55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (2024)

Table of Contents
55 Easy Ways for how to Save Money In The Kitchen Quick and easy ways to save money in the kitchen 1. If you have snack monsters 2. Stretch a whole chicken with multiple recipes 3. Add filler to meals 4. Have an eat from the cupboards month 5. Get your portion sizes on point 6. Eat at home 7. Use dried beans as a staple 8. Keep a freezer inventory 9. Re-use you butter wrappers 10. Meal plan based on cupboard food 11. Focus on simple food 12. Eat your leftovers 13. Go meatless 14. Make your own stock/broth 15. Learn to love beans 16. Prepare meals in advance 17. Make all your meals from scratch 18. Make seasoning mixes in bulk 19. Eat seasonally 20. Freeze your leftovers 21. Make your own bread 22. Use frozen veg 23. Make soup 24. Cook once, eat twice Does cooking actually save money? What should I cook if I hate cooking? how to save money in the kitchen when shopping 25. Stay out of the grocery store 26. Always check the clearance shelf 27. Stick to your list 28. Stock up on sale items 29. Don’t stick to just one store 30. Get fruit and vegetables in season 31. Buy store-brand foods 32. Don’t buy cookbooks 33. Pack your lunch 34. Make your own coffee at home 35. Buy in bulk 36. Don’t buy ready chopped 37. Shop at the discount stores 38. Buy reusable kitchen items 39. If you get the urge for takeout food how to organize the kitchen to maximize savings 40. Look after kitchen appliances 41. Use cloth not paper 42. Waste not want not 43. Use your crockpot and instapot 44. Grow your own 45. Don’t overfill the kettle 46. Defrost your fridge and freezer 47. Put lids on pans 48. Change how you cook how to save money in the kitchen – Laundry Tips 49. Avoid using a dryer 50. Wash at 30 degrees 51. Do the sniff test 52. Use a bowl when washing by hand 53. Choose energy efficient appliances 54. Don’t automatically buy an appliance 55. Streamline your cleaning cupboard How to save money on cleaning products for your kitchen and home So Many Ways for how to Save arrange The Kitchen to make huge savings FAQs

The heart of your frugal home is your kitchen. It’s where the magic happens and you don’t want to scrimp on that magic. But you can still learn how to save money in your kitchen in so many little, easy and simple ways.

Saving money is not all about eating a rice and beans diet. There are so many ways you can save a little bit of money here, a few pennies there.

These savings add up to a healthy balance over time so never think that doing something to save a few pennies isn’t worth it.

It most definitely is!

So what can you do to learn how to save money in your kitchen?

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (1)

55 Easy Ways for how to Save Money In The Kitchen

(This post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you.As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can read morehere)

Quick and easy ways to save money in the kitchen

1. If you have snack monsters

At home then hide your snack foods and bring them out bit by bit. Otherwise they’ll all be gone within 48 hours (speaking from experience here).

2. Stretch a whole chicken with multiple recipes

(And other meat joints) – a whole chicken, even a small one, can be stretched to make multiple meals.

Keep the meat portions per meal small. I used to stretch a whole chicken to make the following meals for 4 people:

  • roast chicken with all the trimmings
  • chicken broth made into a heart soup, eaten with crust bread
  • leftover chicken in a stirfry
  • chicken sandwiches for Mr2p’s packed lunch

Related post: 10 Simple Ways to Save Money on Meat

3. Add filler to meals

For example, oats, lentils, potatoes and beans – meat is likely the most expensive ingredient in the meals you make.

Stretch your meat further by using less and adding healthy budget stretcher alternatives such as oats, lentils and beans.

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (2)

4. Have an eat from the cupboards month

If your cupboards are anything like mine then you have enough food to last a good while without visiting the grocery store.

Set yourself a pantry challenge to make meals based purely on the food you already have in your cupboards and freezer and stay out of the grocery store completely. It’s one of the easy ways to save money because the food is already there waiting to be used.

(You might need milk and a few vegetables if you finish the frozen and canned ones).

5. Get your portion sizes on point

So you don’t overfeed your family and have food left on the plate.

6. Eat at home

The biggest killer of your grocery budget is slipping in an extra restaurant meal or two.

Cooking a meal at home is far cheaper than eating out and you have the satisfaction of knowing exactly what is in your food.

7. Use dried beans as a staple

In your home cooking. Go one step further to make life easier for yourself and cook them in bulk then freeze them in ready to use portion sizes.

Cheaper to pull out a bag of ready cooked beans to add to your chilli than buying canned. I know it’s only of of the very little ways to save money in the kitchen but every penny counts!

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (3)

8. Keep a freezer inventory

You know at a glance what food you have in there and you can use the inventory to help you plan your meals.

9. Re-use you butter wrappers

They are a great way to grease your cake and muffin tins and means you don’t need to be buying cooking spray.

10. Meal plan based on cupboard food

Meal planning is the best tool you have to keep costs low in your kitchen. But don’t start with blank paper and pick recipes out of the air.

Decide on your meal plan using the food in your cupboards as a starting point.

Related post: 7 Meal Planning Strategies All Beginners Should Know

11. Focus on simple food

And stay away from exotic ingredients which always cost more. Simple, wholesome, comfort foods can be some of the most satisfying and are often the answer to how to save money in the kitchen.

Foods such as pasta, noodles, eggs, potatoes, bread, beans and ground beef can make a wide variety of cheap and easy meals.

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (4)

12. Eat your leftovers

If you are asking yourself ‘how can I save money cooking at home?‘ then eating your leftovers is one of the easy ways to save money in the kitchen. Just don’t throw that food away.

Unless you have teenagers in the house who will hoover up everything, then you are likely to have leftovers from some meals.

Use them to form the basis of another meal or have a smorgasbord of leftover bits for one evening.

Don’t let anything go to waste – it’s money down the drain.

Related post: How To Save Money By Cutting Your Food Waste To A Minimum

13. Go meatless

You don’t have to be a vegetarian to not eat meat.

Meat is often the most expensive ingredient in your recipe so choose some meat-free meals to reduce your spending.

We often have 2 or 3 meat free meals every week – vegetables are tasty!

Related posts:

20 Easy Cheap Vegan Recipes Everyone Will Devour

21 budget meatless meals to save money

14. Make your own stock/broth

Never buy chicken broth when you can make your own from the bones of a whole chicken. Cover with water and simmer for an hour or more, or cook in your crockpot.

15. Learn to love beans

They are full of protein and a fraction of the cost of meat. They are also extremely versatile from beans on toast to re-fried beans to 5 bean salad, all tasty, all cheap.

16. Prepare meals in advance

A little preparation before you go to work or at the weekend will stop you reaching for a takeaway when you get home late and have had a trying day.

17. Make all your meals from scratch

Don’t pay for ready meals in a box. Take ingredients that Mother Nature provides and make them into wholesome comfort food meals for your family.

Cooking from scratch is one of the best kitchen money saving tips I can give you. You will save money and you will create healthier more tasty meals.

Related post: 9 Meal Planning Mistakes You Need Solutions For

18. Make seasoning mixes in bulk

Seasonings and spices add up to a costly packet when you use them regularly. Save money make at home and you will save a pretty penny.

19. Eat seasonally

You don’t need to be a gardener to know what food is in season in your area. Just check the grocery store for the cheaper fruit and vegetables and that will tell you.

Eating seasonally rather than the same food 52 weeks of the year makes sense.

We gorge on strawberries in June when they are at their cheapest and don’t eat them at any other time.

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (5)

20. Freeze your leftovers

If you can’t eat them within a few days, don’t let them go to waste. They can be used another time.

21. Make your own bread

Bread is one of the things you can make yourself to save money, as are rolls and pizza bases – I cheat and use my bread-maker but you could do this by hand very easily.

I’m just a little lazy and have this ‘thing’ about kneading dough #shudder.

22. Use frozen veg

It’s often cheaper than it’s fresh cousin and doesn’t go off so there is no waste at all.

23. Make soup

Homemade soup can be as filling and hearty as a main meal, especially when you combine it with homemade bread.

Use your homemade chicken broth to give it a depth of flavor and add in lentils or beans to increase your protein whilst remaining a very frugal meal.

24. Cook once, eat twice

How can I save money if I hate cooking? I encourage you to focus on really easy, simple meals. 5 ingredients or less dinners are perfect for those of us who dislike cooking but know we need to in order to save money in the kitchen and from our budget.

When you cook a (simple) meal, make double the amount. That way you have cooked once but can eat twice.

Bulk cooking benefits you in two ways. Firstly you are saving time, it takes only a few more minutes to bulk cook bolognese sauce than a single dinner size.

And secondly you are using less energy through filling your oven and using bigger pans to cook.

Freeze the extra portions for a quick meal during the week.

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (6)

Does cooking actually save money?

Absolutely! You can cook meals for less than $1 a portion. You can’t buy a ready made meal for that. And your home cooked meal will taste way nicer and likely be more healthy.

What should I cook if I hate cooking?

If you hate cooking then focus on very simple meals, ones that take very little prep. I’m neither a confident cook or a lover of cooking so I use my slow cooker a lot. And I focus on slow cooker recipes where I can bascially chop things up and throw them in. It really can be that simple.

Here are some great ideas for slow cooker recipes to help you get started:

20 Super Easy Slow Cooker Soup Recipes

15 Slow Cooker Dinner Recipes For Busy Days

20 Easy Slow Cooker Dessert Recipes

Come and follow me on Pinterest for more money saving hints and frugal tips!

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (7)

how to save money in the kitchen when shopping

25. Stay out of the grocery store

If you shop too often and you are thinking ‘how can I spend less money on groceries?’ then this one is for you.

The more often you visit the grocery store, the more money you will spend. Try to only visit a store once a week at the most.

My daughter swears by a bi-weekly shop with a visit to the corner store for milk which she cannot store enough of for 2 weeks.

26. Always check the clearance shelf

For produce nearing their shelf life date. Still good to eat for the next few days and you can get them up to 70% off.

27. Stick to your list

The better you get at writing a full grocery list and sticking to it, the more money you will save.

No more buying just in case, then finding you already have 2 in your cupboard.

28. Stock up on sale items

If you regularly use ground beef then when it’s on sale it makes sense to stock up, freeze it and count the savings you make.

Related post:How To Stockpile Food On A Budget – 10 Easy Tips

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (8)

29. Don’t stick to just one store

Grocery stores have great bargains at different times. When you buy all your groceries in one store you can end up paying more for some items.

Check out the deals of your local stores and buy their deals (and no more).

30. Get fruit and vegetables in season

From local pick-your-own farms. When you want to bulk buy to satisfy your preserving urge then pick your own farms fit the bill.

31. Buy store-brand foods

Store-brand foods, generic items and value brand all add up to the same thing. Much cheaper than their premium branded cousin. They are often made in the same factory to the same recipe as the premium brand.

I’ve seen enough chat forum messages from people who work in these factories to know this actually happens.

32. Don’t buy cookbooks

Use Pinterest for recipe inspiration. These two posts can help with inspiration for new meals:

80+ Frugal Meals For When You Feel So Broke

55 Cheap And Easy Meals You Are Going To Love

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (9)

33. Pack your lunch

Whenever you are out and about whether at work or out for the day.

You can easily spend $7 or more per day on lunch, that’s $35 a week or over $1500 a year. Take 10 minutes and pack your own lunch.

34. Make your own coffee at home

You know buying coffee to go is expensive.

You don’t need to go without, just get smart and brew yours at home and use a hot drinks travel mug to keep it hot for hours.

35. Buy in bulk

If you are buying the same product every week then buy it in bulk when it’s at a cheap price makes sense.

Potatoes store very well so don’t buy a small bag, buy a sack from your local farmer and store some place cool.

36. Don’t buy ready chopped

Or pre-peeled fruit and veg. These are always more expensive than their whole equivalent.

You are basically paying a premium for someone else to prepare your food.

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (10)

37. Shop at the discount stores

Discount stores can have some real bargains.

They don’t stock the same products continually but what they do stock can be half the price of regular stores.

I love Encona’s Hot Pepper Sauce and always buy it half price in my local discount store.

I’ve learnt to stock up though as it’s not always there when I want it.

38. Buy reusable kitchen items

Single purpose items mean you have to buy them over and over.

Spend a little more and buy reusable items as they will both save you money and are better for the environment.

My favorite reusable items are:

  • beeswax wraps
  • microfiber cloths
  • glass storage containers
  • cotton bags

For more tips on being eco friendly check out this post:

How To Go Green When You Live A Thrifty Lifestyle

39. If you get the urge for takeout food

Save money make at home instead! No need to splash the cash – this fakeaway recipe book has all the recipes you need to create your own tasty fake takeaway foods.

When Money Is Tight, How to Enjoy A $35/£30 Grocery Budget For 2

18 Things We Cut From Our Food Shopping List To Save Big Money

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (11)

how to organize the kitchen to maximize savings

40. Look after kitchen appliances

Keeping your appliances in tip top condition by following the manufacturers instructions will help you get maximum value and life out of them.

41. Use cloth not paper

Stop buying paper towels. I use microfiber cloths in my kitchen as they don’t leave any smears. But you can also make your own from old cotton clothing such as t-shirts.

42. Waste not want not

Reduce your food waste and you could be cutting 30% off your grocery bill just like that!

43. Use your crockpot and instapot

Crockpots (slow cookers) and Instapots use less energy than a conventional oven so base more of your meals around recipes that use these and save on your utility bills.

44. Grow your own

You can grow your own vegetables in the smallest of spaces, even just a few pots can provide you with tomatoes, zucchini and beans for weeks.

45. Don’t overfill the kettle

If you have a smart meter you will know that it goes mad when you put the kettle on. Don’t boil more water than you need only to let it go cold again.

46. Defrost your fridge and freezer

Defrost them regularly to keep them working as efficiently as possible.

Defrosting your freezer might seem like a faff, but once you start it only takes a couple of hours at most.

True story – I volunteered to defrost my parents upright freezer – never again! It had been turned off and on a couple of times so the ice in it was packed so hard I couldn’t get any of the drawers open!

It took me 3 hours to get all the food out of it and 6 hours in total to defrost completely, it was that iced up. Don’t let your freezer get that bad. It ain’t fun defrosting!

47. Put lids on pans

When you are cooking on your hob, always put lids on your pans. You save energy and things get to the boil quicker.

48. Change how you cook

Never use your main oven for just one item, fill it up by batch cooking big portions or add some baking in there.

You may also like these posts:

10 frugal Homemaking Secrets

How to Become a Successful homemaker: 7 Effective Habits

5 Frugal Living Tips For Moms on a Budget

The 3 Worst Frugal Living Tips

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (12)

how to save money in the kitchen – Laundry Tips

49. Avoid using a dryer

These really do gobble electricity. Pay attention to the weather forecast and wash on dry days using an outside rotary line.

If it’s raining you can still dry inside with an indoor airer. I also hang many clothes from hangers in the bedroom doorways, they dry super fast that way.

50. Wash at 30 degrees

Most washing powders and products are now designed to be used on cold washes, as are your clothes. You will use up to 40% less energy washing at 30 degrees.

51. Do the sniff test

Only wash properly dirty clothes. Check for dirt and use sniff test to determine if your clothes actually need washing.

Unless you do a manual job you can often get away with wearing the same top twice before washing.

52. Use a bowl when washing by hand

Don’t wash under a running tap. And if you only have a few items consider waiting until you have more or only fill the bowl part way.

53. Choose energy efficient appliances

When you are in the market for a new appliance, invest in the most energy efficient one you can.

54. Don’t automatically buy an appliance

When you could use another – My elder daughter’s toaster broke last year and rather than rushing out for a new one she made toast in her George Foreman grillfor 4 months.

55. Streamline your cleaning cupboard

There is no need to have loads of different cleaning products when an all purpose cleaner and washing up liquid will cover 99% of your cleaning jobs.

How to save money on cleaning products for your kitchen and home

Homemade cleaning products can save you a lot of money over time. Firstly you don’t need dozens of different cleaning products and secondly it is of course cheaper to make your own.

You can make your own dishwasher tablets, laundry gloop, toilet cleaner, all purpose household spray, even a degreaser spray.

My post on homemade cleaning products has recipes for all the important products you need for a clean home. for more recipes check out Pinterest.

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (13)

So Many Ways for how to Save arrange The Kitchen to make huge savings

I hope these 55 ways for how to save money in the kitchen have given you some new ideas that you can implement today.

Why not check out these posts as well for more inspiration?

18 Frugal Home Must Haves To Save Money

How To Be Frugal: 200+ Best Frugal Living Tips To Save Money

How To Be Frugal Without Being Cheap

7 Secret Thrifty Living Tips All Frugal Folk Know

Come and follow me on Pinterest for more money saving hints and frugal tips!

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (14)

Last Updated on 14th February 2022 by Emma

55 Easy Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen (2024)


What are 3 tips for saving money on food? ›

Try these tips to see a difference in your grocery bill—all while eating healthy and getting your favorite foods, too.
  • Go into the grocery store with a plan. ...
  • Always round grocery prices up. ...
  • Shop the sales (and get the extras) ...
  • When it comes to pre-prepped food, DIY when you can. ...
  • Shop at warehouse stores when it makes sense.

How to be frugal in the kitchen? ›

Buy ground beef or roasts in bulk at a lower price and repackage to family size (club memberships can save you money here). Buy frozen fish rather than fresh, but stay away from breaded fish. Buy chicken on sale, precook in the slow cooker, shred and freeze for quick easy meals on busy nights.

Does eating at home save you money? ›

Cooking at home not only helps save money, but it also allows you to control the ingredients and portion sizes of your food. This can help with making healthier choices for your meals.

How can I save money if I don't cook? ›

Here are their top budget-friendly food tips that involve as little cooking as possible.
  1. Check out the prepared foods section at your local grocery store.
  2. Make a list of budget-friendly takeout restaurants near you.
  3. Try a DashPass Subscription.
  4. Get creative with your takeout orders.
  5. Give yourself a takeout budget.
Jan 2, 2024

How to decrease grocery bill? ›

  1. Buying food is essential, but if you're not careful, it can also eat into your budget. ...
  2. Limit Eating Out. ...
  3. Plan Your Grocery Shopping. ...
  4. Reduce Food Waste. ...
  5. Buy in Bulk. ...
  6. Set a Food Budget. ...
  7. Plan for Leftovers. ...
  8. Meal Prep.

What are the three P's for eating on a budget? ›

Page 1
  • Eating on a Budget — The 3 P's.
  • PLAN.

What are the five keys to save food? ›

Five keys to safer food manual
  • keep clean;
  • separate raw and cooked;
  • cook thoroughly;
  • keep food at safe temperatures; and.
  • use safe water and raw materials.

How can I live cheap on food? ›

17 ways to save money on groceries
  1. Make a meal plan.
  2. Shop alone if you can.
  3. Shop during the quietest days of the week.
  4. Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options.
  5. Buy generic products.
  6. Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store.
  7. Stick to the store's perimeter.
  8. Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

How do you cook on a low budget? ›

Start batch cooking on a budget

Buying ingredients you know you'll always use, such as pasta and rice, in bulk can be a great way to cut long-term costs. Not only that, but cooking in large batches can also help save time and money throughout the week, as it means you don't have to use as much gas and electricity.

What is very frugal food? ›

Frugal Dinners
  • Lentil Bolognaise. Lentils boil down in this vegan bolognaise recipe to make a rich tomato-based sauce which can go with anything.
  • Vegetarian Chilli. ...
  • Sourdough Pizza. ...
  • Calzone. ...
  • Chickpea and Pumpkin Curry. ...
  • Mushroom Risotto. ...
  • Fried Rice. ...
  • Homemade Pasta with Reduced Tomato Sauce.

Is it cheaper to cook or eat out? ›

Cooking at home is typically cheaper for a single person compared to eating out. Home-cooked meals allow you to purchase ingredients in larger quantities, control portion sizes, and take advantage of leftovers, reducing overall food costs.

What is the average cost of a homemade meal? ›

The average price per serving of home cooked meals is $4.31 – while the average cost of eating out is $20.37.

How many times should you eat out to save money? ›

Now this may not be exact and true for every home, city, or state. But, what if you use the idea as potentially you could save $9 a meal and start limiting your eating out. If you regularly eat out 5 times a week, if you reduce this to even 2 times a week, this is $27 savings, per person, per week.

Is it worth spending money on a kitchen? ›

We talked about how renovating your kitchen can increase the value of your home in a previous blog, so it's no wonder that this room is one of the most popular rooms to renovate. Not only does it yield a high return on investment but you also spend much of your time at home here too so you want it to be perfect.

How to save money when remodeling a kitchen? ›

10 Hacks to Save Money on a Kitchen Remodel

How do I change my kitchen on a budget? ›

Renovating your kitchen when on a budget
  1. Plan, plan, plan. ...
  2. DIY where possible. ...
  3. Get at least 3 quotes from different kitchen fitters. ...
  4. Keep the layout the same. ...
  5. Focus on essential upgrades. ...
  6. Consider refacing cabinets instead of replacing them. ...
  7. Use affordable kitchen materials.
Jan 9, 2024

How to afford a kitchen? ›

Personal loan

With this option you may be able to borrow the amount you need to buy and install your new kitchen, before paying back loan instalments over an agreed period of time. To be approved for a home improvement loan you must apply for one first and meet the eligibility criteria.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.