5 Things To Buy To Be Happier, According To Science - New Trader U (2024)

For centuries, humankind has pondered the eternal question: what brings true happiness? While the pursuit fills books by philosophers and songs by poets, the answer remains elusive. Intuitively, we feel that money and material possessions play a part in living a good life. And yet, science tells us that after basic needs are met, increased income and luxury goods do little to boost overall life satisfaction. Research reveals that intentional purchasing in certain areas reliably enhances contentment. Rather than consumerism, conscious spending better serves well-being. This article explores the science behind happiness-boosting purchases across five categories: experiences over possessions, health and well-being items, time-saving services, hobbies and creative outlets, and education and personal growth resources. With mindful buying in these domains, our acquisitions can positively contribute to living a good life.

The Science of Happiness

Understanding Purchase Types

Before examining specific purchases, we must comprehend how acquisitions influence happiness. Social scientists categorize buying into two types: material and experiential. Material goods include physical products that enrich us through ownership. Experiential purchases provide life experiences and memories. As marketers boosted material consumerism over the 20th century, science now shows that experiences give more lasting joy pound for pound. The phenomenon of hedonic adaptation explains why the happiness hit by material goods fades quickly. As we adjust to ownership, desires transfer to the subsequent acquisition. In contrast, experiential joy derives not just from the event itself but from the anticipatory pleasure and memories relived afterward. With mindful buying focused on experiences, hobbies, education, and health, purchases can enhance well-being.

Category 1: Experiences Over Possessions

The Science

A mountain of research confirms that money spent on experiences reliably provides more enduring increases in happiness compared to material goods. One reason involves the previously mentioned hedonic adaptation. The joy boost from buying the flashy new car quickly fades as it becomes an everyday reality. In contrast, the delight lives on from that once-in-a-lifetime balloon ride over Napa Valley. Additionally, experiences foster social connections, self-development, and memories that bolster identity and meaning in life. Science shows that traveling to unique places and enjoying exciting events pays the most significant dividends for boosting mood and life satisfaction.

An Example

Consider James, who usually spends his discretionary income on the latest tech gadgets and designer clothing in hopes of feeling happy. However, he notices that the pleasure from each shiny new toy starts high but soon fades. This year, James invests his bonus into a long-awaited camping road trip through national parks out West. As he anticipates the adventures, James’s mood rises in eager excitement. Each day of hiking, riverside camping, and dazzling nature vistas leaves him feeling an awe and contentment that he’s rarely experienced. Now, months later, reminiscing about watching Old Faithful erupt against a dusky yellow sky brings joy. James realizes those profound experience memories create far more happiness than any possession he’s purchased in the past.

Category 2: Health and Well-being

The Science

Extensive research connects healthy behaviors like frequent exercise, sufficient sleep, a nutritious diet, and stress management to increased happiness metrics. Boosting health lifts well-being in several scientifically validated ways. Physical activity releases endorphins and proteins called BDNF, which stimulate mood-boosting neurotransmitters. Quality nutrition provides compounds and microbes beneficial for brain function and mental health. Health-promoting choices also foster an overall sense of self-care and self-esteem. Investing in one’s physical and psychological health pays back exponentially in terms of happiness dividends over a lifetime.

An Example

Wendy used to invest minimally in her health, choosing the odd yoga class but often grabbing fast food while working long hours. As she enters her 40s, Wendy’s energy and outlook feel chronically low. She decided that improving her self-care could help her life feel better. Wendy joins a gym close to work, which she schedules time to visit several times a week. At home, she invests in a high-quality juicer and healthy cookbooks. As Wendy builds exercise and better nutrition into her routine, she’s amazed at how her mood lifts. With her body feeling more muscular and a healthy glow to her skin, Wendy feels a profound sense of self-care that energizes her mentally. The happiness returns from investing in health and well-being cannot be overstated.

Category 3: Time-Saving Services

The Science

Extensive studies correlate perceived feelings of time scarcity and life stress with lower happiness levels. When daily hours feel cramped running from one task to the next, we suffer more anxiety, less life satisfaction, and poorer health. Buying services that save substantial time allows us to ease daily stress and free up hours to invest in more meaningful and mood-boosting activities. The science and our intuition affirm that reduced feelings of time poverty and less anxiety significantly contribute to happiness.

An Example

As busy attorneys with three kids, Jeremy and Samantha felt their lives dominated by tightly scheduled demands with little bandwidth to relax or connect as a couple. They decide to budget for a cleaning service, grocery delivery, laundry service, and occasional meal deliveries. Within months, the extra hours saved each week allowed them to take that Argentine tango class they’d always fantasized about and research exciting European vacations. With more family dinners savored together and eating healthy foods, Jeremy and Samantha fell back in love with fewer harried hours. The purchased time savings quite literally enabled them to create more happiness together.

Category 4: Hobbies and Creative Outlets

The Science

An abundance of research correlates engaging in hobbies and creative activities with measurable gains in happiness, life satisfaction, and well-being. Pastimes, arts, and crafts that require focused attention and challenge our skills generate a flow state with scientifically validated mood boosts and stress reduction benefits. Additionally, creative outlets provide a valuable means of self-expression. Painting, writing poetry, producing music, or gardening nourishes our souls. With inborn human needs to direct our energies purposefully and generate accomplishments that reflect our unique selves, hobby activities powerfully meet these requirements.

An Example

Lisbeth’s demanding job often left her feelings drained and numb to deeper emotions. In search of a happier existence, she invested in oil paints, brushes, and canvases to try her hand at landscape painting. After some online tutorials, Lisbeth discovered the joy of blending vibrant grassy greens and serene sky blues to depict a remembered vista from her youth. The focused hours of painting filled her with a profound sense of flow and self-expression. With proof that her inner world held beautiful visions worthy of sharing, Lisbeth’s sense of meaning and contentment expanded dramatically. The happiness unlocked through her new painting hobby continues, providing deep serenity during difficult times that bolsters Lisbeth’s well-being immensely.

Category 5: Education and Personal Growth

The Science

While less flashy than a sports car or a new designer handbag, investing in education and personal growth activities powerfully boosts happiness. Challenging our minds to expand our knowledge, skills, and sense of purpose continually makes life worthwhile. Enrolling in courses on topics of interest, attending live lectures and classes, and even consuming educational YouTube videos generate measurable gains in life satisfaction. We are building competencies through learning, which fosters self-confidence and self-efficacy. As we actualize more of our potential, it lifts our spirits and brightens life’s journey. From cooking instruction to coding tutorials to positive psychology classes, all education spending provides happiness returns unable to be purchased in stores.


Feeling bored and stuck in a meaningless job, Joey knew he needed self-improvement to reinvigorate life’s flavor. Instead, he decided to invest discretionary income once earmarked for video games and bars into leveling up his knowledge and abilities. Joey signed up for virtual MIT courses in computer programming and machine learning. He began attending lectures on psychology and mindfulness meditation around town. Within a year, Joey gained skills enabling him to shift careers into higher-paying IT work he found far more engaging. With a feeling of progress and his mind-expanding satisfyingly once again, Joey felt proud of the new vision for his future powered by learning. The happiness he discovered through dedicated self-improvement far exceeded what any material distraction had ever offered.

The Case Study of Lucy

Since her teens, when Lucy achieved status through owning trendy clothes and getting invited to cool parties, she believed in the power of money and possessions to create happiness. This viewpoint drove her to work excessively as a financial analyst to fund her lavish lifestyle of luxury vacations, expensive spa treatments, and a massive walk-in closet full of designer clothes and handbags. However, as Lucy neared 40, she felt dissatisfied and numb inside despite seeming to “have it all.”

Through reading scientific research on happiness, Lucy realized possessions and status failed to provide lasting contentment after basic needs were met. She learned that spending intentionally on experiences over material goods, health, time efficiency, hobbies, and self-growth created genuine happiness. Lucy decided to make significant changes by quitting her unfulfilling job to free up time and reduce stress.

She invested in yoga, meditation classes, art supplies, and gardening equipment for fun, creative outlets. Lucy also planned exciting trips that had always intrigued her rather than defaulting automatically to 5-star beach resorts to show off on social media.

These science-backed decisions gradually filled Lucy’s life with far more joy, passion, and meaning than any pair of Jimmy Chooshad. Her case proves that aligning spending with research-supported happiness boosters sparks profoundly positive transformation.

Key Takeaways

  • After basic needs are met, science confirms that intentional purchasing in areas like experiences, health activities, time efficiency services, hobbies, and education provides more well-being than material goods.
  • Investing in life experiences generates anticipatory pleasure and memories that increase happiness much more than physical possessions that quickly induce hedonic adaptation.
  • Boosting physical and mental health through exercise, nutritious food, sleep, and stress relief powerfully lift mood and increase life satisfaction.
  • Buying time-savings through delegated tasks reduces feelings of stress and frees up bandwidth for more meaningful and mood-enhancing activities.
  • Engaging in hobbies produces flow states, self-expression benefits, and enhanced meaning from directing skills toward creative accomplishment.
  • Education spending enables self-improvement gains in knowledge, abilities, and purpose, substantially increasing happiness and life contentment.


As the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus taught: “We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink.” Indeed, science confirms that once basic needs are met, happiness comes less from material abundance and more from sharing experiences with others, learning new skills toward bettering ourselves and finding flow through hobbies that provide a creative outlet for self-expression. By mindfully shifting our spending priorities to boost life experiences over stuff accumulation, exercise overindulgence, and education over entertainment, we consume smarter and live happier. With purchases aligned to research-backed happiness boosters, our money can buy joy, contentment, and a good life. Our financial power gives us the responsibility to spend well not only for pleasure today but also to live more purposeful and meaningful lives.

5 Things To Buy To Be Happier, According To Science - New Trader U (2024)


5 Things To Buy To Be Happier, According To Science - New Trader U? ›

Research suggests that if you have to pick either material or experiential, experiential purchases seem to give you a boost of happiness relative to material purchases.

What are the 5 things that make you happiest? ›

Science Says These Five Things Will Make You Happier
  • Practice Daily Gratitude. Expressing gratitude has been shown to do more than improve your mood. ...
  • Surround Yourself with Positive People. ...
  • Do Regular Acts of Kindness. ...
  • Spend More Time with Family and Friends. ...
  • Spend Money on Experiences Instead of Things.

What purchases make people happiest? ›

Research suggests that if you have to pick either material or experiential, experiential purchases seem to give you a boost of happiness relative to material purchases.

What do I need to buy to be happy? ›

Key Takeaways
  • Purchase experiences more than material goods.
  • Spend money on shared activities with loved ones.
  • Buy items that enable an active lifestyle.
  • Upgrade areas like your bedroom for better sleep.
  • Splurge on personal growth and self-care.
  • Bring more plants and greenery into your living spaces.
Feb 13, 2024

What to buy for satisfaction? ›

Let's delve deeper into each of these aspects.
  • Experiences – This leads to increased happiness before, during, and after the event. ...
  • Prosocial Spending – Buying things for other people and donating to charity. ...
  • Buying Time – Purchasing the removal of negative experiences.
Jun 10, 2023

What are the 5 keys to happiness? ›

Through the framework of Positive Psychology, researchers have developed the PERMA model for happiness. Developed by psychologist Martin Seligman, this framework offers a holistic approach to happiness, emphasizing five key elements: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments.

What makes us happy scientifically? ›

Incorporating habits into your daily life such as keeping a gratitude journal, practicing kindness, nurturing optimism, learning to forgive, investing in relationships, finding flow activities, avoiding overthinking, savoring life's joys, and committing to goals can make happiness a permanent fixture.

What gifts make people the happiest? ›

Consider Gifting “Time”

That's why I think gifting time is a really good gift because it's not something people necessarily get for themselves. But our research shows that buying time can be good for happiness,” says Dunn. Consider hiring someone to mow the recipient's lawn, clean their house, or babysit their kids.

What brings the most happiness? ›

Social time is highly valuable when it comes to improving our happiness, even for introverts. Several studies have found that time spent with friends and family makes a big difference to how happy we feel, generally.

What money can buy happiness? ›

Now, Killingsworth has found that happiness rises to even higher levels for the extremely rich, or those with assets between $3 million to $7.9 million, with their life satisfaction far exceeding that of people with mere six figure incomes.

What are the 5 needs for happiness? ›

But the five essentials of health, money, relationships, contentment at work and self acceptance form the basis for creating happiness for yourself.

What do you need to be happier? ›

Try our 6 tips to help you be happier, more in control, and able to cope better with life's ups and downs.
  • Manage your stress levels. ...
  • Enjoy yourself. ...
  • Boost your self-esteem. ...
  • Have a healthy lifestyle. ...
  • Talk and share. ...
  • Build your resilience.

What 3 things are needed for happiness? ›

The Three Things We All Need for a Happy Life
  • Someone to love.
  • Something to do.
  • Something to look forward to.

What can I buy for myself to make me happy? ›

32 things to buy yourself to feel better if you have the blues
  • A lovely candle. ...
  • A new nail polish colour you've wanted to try - but haven't yet. ...
  • Flowers. ...
  • A mirror message to remind yourself that you're amazing. ...
  • Something chic but comfortable. ...
  • Really good coffee. ...
  • A bath milk to give you the best night's sleep of your life.
Feb 25, 2022

What brings the most satisfaction in life? ›

Those who are most likely to be happy feel that their life is meaningful, they are in control of their life, they are valued, their mental health is good, and/or they are satisfied with their material conditions.

What do people buy that makes them happy? ›

Possessions are fine, but it's experiences, such as vacations and travel, that really create memories and bring us happiness. There's even scientific research behind this idea, with a published study showing that money spent on doing things brings more happiness than buying things.

What makes you the happiest answer? ›

Spend time with friends and family

Social time is highly valuable when it comes to improving our happiness, even for introverts. Several studies have found that time spent with friends and family makes a big difference to how happy we feel, generally.

What are the 4 things that make us happy? ›

Doing the things you want to do and having the freedom to choose your own path in life. Maintaining positive relationships and being accepted into society. Feeling content with your situation and not comparing yourself unfavorably to others.

What makes me feel the happiest? ›

Simple activities like watching sports with a friend, having a soak in the bath, or meeting up with friends for coffee can all improve your day. Doing something you're good at, such as cooking or dancing, is a good way to enjoy yourself and have a sense of achievement.

What is the happiest thing in my life? ›

The happiest moments in life are the birth of a first child, your wedding day and the birth of grandchildren according to new research out today.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.