6 Reasons Why Every Website Should Have an FAQ Page (2024)

When someone has questions about your business, chances are they head to your website to search for answers. They hunt around on your homepage, then your service/product pages, and maybe even your about page.

But what if you could give them one intuitive page to go to, where all answers to common questions live? That’s the value of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

No matter the size of your business, having an FAQ that’s easily accessible, organized, and value-rich can really pay off.

Whether you’re already considering adding an FAQ page, or you’re in the early stages of learning about their benefits, this article shares 6 important reasons why every business should include an FAQ page on their website. It also offers examples and tips to get you started.

Let’s dive in.

What is a Website FAQ Page?

FAQ stands for ‘frequently asked questions’. An FAQ page is a page on a website that provides an organized list of questions and answers that are commonly asked of the business.

These can be questions and answers about products or services, how to get in touch, what the refund policy is, and so on.

An FAQs page is a useful tool that provides quick value to your visitors, lets them know you understand their questions and concerns, and sets you apart as a customer-centric business. When done right, it can also bring SEO value to your website.

As a quick example, here’s what our FAQ page looks like:

Since your FAQs deal with very specific information about your business, taking time to identify what information is valuable to your visitors will go a long way.

You can also solicit the help of a copywriter to hone in on what messages you should be conveying, while also keeping your copy concise and reader friendly.

Why is an FAQ Page Important?

The importance of an FAQ page on a website can’t be overstated. Despite being one of the most overlooked pages, it can deliver great results.

Since your visitors will most likely have questions about your products or services, an FAQ page is a great place to passively answer the most common ones. This way, no matter when or where, your visitors can find what they’re looking for without having to contact you or go digging.

An FAQ page also benefits your business by:

  • Improving your visitors’ experience
  • Demonstrating that you’re a customer-centric business
  • Reducing your time and costs to answer individual questions
  • Helping to qualify leads and potential customers
  • Encouraging visitors to explore additional content and increasing their time-on-page
  • Increasing your online visibility
  • Improving your SEO and bringing in new online traffic
  • Increasing conversions and sales

If that’s not enough to convince you to add an FAQ page to your website today, let’s do a deeper dive into 6 of these benefits.

6 Ways Your Website (and Business) Can Benefit from an FAQ Page

If you’re looking to increase traffic to your website, SEO is probably on your mind. SEO works like this: when someone enters a search term into Google, Google returns a list of results it thinks will be most helpful for the person. Often, what people enter is in the form of a question.

By adding an FAQ page to your website, you’re providing additional content in the form of questions and answers for Google to crawl. If done right, you’ve just increased your chances of showing up in search results when someone Googles one of the questions you’ve answered.

SEO is a complex thing (to learn more about how SEO works, check out our blog post How to SEO Optimize Your WordPress Website), but having an FAQ page can stack the odds in your favour.

Tip: Trying to come up with questions for your FAQs page? Do research on commonly asked questions in your industry by inputting various questions into Google, and take note of what pops up in the “More Questions” section on the first page of the results.

2. An FAQ page helps visitors explore your website

There’s nothing worse than a website that’s confusing, cluttered or unhelpful. In fact, if this is what your website is, visitors will click away faster than you can say “bounce rate.”

Not only that, but crawlers won’t understand how to properly index your website, meaning your website may not rank very well when it comes to SEO. (See how this all connects?)

An FAQ page can help guide your visitors to where they need to go – quickly and easily. Given that your visitors will already have come to your website with common questions, the ability to click right to the answers will help move them along to where they need to go.

Tip: When you’re preparing your FAQ page, don’t hesitate to hyperlink to appropriate pages within your website. Thoughtful internal linking is good for SEO, plus it encourages users to continue exploring your website, which in turn increases their time-on-page and decreases bounce rate (again, all good for SEO).

3. An FAQ page shows you care about your customers and respect their time

No one wants to go on a wild goose chase to find simple information. By including an FAQ page on your website, you’re showing your customers that you value their time and are ready to help.

Additionally, your FAQs demonstrate you’ve taken the time to get to know your customers, understand their concerns, and anticipate their questions before they ask.

A good FAQ page functions as a one-stop, self-serve shop – saving time for everyone. This creates a positive visitor experience, and ideally more leads.

Tip: Use your FAQ as a first touchpoint to share and summarize important information for potential customers. This creates clearer expectations and a quicker lead qualification process.

4. An FAQ increases your chances of being selected by Google for a Featured Snippet

A featured snippet is a highlighted excerpt of text that appears at the top of a Google query results page. This is known as “Position 0,” and provides users with a quick answer to their query.

Here’s an example:

6 Reasons Why Every Website Should Have an FAQ Page (2)

Click-throughs on Featured Snippets are often much higher than other search results, even those that rank high.

Since, as we mentioned earlier, many search inputs are questions, the crossover of user inputs and your FAQ is very high. If you answer their question and it shows in Snippets, you’ve established yourself as an authority and will dramatically increase your website traffic.

Tip: Make sure your answers are short, concise, and actionable if you want a shot at being featured in a Snippet. Ideally, no more than 90 words. A copywriter can help with this.

5. An FAQ page saves you time

Regardless of your industry, there will always be customer questions. Your visitors will have concerns. They’ll be curious. They’ll have problems.

Something as simple as how to change their subscription details can be easily solved with an FAQ. But without one, your visitors will either be emailing you or calling you (or sometimes even moving on to the next business).

With an FAQ, you can answer common questions you’d otherwise have to spend time, energy and money answering. Not only that, you can avoid losing business from frustrated customers.

An FAQ frees up resources for you or your customer service team to answer only the most unique or urgent questions – time that is valuable to both you and your prospects.

Tip: Your FAQ page isn’t supposed to answer every single question. It’s not a customer service replacement. Rather, it allows you to tackle the low hanging fruit easily and effectively.

6. An FAQ improves user experience

An FAQ page becomes an essential part of a successful website when it creates a smooth user experience. A good FAQ page saves everyone time, funnels visitors to where they need to go, and greatly enhances your brand image and overall website usability.

It’s as simple as that.

3 Examples of Successful Website FAQ Pages

Now that we’ve gotten a handle on what an FAQ page is and why you need one on your website, let’s look at a few examples of great FAQs.

1. Hootsuite’s FAQ Page

Hootsuite is one of the most versatile and well-used CRM platforms. However, given its complexity and the fact that it is subscription-based software, visitors no doubt have questions… a lot of questions.

Here’s how Hootsuite has responded:

6 Reasons Why Every Website Should Have an FAQ Page (3)

Hootsuite’s FAQ is clean and concise. They’ve also done a great job at understanding their audience, and recognized that many visitors may not know exactly what Hootsuite is. Right at the top, they’ve answered that question: What is Hootsuite?

“Hootsuite is an all-in-one social media management tool. It lets you schedule, post, and track performance across all your social media networks.”

That’s a great answer. And bonus, right below that is a CTA button inviting visitors to give Hootsuite a try with their free trial.

The messaging of the subsequent questions keeps it benefits-centered. It shows that the folks behind the Hootsuite name know exactly what problems their prospects are facing… and exactly what Hootsuite can do to solve them.

Remember, your FAQ should also align with your overall brand messaging. It should show your visitors that you understand what problems they’re facing and how you can solve them.

2. FigByte’s FAQ Page

FigBytes is a fully-integrated software platform that helps companies manage, automate and report on their sustainability programs.

FigBytes is an example of a company operating in a niche space: ESG. And of course, the FigBytes folks know that not all their visitors will know what this acronym stands for. Given this, first question they answer is: What is ESG?

6 Reasons Why Every Website Should Have an FAQ Page (4)

When you expand their first tab you find their answer:

“ESG – environmental, social, and governance – refers to a set of criteria used to evaluate a company’s financial performance and business operations based on its impacts related to the environment, social responsibility, and ethical leadership.”

This is a clip that one can easily see being pulled in to a Google Featured Snippet.

Below that they’ve included more detailed information about ESG, showing that FigBytes understands just how complex the ESG concept is, and how important it is for companies to invest in their ESG strategies.

Right after that, of course, is a CTA. Remember, FAQs should be about more than simply information. They can encourage action and even generate leads.

3. Linktree’s FAQ Page

Linktree is well-known among businesses and individuals who use social media – Instagram in particular.

However, similar to Hootsuite, Linktree doesn’t assume everyone knows what they do. They also realize people might be searching “What is Linktree” in Google. So, the very first question they answer is just that:What is Linktree?

They follow this question with a series of other help-related questions that get to the heart of what their users could be struggling with. Their FAQ page is simple and streamlined, but offers immediate value.

Here is what their FAQ page looks like:

6 Reasons Why Every Website Should Have an FAQ Page (5)

Get Help Creating Your FAQ Page

Now it’s your turn to create an FAQ page for your website.

Want a little help along the way?

At Sparked, we offer boutique digital marketing services, including copywriting services and website design and development services, to help you create an online presence you’re proud of – and one that converts.

Book a call today to speak with us… or check out our FAQ pagefor more details.

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6 Reasons Why Every Website Should Have an FAQ Page (2024)


6 Reasons Why Every Website Should Have an FAQ Page? ›

FAQs enable you to deal with specific queries that your customers have about your business. They also represent another way to reach out and connect with your target audience. Therefore, it is one of the most important elements of your website strategy.

Why is FAQ important on a website? ›

FAQs enable you to deal with specific queries that your customers have about your business. They also represent another way to reach out and connect with your target audience. Therefore, it is one of the most important elements of your website strategy.

What are the benefits of adding an FAQ page to your event website? ›

Benefits of adding an FAQ to your website
  • Establish trust and expert reputation. ...
  • Provide a better user experience. ...
  • Improve customer service. ...
  • Save you time and money. ...
  • Enhance your visibility in search engines. ...
  • Improve the user experience. ...
  • Convert visitors into customers.
Jan 11, 2024

How does FAQ page help? ›

The purpose of an FAQ page is to provide quick answers to common questions that your business can anticipate. Companies should continuously expand this resource as they acquire more data. “Having an FAQ page is a way to be more proactive and predictive with what your customers or clients are going to need help with.

What FAQs should I have on my website? ›

Your FAQ page should address the most common questions customers have about your products, services, and brand as a whole. The best way to identify those questions is to tap into your customer service data and see which problems customers are consistently reaching out to you with.

Are FAQs still relevant? ›

Are FAQ Pages Still Relevant? Just because FAQs aren't displayed as much in rich results doesn't necessarily mean we should do away with them entirely. Many site visitors do read FAQs and find them helpful and informative.

What are the disadvantages of FAQ? ›

Cons of an FAQ

FAQ pages can also be hard to navigate, especially if they are long. It can be difficult for a user to sift through many questions to find the information they seek. It can also be challenging to write questions phrased the way a user would ask them.

Are FAQ pages good for SEO? ›

FAQ pages help search engines understand what your website is about. They also give users the information they need without working for it. One of the main ways FAQs help with SEO is by allowing you to use targeted keywords throughout your page. They can also improve your website's technical SEO.

What is the FAQ component of a website? ›

An FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page is a key part of a knowledge base because it addresses the most common questions customers have and is useful to customers at all stages of the customer journey. FAQs start with a question and then answer it concisely.

What does website FAQ mean? ›

What does FAQ mean? It stands for frequently-asked questions, and it's a page on a website that gives quick answers to customer questions. The idea is to keep the answers short and direct so that people find info quickly.

What does a good FAQ page look like? ›

An effective FAQ page should include a clear and concise introduction, questions and answers divided by categories, links to additional resources, and a search function to help visitors quickly find the answers they are looking for.

How do I optimize my FAQ page? ›

Here's another great tip on how to optimize FAQ pages: use header tags like H1, H2, H3, and so on throughout your page. Not only does this help organize the questions into FAQ categories, but it also helps search engines better understand your content. And that helps you boost search performance.

What is the FAQ section used for? ›

The letters (or word) FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. A FAQ page is usually a list of common questions people have asked about a specific product or service. Every business and product website comes with a set of default pages like an “About” page, “Contact” page, “Privacy Policy” page, and more.

What are the benefits of FAQ section on website? ›

An FAQ page also benefits your business by:
  • Improving your visitors' experience.
  • Demonstrating that you're a customer-centric business.
  • Reducing your time and costs to answer individual questions.
  • Helping to qualify leads and potential customers.
Sep 13, 2023

How to make FAQ interesting? ›

Here are some tips on how to design a FAQ page.
  1. Use service data to identify your most common questions. ...
  2. Include real frequently asked questions. ...
  3. Keep it simple & organized. ...
  4. Make it searchable. ...
  5. Include space for live support options. ...
  6. Design your FAQ page. ...
  7. Publish the FAQ page on your site.
Feb 27, 2024

What do FAQs offer? ›

An FAQ page (short for Frequently Asked Question page) is a part of your website that provides answers to common questions, assuages concerns, and overcomes objections. It's a space where customers can delve into the finer details of your product or service, away from your sales-focused landing pages and homepage.

What does FAQ mean on a website? ›

Definition of FAQ. FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions". This term is used to summarize a collection of questions and answers that are typically asked by users or customers about a specific topic, product, service or organization.

Why are FAQs important for SEO? ›

One of the main ways FAQs help with SEO is by allowing you to use targeted keywords throughout your page. They can also improve your website's technical SEO. You can optimize your FAQ page by including keyword-rich questions and answers.

Should you use FAQs? ›

If you write clear web content that is easy to navigate and answers your readers questions, you will not need to create a FAQ. FAQs often cause your readers more frustration. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can be overwhelming and leave your customers searching through a sea of content.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.