5 Common Auction Timeline Mistakes that Waste Time (and Lose Money) | Winspire (2024)

There are many different elements that can make up the program of a fundraising event: speeches, videos, saying grace, singing the national anthem, presenting awards, having a special entertainer and more. But the most important components are the fundraising centerpieces of the night: the fund-a-need, live auction and silent auction.

With just a few hours to raise as much revenue as possible, it’s imperative the auction timeline keep everyone’s focus on fundraising. Indeed, apoorly planned agenda can sink an entire event.

Today we’ll look atthe 5 most common scheduling missteps nonprofits make when planning events:

  1. Closing the silent auction during the live auction.
  2. Closing the silent auction all at once.
  3. Not encouraging guests to place their bids ASAP.
  4. Scheduling the event without your audience in mind.
  5. Running the event too long.

Mistake1: Closing the silent auction during the live auction.

You never want to close the silent auction during your live auction.


In order to raise as much money as possible, your fundraising auctioneer needs the complete, undivided attention and focus of the attendees in the room.

As benefit auctioneer specialist Danny Hoopernoted in a Winspire webinar,

“As an auctioneer, I’m trying to move that crowd in one direction and build momentum in the live auction. The worst thing that can happen is to have an event volunteer come upand say, ‘Would you please announce the Silent Auction is going to close in two minutes?’ Before you know it, a third of the crowd has gotten up and run off.”

Closing any part of the silent auction during the live will disrupt the evening’s flow and momentum. And control of the crowd, once lost,may never fully be regained.

Thebetter options are closing beforeor after the live, and here’s what happens in those cases:

1. Close before the live

Many nonprofits nip the issue in the bud by closing the silent auction before guests walk into the live auction ballroom.Doing so keepsfocuson the live auction, streamlines theevent agenda and ensures your fundraiser ends on a bang. Even better, you’ve given your volunteer cashiers more time to identify winning bids and begin the checkout process.

2. Close after the live

You could also keep the silent auction open until after the live auction. If so, simply have the auctioneer reassure guests, “Folks, don’t worry, sit back and relax – we won’t close the silent auction until after we’ve sold these incredible items in the live auction.”

5 Common Auction Timeline Mistakes that Waste Time (and Lose Money) | Winspire (2)Closing the silent auction after the live auction works especially well if you are using mobile bidding rather than pen-and-paper. While you might be concerned about guests being distracted on their phones, keep in mind relatively few people (15 percent or less) actually participate in the live auction.

Donors prepared to spend big on premium items will be tuned in to the live auction, while others can stay engaged with fundraising by bidding on the silent auction and other opportunities from their phones.

Try having the auctioneer announce towards the end of the live auction that the silent auction will be closing in 10 minutes or so. “Then, put a countdown clock on a screen,” suggests benefit auctioneer specialist Scott Robertson. “You won’t have to make an announcement that competes with the band or any other post-auction entertainment. After all, nobody ever misses midnight on New Year’s Eve.”

Remember, the donors that end up bidding in live auctionsrarelyhave that tight of a budget – so whether or not they won something in thesilentauction typically doesn’t affect their final bids.


Mistake 2:Closing the silent auction all at once.

Instead of closing the silent auction all at once, try closing the silent auction in sections.

This has a few benefits that ultimately generate more revenue:

1. Creates a buying frenzy.

Closing in sections creates compression. “It’s the difference between buying Christmas presents in early November and shopping in mid-December,” Robertson explains. “Around December 15, people quit shopping for Christmas and start buying for Christmas. You want to create the same buying frenzy in the silent auction.”

5 Common Auction Timeline Mistakes that Waste Time (and Lose Money) | Winspire (3)

2. Allows bidders to buy in more than one section.

With pen and paper, bidders are probably only protecting one item per section. Closing in sections allows people to participate in each of them, generating more and higher bids overall.

3. Puts a firm cap on bidding time.

As the old adage goes, don’t let the tail wag the dog. If your silent auction brings in, say, 30% of the evening’s revenue, ensure it does not overshadow your greater income generators: the fund-a-need (or cash appeal) and live auction. So you want to focus on the main event by closing sections quickly.

People don’t need more time to bid during a silent auction. What they need is a deadline.

– Scott Robertson, benefit auctioneer

A common misconception among event organizers is that you need a half an hour between closing sections. Fact is, offering more time doesn’t encourage more bids. Instead people think they have enough time to wander around, use the restroom, get a drink and converse before bidding, which negatively affects revenue.

To close in sections, simply have an emcee or auctioneer announce the process as they are closing. If you organize sections by colors, for example, you’d announce, “Folks, the green section is closing in 5 short minutes, so hurry on over and take a look.” Then do the same for the red section and so forth.

Since each section closing cuts into (or extends) the night’s agenda by another few minutes, aim to close each section in 5 to 10 minute increments. More people will bid competitively.

Mistake 3:Not encouraging guests to place bids ASAP.

5 Common Auction Timeline Mistakes that Waste Time (and Lose Money) | Winspire (4)Withvery limited hours to make money during your event,every minute counts!You want people over at the silent auction right away.

“This is one of the most common mistakes I see nonprofits make,” Hooper notes. “It’s perfectly fine to start off the night with a champagne reception as guests are coming into the ballroom or the venue. They’re having co*cktail hour, socializing, visiting… The problem is, nobody’s paying attention to the silent auction.

The best way to jumpstart biddingis have your emcee or auctioneer announce from the stage:

“Ladies and gentlemen, we will be closing a portion of the silent auction before dinner. The early deals are usually the best, so be sure to get over there and check it out prior to sitting down.”

This helps break up conversation circles and gets guests bidding.

Sincethis first section closed will probably be your smallest one, remember the primary goal here: to capture the attention of the crowd early on, not necessarily the highest possible bids.


Mistake 4:Scheduling the event without your audience in mind.

One question we’ve been asked: Is there a particular time of day or weekday that’s best for an auction? For example, are there any pros to having a Saturday brunch event versus a Saturday dinner?

Our take: Successful charity auctions can be conducted at all times of the day.

The best time for you depends on the nature of the event – think an evening gala versus a daytime golf tournament, for example.However, no two events or audiences are the same. If you think you’ll be able to get people out for a Saturday afternoon brunch, go ahead and give it a try.

5 Common Auction Timeline Mistakes that Waste Time (and Lose Money) | Winspire (5)As for a day of the week, weekends are the clear favorite for fundraising events. People are available and looking forward to a fun social excursion.

That said, there are a couple considerations that might make trying a weekday smart:

First, if it’s a women’s event, daytime works great. If it’s a men’s event, have it at nightduring the week. We’ve found weekends tend to be reserved for couples, and partners don’t like spending the better portion of a weekend evening split up or attending events alone.

You might also be operating on a smaller budget. Weekdays have significantly better availability and thus lower rates for the venue, catering and more.

Finally, if you’re planning an event in the peak of fall or spring fundraising season, weekdays pose significantly less competition from other nonprofits and social events.

Bottom line: You’ll know soon enough if an unconventional day or time is a fit. It’s worth a try! For the most part, there’s no day or time (at a reasonable hour) that definitely would not work.

Mistake 5:Running too long.

That said, no matter what day or time you choose, it’s criticalto keep your auction from running too long. If the event starts to drag on, guests will become tired and head for the exits rather than the silent auction or checkout tables. As Robertson quips, “I’ve never started a live auction too early, but I’ve certainly finished them too late.”

Most events are 3 to 4 hours long and end around 9:30 pm at the latest. (On Sundays, the entire event timeline should be shifted at least 1 hour earlier.)


If you suspect your event will creep above the 4-hour mark, it’s time to ruthlessly trim everything that doesn’t bring in revenue for the cause: the long-winded speech from an administrator, the tap dancing from the event chair’s grade 4 granddaughter, the drawn out awards ceremony… you get the idea.

This might mean spending less time on these program elements, removing them altogether or, even better, finding a creative way to turn those “dead minutes” into income generators.

You’ve invested a lot of time, energy and resources into planning a fantastic event. Don’t let an inefficient or bloated schedule get in the way of your success.


5 Common Auction Timeline Mistakes that Waste Time (and Lose Money) | Winspire (2024)


5 Common Auction Timeline Mistakes that Waste Time (and Lose Money) | Winspire? ›

Close your silent auction before the live auction starts so you can keep attendees focused and engaged during each portion of the event. Keeping your live and silent auction separate will also make the night a little less chaotic for you, your staff and your volunteers.

When should you close a silent auction? ›

Close your silent auction before the live auction starts so you can keep attendees focused and engaged during each portion of the event. Keeping your live and silent auction separate will also make the night a little less chaotic for you, your staff and your volunteers.

What makes a successful auction? ›

The quality of assets, the Seller's reputation within the community and successful marketing have much more to do with an auctions success. In fact, most auction companies will tell you they prefer at least the threat of poor weather as they often see larger crowds.

How to bid properly? ›

11 Tips for Bidding With Success in Online Auctions
  1. Understand the Auction Rules. ...
  2. Add Items to a Watchlist. ...
  3. Know the Bid Clock. ...
  4. Set a Budget. ...
  5. Use Automated Bidding. ...
  6. Research the Item. ...
  7. Test, Inspect and Compare Items On-Site. ...
  8. Compare Similar Items.

How would you run the auction? ›

How to Run Your Silent Auction Event
  1. Organize Your Auction.
  2. Conduct Registration.
  3. Make Bidding Fun.
  4. Regularly Check In with Guests. How to Run Silent Auction Checkout.
  5. Check Out Attendees.
  6. Administer Auction Items.
  7. Collect Feedback from Attendees. ...
  8. Reflect on Your Fundraising Goals and Update Supporters.

What is the best day to end an auction? ›

Learn the best times for ending your sales.

Maximize your auction by planning it to end at about 11 pm eastern standard time on Sunday. Friday and Saturday. Friday before 6pm can be a good day for your younger person and student market. However, weekend days are usually better than weekdays. Monday and Thursday.

What should you not do at an auction? ›

The event is by its very nature emotionally charged, so avoid these pitfalls to help navigate a successful sale.
  • Don't talk about your selling price to anyone - even the neighbours. ...
  • Don't have friends or family interfere with the bidding. ...
  • Don't set your reserve too high. ...
  • Trust the process. ...
  • Keep up the presentation.
Dec 20, 2023

What is the most expensive thing bought at an auction? ›

Salvator Mundi by Leonardo da Vinci.

How to win a silent auction? ›

There are several strategies you can use to increase your chances of winning at a silent auction. Set a budget, know the value of the item, be strategic, bid confidently, consider group bidding, don't get emotional, and use proxy bidding when possible.

How do you bid smartly? ›

Bidding Best Practices

You might have problems to scale your campaign properly. Set the Bid Cap as the maximum amount you're willing to pay per objective. You will most likely be charged less than your Bid Cap. If you are willing to spend more, increase your Bid Cap to maximize delivery.

Is it better to bid early or late? ›

You stand a greater chance of getting the item by placing your highest bid in the closing seconds. If an auction listing has a reserve price, bid up to that amount as early as possible, so other bidders aren't attracted by the low starting price.

What are the keys to winning a bid? ›

Top 10 Tips for Winning Bids
  • 1 Research Previous Awards for Pricing Qualified Suppliers. Go back several years. ...
  • 2 Know Your Competition. ...
  • 3 Build Templates. ...
  • 4 Only Bid on What You Can Deliver. ...
  • 5 Start Small. ...
  • 6 Mix it Up. ...
  • 7 Know the Rules. ...
  • 8 Build on Your Successes.

What is the auction time strategy? ›

A Google Ads auction-time bidding strategy analyzes different contextual signals (such as device, browser type, location, time of day, remarketing list, and more) in real time to set each keyword bid to display your ads in the best position and maximize performance.

How do you snipe an auction? ›

In the last few minutes of the auction, locate the item you want to win and press Ctrl+N to open a second window on your Internet browser. Keep one window open for bidding, as shown here. Continuously click the reload or refresh button that appears in the last few minutes of an auction, just above the Place Bid button.

What is a silent auction? ›

A silent auction is a fundraising event at which items for sale are displayed for attendees to browse, place bids on, and purchase. However, unlike traditional or live auctions, there is no auctioneer present.

How do you end a silent auction? ›

A silent auction also needs a predetermined end point where bids are closed. At that time, the bid sheets are collected by the organizers and the highest bid on each sheet is the winning bid—and that person goes home with the item!

What is the average return on a silent auction? ›

Avg # bids: 6.68 / Ret on FMV: 98.29% Food and Meal packages average 8.40 bids per item and 109.66% ret on FMV Alcohol/Wine packages average 8.11 bids per item and 115.72% ret on FMV Autographed items only average 2.27 bids per item and only 40% ret on FMV Page 22 3 Main Insights from the Data 1.

Can I end an auction early? ›

Whether you can end your auction listing early depends on if you've received any bids yet, how much time is left in the auction, and if you have a reserve price in place. Can the listing be ended early? Yes. You may be charged a final value fee based on the amount of the highest bid.

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