55x5 Manifestation Affirmations: Examples & How-To (2024)

Looking to learn more about the 55×5 Manifestation Method? In this post, learn everything you need to know about this powerful manifesting practice, plus get examples of 55×5 manifestation affirmations you can use as well as tips for how to manifest the life you desire.

55x5 Manifestation Affirmations: Examples & How-To (1)

What Is The 55×5 Manifestation Method?

The 55×5 (also written as 5×55 or 555) Manifestation Method is fairly straightforward: it simply requires you to choose an affirmation, then write down that affirmation 55 times in a row for 5 days straight.

The affirmation you choose isn’t a typical mindset affirmation, such as I am worthy or I am enough. Rather, a 55×5 manifestation affirmation is what I call a future pacing affirmation. This is an affirmation in which you express joy and gratitude that your desired manifestation goal has already come true.

For instance, if you want to manifest $1,000, your affirmation might be, “I am so grateful I received $1,000 this week!”

Once you’ve chosen your affirmation, on Day 1, you’ll write that affirmation 55 times in a row in a notebook or on a piece of paper. So using the example above, you’d write “I am so grateful I received $1,000 this week!” 55 times in a row.

Then, on Day 2, you’d again write, “I am so grateful I received $1,000 this week!” 55 times in a row.

Days 3, 4, and 5—same thing.

So does this really work? Can you just write a sentence 55 times for 5 days in a row and manifest it into your reality? Is it truly that simple?

Believe it or not, it actually works. I can say this with confidence because it’s worked for me many times throughout my manifestation journey—sometimes before I’ve even finished my five days.

Below, I’ll explain how to make the most out of the 55×5 Manifestation Method and how to get it to work for you so that you can manifest your desires and create the life you’re dreaming of.

And if you’re looking for help getting started, check out the 55×5 Manifestation Method Worksheet, which gives you the opportunity to print and handwrite your affirmations or type directly into the PDF editable document. This easy-to-use worksheet gets powerful results and is the perfect addition to your manifestation practice.

If you want to skip ahead to any of the sections in this article, just use these links:

  • How to Make the 55×5 Manifestation Method Work For You
  • How to Create 55×5 Manifestation Affirmations
  • Examples of 55×5 Manifestation Affirmations

How To Make The 55×5 Manifestation Method Work For You

While the affirmation you choose here is important, the most important aspects of this manifestation method are the emotions, feelings, and frequencies you choose to vibrate.

This is, in fact, the very foundation of manifestation: vibrating at the frequencies of your desires, even before your desires have manifested in your reality.

Want to manifest abundance? Feel abundant now.

Want to manifest love? Feel loved now.

Feel all the positive emotions you’ll feel when your dreams and desires come true.

As you sit to start writing your affirmation 55 times, you want to go into it with a positive, high-vibe mindset. Then, as you begin writing your affirmation, write the words as though they really have come true. Feel the emotions of your affirmation in your bones. Allow yourself to feel true joy, love, gratitude, and positivity.

It doesn’t end there.

When you shut your notebook, don’t shut down those emotions with it. Carry them with you throughout your day. Align yourself with these positive feelings, and truly act as if all of your dreams have come true.

And if you catch yourself falling back into negative habits, that’s okay, Simply choose in that moment to realign with your truth: that you are a powerful creator capable of creating anything you want in this life.

Focus on things to be grateful for in your daily life. Have love and compassion for all stages of your journey.

Note that this is different than being obsessed and preoccupied with when and how your manifestations will come. In fact, I urge you to release the when and how. Hand these details over to the Universe. Trust that the Universe is taking care of all your dreams and desires.

The 55×5 Manifestation Method works because it allows you to set an intention for exactly what you want to manifest and sets the foundation for high vibrations and positive emotions. Your only job is to feel good, cultivate joy, and know that you truly are worthy of having it all.

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How To Create 55×5 Manifestation Affirmations

In the next section, I’m going to give you some ideas for 55×5 manifestation affirmations you can use in your writing. If you want to create your own affirmations, here are some tips:

  • Keep it short and succinct. You’ll likely be dedicating anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes writing your affirmation down 55 times each day. It’s far easier to keep your vibration high when your affirmation is short and to the point.
  • Be specific. Write down exactly what you want. Rather than write “a large amount of money,” write the specific amount of money you want to manifest. If there’s a certain job that you want, write down exactly what that job is. There are some instances when you may not be able to be too specific. For instance, if you want to manifest a date, you might not know who the person is that you’ll be dating. But you can still be specific by describing characteristics of this person or day of the week of your date. For example, you might say, “I am so grateful I’m going on a date with a sweet and funny guy this Saturday!”
  • Express gratitude. The two highest vibrations are love and gratitude, and there’s nothing more powerful than approaching this practice with an open heart and a feeling of sincere gratitude. I like to express gratitude by starting out my affirmation with the phrase, “I am so happy and grateful that . . .” It’s also important to feel that gratitude and appreciation in your bones as you’re writing down the affirmation. Approach it with the same feelings you would if this dream really has already come true.
  • Pick something you’re truly excited about. You’re about to spend a decent chunk of time for five days straight writing this affirmation. You don’t want to dread this practice—you want to be excited about it. Choose an affirmation and topic that you’ll feel truly excited to sit down and focus your energy on each day.

Examples Of 55×5 Manifestation Affirmations

Below are some examples of how you can phrase your 55×5 manifestation affirmation. Definitely feel free to modify the affirmations to fit your desires. For instance, you can change the amount of money you want to manifest or get specific about the exact make and model of car that you want to manifest.

  • I am so happy and grateful for the extra $1,000 I received this week! (Or: “I am so happy and grateful for the extra [insert amount here] I received this week!”)
  • I am so grateful that I’m going on a date with the partner of my dreams this Friday!
  • I am beyond thankful for the opportunity to work in my dream job.
  • Thank you, Universe, for blessing me with inspired ideas to complete my project.
  • I’m so grateful the sellers accepted my offer on my dream house!
  • I can’t believe I’m going on my dream vacation to Hawaii!
  • I am in awe of how this perfect job opportunity fell into my lap this week.
  • I feel joyful and thankful that I’m driving my dream car!
  • My heart is filled with gratitude for the 5 new clients I signed this week.
  • I truly appreciate the extra $5,000 I received this week!

Okay, I’m going to break my own rules a little bit here. If any part of you is nervous or unsure about your manifesting abilities (this is totally normal if you’re just starting out), it’s okay to start small and get a little more general. This will help you to build confidence so that you feel good about manifesting the bigger, more specific stuff. Here are some examples of 55×5 manifestation affirmations you can use if you’re just starting out and want to build your confidence:

  • I am so grateful for all the inspired ideas that came to me this week.
  • I feel truly thankful for the love that has flowed to and through me all week.
  • I am stunned by how everything keeps working out perfectly for me.
  • Thank you, Universe, for filling my life with so much abundant joy and love.
  • I am awed and thankful for all the incredible opportunities that keep coming my way!

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More Tips & Tricks

  • Don’t get too preoccupied with the timeline. Part of my daily morning routine is to write down what I’m going to manifest each day. This can be anything from an inspired idea to a joyful moment to a great conversation with a friend. I love choosing small, feel-good things I’m going to create in my daily experience. I’ve noticed that sometimes, that thing I’ve chosen to manifest doesn’t happen that same day, but will often come the next morning or soon after. This has taught me to release my preoccupation with when something is going to manifest. If your chosen affirmation has you receiving $1,000 this week, and it doesn’t come right away, it’s okay. The best thing you can do for yourself is to release your worries about when it’s going to come and simply trust that it will come.
  • Make it fun. In the beginning of my manifestation journey, I fell into the trap of taking everything super seriously. I was always worried about doing everything perfectly, and it actually stressed me out to the point where I began to think that maybe manifestation just wasn’t for me. One of the best lessons I’ve learned along the way is to have fun with it! At its heart, manifestation is all about joy, freedom, peace, love, gratitude, and abundance—all the very best things in life.
  • Choose a time that works best for you. While I personally prefer to do this practice in the morning, you might feel too rushed in the morning to do this. And the last thing you want is to feel so rushed and hurried that you aren’t aligned with the positive feelings of your affirmation. If nighttime works best for you, that’s totally fine. Just remember to keep the high-vibe emotions throughout your day, and try to be consistent in doing this practice around the same time each day.
  • Trust the Universe. The Universe will always give you exactly what you need at exactly the right time. What’s meant for you will never pass you by. And also know that the Universe is your biggest supporter and cheerleader. It wants to see you succeed and is always working behind the scenes to support you in ways you can’t yet see.
  • Believe. In order for this practice to work, you have to trust believe it will work. Believe in yourself. Believe in the Universe. Believe that you have so much more power than you know.

For more resources on spirituality, meditation, manifestation, and all things self-love, be sure to connect with me onInstagramandPinterest, where I’m posting positive affirmations and empowering messages daily.

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55x5 Manifestation Affirmations: Examples & How-To (4)

55x5 Manifestation Affirmations: Examples & How-To (5)

Zanna Keithley

Zanna Keithley is an author, poet, and social media content creator who writes short prose dedicated to inspiring readers to follow their dreams, trust their intuition, and create beautiful and fulfilling lives. You can find her original writing on Instagram @zannakeithley.

55x5 Manifestation Affirmations: Examples & How-To (2024)


55x5 Manifestation Affirmations: Examples & How-To? ›

For example, if I were trying to manifest more confidence, I may write the statement 'I am so confident' or lets say I'm trying to manifest a brand new jeep, my statement might be 'I own a brand new jeep'. I would then write out this statement 55 times on a piece of paper or in my journal, for five days straight.

What is an example of 55x5 manifestation method? ›

For example, if I were trying to manifest more confidence, I may write the statement 'I am so confident' or lets say I'm trying to manifest a brand new jeep, my statement might be 'I own a brand new jeep'. I would then write out this statement 55 times on a piece of paper or in my journal, for five days straight.

How to write 555 technique? ›

The 55x5 method is rooted in the principles of the Law of Attraction. It's built upon the idea that consistent focus on a particular desire can attract corresponding events and opportunities into your life. The method involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times for 5 consecutive days.

How long does it take for the 55x5 method to work? ›

The foundation of the 55×5 method is your affirmation— one that is powerful, positive, and resonates with your goals. Because this is within 5 days, you might not be able to expect this to happen within those days. But pay attention to how things start shifting in your life when you start saying it every day.

What is an example of 5x55 manifestation for money? ›

Here are a few affirmation examples you can try using the 555 manifestation method:
  • I am so thankful to have my soulmate in my life.
  • I am grateful for the career success I've achieved.
  • I'm grateful for the extra money that's come into my life.
  • I'm thankful for my continued physical health.
  • My body is strong and healthy.
Jul 18, 2023

How do you write manifestation intentions examples? ›

Crafting Powerful Intentions
  • I intend to manifest happiness naturally.
  • I intend to respond first, and then react.
  • I intend to witness Divinity in everyone.
  • I intend to lead by example.
  • I intend to be open to success and abundance.
  • I intend to stop taking things personally.
  • I intend to forgive others, and myself.

How do you write a powerful manifestation? ›

Manifestation journal tips
  1. Make it a daily ritual. Try to be as consistent as possible. ...
  2. Be present as you write. Stay present in the process and really feel everything you are writing. ...
  3. Write in the present tense. ...
  4. Be specific, detailed and use concise language. ...
  5. Make it fun.
Sep 21, 2022

Which color pen to use for manifestation? ›

The color of the pen depends on what you're trying to manifest. Use a red pen for manifesting for energy, orange for creativity, yellow for confidence, green for abundance and health, blue for wisdom, purple for intuition, pink for love and kindness, white or silver for moon cycles and purity, and black for protection.

How do you script manifest properly? ›

How to Script for Manifestation in 5 Steps
  1. Set Your Intentions. The foundation of a successful scripting practice begins with clarity. ...
  2. Create a Scripting Journal. A scripting journal becomes the sacred space for your manifestation journey. ...
  3. Write in the Present Tense. ...
  4. Include Emotions and Details. ...
  5. Regular Practice.
Feb 8, 2024

How do you start writing manifestations? ›

The Writing Process
  1. Step 1: Reflect on Your Desires. Start by reflecting on your desires and what you want to achieve. ...
  2. Step 2: Visualize Your Goals. ...
  3. Step 3: Write in the Present Tense. ...
  4. Step 4: Be Specific and Detailed. ...
  5. Step 5: Include Emotional and Sensory Details.

How many times should I write something to manifest it? ›

Practice the 777 Method

The 777 method involves writing down what you would like to manifest seven times in the morning and seven times at night, for seven days in a row. Like the 3-6-9 method, this method also helps you focus on your goals every day.

How do I know if manifest is working? ›

Here are some signs that your manifestation is working: You feel positive emotions: When you focus on your desires and believe that they are coming to you, you will feel positive emotions such as happiness, excitement, and gratitude.

How many times can I manifest in a day? ›

Practice the 369 manifestation method

You'll do this: 3 times in the morning. 6 times throughout the day. 9 times in the evening.

What is the lucky number for manifesting money? ›

Manifest with Angel number 888: If you want to attract more money, you're in luck! When you encounter angel number 888, it's the Universe's way of signalling that abundance is headed your way.

What is the best manifestation method? ›

Staying positive is thought to be essential for successful manifestation. Optimism may help to attract positive outcomes. Affirmations: Use daily affirmations to boost your confidence and belief in your goals. Say things like "I am capable of achieving my desires," or "Good things are coming my way."

What is manifestation examples? ›

a sign of something existing or happening: She claimed that the rise in unemployment was just a further manifestation of the government's incompetence. appearance: Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation.

What is an example of writing down a manifestation? ›

For example:
  • I am capable of succeeding at my goals.
  • I am open to being the best version of myself.
  • I open my mind and soul to creativity.
  • I welcome positive energy in my life.
  • I release all of my insecurities.
  • I have a right to fulfill my dreams.
  • I am capable of self-love.
Jul 31, 2022

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The 555 morning mindfulness practice not only improves productivity throughout the day, but also puts the mind in a spiritual state. This practice consists of spending five minutes meditating, five minutes stretching, and finally, five minutes mentally preparing for the day.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.