44 Creative School Fundraising Ideas - That You Will Love (2024)

44 Creative School Fundraising Ideas - That You Will Love (1)

Short of ideas foryour school?

Well here are 44 creative school fundraising ideas that you'reabsolutely going to love!!!

Have fun with them,get your students involved, and remember to reach out further than just theirparents!

Let's hit it....

44 Creative School Fundraisers:

1. Raising Bail
Find some willing volunteers to be jailed(in public view), and set a bail amount (fundraising goal) to be raised to setthem free!

44 Creative School Fundraising Ideas - That You Will Love (2)

2. Vote for Torture
Get students to pay $1 a vote to decidewhich torture your volunteers (teachers, principal, etc.) will receive. Forexample, a Pie in the face, Fruit throw, Hair shave, etc.

3. Vote for Person
A twist on the above idea. Have one torture,like a Pie in the Face, and have your students vote for which volunteer receivesthe torture!

4. The Fly Trap
Or the teacher trap. Sell lengths of ducktape to students who then get to tape the volunteer (a teacher or theprincipal) to a wall in the school!

5. T Shirt Crowdfunding
This is a super creative and unusual fundraising idea, which has serious funding potential! It's crwodfunding through custom created T Shirts, and is a fundraiser that is risk-free and hassle-free.

Also look into setting up an Online Apparel Store as well!

6. Worm Charming
This is such a weird, yet creative Schoolfundraising idea! Participants are givena designated block each from a field where they have to charm worms to thesurface with a gardening fork. The most worms collected wins! Readmore here.

7. Flocking Flamingoes
Charge a fee for removal of your schoolsflock of Plastic flamingoes from whoever's yard you've "landed" them in.

Andfor a higher price that person can designate a yard for the flock to go to andalso buy a 'never to land here' again card.

8. 50/50 Raffle
Hold a raffle where you give half the proceedsaway as the prizes. That way you don't need to buy or find prizes beforehand!

9. A Capital Raise
Avoid the hassle of having to organize manysmall fundraisers -> Set a goal, setup an online fundraising page or a method for accepting donations offline,and promote!

10. Guess the Balloons
Full a car with Balloons and for a fee, getpeople to guess how many balloons are in the car. The person/s who guess theright amount, or closest to, win the prize.

11. A Golden Ticket
An add-on to the above idea -> Hide agolden ticket in one of the balloons and after the balloons have been guessed,allow people to buy a balloon for popping and if there's a Golden ticket insidethey win a prize.

12. Party Like It's The 80's
Hold a theme party, like an eighties party,and charge entry fees and fundraise through other methods during the evening -Cool drink sales, snacks, raffles, etc.

44 Creative School Fundraising Ideas - That You Will Love (3)

13. Penny Wars
Give each class an empty 50l water bottle tofill with spare change. The class the raises the most wins the prize/s! It's one of the most used creative School fundraising ideas.

14. Full the Bottles
A twist on the above idea. Each student isgiven an empty water bottle (or any container like maybe a smarties box) tofull with spare change. The student/s who fills the most bottles wins theprize/s.

15. Then Guess The Coins
Then you could charge a fee for people toguess the amount of coins in one of the above containers. Closest guess wins.

16. Rent a Worker/Student
Such agreat idea! Get students to volunteer (like the football team) and offerthem up for rent to mow lawns, help with gardening, etc.

17. Babysitting
A great idea from the above theme. Havestudents volunteer their babysitting skills and rent out their services tolocal parents with young children!

18. Go Casual (Mufti Day)
A simple idea. Students have to raise acertain amount ($5, $10, etc.) to be allowed to wear their civvies on MuftiDay.

19. Give It Up
Sponsors commit to giving up a habit, likesmoking or drinking for a month, and donate the money saved to your school.Encourage the quitters to also take sponsorships from others for their efforts.

20. Pick the Patty Block
This is a raffle style fundraiser whereyou'll divide a field up into blocks and sell them off. A cow is then let looseto do his business.

The owner of the block where the cow decides to drop herpatty will win whatever the prize is!

21. Pin on Map Raffle
A treasure's location on the map (the prize)is sealed in an envelope, and participants can buy pins and place them on themap to guess where the location is. Closest to it wins.

22. Scratch CardsA superfun method of acquiring donations. Each student receives a scratch card to askpeople to scratch - the money value hidden under each scratch bubble is howmuch the participant must donate, and in exchange they receive a coupon book.

23. Dance-a-Thon
Students get people to pledge amounts foreach hour of dancing completed. It's a popular and successfully used fundraiserfor many schools.

24. Read-a-Thon
Similar to the above idea. Encouragestudents to take pledges/sponsorships for each book that they read during aperiod of time. Great for encouraging your kids to read as well!!!

25. Other Pledge Events
These types of creative School fundraisingideas are fantastic and hold massive potential.

They could be anything that isa challenge and will create awareness, for example: walkathon, bowl-a-thon, golf-a-thon,sponsored run/swim/climb, etc.

Read here to find out how to run a successful School Walkathon.

You'll need specialized software to help you take pledges online and I'drecommend you look into DoJiggy's pledge software (read my review), or ifyou just want straight forward sponsorships, Crowdfunding is theway to go.

26. Sponsored Silences
Another great sponsorship idea that I had toinclude. I'm sure any motivation for the kids to be quite will be greatlyappreciated by the teachers!

27. Recycling
One of the brilliant creative School fundraising ideas. This fundraiser will help teach your kids some environmentalawareness.

Get everyone to collect used inkjets, laserjets,mobile phones, etc. to hand in to a recycling company who will pay per item.

28. Bag Groceries
Find a willing supermarket or store who willallow your volunteers to pack groceries for shoppers for a donation to yourSchool.

29. Three-on-Three Basketball
A Basketball Tournament fundraisercan raise some great funds, so why not get creative, make it simpler, and hold a three-on-threetournament.

In fact any sports tournament could be one of these creative school fundraising ideas. Like what about a Dodgeball competition?!

30. Trivia Evening
Always a ball of fun and will raise fundsthrough a few different methods during the contest.

31. Bingo Evening
Another super fun game! Participants pay per game and you can raisemore funds through drink and food sales, and other add-ons.

32. Tenpin Bowling
Hire out (or get sponsored) a Bowling Alley or a few lanes, depending on howmany entrants you expect, and hold a bowling competition. It's lots of fun andhas decent fundraising potential.

33. Town-OpolyCreate your own Monopoly style board with your School or local area as the theme ofthe board. Sell advertising on the boards and fundraise through the sale ofyour School-Opoly board.

34. Dog Show
Get your kids, parents and teachers to showoff their pooches for a fee and have prizes for most well groomed, largest dog,prettiest animal, and the ugliest of the lot, etc.

44 Creative School Fundraising Ideas - That You Will Love (4)

35. Dog Walk
Think of it like a Fun Run/Walk Fundraiser, except with a dog walkinstead. Read more on fundraising with thisidea successfully here.

36. Duck Race
A popular fundraiser where supporters buy a plastic duck (or a few),which are all released into a river, for chance and the rapids to decide on thewinner. Just make sure you clean all the ducks up after!

37. Open Gardens
Offer tours through 6-8 willing gardens(they must be beautiful) for a fee. It's a simple, yet great idea!

38. School Cookbook
Get creative and find recipes from parentsfor a Themed School cookbook to sell. You can also fundraise through advertising in the Cookbook.

39. Game Shows
Adapt a popular TV Game Show and chargepeople a fee to take part. Just make sure your prizes are great to ensure youfind participants. I'd definitely go for Knockdown USA!

40. Temporary Tattoos
A 'cool' fundraiser for your kids. Selltemporary tattoos or get a Henna artist to volunteer their time and sell Hennatattoos.

41. Pancake Breakfast
All things Pancakes... Make, sell, and eat.

42. Kid's Art Exhibition
A creative School fundraising idea that canraise funds in a few different ways: Charge a fee for viewing of theexhibition, hold a dinner evening for it, and/or Auction off the art or sell itto the kids parents.

43. Chinese Auction
Where the name Chinese Auction came from I'mnot sure, but this is one of the best creative School fundraising ideas.

Similar to a silent auction but where supporters buy raffle tickets that theythen use as bids for the items they want, by dropping them into a containernext to the item.

At the end of the Auction a ticket is drawn from each tub todecide the winning bidder.

44. Gift Wrapping
Offer a gift wrapping service either fromyour School or from a stand at a local shopping mall. Obviously only run thisfundraiser during gift giving times of the year!


And there are your 44creative School fundraising ideas!

I hope that they provide you with some greatbrainstorming material for your next fundraising campaign.

Please be sure to alsoleave a comment down below as to which of these CreativeSchool Fundraising Ideas is your favorite!

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44 Creative School Fundraising Ideas - That You Will Love (2024)


What can fundraising money be used for in school? ›

In addition to these fundraising benefits, teachers can fund classroom technology, purchase school supplies, and offer professional development to improve teaching skills. Lastly, school fundraising can provide much-needed scholarships to kids who need them.

How to do a fundraiser for high school? ›

Step-by-Step Guide to Planning a School Fundraiser
  1. Set and Define Your Fundraising Goals.
  2. Identify Your Target Audience.
  3. Choose the Right Type of Fundraiser.
  4. Set a Realistic Fundraising Timeline and Budget.
  5. Build a Fundraising Team.
  6. Develop an Effective Fundraising Marketing Strategy.
Mar 7, 2024

What can I make to fundraise? ›

Top things to make and sell
  • Customised or printed clothing – t-shirts, hoodies etc.
  • Jewellery.
  • Gift hampers – get local businesses to donate items, or ask everyone to put together a box/hamper of their own choosing.
  • Candles, bath bombs and soaps.

What school fundraisers make the most money? ›

Walk-a-thons and Fun Runs

Top fundraisers and classrooms are rewarded with prizes. Best of all, these events happen at the school, so upfront costs and logistics are minimal. Successful school walk-a-thons can raise $50,000 to $100,000 and even more, making them our top choice for lucrative school fundraising events.

What is the 3 to 1 rule for fundraising? ›

When planning the year's activities, PTAs should use the 3-to-1 Rule: There should be at least three non-fundraising programs aimed at helping parents or children or advocating for school improvements, for every one fundraiser. Fundraising should involve as many members as possible and be fun.

What food is good for school fundraising? ›

Popular foods for fundraising include items that are easy to sell and have broad appeal, such as cookies, candy, pizza, pretzels, and beef jerky. Name-brand products like Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough, Pretzels, and Cinnabon Rolls. You can't beat Nestlé Toll House, and People's Beef Jerky is often successful.

How to fundraise $10,000? ›

Ideally, your fundraising campaign should include a prize worth 20x or more than the ticket price. If you sell tickets at $100 each, selling 100 tickets would generate $10,000. However, if the prize has a procurement cost, you may need to increase the number of tickets sold.

What is a 30 pop fundraiser? ›

30 POP! is our quick and easy 30 minute fundraiser! It's the perfect way to provide teams and clubs a simple fundraising option, and can be done with any size group from 2 to 200+! It all starts with our on site Ambassador of Awesomeness leading a team building activity to unite and inspire your group.

How to raise money quickly? ›

Selling personal belongings online—such as clothing, electronics, or books—may help you raise cash in an emergency. Consider taking on an odd job such as babysitting, dog walking, or yard work to help bring in extra money.

How to fundraise large amounts of money? ›

Our Favorite Fundraising Ideas
  1. Local Restaurant Partnership.
  2. Design Challenge.
  3. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising.
  4. Coupon Books.
  5. Crowdfunding Campaign.
  6. Pledge Challenges.
  7. Bake Sales.
  8. Fundraising Letters.
Jul 23, 2024

What is the most profitable fundraiser? ›

A trivia night can be one of the most profitable charity fundraising activities you can host. They don't require a lot of planning but have the potential to help you raise a lot of much needed funds for charity. Learn more about making your next trivia night a super hit here.

How can I raise money without asking for money? ›

Below is a list of eight ways your board members can get involved with fundraising without ever asking for money.
  1. Thank Donors. ...
  2. Open Doors. ...
  3. Sign Letters. ...
  4. Forward Emails. ...
  5. Bring Guests. ...
  6. Lead Tours. ...
  7. Host Receptions. ...
  8. Research and Write Grants.

How can I fundraise a large amount of money? ›

Our Favorite Fundraising Ideas
  1. Local Restaurant Partnership.
  2. Design Challenge.
  3. Peer-to-Peer Fundraising.
  4. Coupon Books.
  5. Crowdfunding Campaign.
  6. Pledge Challenges.
  7. Bake Sales.
  8. Fundraising Letters.
Jul 23, 2024

What type of events make the most money? ›

40+ Profitable Event Ideas for Nonprofit Fundraisers
  • Run/Walk/Marathon/Triathlon. ...
  • Obstacle Course. ...
  • Golf Tournament. ...
  • Boat Race. ...
  • Stair Climbing Competition. ...
  • Dance Party. ...
  • Video Game Tournament. ...
  • Board Game Night.
May 10, 2022

What charity brings in the most money? ›

This statistic shows the 20 largest charities in the United States as ranked by their total amount of revenue in 2022. Lutheran Services in America was by far the largest charity, with total revenue of 23.28 billion US dollars for that year.

How to raise $5000 for a charity? ›

Start a Crowdfunding Campaign

The concept is simple: you raise funds in the form of small amounts of money from a huge crowd of people within a specific period of time. For example, if 100 people donate $50 each to your crowdfunding campaign in two weeks, you will be able to raise $5000.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.