51 Fundraising Thank You Quotes – Fundraiser Help (2024)

Sometimes you just need a little inspiration for fundraising thank you letters, so here are some thank you quotes from fundraising letters used to thank donors for their donations. This list of 51 fundraising thank you quotes was assembled by professional copywriter Alan Sharpe, an expert on fundraising appeal letters.

These quotes should provide the needed inspiration because they are quite creative and easily modified for your own use. Here’s what Alan had to say when thanking donors over the years for the many different charities he helps fundraise.

Fundraising Letter Thank You Quotes

One of the hardest jobs in fundraising is crafting original thank-you letters. You want to be thankful. But you also want to be fiscally responsible. You cannot afford to write a unique thank-you letter for each of the thousands of donations you receive each year.

Here are some ideas for keeping your appreciation original.

1. In response to your recent gift to MSF, I join with the people of Afghanistan in saying shúker, thank you, for your generosity.

2. We are so grateful to you for your recent gift—thanks!

3. I opened today’s mail and found your generous donation. Thanks!

4. Thank you for your donation.

5. I had to simply praise the Lord this morning when I received your gift in the mail. Bless you!

6. Thank you for supporting our Move The Mountain appeal with your gift of $50.

7. Thank you for renewing your support. Here’s how we are using your gift already .. .

8. Your gift of $100 arrived today and will soon be hard at work, helping us provide fresh drinking water to the people of Nanbitu. Thanks.

9. Thank you for your continued, faithful support of our hospital.

10. I have to admit I am overjoyed by your recent generosity. Thank you for your donation of . . .

11. What a delight it was for all of us here at The Wethered Street Mission to learn that you have included us in your Will. May the Lord reward you richly for remembering the poor and destitute with your bequest!

12. Two wonderful things happened this week. We won the Nobel Peace Prize. And we received your gift of $2,000. Thanks! I know the recognition that we treasure the most. It’s your . . .

13. Thank you for your generous grant of $20,000 for our Brighten Up Campaign.

14. I greatly appreciate your kindness to our ministry.

15. Someone has said that the Inuit of Canada’s North have over 100 words for snow. I wish there were that many for thank you, because I’d use every one of them in this letter.

16. We received your cheque today. What a blessing!

17. I put the phone down just now after talking with you, and simply had to put in writing how excited we all are to be receiving your grant for $100,000 toward our Living Hope Campaign.

18.Simply put, if it wasn’t for faithful supporters like you, we wouldn’t exist. So thank you for supplying the funds that we need to make a difference in the lives of teenagers who struggle with eating disorders right here in our own city.

19. For your generosity, I thank you.

20. Your gift of August 16, 2005 raised our spirits. Thanks to your generosity, we are now able to …

21. Your tax-free donation reminds me of how much we depend on your generosity and moral support to accomplish our mission.22. Thank you for your gift. I did the math, and your kind gesture will help us lay 550 brick in our new school project in Bolivia.

So I thank you today. The children will thank you in January!

23. Thank you for your bequest. It touched our hearts to know that …

24. Two things thrill me about your recent gift to Thorburn College. One is your generosity. And the other is your continued faith in our mandate.

25. Your gift, which arrived this morning, will help us plant 200 trees along the Pacific Coast.

Thank you so much!26. I was looking through our files the other day and realized that you have been supporting our group for 20 years come the end of this month. So this is a personal letter from me, and from the people we serve, thanking you for your faithfulness.

27. I suppose the word is “gratified.” We are gratified that you believe in our work enough to give us a grant. Thank you for your trust in us.

28. This is just a quick note, but it comes from my heart as I head out the door for my flight to India. Thank you for your recent gift. Your generosity will make an immediate difference in the lives of mothers in Calcutta. I am going to make sure of that, and to keep you up to date on . ..

29. “Use where needed most.” Those four words on your recent cheque have changed the life of one youngster forever. His name is Ahmed. And he is no longer blind, thanks to you.

30. The Bible says that the Lord loves a cheerful giver. And so do we! Thanks for your kind donation to our annual Beat The Streets Campaign.

31. Billy K. is serving life in San Quintin and can’t thank you for your gift to our ministry. But I can, because I met with Billy yesterday. Your gift touched his heart.

Here is what he said by way of thanks.32. For your gift, for your prayers and for your steadfast commitment to the work of the Lord in Nepal, I thank you.

33. I shared Thanksgiving Dinner with 100 wonderful street people last night, thanks to your generosity. See the enclosed photographs.

34. Martin Luther said that if you want to change the world you should pick up your pen. I see from this morning’s mail that you picked up your pen last Friday. Your gift has changed the world of one single mother here in Brisbane, who I will call Sally.

35. I showed your recent gift to the Head of Obstetrics, and you should have seen her reaction! She almost fainted in the lobby, she shrieked so loud!

36. Samantha loves her mom. She loves her bike. And she loves the person who saved her life. You. Because of your gift, we were able to buy Samantha a new . . .

37. You are a treasure to us all. Thanks again for standing with us.

38. Thanks to your kindness and generosity, one hundred blankets are being loaded on a plane as I write, headed for the New Hope Orphanage in Johannesburg. They have warmed many hearts around here already, because of you.

39. Thanks again for your gift. You are an example to us of a true servant spirit, esteeming others more than yourself, and putting Kingdom priorities ahead of your own.

40. I must dash. Let me conclude with a final heartfelt THANK YOU for remembering our friends who live with disabilities.

41. Next time you are driving down Princess Street, please take a look at the new wheelchair entrance to our food bank, and our guests who are using it, thanks to your generosity and commitment to our work.

42. You’ll see that everyone here at the office has signed this thank-you letter. That’s because we are so amazed by your faithful support over the years.

43. We are humbled by your recent expression of support for our work. Thank you.

44. I have a tune running through my mind as I am writing this thank-you letter to you. I learned it at camp. You probably did, too. Your gift brought it to mind, your generous gift.

45. When we started our Run For Their Lives campaign last year, some people said we would never meet our goal. But they did not figure you into their thinking, or your generosity. Because, thanks to your gifts this year, we have not only met our goal. We’ve surpassed it. Thanks!

46. Someone once said that whatever we possess becomes of double value when we share it with others. Looking around me at the difference your financial support has made to our organization, I know that to be true. So I’m writing you this brief note to express my thanks, our thanks, for you and for your donations in recent months.

47. Have you ever wondered if your gift to our ministry would arrive at a crucial time, and save the day, as it were? Well, I know that your gift of $100 did this week. Let me explain how.

48. Your gift of $5 put a smile on a boy’s face yesterday. I was there to witness it myself. Here’s what happened.

49. A friend of mine used to say that we should hem our blessings with gratitude lest they unravel. So this letter is my way of putting a hem around the generous gift you sent us last week. I don’t want to ever forget it.

50. The nice thing about writing thank-you letters is that we are blessed twice. Once when we receive your gift, and again when we remember it in writing. I hope you are doubly blessed in the giving. You will be, when I describe the difference your gift is making in our . . .

51. Thank you for your gift.

The last thank you quote is short, but sweet. It always strikes the right chord and it’s something we don’t say often enough to other people. I hope you find these 51 ways to say thank you in a fundraising letter useful.

You can find more appeal letter tips from Alan Sharpe on his website sharpecopy.com.

Fundraising Letter Tips

Sample Fundraising Thank You Letter – Here are some tips on how to say thanks to your donors, plus a sample fundraising thank you letter you can copy.

How to Write Fundraising Letters That Motivate Donors – Motivating strangers to give their money away is one of the hardest jobs around. It’s difficult to do face to face. And it’s even harder to do by mail.

Successful Fundraising Letters Share Eight Qualities – If you want your next fundraising letter to be successful and effective, there are certain nuances you must master to achieve the right results.

Don’t Start Your Fundraising Letters As A Stranger – One of the things you should never do with your fundraising letters is address them to Dear Friend because it can cost you literally thousands of dollars in lost donations.

Write Fundraising Letters That Donors Can’t Resist – Master copywriter Alan Sharpe offers practical advice to non-profit groups for boosting the results of your appeal letters.

How To Write A Fundraising Letter – Advice and tips on what works and what doesn’t when writing donation request letters.

How To Write Fundraising Letters – Here are detailed instructions on how to write great fundraising letters from salutation to postscript, including a sample letter to get you started.

Fundraising Letter Sample Template – This sample fundraising letter template offers examples of a specific method of asking for money, including providing a quick psychological justification for a positive response.

Where To Find Creative Ideas For Your Appeal Letters – Creativity is key for keeping your fundraising letters fresh and bringing in sufficient donations. So, where do you find creative ideas for your appeals? The answer, surprisingly, is right under your nose.

Using Fundraising Letters For Donor Acquisition – You can grow your donor base by using fundraising letters for donor acquisition as well as for seeking donations. Donor acquisition letters should be a key component of any long-term fundraising campaign because it is inevitable that you will lose some of your existing donors over time and you will need to replace them with new donors.

51 Fundraising Thank You Quotes – Fundraiser Help (2024)


How do you thank you for helping with fundraiser? ›

Thank you [Supporter Name] for your amazingly generous support of [Group Name] during their [Fundraiser Name]. Through your contribution, you are helping [Group Name] to [short statement of impact/how their contribution will be used].

How do you say thank you for generous support? ›

Your generous and unwavering support has been a light in my life, giving me the strength and courage to keep going even when things get tough. I am so grateful for everything that you do for me, and I want you to know how much your support means to me.

How do you thank a quote for donations? ›

Words cannot express how much your donation means to us. We are so grateful for your partnership in making a difference.” “Thank you for being an important part of our organization and helping us create positive change in the world.” “We are humbled by your generosity and thankful for your commitment to our cause.

How do you express gratitude for helping? ›

When you're feeling a deep appreciation for those who have made a difference in your life, use these phrases to show your gratitude:
  1. I appreciate you!
  2. You are the best.
  3. I appreciate your help so much.
  4. I'm grateful to you.
  5. I wanted to thank you for your help.
  6. I value the help you've given me.

How do you write a thank you for helping? ›

35 Creative Ways to Say I Appreciate Your Help
  1. Thank you for your assistance. ...
  2. Your help has been invaluable to me. ...
  3. I couldn't have done it without you. ...
  4. Your support has meant everything to me. ...
  5. I am grateful for your help. ...
  6. I truly appreciate your help. ...
  7. You have been a lifesaver. ...
  8. Your kindness has been much appreciated.
May 3, 2023

How do you say thank you meaningfully for help? ›

Thank You for Your Help and Support
  1. I appreciate your help.
  2. I am grateful for your help.
  3. I am so very grateful for your time.
  4. I greatly appreciate your help.
  5. Thank you for such a wonderful contribution.
  6. Thank you for taking the time.
  7. Thank you for taking the trouble to help me.
  8. Thank you for all the help!

How do you say thank you for kindness and generosity? ›

Thank you messages for help and support
  1. “The generosity of the love, time and kindness you have shown me throughout this time has been incredible. ...
  2. “I'm having a hard time putting my gratitude into words but I hope you know how much I appreciate all of your help. ...
  3. “Thank you for all your support and love.

How do you write a heartfelt appreciation message? ›

Guidelines for writing appreciation letters:

State what you appreciate and briefly explain why. Do not add other news or information not related to the appreciative gesture. The message of appreciation should stand alone. Be brief, warm, and sincere.

How do you say all donations are appreciated? ›

15 creative ways to say “thank you” to your donors
  1. Send a handwritten letter. ...
  2. Make the phone call. ...
  3. Organize an office tour. ...
  4. Highlight donors on social media and website. ...
  5. Send small gifts. ...
  6. Send a welcome package. ...
  7. Send birthday/anniversary cards. ...
  8. Send a “thank you” video.
Jun 18, 2021

How do you write a quote appreciation? ›

Thank-you messages for gifts
  1. I couldn't have picked out a better gift for myself if I tried.
  2. I am touched you remembered me.
  3. Your gift really made me smile.
  4. I'll think of you every time I use your gift.
  5. Every time I look at your gift, I'll think of our friendship.
  6. You didn't have to, but I'm sure glad you did!
Jun 23, 2023

How do you say thank you after a fundraiser? ›

Sample Letter #1 – After Fundraiser is Complete

Dear (Supporter's Name), Thank you for your support of (Group Name) during their (Fundraiser Name). Your contribution really (short statement of impact). The goal of this fundraiser was to raise (Goal Amount).

What is the best message for donations? ›

“Please donate” message example

Dear [Name], Right now, we're facing [current challenge]. We need just [donation amount] more to meet our goal and [impact]. Please donate to [cause] today to ensure we have the strength to [impact].

How do you express appreciation and gratitude in words? ›

Words to Say Thank You and Express Appreciation
  1. Thanks.
  2. Thank you.
  3. I am indebted to you.
  4. Dinner was delicious.
  5. I appreciate you.
  6. You are an inspiration.
  7. I am grateful to/for you.
  8. You are a blessing.

How do you say thank you for a generous raise? ›

I'm grateful for the salary increase. Your recognition of my hard work means a lot to me. I am thankful for the trust and confidence you have in me. I'm sincerely grateful for the financial acknowledgment of my efforts.

How do you give thanks and appreciation? ›

Simple appreciation messages
  1. Thanks for your help with X.
  2. I really appreciate all of your hard work.
  3. You've been so helpful with X. Thanks!
  4. Sending you some much-deserved appreciation for X.
Aug 3, 2023

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.