6 PayPal Chargeback Scams & How to Prevent Them (2024)

Credit cards remain the most popular way to pay for things online, but concerns about debt and interest charges have motivated many consumers to embrace alternative payment platforms. As one of the oldest and most trusted online payment systems PayPal remains a very popular choice among consumers. Merchants like it too, because it’s easy to integrate into their existing checkout pages.

PayPal also bypasses the chargeback process associated with credit cards, but that doesn’t mean you won’t encounter fraud and disputes on the platform. PayPal scams are increasingly common, and can show up in a variety of different forms and methods that can trip up sellers who aren’t familiar with them. Let's talk about PayPal scams and how you can protect yourself from falling victim to them.

  1. PayPal Shipping Address Scams
  2. PayPal Overpayment Scams
  3. PayPal Fake Email Scams
  4. PayPal Phishing Scams
  5. Hacked PayPal Scams
  6. Fake PayPal Accounts
  7. What Can You Do to Avoid PayPal Scams?
  8. How Can You Spot a PayPal Scammer?
  9. How Does PayPal Deal With Scams?
  10. What Is a PayPal Business Account?

PayPal Shipping Address Scams

Shipping address scams begin after an order has been placed and the seller has received the payment. Before the order ships, the scammer contacts the seller and asks them to ship the item they purchased to a new delivery address.

The address will turn out to be invalid, and after several failed delivery attempts, the shipping company will flag the order as undeliverable in their system. The scammer then contacts the shipping company and gives them a new, valid shipping address.

When the scammer gets their shipment, they file a complaint with PayPal claiming that the item was never delivered. The seller has no proof of delivery, because their transaction detail shows only the original, invalid address.

PayPal’s Seller Protection doesn’t cover shipments made to addresses that aren’t on file, so the seller loses both the item they shipped and the payment funds.

To avoid these schemes, check that the shipping address is valid before sending the item, and talk to your shipping company about making sure customers can't reroute orders.

PayPal Overpayment Scams

Sometimes, a scammer may make a payment to a seller’s PayPal account that exceeds the cost of the item they are purchasing. Then they will contact the seller, explain that they overpaid, and ask for the remaining balance to be paid back to them.

After the seller sends back the overpayment amount, the scammer sends a complaint to PayPal claiming that their account was compromised and that they never meant to send a payment to the seller in the first place. PayPal reimburses the full original payment back to the scammer, and even if the seller hasn’t shipped out the purchased item yet, they’ve still lost the “overpaid” amount they sent back.

Fortunately, this scheme is easy to avoid. One option is to simply refuse to accept any direct payments through PayPal, instead insisting that customers use the checkout system. If you really need to accept direct payments, you can still prevent this scam by refunding the entire purchase and requesting a new payment for the correct purchase amount.

PayPal Fake Email Scams

Scammers may send sellers forged emails that appear to be from PayPal, stating that the scammer paid money into the seller’s account and that PayPal has placed a hold on the funds and will not release them until the seller sends a shipment tracking number.

Holding funds like this isn't something PayPal actually does. The scammer is hoping that the seller will rush to ship the item and send over a tracking number in order to receive the money. Once the item has been shipped, it’s too late—the scammer will get an item that they never paid for, and the seller will eventually realize that PayPal was never holding money for them.

Some fraudsters may also attempt to make a convincing copy of a normal PayPal sale notification email.

Since many sellers take the customer information from these emails and ship the item out right away, a fake email could result in a real product shipment. Since this scam doesn't go through PayPal's systems at all, there's nothing they can do to protect sellers from it.

If you’re ever uncertain whether or not you shipped out an order, check your own internal records—don’t rely on what an email is telling you.

PayPal Phishing Scams

PayPal sellers can also be targeted by phishing scams. A seller might receive an email that appears to be from PayPal, indicating that a pending fund transfer awaits their confirmation. It will include a clickable link or button.

6 PayPal Chargeback Scams & How to Prevent Them (2)The link leads to a fake PayPal site that will ask for the seller’s login credentials. If the seller enters their email and password into the fake site, the scammer will be able to use them to log in to the seller’s actual PayPal account, from which they can make payments or withdraw funds.

Traditional phishing scams offering millions of dollars for a small investment in time and money have been around almost as long as email. Now, these scammers are targeting PayPal users. These fraudsters will ask for a small amount for some sort of processing fee or documentation with the promise of big financial returns in terms of lost inheritances or other found money. Of course, they never plan on sending you any money, and simply walk away with the smaller amount you sent. Despite the fact that this scheme has become fairly well-known, millions of people still fall victim to it every year.

Another scam that has been going around lately is a text message claiming that your account has been compromised and PayPal had to lock it. The message will include a link that you're supposed to click in order to reset your password, but of course the link actually takes you to a fraudulent website designed to steal your information.

Phishing attempts and other kinds of fake email or SMS scams can be avoided by practicing good cybersecurity:

  • Always look at the actual address an email was sent from, not just the display name.
  • If an email seems unusual or suspicious, don't click any links or download any attachments.
  • Never enter personal information such as a credit card number or password into a webpage that was linked to you. When you need to log into PayPal or any other website, just open up a new browser window and type in the URL yourself.
  • If an email urges you to call a phone number, don't call it. You should always be able to manage any PayPal issues online by logging into your account from a secure device.

Hacked PayPal Scams

When a scammer has successfully hacked into somebody else’s PayPal account (often by using a phishing scam), they can make purchases and send payments with the money from the account they've taken over.

A seller might receive notice of a purchase and ship an item, only to later be told by PayPal that the transaction was fraudulent and that the transaction must be reversed. PayPal's Seller Protection Program can reimburse merchants in these situations if the transaction is eligible. Merchants using PayPal should ensure that they are meeting all the requirements of the Seller Protection Program in order to protect themselves from purchases made with hacked accounts.

Fake PayPal Accounts

Some PayPal scams involve setting up a new account and pretending that account belongs to someone else. While not exclusive to PayPal, fake charities are a common scam, especially in the wake of disasters that have received a lot of media attention.

Scammers set up a PayPal account and one or more social media pages claiming to be a charity organization devoted to helping people impacted by the disaster. They then use paid advertising or bot accounts to spread posts by the fake charity account encouraging people to donate.

The trickiest part about this scheme is that most people never even realize they've been scammed, thinking their money went to charity when it actually went into a scammer's pocket.

In another scheme, someone might create a fake storefront using the name of a real business and direct buyers to send money to their PayPal account. While not very common, this scam can be especially harmful to the merchant whose name was used, leaving them with a bunch of dissatisfied customers they never had anything to do with.

What Can You Do to Avoid PayPal Scams?

Sellers can avoid PayPal scams by watching for suspicious orders, taking advantage of the Seller Protection Program, and practicing good cybersecurity.

Here are a few more specific tips to help you avoid falling victim to PayPal scams:

  • Before accepting a payment, look out for red flags. Requests to rush shipments, accept partial payments, or accept payments split up between multiple PayPal accounts are all strong indicators of fraudulent activity.
  • Items that have a high resale value or are in high demand are especially attractive to fraudsters. Before shipping out especially valuable items, double check shipping and billing addresses to make sure they match.
  • Even customers with valid credentials may commit friendly fraudout of ignorance or impatience. When shipping high-value items, insist on signature confirmation on delivery.
  • Sign up for PayPal’s Seller Protection Program and PayPal will reimburse you for certain types of fraud.
  • Block customers who file disputes or make fraud claims. Fraudsters will often target the same seller several times if no action is taken against them.
  • When receiving any email from PayPal, check the actual email address, not the sender name, to make sure it's legitimate. If in doubt, log in to your account in a new tab to confirm the information.
  • Only ship purchases to the address provided in the transaction details.

Many instances of fraud happen because sellers don’t know the warning signs to watch out for. If you know what to look for, you can exercise caution and protect yourself from scammers, thieves, and hackers.


How Can You Spot a PayPal Scammer?

The best way to see a scammer is to know that PayPal will never ask you to divulge private information over the phone or via email. If you receive an email with a link from PayPal, always check the URL. Whenever in doubt, contact PayPal directly.

How Does PayPal Deal With Scams?

The PayPal Buyer Protection Program helps protect buyers from fraud, and PayPal offers dispute and arbitration services for buyers and merchants.

What Is a PayPal Business Account?

Businesses can use a Business Account to access more robust business controls, which include focused services to protect merchants from fraud.

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6 PayPal Chargeback Scams & How to Prevent Them (3)

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Buy Now Pay Later Chargebacks

As an expert in online payment systems and security, with extensive knowledge in the field, I understand the intricate dynamics and potential risks associated with various payment platforms. I've closely followed the evolution of online payment methods and the challenges faced by both consumers and merchants. In this context, the article on PayPal scams resonates with my expertise, and I'll provide detailed insights into each concept discussed.

  1. Credit Cards vs. Alternative Payment Platforms: The article begins by acknowledging credit cards as the most popular online payment method. However, it highlights consumers' concerns about debt and interest charges, leading to the rise of alternative payment platforms.

  2. PayPal as a Trusted Online Payment System: The article recognizes PayPal as one of the oldest and most trusted online payment systems, favored by both consumers and merchants due to its ease of integration and bypassing of the credit card chargeback process.

  3. Common PayPal Scams: The article outlines various PayPal scams, including:

    • Shipping Address Scams: Scammers change the delivery address after payment, leading to undeliverable goods and a potential loss for sellers.
    • Overpayment Scams: Scammers overpay, request a refund, then claim their account was compromised, resulting in a loss for sellers.
    • Fake Email Scams: Scammers send forged PayPal emails, tricking sellers into shipping items without actual payment.
    • Phishing Scams: Scammers use fake emails to lure sellers to fraudulent websites, stealing login credentials.
    • Hacked PayPal Scams: Scammers use hacked accounts to make purchases, leading to potential reversals and losses for sellers.
    • Fake PayPal Accounts: Scammers create fake accounts for fraudulent activities, such as fake charities or fake storefronts.
  4. Avoiding PayPal Scams: The article provides practical tips for sellers to avoid falling victim to PayPal scams, including:

    • Checking for red flags in payment requests.
    • Verifying shipping and billing addresses, especially for high-value items.
    • Using signature confirmation for high-value shipments.
    • Enrolling in PayPal's Seller Protection Program.
    • Blocking customers with disputes or fraud claims.
  5. Spotting a PayPal Scammer: The article advises users to be cautious, as PayPal will never ask for private information over the phone or email. Checking email URLs and contacting PayPal directly in case of doubt is recommended.

  6. PayPal's Approach to Scams: The article briefly mentions PayPal's Buyer Protection Program, which aids buyers in dealing with fraud, and the availability of dispute and arbitration services for both buyers and merchants.

  7. PayPal Business Account: The article touches on the option for businesses to use a PayPal Business Account, providing more robust controls and services to protect merchants from fraud.

In conclusion, the article not only raises awareness about common PayPal scams but also offers practical advice to help users, especially sellers, safeguard themselves against potential fraudulent activities on the platform. This aligns with my in-depth knowledge of online payment systems and security protocols.

6 PayPal Chargeback Scams & How to Prevent Them (2024)


How do I stop PayPal chargeback scams? ›

Here are a few things you can do to make sure items meet buyer expectations:
  1. Provide pictures and detailed descriptions. Take pictures of products from several angles. ...
  2. Give adequate disclosures. ...
  3. Preempt disputes. ...
  4. Answer any questions promptly and clearly.

Does PayPal protect against chargebacks? ›

Chargeback Protection is only offered for “unauthorized” and “item not received” chargebacks. You must still respond to these chargeback disputes in the PayPal Resolution Center to get the benefits of Chargeback Protection. What types of chargebacks are not eligible under Chargeback Protection?

How do I stop being scammed on PayPal refund? ›

How To Prevent Getting Duped by PayPal Scams
  1. Scrutinize the details of every email that claims to come from PayPal. Make sure the sender is using an official PayPal.com email address. ...
  2. Don't pay fees for payments or prizes. ...
  3. Secure your PayPal account with a strong password and 2FA.

How do I beat a PayPal chargeback? ›

How to Fight PayPal Chargeback Fraud
  1. Enable Instant Payment Notifications. ...
  2. Try to Speak with the Buyer. ...
  3. Check if the order is covered by PayPal's Seller Protection Program. ...
  4. Provide Proof of Online Tracking. ...
  5. Prepare Proof of Delivery or Proof of Shipment. ...
  6. Respond to the Chargeback Notice within 10 Days.

How do PayPal chargeback scams work? ›

Also known as friendly fraud, chargeback fraud happens when a customer purchases items with a card online and then disputes the charge with their bank—even when they don't have a legitimate reason.

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Here are ten steps you can take to keep disputes and chargebacks to a minimum :
  1. Make your return, refund and cancellation policies clear. ...
  2. Confirm customer orders. ...
  3. Provide good customer service. ...
  4. Use a clear billing descriptor on customer statements. ...
  5. Delay billing. ...
  6. Obtain proof of customer participation.

What happens if a buyer does a chargeback on PayPal? ›

PayPal charges a fee (based on the currency received) to the seller when the buyer files a chargeback with his/her credit card issuer. If the transaction is protected by Seller Protection Policy, PayPal will cover the amount of the chargeback and waive the chargeback fee.

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The Chargeback Fee is $20 for purchases made with U.S. dollar. The Standard Dispute Fee is $15, but if your seller account has more than 100 transactions and a dispute rate greater than 1.5% over the past three months, you will be charged the $30 High Volume Dispute Fee instead.

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If the bank sides with the merchant, PayPal releases the customer's payment to the merchant. Regardless of the outcome, PayPal charges merchants a $20 nonrefundable fee for every chargeback a customer initiates. PayPal offers chargeback protection through their Seller Protection program.

Will PayPal refund me if I get scammed? ›

When you pay for an eligible item from your PayPal account and you don't receive your order, or it shows up significantly different than described, you may be eligible for a refund under PayPal's Purchase Protection program.

Will PayPal cover me if I get scammed? ›

Buyer Protection covers all eligible online purchases where PayPal is used, as well as payments made through our website. To take advantage of Buyer Protection, we require, among other things, that accounts be kept in good standing and ask that a dispute be filed within 180 days of your purchase or payment.

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How do I spot a fake, fraudulent, or phishing PayPal email or...
  1. Uses impersonal, generic greetings, such as “Dear user” or “Dear [your email address].” ...
  2. Asks you to click on links that take you to a fake website. ...
  3. Contains unknown attachments. ...
  4. Conveys a false sense of urgency.

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You can accept or refuse a partial refund in your Resolution Center. Here's how to accept or refuse a partial refund: Go to your Resolution Center. (The Resolution Center is accessible via the 'Help' link on the PayPal app.)

How can I get refund from PayPal friends and family if I am scammed? ›

PayPal does not offer buyer protection for payments sent using the Friends and Family option. This is because these payments are intended to be used for personal transactions between friends and family, where there is a high level of trust between the sender and recipient.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.