1 powerful Pokémon? ›

Arceus. By far the most naturally powerful Legendary Pokémon, with 720 points, Arceus is the closest thing the Poké-world has to a God – and as such, has powers you won't find with any other. These include Multitype, allowing it to change forms at will, telepathy, and the ability to control other Legendary Pokémon.

What is the strongest Pokémon in Pokemon Go app? ›

Pokémon Go Best Attackers Tier List
RankPokémonBest vs.
1MewtwoPretty much everything except Dark and Steel-types
2KartanaWater, Ground and Rock
3ReshiramGrass, Ice, Bug and Steel
4TerrakionNormal, Ice, Rock, Dark and Steel
6 more rows
Dec 18, 2023

What is acceptable IV in Pokémon GO? ›

How To Check A Pokémon's IVs In Pokémon GO
ValorMysticIV Range
Overall, your Pokémon is a strong Pokémon. You should be proud!Overall, your Pokémon has certainly caught my attention.66 - 80%
Overall, your Pokémon is a decent Pokémon.Overall, your Pokémon is above average.51 - 65%
2 more rows

How to calculate IV percentage in Pokémon GO? ›

This percentage is calculated by adding together the three values, then dividing by 45. For example, if you have a Blastoise with IVs of 15-13-11 (attack-defense-stamina), its perfection percentage is 86.7%. 15+13+11 = 39, and 39/45 = . 866.

Are IV checkers allowed in Pokémon GO? ›

When you exactly want to know the IVs of your Pokemon or want to run some IV calculations, you need a Pokemon Go IV Checker. However, be careful of which Pokemon IV chart or Pokemon Go IV rater you install because some of them are against the Pokemon Go terms of service and may cause a ban on your account.

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.