5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (2024)

“I want to be generous one day, when I’m more financially comfortable,” so many of us say.

“I’ll volunteer more of my time, when I get to where I want to in my career,” we also add.

“I’ll help people get opportunities, when I have all the connections,” we promise.

Why do we do this? Probably because we think that we’re not rich yet. We think we don’t have the resources to help others yet. We think there’s a point when we will wake up and say, “I have more than enough now. Now, I can help others.”

The problem with holding off generosity

Awise friendonce told me that our actions shape our desires. Let me repeat that:our actions shape our desires.

Don’t we often expect it to be the other way round? We allow our desires– our wants, needs, wildest dreams– to shape what we do and say.

But, what we do and say also shapes who we are. We arecreatures of habit, you and I, and if we deliberately make choices that push us in a certain direction, we begin tobecome those choices.

So what’s the problem with holding off generosity? Why can’t we wait till we’re making a comfortable income to donate? Why can’t we wait till we’ve landed our dream job to spare time for others?

It’s because when we’ve reached that point in our lives, our desires will have changed.That’s right: if you have a generous heart today– which I know you do– it doesn’t mean that you will STILL be generous 20 years from now.

You have to act on that generosityimmediately. Otherwise, 20 years could go by without an act of generosity– and perhaps by then, that desire will be but a faint memory.

Generosity is dangerous

There’s nothingsafe about giving. We take risks when we willingly hand over a precious resource; it could be relished and used well, or it could be squandered.

It’s often the case that we give our time and resources, but don’t see fruit. Or worse, we realize later on that our resources were used poorly, or even thrown aside. As if the sacrifice isn’t hard enough, any suffering we might experience is compounded by the fact that we suffered for apparently no good reason.

But, your generous heart needs to act upon its inclinations at the risk of rejection, because the cost ofnot giving is greater than the cost of giving imperfectly.

The needs of this world are great– and those needs include the ability to put the right resources to the right places. And yet, even in the presence of such a need, we can give open-handedly.

The act of intentional giving

So, it seems that I’ve shareda paradox: it’s dangerous for us to withhold our resources until we’re comfortable; and it’s dangerous to shareour resources freely.

What are we to do?

We are to givewisely. We are to assess our resources and research the needs to which we have access. We are to decide where we can be most helpful to our communities. And then we are to take the risk– and learn as we go.

5 Ways to be Generous Within Your Financial Limits

I get it. None of us are financially in excess; and even if we earna comfortableincome, it’s not the right time to squander those earnings.

As with anything else, being financially responsible does not mean being stingy. It means being creative with our resources and sharing what we do have in excess. Here are a few ways to do so:

1) Give that 10%.

Sure, who couldn’t use the last 10% of their income? But remember: generosity is practiced. If you hope to be generous with your future wealth, you need to be generous with your current wealth. Need help assessing a good non-profit? Check out Charity Navigator.

[Tweet “If you hope to be generous with your future wealth, be generous with your current wealth via @daisylinshih”]

2) Teach someone a skill or mentor them in an endeavor.

You know how to do something that someone else doesn’t, right? Whether it’s cooking, gardening, going on a regular walk, or properly fixing a leaky faucet, there’s someone you know who needs to learn from you. Offer that lesson.

And, if you know someone who is on a journey you’ve been on yourself, offer to mentor them through it. Encourage them, advise them, and be there for them. It’s that simple.

3) Help someone who is sick or recently hospitalized.

Pay attention to the people at your workplace, at church, or in your community who might be sick (or have a sick family member). Perhaps someone just had surgery and needs a bit of help around the house. Offer to prepare a meal, run an errand, or clean for them.

4) Connect people who could benefit from knowing each other.

Young professionals like you and me are often bombarded with tips for networking for our own gain. Rarely are we reminded that sometimeswe’re the ones with the connections! Sure, maybe you’re not as connected as your boss, but you hold sway. Mark Zuckerberg reportedly said, “Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend” (source). If you happen to be that friend, think of the influence you have!

5) Organize a drive or fundraiser with your friends.

Are you and your friends interested in a certain issue? Find out how to donate your time to raising awareness and funds for an organization that addresses that issue! This could mean collecting toys for kids at Christmas, cleaning out your closets and hosting a yard sale, or encouraging your coworkers to purchase toiletries for the local homeless shelter.Just because your finances are tight doesn’t mean that you can’t encourage others to give.Remember,little drops of water make the mighty ocean!

[Tweet “Generosity is a dangerous adventure. How to be generous within your financial limits via @daisylinshih”]

What all generous people know

There’s never a safe time to be generous. You can always keep your resources to yourself. You can always convince yourself that your contribution won’t matter, or that you can’t afford to lose anything.

But, what we gain from being generous is immensely greater than what we gain from withholding our resources. With generosity, we become the kinds of people who inspire others. We touch lives that are not our own. We expand our reach and our vision. And who doesn’t want that?

A few more resources on generosity:

MORE OR LESS: Choosing a life of excessive generosityby Jeff Shinabarger. This is my absolute FAVORITE read from the past half year. Jeff tells so many beautiful stories of generosity and giving, and has inspired me to be generous in ways I never would have thought of. If you’re interested in becoming generous, you need to read this book.

GIVING 2.0: Transform your giving and our world by Laura Arrillaga-Andreesen. I think Laura is fantastic. I’ve watched several of her lessons on giving, and she demonstrates how to give wisely, thoughtfully, and creatively. Laura was the one that reminded me that we are all philanthropists, just in different ways. As a philanthropist herself, she shares what it means to create a lifestyle out of giving!

How will you choose generosity this week?

  1. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (3)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 18, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    Thanks Brooke! I really appreciate the shares, too! 🙂

  2. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (4)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 18, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    Thank you Monica! And exactly– we often think that we need to arrive at a certain point before we have freedom to do something we want to do. Thank you for reading!

  3. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (5)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 18, 2015 at 7:12 pm

    Thanks Gina!! I think so many of us feel inadequate to be generous, but usually the opposite is true.

  4. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (6)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 18, 2015 at 7:12 pm

    Yes yes yes!! Some of the most giving people I know have known great need themselves.

  5. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (7)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 18, 2015 at 7:11 pm

    Thank you Michelle!!

  6. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (9)

    Brooke Knippon July 18, 2015 at 2:56 pm

    This is such a great idea for a post! People put off so many thing for the ever elusive time they are making more money, and this one in particular shouldn’t be delayed! Great tips for all of us 🙂 I tweeted your quotes, they’re great!

  7. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (10)

    Monicaon July 18, 2015 at 1:07 pm

    Such great ideas, Daisy! I think this is something that’s important to get into the habit of as early as possible no matter what resources you may think you lack. The older we get, the harder it becomes to stop the “well, when I have (x), then I can (y)” especially when you start to throw full-time jobs, children, etc. into the mix. Thank you for challenging us!

  8. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (11)

    Gina Alyseon July 18, 2015 at 6:53 am

    Thank you so much for this post Daisy. It’s something I need in my life right now (I think we all do). You challenge me in a way that makes me act, and I am so grateful for that. I love your ideas of teaching someone a skill or visiting with people who need extra care. That is so important and it is so necessary to align ourselves with the right values we want to have in our life.

  9. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (12)

    Rachel Gon July 17, 2015 at 11:24 pm

    The people I live with and around in this community challenge me to grow and stretch that ‘generosity muscle’ on a regular basis. When people who experience real need themselves can still see the needs of others and seek to meet them–that’s hardcore stuff, right there.

  10. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (13)

    Michelleon July 17, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    Great post, thank you for sharing this Daisy!

  11. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (14)

    Christina @ Embracing Simpleon July 17, 2015 at 6:28 pm

    Your posts are seriously so inspiring Daisy! I think it is absolutely possible to be generous without overextending yourself financially. There are so many other ways to give to others that are far beyond only our financial means!

  12. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (15)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 17, 2015 at 3:10 pm

    Ahh thanks friend! Yes, it’s really easy to be stingy with time, because we often confuse it with ‘drawing boundaries’ (important). I find that it’s best to balance time, money and resources when it comes to giving! 🙂

  13. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (16)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 17, 2015 at 3:09 pm

    Aw thanks Kiki! And really we can be generous in spirit without having to fork over loads of money. I’m so glad you’ve worked generosity into your life, friend!

  14. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (17)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 17, 2015 at 3:08 pm

    Thank you so much, Hayley! I think we often confine generosity to money, but sometimes we’re even more stingy with other resources!

  15. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (18)

    Brittany Bergmanon July 17, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    Goodness girl, you have been knocking it out of the park this week!! I have found myself encouraged and challenged by each of your posts. Until recently, if someone had asked me where I struggle to be generous — time or money — I definitely would have said money, but now I realize that it’s time I struggle with. I’m currently on the lookout for opportunities where God wants me to give of my time.

  16. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (19)

    Kikion July 17, 2015 at 7:29 am

    I wish we could give back more than we currently do. Sometimes generosity comes in the form of me paying for someone’s coffee behind me at Dunkin donuts. I think when people think about giving back to others, they over look all the little impacts you can make. Fantastic post Daisy. You are such a warm soul. (:

  17. 5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (20)

    Hayleyon July 17, 2015 at 5:47 am

    This is a fantastic post, Daisy! Generosity is something I am continually learning to embrace more and more–especially with my time!!

5 Ways to be Generous within Your Financial Limits (2024)


What are two ways you can be generous with your money today? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. The ways to be generous with money and time are donating and volunteering. Giving money to a charity, non-profit group, or cause you support is one way to be generous with your resources. This practice is known as a donation.

What is the way of being generous? ›

Be generous with your gratitude.

Donations and charity work are great ways to give back, but just offering your genuine appreciation for friends and family can boost their mood, too. Plus, gratitude also improves your relationships—and practicing thanks can also make you more generous over time. It's a win-win-win!

How can I live more generously? ›

Consider Your Resources: Take some time to reflect on the resources you have at your disposal, and think about how you can use them to serve others. Give: Look for opportunities to give in whatever way you can. It can be as simple as giving your time and attention, or as tangible as donating money or material goods.

How to be generous to yourself? ›

Set boundaries as an act of self-love.

Set boundaries for yourself, schedule time for yourself, respect your needs as you do others, practice saying yes to the things that bring you joy, and say NO to self-imposed obligations.

What are the three forms of generosity? ›

This can be studied through three main aspects: giving things, giving loving protection and giving loving understanding. The teaching on the first of these, material generosity, explains what is proper generosity and what is improper.

What makes us generous? ›

Generosity is not a haphazard behavior but a basic orientation to life. It entails not only a moral good expressed but also certain vices rejected, such as selfishness, greed, fear, and meanness. Generosity also involves giving not just anything, but rather those things that are good for others.

What is extremely generous? ›

willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected: a very generous man. [ + to infinitive ] It was generous of you to lend me the money. generous with She's been very generous with her time.

Why do I struggle so much financially? ›

It may be that you have too much credit card debt, not enough income, or you overspend on unnecessary purchases when you feel stressed or anxious. Or perhaps, it's a combination of problems. Make a separate plan for each one.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.