6 Steps for Developing Effective Risk Management Strategies | LogicGate Risk Cloud (2024)

Every organization needs a system to manage risks and prevent operational, reputational, or financial damage. And just as there are many different risks, there are many different ways to manage them.

Navigating these challenges requires leveraging a variety of risk management strategies. In this article, we'll discuss strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate risks so you can better protect organizational assets, build stakeholder trust, and enhance operational resiliency.

What are risk management strategies, and why are they important?

Risk management strategies are the methodologies, processes, and actions that companies use to identify, assess, and effectively respond to risks. Using consistent, proven risk management techniques gives you a system for understanding the risks your organization faces and evaluating their likelihood of occurrence and potential impact, so you can implement appropriate measures to mitigate them.

Having risk management strategies in place is crucial for several reasons:

You'll have a more secure organization

Properly managing risks protects an organization's physical assets, intellectual property, data, and reputation. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities and putting controls in place, companies can strengthen their security posture and minimize the likelihood and impact of potential threats.

You'll be able to catch risks before they cause problems

Good risk management strategies enable organizations to raise red flags when potential risks are identified. By proactively monitoring and assessing risks, organizations can act to prevent, mitigate, or eliminate risks before they become significant issues. This proactive approach helps avoid costly disruptions, errors, or operational failures.

You'll have a healthier bottom line

Solid risk management protects your organization from financial loss, fines, penalties, and reputational damage from risk events. Implementing appropriate controls and mitigants reduces the frequency and severity of risk events, safeguards financial stability, and preserves your company’s reputation and revenue.

Your customers, clients, and investors will trust you more

Good risk management practices assure your customers, clients, and investors that your company is diligent in identifying and managing potential risks. Proactive and comprehensive risk management helps organizations build trust, foster stronger relationships, and attract more customers and investors, leading to increased revenue and growth opportunities.

You'll have better operational resiliency

Robust risk management strategies help organizations respond more effectively to crises and disruptions. Anticipating potential risks and enacting contingency plans enhances your organization's overall resilience and agility. Your company can minimize the impact of adverse events, better maintain business continuity, and recover more quickly from disruptions.

Who should develop and own risk management strategies?

Risk management is a collaborative process that requires input from many different perspectives and areas of expertise. Developing and owning risk management strategies should involve multiple departments, teams, and stakeholders within your company. The following groups typically play key roles in the development and implementation of risk management strategies:

  • Senior leadership: The board and senior executives are responsible for setting a culture of risk management. They define risk management objectives and provide oversight to ensure effective risk management practices throughout the organization.
  • Risk management department: Risk management professionals have specialized knowledge and expertise in risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and monitoring. They play a critical role in developing and implementing risk management strategies.
  • IT and cybersecurity teams: With cyber threats and attacks on the rise, these teams are crucial to managing technological and cybersecurity risks, protecting sensitive data, and ensuring the resilience of information systems.
  • Legal and compliance teams: Legal and compliance professionals provide expertise in regulatory compliance, contractual obligations, and legal risks, ensuring that risk management strategies align with legal requirements.
  • Finance and accounting teams: These teams help assess financial risks, implement internal controls, and monitor financial performance to identify potential risks or irregularities.
  • Human resources teams: HR teams manage internal risks related to employee well-being, talent management, and compliance with labor laws and regulations.

How to develop a risk management strategy

Developing a risk management strategy involves a systematic and iterative process. The following six-step process can help your organization better identify, assess, and respond to any risk.

1. Identify the risks your organization faces

This first step is all about gaining a deep enough understanding of your business to know where the pitfalls exist and collaborating cross-functionally to identify them all. Consider reverse engineering past risk events to identify their root causes and causal factors and keep a close eye on industry-specific risks and emerging trends.

Key to this step is a consistent approach and systematic documentation of findings, as once risks are identified, they must be periodically reassessed to ensure they’ve been addressed appropriately.

2. Assign levels of severity to risks

Once risks are identified, the next step is to assign levels of severity to each risk to prioritize mitigation. You’ll want to consider factors such as the likelihood of the risk event occurring, the potential impact or outcome if it does occur, the time frame in which the risk event might happen, and the causal factors that can trigger the risk event.

Here are some terms to help your team discuss your risks and determine their levels of severity:

  • Risk event: An event that, if realized, might cause unexpected results
  • Risk factors: Events that might trigger the risk event
  • Risk probability: The likelihood of the risk event happening
  • Risk impact: The potential outcome of the risk event
  • Risk timeframe: The time period during which the risk event might occur and result in unexpected outcomes

Using risk quantification to tie risk to business impact

Risk quantification is a valuable technique to measure and quantify risks so you can gauge their potential impact on your business. Risk quantification removes the ambiguity from risk assessments by using the data from the prior step and converting it into clear monetary values or similar data-driven metrics. As a result, your organization can better prioritize and allocate resources to address the most critical risks first.

Risk quantification technology like LogicGate’s Risk Cloud Quantify® can help you quantify risk more easily. These tools let you move beyond qualitative assessments and drive better decision-making through:

  • Greater transparency on how results are generated
  • Deployment of quantitative analyses alongside existing qualitative assessments
  • Visualization of quantified risk in individual risk scenarios or across business units and product lines
  • Linkage of quantified scenarios to risks, controls, assets, or any other object in Risk Cloud

3. Develop plans to mitigate risk

After assessing risks and determining the most critical ones, organizations can develop mitigation plans. There are several approaches to risk mitigation:

Avoid risk

An avoidance strategy eliminates the chance of a risk posing a threat or becoming a reality at all. This can be done by changing processes, adopting alternative strategies that do not include the risk in question, or discontinuing certain activities. One example is eliminating the risk of an employee inappropriately sharing confidential information by limiting or withholding employee access, even if that access could lead to efficiencies. Or, if a particular market or product poses significant risks with limited return potential, the organization may choose to avoid entering that market altogether.

Risk avoidance is an effective risk mitigation strategy when there are limited strategic benefits from taking on a particular risk, even though it also precludes your organization from realizing the benefits of that activity.

Accept risk

In some cases, organizations may accept certain risks if the potential impact is low or if the cost of mitigation outweighs the benefits. This is often the case for risks inherent to the industry or business operations. One example of this is a critical third-party relationship, where changes to operations, pricing, or delivery terms could significantly impact your business. Although risk can partially be mitigated through contractual terms, you may decide the benefits of the relationship outweigh the residual risk and choose to simply accept it.

Transfer risk

Organizations can transfer risk to external parties through contracts, insurance, or other risk-sharing mechanisms. For example, purchasing cybersecurity insurance can help transfer the financial risk associated with a data breach to an insurance provider.

Mitigate risk

Risk mitigation involves enacting measures to reduce the likelihood or impact of a risk event. This can include implementing security controls, establishing redundancy in critical systems, conducting employee training programs, or enhancing internal controls.

4. Monitor controls for effectiveness

Whichever strategy you choose, monitoring and evaluating your company’s controls is a must to ensure the effectiveness of your risk mitigation measures. This process involves conducting regular and scheduled assessments of the performance of any implemented controls, conducting internal audits, and seeking feedback from employees and stakeholders. Identified gaps or weaknesses should be assigned to the appropriate risk owner and addressed promptly to strengthen or maintain the effectiveness of risk management strategies.

5. Communicate risk

It’s crucial to ensure that everyone across the organization knows where your risks exist and understands their potential impact, but communicating risk in a way that’s relevant, contextualized, and digestible for all stakeholders can be a challenge. Organizations should develop clear and concise risk reports and communication channels that inform and support better decision-making.

As you gather data and determine how to report your risks, consider what information is relevant to specific stakeholders to help them understand identified risks, mitigation measures, and the overall risk landscape. For executives and board members, you may choose to report risks rolled up across the organization or under specific categories. For employees, clients, and others, their specific role and responsibilities may help you decide what risks are relevant to share.

No matter who your audience is, you should strive to keep your communications and reports clear and concise. Socialize commonly used risk management terms ahead of time, and stick to simple visualizations, charts, and short lists when reporting.

6. Continuously assess and adjust strategies and plans

Developing risk management strategies is never a “one-and-done” type of task. Organizations must continuously reassess their risk landscape, monitor emerging risks, and adjust strategies and plans accordingly.

Regular reviews and updates of your risk management frameworks ensure your organization can adapt and respond to changing risk dynamics. And as your business grows and matures, you may want to expand or shift your risk management approach. Continuous review ensures your risk management approach is effective.

Developing and implementing risk management strategies with GRC technology

Modern governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) platforms, like LogicGate’s Risk Cloud®, can help you systematically design, build, and implement risk management strategies like those described above.

Risk Cloud offers features such as centralized risk registers, automated workflows, real-time reporting, and analytics to streamline and enhance your risk management processes. By leveraging GRC technology, organizations can better understand their risk landscape, improve collaboration among stakeholders, and strengthen their overall risk management capabilities.

Techniques for improving risk management strategies

In addition to developing risk management strategies, organizations can leverage various tactics and best practices to enhance their risk management practices. From simulations to stress-testing, there are many ways to ensure you stay on top of your risk management game:

Wargaming and experimentation

Often, risk managers assume that future conditions will look like a deterioration of existing conditions, leading them to underestimate or miss the risks they face. Conducting tabletop exercises, simulations, and scenario-based hypothesizing allows organizations to understand how different and alternative risk scenarios can unfold. This technique can then inform planning, identify potential gaps in response capabilities, and improve decision-making in high-stress and uncertain situations.

SWOT analysis

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis can be applied to risk management to identify and assess risks comprehensively. Organizations can gain a holistic view of their risks by evaluating internal strengths and weaknesses alongside external opportunities and threats and developing targeted mitigation strategies. This exercise is best done collaboratively across departments to ensure your SWOT analysis is comprehensive.

Retrospective analysis

Analyzing past risk events through post-mortems and retrospective analysis gives valuable insights into the effectiveness of your risk management strategies. By identifying lessons learned and areas for improvement, you can enhance your company’s risk mitigation plans and response protocols to respond more effectively.

Analyzing available or bespoke data

There's a lot of data out there. Use it to your advantage to create key risk indicators for anticipating and intercepting risk. Data collected from surveys, product usage data, historical incident data, market trends, and industry benchmarks can help you create key risk indicators. The same data can provide valuable insights for risk management and inform decision-making processes such as committing to new products.

Vulnerability scanning and stress-testing

In contexts such as cybersecurity, banking, and finance, vulnerability scanning and stress-testing are valuable techniques to help you identify areas of operational weakness. With cyberattacks and breaches on the rise – the average data breach cost $9.4 million in 2022 and attacks on software supply chains expected to triple between 2021 to 2025 – it’s essential to have a risk management strategy in place to maintain operational security and resilience.

Vulnerability scanning helps identify weaknesses in systems and infrastructure, while stress testing involves subjecting critical processes to extreme scenarios to assess their resilience and identify potential risks.

Business continuity planning

Business continuity planning (BCP) involves developing strategies and protocols to ensure the organization can continue operating during a disruption. Organizations can minimize the impact of unforeseen events by identifying critical functions, establishing backup plans, testing response mechanisms, and maintaining business continuity.

Risk Cloud’s Operational Resiliency solution can help you plan for and recover from disruptive events faster by centralizing business continuity and response planning. Its out-of-the-box workflows and checklists help you identify and track critical functions, systems, and disruptions from one location so you can mitigate and minimize your risks.

Leverage external advisors

Many people have been in the risk situations you're trying to avoid or exploit before, and there's no harm in asking those people for advice or counsel. Seeking advice from external advisors with experience in specific risk domains or industries can provide valuable insights and perspectives. These advisors can offer valuable guidance on emerging risks, industry best practices, and strategies for effective risk management.

Develop leading risk management strategies with Risk Cloud

Navigating the complexities of the modern business landscape requires robust risk management strategies and a system for orchestrating them all.

Risk Cloud empowers organizations to develop, implement, and continuously improve risk management strategies at any scale or stage. In addition, easily customizable workflows and a no-code interface can help you enhance your security posture and adapt to an ever-changing risk landscape.

Explore LogicGate’s Risk Cloud platform to discover how it can help your organization achieve effective risk management.


6 Steps for Developing Effective Risk Management Strategies | LogicGate Risk Cloud (1)


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6 Steps for Developing Effective Risk Management Strategies | LogicGate Risk Cloud (2024)


What are the 6 steps of the risk management process? ›

  • Step 1: Hazard identification. This is the process of examining each work area and work task for the purpose of identifying all the hazards which are “inherent in the job”. ...
  • Step 2: Risk identification.
  • Step 3: Risk assessment.
  • Step 4: Risk control. ...
  • Step 5: Documenting the process. ...
  • Step 6: Monitoring and reviewing.

What are the 6 risk control measures used to Minimise risk? ›

Below is the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's Hierarchy of Controls—composed of elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and PPE—that can help guide you in the process of formulating your organization's risk control measures.

What steps are used to develop a risk management plan and strategies? ›

Follow these steps to create a risk management plan that's tailored for your business.
  • Identify risks. What are the risks to your business? ...
  • Assess the risks. ...
  • Minimise or eliminate risks. ...
  • Assign responsibility for tasks. ...
  • Develop contingency plans. ...
  • Communicate the plan and train your staff. ...
  • Monitor for new risks.
Jan 4, 2023

What are the 7 steps of the risk management process? ›

The RMF is a now a seven-step process as illustrated below:
  • Step 1: Prepare. ...
  • Step 2: Categorize Information Systems. ...
  • Step 3: Select Security Controls. ...
  • Step 4: Implement Security Controls. ...
  • Step 5: Assess Security Controls. ...
  • Step 6: Authorize Information System. ...
  • Step 7: Monitor Security Controls.
Jun 1, 2022

What is step 6 of the risk management framework? ›

The 6 RMF Steps. The six steps of the RMF process (Categorize, Select, Implement, Assess, Authorize and Monitor), as shown in the diagram above, are briefly explained below to help you understand the overall process.

What are the six categories of risk management? ›

Organizations can take several approaches to assess risks—quantitative, qualitative, semi-quantitative, asset-based, vulnerability-based, or threat-based.

What are the six 6 main steps of controlling a hazard? ›

When we look at control measures we often refer to the hierarchy of control measures.
  • Eliminate the hazard. ...
  • Substitute the hazard with a lesser risk. ...
  • Isolate the hazard. ...
  • Use engineering controls. ...
  • Use administrative controls. ...
  • Use personal protective equipment.

What are the 6 hierarchy of risk control from most to least effective? ›

They are arranged from the most to least effective and include elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment. Often, you'll need to combine control methods to best protect workers.

What are the basic risk management strategies? ›

Five common strategies for managing risk are avoidance, retention, transferring, sharing, and loss reduction. Each technique aims to address and reduce risk while understanding that risk is impossible to eliminate completely.

What are the steps for risk management framework? ›

What are the 5 Steps in the Risk Management Framework?
  • Step 1: Identify. The first step is to identify the specific cause of the risk and determine who or what will be affected by it. ...
  • Step 2: Analyze. ...
  • Step 3: Respond. ...
  • Step 4: Monitor. ...
  • Step 5: Review & Update.
Sep 4, 2023

What are the 6 steps to risk management? ›

The 6 steps of project risk management
  • Identify. To identify risks, create a project risk management plan by putting together a list of all potential project risk events. ...
  • Analyze. For each risk you've identified, analyze the likelihood, severity, and response plan. ...
  • Prioritize. ...
  • Assign. ...
  • Monitor. ...
  • Respond.
Feb 10, 2024

What are the 6 steps of NIST? ›

The NIST management framework is a culmination of multiple special publications (SP) produced by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) - as we'll see below, the 6 NIST RMF Steps; Step 1: Categorize/ Identify, Step 2: Select, Step 3: Implement, Step 4: Assess, Step 5: Authorize and Step 6: Monitor, ...

What is the correct order of the 6 steps in the incident management process? ›

The Incident Response Process
  • Preparation. In the case of a cyber attack, the incident response team needs to be fully prepared. ...
  • Identification. Identification is the detection of malicious activity. ...
  • Containment. ...
  • Eradication. ...
  • Recovery. ...
  • Lessons Learned.

What are the six phases of the risk identification lifecycle? ›

Six phases comprise the project risk identification lifecycle. These include creating a statement template, conducting a SWOT analysis, researching risks, reviewing internal and external risks, cross-checking risks, and creating a final risk statement.

How many steps are there in a risk assessment protocol 6? ›

Below are the five steps to risk assessment, as outlined by the HSE. These steps should be adhered to when creating a risk assessment. Workplace hazards can come in many forms, such as physical, mental, chemical, and biological, to name just a few.

What are the six steps in the hierarchy of control? ›

They are arranged from the most to least effective and include elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls and personal protective equipment. Often, you'll need to combine control methods to best protect workers.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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