6 Reasons You Should Invest in UX Research | Maze (2024)

If you ask most folks around a business whether they think UX research is important, the majority will say yes. But believing in the value of research, and investing in it are two different things—with very different roadblocks to overcome.

While almost all product folks know you should invest in research, securing budget and getting buy-in from around the business is another story.

UX research is how you get inside your user’s mind. It helps you build user-centric designs that meet actual user needs. It’s how you replace intuition with insights to save time, money, and effort when pursuing your business goals.

With 62% of product professionals saying the demand for user research has increased in the past 12 months, and 75% planning to scale research even further next year, the time for sitting on the fence is over.

Ready to better understand your user?

Uncovering user insights is quick and easy with Maze’s extensive research methods and intuitive design.

6 Reasons You Should Invest in UX Research | Maze (1)

6 Reasons You Should Invest in UX Research | Maze (2)6 Reasons You Should Invest in UX Research | Maze (3)

What types of businesses should invest in UX research?

Unsurprisingly, the answer is all businesses should invest in UX research.

Maybe you’re a founder of a startup taking your first product to market and need to validate product-market fit and ensure your end product adequately meets your target audience’s needs.

Perhaps you’re a small business trying to understand why sales are slowly falling month after month.

Or you could be in a product team at a global enterprise, looking to get stakeholder buy-in before launching new features to outpace your competitors.

UX research unlocks value for all business, regardless of scale, product, or customer. UX research is how you identify what users want, and ensure you design and deploy the right features, rather than wasting time and money on the wrong ones.

It doesn’t need to start big, but it needs to start. No matter the size of your business, if you’re not running UX research you’re missing out on valuable user insights that can help improve decision-making across your organization. From product design to sales and marketing—understanding your users enables you to build user-centric experiences that focus on meeting and exceeding customer needs.

Why all businesses should invest in UX research: Save time, money, and effort

Insights trump intuition, every single time.

In short, UX research saves you time, money, and effort by giving you insights into what users really want, instead of relying on educated guesses. Intuition and ideas are valuable assets to a product team, but they only get you so far. You need data-backed insights to ensure you’re making informed decisions every time.

Investing in UX research can be a big step for businesses, but it’s well worth it. Here are six reasons why investing in UX research should be a priority for your organization.

1. Investing in UX research reduces wasted time and development costs

There’s no denying that the biggest reason for investing in UX research is just how much time and money it can save you. It’s a simple calculation:

  • UX research = understand what users want = build what users want = user engagement = profit


  • No UX research = not understand what users want = build what you think users want (or, worse, what you want to build) = lack of users = no profit

When you conduct user research upfront, you ’re able to validate or reject ideas and designs before spending time, effort, and money developing them. UX research asks users what they want, instead of presuming what they want—saving you valuable resources. Investing early on avoids developing and deploying designs that simply don’t meet user needs.

Depending on the size of your organization and product functionality, building the wrong thing can cost anywhere from several thousand dollars, to several million. Not only is this wasted money, but it’s a huge amount of wasted time that could have been invested building something your users actually want to see.

Without investing in UX research, at least 50% of your development team’s time is spent doing entirely avoidable reworks. Your developers—whether in-house or external—are expensive, and their time is incredibly valuable. Moving un-tested designs into development will cost you more in post-production than if you’d invested in UX research to build the right thing the first time around.

💡 Curious about how much you could save with UX research?
This free online Product Waste Calculator shows how much money your organization may be throwing away on the wrong products.

2. Investing in UX research creates and retains loyal customers

Another benefit of investing in UX research is that it’s crucial for creating (and keeping!) loyal customers. Why? Two reasons:

  • UX research indicates to users that you care about their wants, needs, and pains
  • UX research enables you to continually deliver on those wants, needs, and pains

The result? Users get the products they expect, while feeling they’re involved in the process, and valued by you—improving the customer experience, increasing customer satisfaction and NPS scores.

Let’s say you send out a customer feedback survey, and users repeatedly highlight a new feature they’d like. Not only does this investment in UX research help inform your UX roadmap, but it ultimately helps you create a more user-centered product and increase customer loyalty.

By making decisions and developing features off the back of feedback, you show users they’re valued and listened to, cultivating positive user <> product relationships and nurturing loyalty.

3. Investing in UX research attracts and converts new customers

88% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know above all other forms of marketing. In a world of fake news and AI-generated marketing, human-to-human recommendations are gold dust for reaching new users.

While a less direct link than others on this list, investing in UX research unequivocally attracts and converts new users.

We know that UX research boosts to user loyalty, and interwoven with your loyal customers is the much-lauded brand advocate.

If you’re investing in UX research and acting on insights, your existing users become brand advocates, who recommend your product or services to others. This increases acquisition organically, reducing the amount you spend on costly acquisition campaigns.

But, that’s not all—UX research also enables you to investigate and optimize the journey people undertake before converting to new customers. By conducting surveys, interviews, and usability testing, you can ascertain what works and what doesn’t when it comes to attracting and converting new customers.

Your existing customers were all once prospects, meaning they have unique insights into what motivated their conversion to paying customers—and what doubts they had along the way. You can then use these customer insights to improve the acquisition process for future customers.

4. Investing in UX research builds better products and customer experiences

Okay, this one feels somewhat obvious, but we can’t go without mentioning it: the undebatable truth of UX research and design is that it’s the key to building better products, and—by extension—better customer experiences.

User research unlocks value in many ways, from guiding overarching strategic direction and product discovery to delving into the nitty-gritty with specific usability issues.

The plethora of UX research methods that are available to you and your team make uncovering decision-driving insights easy at all stages of the design and product development process. Whether you have a specific focus or are just looking for insights to help guide your decisions, there’s a UX research method to help you.

Just a few ways different methods can help are:

  • Product discovery identifies if new features or products could benefit your users
  • Concept testing validates ideas with real users before you begin building
  • User interviews provides first-hand insights from users and digs into sentiment
  • Prototype testing helps assess functionality and confirm your designs are on track
  • Card sorting uncovers the way your users think about and understand content
  • Tree testing reveals the ideal way to structure your information architecture
  • Usability testing reviews usability before and after launch to ensure smooth UX
  • UX surveys quickly gather insights and feedback in a versatile technique

6 Reasons You Should Invest in UX Research | Maze (4)6 Reasons You Should Invest in UX Research | Maze (5)

Of course, this is just an example. The truth is, UX research methods are versatile, and can be applied at many stages of the UX design process. There’s no rulebook for using UX research methods throughout the product development process—they’re tools to provide guidance and direction as and when you need them.

5. Investing in UX research enables better decision-making across the organization

UX research doesn’t just impact users—it benefits your wider organization by creating a user-centered culture and generating atomic research nuggets you can store in your research repository and use across the team. For example, insights uncovered during user research can help:

  • The marketing team adjust their messaging to highlight features that existing customers note as crucial in their decision to convert
  • The sales team engage differently with prospects depending on the features and functionalities identified for their use case and pain points
  • The support team improve how they handle issues and create documentation on common problems and queries

While UX research and design is a strong asset for crafting wonderful online experiences for our clients, it is also a strong asset to help optimize internal processes and tools.

Geoffrey Crofte, Senior UX Lead at Groupe Foyer

The insights discovered through user research can inform and optimize your day-to-day decision-making, but they also have the potential to shape your entire growth strategy. UX research can guide you toward the best way forward—whether we’re talking about something as simple as updating a button, or as impactful as navigating uncertainty in your business and industry.

Need more reason to invest in UX research? Check out our up-to-date selection of 30+ UX statistics on the state of UX in 2024.

6. Investing in UX research keeps you competitive

Last, but by no means least, UX research keeps you competitive. One way is by engaging in competitive product analysis to monitor the competition and benchmark your product.

Investing in UX research also ensures you’ve got your finger on the pulse of UX research trends and what customers want next. By continuously talking to users and understanding their needs, you’ll find that you uncover opportunities for innovation that competitors haven’t yet identified.

For example, consider the case of AI. It’s making its way into every industry—and we’re not surprised. AI has the power to automate and optimize tasks like nothing we’ve seen before. But, applying AI to your own products isn’t straightforward. With thousands of applications, knowing where to focus your efforts is crucial for gaining a competitive advantage over others in your industry.

Conducting UX research—like interviewing users and running feedback surveys—helps you identify the ways that you can harness the power of AI in UX design. Of course, user feedback doesn’t tell you exactly what to do—but with this feedback and your team’s knowledge, you’re more likely to build the solutions people need before anybody else does.

💡 Hear from your users with Maze AI.
Optimize your surveys with the Perfect Question, effortlessly add Dynamic Follow-Up questions to dig deeper, and get high-level trends to uncover insights faster.

The benefits of UX research, and the number one reason why you should invest in it, boil down to this: it puts your users at the heart of product decision-making. If you don’t build products, features, and experiences that customers actually want, they’ll leave. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow—but when they see that your competitors care more about their experience than you do, they’ll jump ship.

Start small, and let UX research guide you to bigger things

The benefits of UX research can’t be overstated. It takes the guesswork out of building a product and experience that users love, and gets your customers involved in your development and growth, making them more invested in your success.

Getting started can be simple, too. You don’t need a ten-person team or all the UX books and knowledge in the world—you just need the desire to build a user-centric mindset and a UX research tool to begin.

Maze’s suite of UX research methods facilitates all types of UX research, and automated, visual-rich reports make sharing your findings fast and useful for the whole team. There’s an option for every UX team, including a forever-free plan for those who are just dipping their toes into the ocean of UX research.

Ready to better understand your user?

Uncovering user insights is quick and easy with Maze’s extensive research methods and intuitive design.

6 Reasons You Should Invest in UX Research | Maze (6)

6 Reasons You Should Invest in UX Research | Maze (7)6 Reasons You Should Invest in UX Research | Maze (8)

Frequently asked questions about investing in UX research

Is it worth investing in UX research in 2024?

Absolutely, it’s worth investing in UX research in 2024. Investing in UX research saves you time, money, and energy by giving you an understanding of what users really want. It enables you to act on insights instead of intuition, ensuring you make decisions that align with customer wants and needs.

Why is UX research important?

UX research is how you create products and experiences that your users love. Without user insights, you’re making crucial decisions based on guesswork. UX research helps save on development costs, increase customer retention and acquisition, remain competitive, and guide decision-making.

What’s the ROI of UX research and design?

Forrester previously reported that every $1 invested in UX yields a return of $100. That’s a return on investment of 9,900%. Although this study is old, it gives you an idea of the ROI of UX.

6 Reasons You Should Invest in UX Research | Maze (2024)


Why should you invest in UX? ›

Increase Customer Retention

A good UX can do the same job as a smart salesman: making sure that customers keep coming back. Powerful UX designs can reduce bounce rates significantly, since the elements of the webpage can be restructured to make users want to stay on your website a little longer.

What are the benefits of UX research? ›

UX research unlocks value for all business, regardless of scale, product, or customer. UX research is how you identify what users want, and ensure you design and deploy the right features, rather than wasting time and money on the wrong ones. It doesn't need to start big, but it needs to start.

Why pursue UX research? ›

Using effective UX research, you can root out bias or assumptions, and follow real human behavior to inform product decisions. According to Sinéad, you should consider these questions early in the design process: “What are your assumptions?”

Which of the following is a benefit of UX research? ›

UX research helps brands and organizations to:

Evaluate and optimize prototypes and ideas based on UX research discoveries – and nail the design and experience early in a product's life cycle. Unearth new customer needs and business opportunities.

Why is UX so important? ›

The user experience (UX) of a website or application is crucial to the success of any digital product. It determines how well users can navigate, find what they need, and accomplish their goals.

What is the impact of UX research? ›

UX research should help shape your company's strategy and product lineup. Here's what to look for: Product Changes: How often does research lead to updates or new features? Portfolio Changes: Are you adding or changing products based on research?

What is the goal of UX research? ›

What are the goals of UX Research? Broadly speaking, UX research is concerned with foregrounding human experiences to better understand how to design better tools, processes and procedures that impact everyday life.

What is interesting about UX research? ›

UX research helps designers understand their users' needs, behaviors, attitudes and how they interact with a product or service. Research helps identify usability problems, gather feedback on design concepts, and validate design decisions.

Why does UX research excite you? ›

We peek into other people's lives

The insights from talking to real people and getting into people's lives, thoughts, and motivations are always fascinating and useful. We peek into other people's lives with the intention of making an impact on users' lives in a tangible way.

Why are you passionate about UX research? ›

Good answer:

I'm interested in UX Research because I enjoy uncovering human-centered design insights and using data to inform user experiences. I find it rewarding to see how my work can directly impact a user's interaction with a product or service.

Why is a UX research plan important? ›

Stakeholder alignment: creating a detailed UX research plan can help align all key stakeholders. This guides everyone toward the same goal, provides clarity for objectives, ensures teams don't work in silos, and helps the whole organization work together to improve the customers' user experience.

What is the value of UX research? ›

You cannot create a great user experience without understanding target users or their needs. User research is one of the most essential components of user experience design. User research will help shape your product and define the guidelines for delivering a good experience for your users.

What is the positive impact of UX design? ›

Business benefits of exceptional UX

Enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty: Exceptional UX leads to more enjoyable and fulfilling user experiences, increasing the likelihood of users becoming loyal customers and brand advocates. This loyalty translates into repeat business and a stronger brand reputation.

What is the role of UX research? ›

UX researcher roles and responsibilities

The main UX research respoinsibilities are to listen to the users, gather data from them, and translate it into valuable information for the design team.

Is it worth getting into UX? ›

UX design is a competitive field. It's also one with a lot of many exciting opportunities for career growth and specialization. Creativity, human-centricity, and remote work possibilities all continue to make this an attractive career path pursue.

Why are UX designers in high demand? ›

Outside of the traditional tech sector, UX hiring is growing—especially in finance, medical tech, and government. With the rise of UX bootcamps, there's an increase in the number of candidates applying for junior UX jobs. However, top-quality candidates are hard to come by. Differentiation is more important than ever!

How does UX provide value? ›

UX Design adds value and is important because it strives to fulfil users' needs; aiming to provide positive experiences that keep users and customers loyal to the product, service or brand.

Why does UX pay so much? ›

In most of the cases, UX Designers have higher business value since they design the entire projects, hence are paid more than Programmers. Early input in the solution cycle: Designers have the input in the solution cycle earlier than programmers.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.