50 Easy Ways To Save Money In Your Spare Time (2024)

Easy ways to save money today!

Are you looking to put money back in your pocket every month?

When you cut back on your spending, that becomes possible! These easy ways to save money will help you keep moneyin your pocket and have been used tosave us over $100,000 in just five years.


For us, we enjoy livinga frugal lifestyle. We live with less, which has enabled us to do the things we really enjoy in life.

So..are you ready to earn how to control your money and build your wealth?

50 Easy Ways To Save Money In Your Spare Time (1)

Related money-saving articles:

  • Money Saving Tips: 5 Steps We Took To Save $100K In 5 Years
  • Cash Envelope System: The Beginners Guide
  • 20 Things I Simply Stopped Buying To Save Money
  • How To Save $1000 In 3 Months With This Simple Money Saving Chart

50 Simple and Creative Ways to Save Money!

1| Cut Your Cable

There are plenty of other TV services out there that are a lot cheaper thancable.We haveusedPlayStation Vue, Hulu, Netflix, Prime Video, and Fire TV.

Our favorite is Hulu! You can watch all of your favorite shows the day after they air on tv.

The best part is we only pay $7.99 a month!You can’t beat that.

Use our link to try it out for 30-days for free.

2| Shop Cheap

Do you shop at thrift stores? If not you should start, especially if you have growing kids. I’m the queen at finding awesome discounts on kid’s clothing!

If you are tired of paying outrageous prices keep your eyes peeled for sales and start shopping for generic brands. If you are a Target shopper, like me, check out how I save hundreds with these simple tricks!

Related article: How To Score Cash For Clothes You No Longer Wear

3| Reduce Your Phone Bill

Phone bills can be ridiculously expensive.

What if I told you it doesn’t have to be that way? There are a lot of really great options out there for inexpensive phone plans that provide great coverage.

Check out Republic Wireless as a great low-cost alternative to the ultra-expensive phone plans you’re probably used to.

You can get started for just $15 per month right here.

4| Save Your Pennies

Save all of your loose change! We throw all of our change into a jar and at the end of the month, we use it to pay down our mortgage.

If you have loose change lying around start saving it! It really adds up fast!

Related article:

5| Start A Budget

Looking for an easy way to save money, what a better way to get started than with a budget!

If we wouldn’t start budgeting our money 10+ years ago there is no way we would have been able to become DEBT FREE and save a six-figure retirement in our 20s.

If you are ready to jump headfirst into budgeting and it’s something you’ve never tried before, pick up our Build A Better Budget Workbook in our Free Resource Library. We’ll teach you the ins and outs of budgeting.

If you’ve tried budgeting before or it “just didn’t work out” but you are ready to try again, give our Customizable Budget Spreadsheets a try! We wouldn’t have had the success we’ve had without it!

Related article: 12 Of The Best Budget Planners You’ll Obsess Over In 2022

6| Shop Sales

Only shop sales, and get paid to shop when you use Rakuten! If you haven’t used Rakuten before it’s super easy, they pay you to buy things at all your favorite stores online.

For example, if you want to buy something with Amazon head over to Rakuten and click through their site to Amazon. Rakuten will then pay you for shopping through their site!!

How awesome is that! If you want to get paid for everyday shopping, this is the way to do it!!

Who doesn’t love free money!

Use our link and you’ll get $30 when you make your first purchase!

Use our link and you’ll get $30 when you make your first purchase!

7| Don’t Pay For Another Book Again

Don’t ever pay full price for a book again! When we do buy books, we always check Amazon used book selection. When you go to buy a book on amazon. Look underneath the price of the book and in small print, you will see used book prices. Of course, this is just one way to score cheap books!

Better yet stick to the library!Our library lets us check out 100 books at once.You should see the pile of books we attempt to walk out of the library with.

Most libraries offer free ebooks. Our library has its own app which allows you access to thousands of free books right on your phone or any mobile device. Recently they even gave my daughter a FREE month of ABC Mouse, which was just time for summer.

Books are expenses, take advantage of the resources your community offers.

8| Hello No-Spend Weekend

Have you ever had a no-spend weekend? If not, let this weekend be your first!

If you are on a budget, which you should be, I recommend giving this a try. For one whole weekend stay home and don’t spend a dollar.

We are weekend spenders, most people are. Stay home this weekend and see how much you can save.

Check out this awesome list of things to do on a no-spend weekend.

Recommended Resource: Need a place to keep all this money you’re saving, check out our recommended online bank here.

9| Kick Your Coffee Habit For Good

Okay so maybe you can’t fathom kicking your coffee habit, neither could I, nor would I.


You CAN kick the habit of going out to Starbucks, Caribou, or any other coffee hut.

If you are looking for an easy way to save money coffee houses are simply not on the budget.

Instead, make your own cup of coffee at home. Pinterest has some awesome recipes, sip and enjoy!

If this just isn’t an option for you check out these 10 shocking ways you can score free Starbucks this month!

10| Kids Eat Free

If you have kids, eat at restaurants where kids eat free. On Tuesdays a lot of restaurants let kids eat free with the purchase of an entree or for only $1.

Take advantage of these awesome deals! Don’t pay full price for a kid’s meal again.

11| Share A Meal

If you absolutely can’t kick your “going out to eat” habit, share a meal and skip the appetizer!

A lot of restaurants also have the 2 for 1 deal where you can get two meals for the price of one.

Grab Your FREE Budget Binder Today!

Start saving more money and pay off your debt with this FREE Budget Binder

12| Sell Your Used Books

Do you have a lot of used books sitting around your house? If so, sell your used and unread books with Amazon’s buyback program.

I sold all of my old college textbooks toAmazon and made over $400.

Check out how you can become an Amazon Seller here! Books are just the beginning of items you can sell on Amazon.

13| Buy Generic Everything

50 Easy Ways To Save Money In Your Spare Time (2)

I’m a huge brand of buying generic brands. Especially when I’m grocery shopping.

I mentioned above I’m a huge fan of Target, it’s where a majority of my grocery shopping is done (convenience is worth it). That and Aldi which is known for its low prices.

When I shop at Target, I always buythe Target brand (market pantry) over the others and it saves me a lot of money.

The price difference between a generic and name-brand product can be BIG! So take advantage of this!

Related article: 85 Frugal Meals You Can Make Even On A Small Budget

14| Shop The Dollar Tree

Want to check out how Dollar Tree saves us hundreds each year!

If you are struggling to save money and you don’t shop the Dollar Tree you are doing things all wrong!

Yes, there are things you should avoid that the Dollar Tree but that won’t matter with all of the money you are going to save by shopping there.

Related article: 15 Dollar Store DIY Fall Decor Ideas That You Must Try

15| Use Coupon Apps When Shopping For More Savings

If you don’t use Ibotta when shopping, you must start!

Let me tell you this app is AMAZING and I use it almost every day to save money.

Their app is super simple to use. Do your shopping like normal and when you get home check off the items you bought on the app.

Then scan the receipt with your phone. Then they give you money for your purchases.

It’s that easy! Start making money on your everyday purchases today!

Check out ibotta here!

Related article: Ibotta App Review (Is Ibotta Legit Or A Scam)

16| Spend Less Than What You Make

Are you living under your means?

You should be because this is the key to financial success. If you don’t, the first step is to figure out your total income and your total expenses each month.

From there you will need to figure out your budget for each month. Having a set budget is probably the easiest way to save money each month.

If you are ready to take control of your budget come join us in our Free Budgeting Crash Course!

Also, check out this article for more ideas on how you can spend less than you make.

17| Pay With Cash

Do you feel like your money just disappears and you have no idea where it went? At one point, so did we.

Until we switched to paying with cash.

Paying with cash helps you become more intentional with your money because you will feel every dollar you will spend.

We used to LIVE by the Cash Envelope Method. This is the method that has helped us save over SIX FIGURES!! If you are struggling with obsessively spending this is a great method that should change your money habits.

18| Bring Your Lunch From Home

If you are struggling to save money this is a no-brainer. Bring lunch from home to work every day.

According to CNBC, if you go out to eat every workday and spend $10 per meal, it comes out to $2550 a year!

19| Cancel Memberships

Do you have gym memberships or magazine subscriptionsyou don’t currently use? If so cancel them. Even if you use them, cancel them!

If you are trying to save money or pay off debt you don’t need these things in your life, yet!!

Better yet let Trim do the work for you! Trim negotiates bills such as cable, internet, phone, and more. They find and can cancel any old subscriptions you don’t ever use or may have forgotten about.

Come check out all the rave and give Trim a try!

20| Don’t Buy Stuff Just To Have Stuff

Only purchase things that you need!

We always use the 30-day rule. If you see something you want to buy, wait 30 days. If you still wantit after30 days and if you can afford it, go get it.

21| Meatless Dinners

Plan for meatless meals a few days a week.This one is hard for a lot of people but eating meals without meat will save you a lot of money.

Think about it, I bet just about every “dinner” meal you make has some type of meat in it. Eliminating that expense from your grocery bill will save you big bucks.

Come check out the best grocery store hacks that will help you save money on food. Also, here are 85 frugal meals you should try!

22| Automate Savings

50 Easy Ways To Save Money In Your Spare Time (3)

Set up a direct deposit to your savings account or high-interest Money Market Account. When you get paid, have a chunk of money go directly to your savings.

Maybe a direct deposit for each paycheck isn’t an option for you. If you want to automate your savings, you can use a phone app called Empower that rounds up all your purchases to the next whole dollar.

That small amount saved on each purchase adds up over time!

23| Repair Things Yourself

Do you do repairs on things around your home yourself, if not, you should!

We live by the saying, “just Youtube it!” We’ve done everything from replacing appliances, making furniture, reclaimed our kitchen table, moving the walls in our home, laying hardwood floors, and so much more.

SO just Youtube it! You can learn how to do anything you put your mind to!

24| Upgrade Your Home

Upgrade your appliances to energy-efficient appliances.

Yes I know upgrading your appliances will cost money but long term you will save a lot!! Come check out how we reduce our energy bill each year.

25| Hang Up Your Laundry To Dry

Drying clothes in the dryeruses a lot of electricity. I use one of these awesome drying racks that I can use indoors and out and I love it!!

Better yet if it’s summer hang your clothes up outside.

Related articles: 10 Awesome Hacks That’ll Save You Thousands On Your Household Items

26| Find An Alternative To Going Out To A Movie

Movies are expensive!! The price of ONE movie ticket could practically pay for the movie once it comes out in stores.

Do yourself a favor and pick up a Redbox and save on the expense of going to the movies.Just don’t forget to bring it back within 24 hours.

Head over to Pinterest and type in FREE Netflix in the search bar. Grab a free code and score yourself a free movie for the night.

27| Carpool 

Do you drive long distances to work? If so, find a cheap alternative. Do you have a coworker that lives near you? If so, then try carpooling.

When we lived in DC, David’s work paid for him to take the metro (train). He had a longer commute on the metro BUT he didn’t have to drive in traffic or pay for gas.

28| Say Goodbye Go Credit Cards

Learn to live without using credit cards! In fact, Irecommend just cutting them up if you have too many.

You can get penalized for canceling unused credit cards, crazy right. I finally got around to canceling my only (unused) credit card last year and it did drop my credit score by almost 10 points.

So I simply recommend cutting them up instead.

Now it’s not a bad idea to keep one credit card for emergency purposes.

It’s just good practice to only spend the money you have. With credit cards, that makes it hard to do.

29| Take Advantage Of Airbnb

When traveling, use Airbnb. Traveling happens all the time, whether on vacation or traveling to see family, or traveling for work. Whatever the reason we highly recommend using Airbnb.

We use them every time we travel! You can’t beat having your own space and a fully stocked kitchen for a fraction of the price of a hotel.

We use Airbnb every time we travel, even out of country travel.

Use our link and save $40 on your first stay with Airbnb!

30| Declutter Your Home

Did you know you can make cash just by selling items around your home? If you are looking for a super-easy way to make money, it doesn’t get easier than this!

Start by selling clothes and other unused items you have lying around your home. Here is my complete guide on decluttering your home. It even talks about my favorite ways to make money off of your used clothing.

31| Avoid Shopping Centers

We all have that store that we know if we walk into we will spend money! Avoid those stores like the plague!

For me, that place is the mall!

32| Shop At Your Local Discount Grocery Store

Do you have a discount grocery store nearby? If so, take advantage of their discounts.

Aldi is a great discount grocery store that has great prices and has been popping up all around the U.S. Do you have a discount grocery store near you? If so give it a try!

If you don’t have a local discount store give the Ibotta app a try! Ibotta is a great money-saving app, I use it every time I grocery shop.

Give Ibotta a try and grab your FREE $20 welcome bonus!

33| Don’t Dry Clean

Dry cleaning is expensive! So stop buying clothes that have to be dry cleaned.

Not only will this save you money but it will also save you time and gas running to and from the dry cleaners.

If you want your clothes to look professionally cleaned buy a steamer instead (we have and love this one.)

34| Ride Your Bike To Work

Do you live close to work?

Grab a bike and start riding your bike to work. Not only will this cut down on gas but it will also get you in shape.

35| Swap Babysitters

Are you looking to have a date night but don’t want to pay the cost of a babysitter. Swap babysitting with a friend or a neighbor.

This is is a cheap and affordable way to enjoy a date night.

Related Article: Cheap Date Ideas You Can Have At Home

36| Grow Your Own Produce

Looking to save costs on groceries? Start growing your own fruit and veggies during the summer months!

This is a huge money saver! We currently have lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, lemons, oranges, and green beans growing in our backyard.

37| Avoid ATM Fees

ATM fees can sneak up on you, so why not avoid them altogether. Better yet why don’t you cut up your credit cards?

I don’t have a credit card to my name and my credit score is in the high 700s. I put most of the bills in my name to keep my credit score high.

38| Don’t Buy An Item Because It’s “On Sale”

50 Easy Ways To Save Money In Your Spare Time (4)

We all get suckered into this from time to time. You see an item on sale and then talk yourself into buying it because it’s “on sale.” When the truth is you would have never bought the item if it wasn’t on sale.

Buying something because it is on sale isn’t saving you money!

39| Use Linen Napkins

Have you ever thought about how much you waste on paper products? It adds up to a lot over the course of a year. If you are looking to get frugal or just an easy way to save money switch to buying linen napkins.

I love these ones but honestly, you can just go to your local Walmart and pick up a bunch for super cheap!

We use them in place of paper napkins and paper towels because we use to go through both like crazy. Then we wash them weekly with our towels.

Here are 9 more items you can switch out in your home to save money every month.

40| Don’t Buy New

Don’t buy things that are brand new. Look on Craigslist, eBay, and Facebook Marketplace for great deals on lightly used items.

Last summer we scored a “like new” wooden swing set for $100 on Marketplace. We then scored some .99-cent stain from the clearance paint section at Home Depot. For $101 we had a new playset that our kids spend hours on.

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

41| Don’t Buy Holiday Cards

Don’t be someone who spends 7 dollars on a card that will more than likely be tossed in the garbage shortly after they receive it.

A simple phone call will suffice and have a lot more meaning than a card. If you aren’t into the whole picking up your phone to make a call try making your own holiday cards, better yet use HallmarkeCards.

When you send an eCard you can send a personalized card right to their email, in an instant.

If you love cards and can’t break the habit go to the Dollar Tree to buy them. On any given day you can score two cards for $1. These are the same cards that they sell at Walmart and Target.

Related post: 13 Insanely Cheap Bathroom Organization Ideas Found At The Dollar Tree

42|Don’t Upgrade Your Phone

Don’t upgrade your cell phone every 2 years. My last phone lasted 4 years, so hang on to it as long as you can before purchasing a new one.

43| Grocery Shop Online

Are you an impulsive buyer? If so, grocery shopping online is the way to go. Buying groceries online keeps you from seeing things you think you need and then letting them slip into your cart.

By shopping online you are less likely to buy things that aren’t on your list. It’s also so much more convenient. I love Shipt and I know I’ll be an even bigger fan once winter comes and I don’t have to go out in the cold.

To save extra when you do your shopping online don’t forget to use sites like Ibotta or Rakuten to save!

44| Buy Used Clothes

Buy clothes used or get your hands on some hammy downs. Don’t waste money on brand new clothes for kids who are just going to grow out of them next week.

Related article: The Best Money-Saving Tips That Will Save You Big On Kids Clothing

45| Hello Groupon

Yes, it’s still a thing! Take advantage of good deals when you can! You can get great deals on everyday activities. Before we head on a date night we always check out Groupon to see what we can score for cheap.

Related article: At Home Date Night Ideas For The Cheap And Frugal

46| Quit Keeping Up With The Joneses

Quit trying to keep up with the Joneses, more than likely they are broke.

Everyone is in their own season of life. Don’t compare your life to others and what they have!

If you are looking for more creative ways to save money make sure you join our money-saving challenge!

47| Live Tiny or Consider Downsizing

Living in a smaller home not only cuts down the cost of your mortgage but also your utilities. If you are struggling to pay your bills maybe it’s time to downsize.

48| Reduce Your Household Bills

If you haven’t tried calling your utility companies, do it. Lowering your bills is possible!

Call your utility companies and see if they can work with you to lower your utilities. Usually, if you mention finding a new provider they will be willing to negotiate a lower price for you.

Related article: Preventative Home Maintenance (That Will Save You Money)

49| Try a Money Saving Challenge

If you are looking to save money! Why not try a money saving challenge?

There are so many different types of money saving challenges. From envelope challenges, penny challenges, 52-week money challenges, and more!

Give one a try, you won’t regret it!

50| Skip The Mani And Pedi

Paint your own nails! If you visit the spa often you know how costly getting your nails done can be.Buy your own nailpolish andbecome an expert atdoing your own nails.

A bottle of your own nail polish will last you a lot longer than your mani or Pedi will!

I hope these tips help you put more cash money back in your pocket each month!

What are your favorite easy ways to save money?

If you liked this article save it for later and come follow us on Pinterest for more money-saving ideas.

50 Easy Ways To Save Money In Your Spare Time (5)


Grab Your FREE Printable Budget Binder

50 Easy Ways To Save Money In Your Spare Time (6)

Related articles:

  • The Cheapest Way To Live: 11 Cheap Alternative Housing Options
  • Living Cheap: How To Live Cheap And Still Thrive
  • 50 Genius Frugal Living Tips You Should Adopt To Save Money
  • 20 Things I Simply Stopped Buying To Save Money
50 Easy Ways To Save Money In Your Spare Time (2024)


How can I save money 100 ways? ›

100 Ways to Save Money
  1. Move bank accounts to take advantage of perks and earn more interest. ...
  2. Turn off the television. ...
  3. Stop collecting, and start selling. ...
  4. Sign up for every free customer rewards program you can. ...
  5. Make your own gifts instead of buying stuff from the store. ...
  6. Master the 30-day rule.

What are the 5 steps to save money? ›

5 simple steps to start saving
  • Set one specific goal. Rather than socking away money into a savings account, set specific goals for your savings. ...
  • Budget for savings. Just because you decide to save doesn't mean it's going to happen. ...
  • Make saving automatic. ...
  • Keep separate accounts. ...
  • Monitor & watch it grow.

What is the 30-day rule? ›

The premise of the 30-day savings rule is straightforward: When faced with the temptation of an impulse purchase, wait 30 days before committing to the buy. During this time, take the opportunity to evaluate the necessity and impact of the purchase on your overall financial goals.

What are 3 ways to save money when you do decide to spend? ›

Make a budget.
  • Set a savings goal. ...
  • Set up direct deposits to go into savings. ...
  • Buy generic. ...
  • Stay out of “that store.” ...
  • Cancel some subscriptions and memberships. ...
  • Join gas rewards programs. ...
  • Meal plan. ...
  • Use cash-back apps and coupons.
Jun 13, 2024

How can I save $1000 fast? ›

Financial expert Dave Ramsey has a lot of ideas on the subject, and here are some of the most practical ways to save your first $1,000 quickly.
  1. Cancel Subscriptions. ...
  2. Bring Your Own Lunch. ...
  3. Avoid Coffee Out. ...
  4. Re-Sell Old Items. ...
  5. Shop at Cheaper Grocery Stores With Rewards Programs. ...
  6. Buy Generic. ...
  7. Join a Carpool.
Dec 28, 2023

How to save money fast? ›

Canceling unnecessary subscriptions and automating your savings are a couple of simple ways to save money quickly. Switching banks, opening a short-term CD, and signing up for rewards programs can also help you save money. Making a budget and eliminating a spending habit each day can help lead to long-term savings.

What is the 10 rule for saving money? ›

Key Takeaways:

Rising costs due to high inflation and interest rates have left many Americans needing more money for necessities. The 60/30/10 budgeting method says you should put 60% of your monthly income toward your needs, 30% towards your wants and 10% towards your savings.

How to save $500 in 30 days? ›

10 Tips To Help You Save $500 in 30 Days
  1. Reset Your Mindset. Think of these 30 days as a time to hit “reset" on your spending habits. ...
  2. Set a Daily or Weekly Goal. ...
  3. Assess Your Current Budget. ...
  4. Identify Where To Cut Your Spending. ...
  5. Look For Additional Income Sources. ...
  6. Track Your Spending. ...
  7. Bucket Your Savings. ...
  8. Celebrate Your Goal.

What is the 9o day rule? ›

According to the 90-day rule, a foreign national who engages in conduct inconsistent with their nonimmigrant status within a 90 day period of entering the U.S. may become inadmissible for the green card or even permanently barred from entering the US.

What is the 30 day challenge to save money? ›

Here's how it works: When you have the urge to make an impulse purchase, wait for 30 days and give yourself time to think about it. While considering the purchase, deposit the money you need for it into a savings account. If you still want to buy that item after the 30-day period is up, go for it.

How to live on very little money? ›

Tips to help you live below your means
  1. Create a plan for your money. The act of assigning a job for every dollar can be empowering. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Pay yourself. ...
  4. Live off one income if possible. ...
  5. Look for ways to lower your discretionary expenses. ...
  6. Reflect on your financial habits. ...
  7. Drive used. ...
  8. Pay less interest.
Jul 10, 2024

How to save money when you are broke? ›

Surviving on a tight budget during an emergency

Using a notebook or budgeting app to track your expenses, look for spending patterns to see your full financial picture and find ways cut back. Subscriptions for a gym membership, Hulu, Netflix, and Spotify can be a good place to start tightening your budget.

How to save pocket money? ›

8 simple ways to save money
  1. Record your expenses. The first step to start saving money is figuring out how much you spend. ...
  2. Include saving in your budget. ...
  3. Find ways to cut spending. ...
  4. Determine your financial priorities. ...
  5. Pick the right tools. ...
  6. Make saving automatic.
  7. Watch your savings grow.

How to save $5000 in 3 months with 100 envelopes? ›

You can save over $5,000 in just over three months with the 100 envelope challenge. It works like this: Gather 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Each day, fill up one envelope with the amount of cash corresponding to the number on the envelope. You can fill up the envelopes in order or pick them at random.

How to save $100 in 30 days? ›

The plan works like this: Start off by saving just a dollar every day for five days. For the next five, save two dollars. Increase the amount every five days by a dollar until you reach the point where you're saving five dollars per day, which you'll do for the last ten days of the month.

How to save $10,000 easily? ›

6 steps to save $10,000 in a year
  1. Evaluate income and expenses. To make room for saving, you'll need a meticulous budget that outlines all your sources of income and all your expenditures. ...
  2. Make an actionable savings plan. ...
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  4. Increase your income. ...
  5. Avoid new debt. ...
  6. Invest wisely.
Apr 2, 2024

How to save money in 100 days? ›

The 100-envelope challenge is pretty straightforward: You take 100 envelopes, number each of them and then save the corresponding dollar amount in each envelope. For instance, you put $1 in “Envelope 1,” $2 in “Envelope 2,” and so on. By the end of 100 days, you'll have saved $5,050.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.