40+ Calming and Relaxing Hobbies to Try This Year (2024)

Everyone deserves to have a relaxing hobby in their life. You know, those feel-good activities that light you up or make you feel cosy and happy. Whether it’s reading, biking, walking the dog, or experimenting with arts and crafts, there are relaxing hobbies out there for everyone.

It’s time to explore all things relaxing hobbies — what they are, why they’re so valuable, what to look for, and some of my favourite ideas to inspire you.

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Table of Contents

What is a hobby?

A hobby is something that you do regularly for fun, outside of what you already do for work or study. It could be an art class you attend every week, or a deep interest in photography or making music.

Hobbies are often artistic or creative, but they don’t have to be. Playing a sport, taking an interest in learning about the history of the world, and reading are all hobbies that don’t require you to be good at (or enjoy) creativity at all. The beauty of hobbies is that they’re almost endless — there’s a hobby or leisure pursuit out there for every interest.

Why hobbies matter

40+ Calming and Relaxing Hobbies to Try This Year (1)

We all need a way to rest, relax, and unwind. Hobbies are a wonderful way to take our mind off our day job or chores and sink into a world, activity, or group that we enjoy.

Having a hobby that you enjoy can bring lots of great benefits. These include:

  • Exploring and developing your interests
  • Feeling joy and happiness
  • Feeling a sense of accomplishment
  • Getting to know other people with similar interests
  • Learning new skills and hands-on techniques
  • Relieving pressure and de-stressing
  • Building problem solving and communication skills
  • Introducing you to a potential new career path
  • Giving you a fun way to prioritiseself care

Hobbies aren’t just for fun, either. A recent study reported that 75% of participants had lower cortisol levels (stress levels) after making art– suggesting it helps with stress relief. While you don’t have to pick up art specifically, these self care statistics are a good reminder that doing calming things we enjoy can be good for our physical and mental health and wellbeing.

What to look for when finding a new hobby

It’s tempting to see something, think it looks exciting, and then go all in on it. I know, because that’s how I am! Before you do that though, it’s best to think about the practical and emotional side of what investing in a new hobby or activity might look like.

When you’re on the lookout for a new hobby to try out, consider:

  • How much time you have or want to dedicate
  • What your energy levels are like
  • What you already enjoy doing
  • What you know you dislike doing
  • Whether you enjoy working solo or with others
  • If you want to stay at home or leave the house
  • Whether you prefer comfort or trying something daring
  • What the cost of starting or continuing might be

Take some time to think these things over. While it might delay your quest for an exciting new hobby slightly, it’s time well spent as it’ll help you sift through ideas and find the right one for you.

36 relaxing hobbies to try this year

Ready to explore some new ideas? Here are some of my favourite calming hobbies to get you thinking about what to try next.

1. Create a mood board or vision board

If you love spending time scrolling through Pinterest or collecting images from magazines, this could be the ideal relaxing hobby for you. Collect images you love, then put them together in moodboards — or try scrapbooking for a more traditional take on collecting ideas.You could even create a self care vision board to help you get inspired.

2. Watercolor painting

Bring out your creative side withwatercolor painting. This is something I love to do to relax! I wouldn’t call myself artistic at all, but the soft colours and the way the brush glides across the paper feels relaxing all the same.

3. Listen to audiobooks

I always find listening to an audiobook really relaxing. It takes away the need to turn pages, and you can listen wherever you are. Take up listening to audiobooks when you want to learn something new about the world while you commute, do the school run, or finish your household jobs.

4. Try volunteering

If you’re looking for a hobby that feels rewarding, volunteering could be the perfect match. Find a cause that you feel close to, then find a way to contribute. Volunteer your time to help sort through donations, spread the message at an event, or make deliveries to people or animals in need.

5. Origami

The art of folding paper, known as Origami, is one of my favorite relaxing hobbies. I love to sit down with a square of paper and fold it into a crane, swan, or another paper animal. Check out these origami projects for beginners for plenty of ideas.

6. Gardening

40+ Calming and Relaxing Hobbies to Try This Year (2)

Gardening can be super calming if you love the idea of turning your vision into reality, tending to plants, or growing your own produce, and you’re happy to try some physical activity. To keep things simple, try somelow maintenance gardening— or start off by taking care of some indoor plants.

7. Style your home

If you’re anything like me, you love to decorate and style your home. Maybe a new season is approaching and you want to celebrate it, or you simply fancy a change from your usual decor. Whatever it is, seek out inspiration and style your home the way you want it. If you want some fun prints for your home, I highly recommend checking out Talking Out of Turn* as their homewares are amazing and affordable.

40+ Calming and Relaxing Hobbies to Try This Year (3)

8. Play card games

Cozy video games are all the rage, but we often forget another type of game — card games! I love playing card games with my partner, but if you’re flying solo you can also find online versions where you can play against others. Some of the most popular card games include Magic The Gathering, YuGiOh, and Pokemon.

9. Running

While the actual act of running might not sound relaxing — it’s pretty physical — it definitely can be if you enjoy it. Start your running habit small to see if you like it, then build a routine around going for a run daily or weekly. This can even develop into a love for marathons or trail running in the future.

10. Take care of animals

Whether you have a pet at home or not, taking care of animals can become a relaxing hobby and part of your regular routine. Take care of your own cat, dog, or pet, or offer to petsit for a friend or neighbor. If you don’t have any pets close by, volunteer at an animal shelter instead.

11. Dancing

While dancing can be super high energy, it can also be relaxing. Take a moment to spin around your room, or dance along to your favorite song as it comes up on your playlist. Embrace dancing for fun and joy, and not only for exercise.

12. Cooking

If you love being in the kitchen, cooking is a great way to relax. Follow recipes passed down through your family, find a new recipe online, or make up your own recipes. You can really be as creative as you like with cooking, so it’s a hobby that never gets old.

13. Learn a musical instrument

While mastering an instrument takes time and patience, picking one up to learn casually can be lots of fun — and relaxing once you’re comfortable playing it. Choose an instrument that you enjoy the sound of, or try something popular like the guitar, piano, orukulele.

14. Start a collection

Even though I’m a huge fan of minimalism and simplicity, I still believe in the joy of starting and building a collection. Find something you love, and start to collect it. Some fun things to collect include Funko Pops, anime figurines, plants, pins, vinyl records, signed artwork, trading cards, and special book editions.

15. Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking isn’t reserved for your younger years. Making and adding to a scrapbook is a wonderful way to collect your memories, celebrate things you love, and create a keepsake that you can treasure forever. Give it a go and create a scrapbook!

16. Upcycle furniture

For some people, the idea of sanding down and painting furniture sounds like hard work. For you, it might sound like the dream. If it does, start a relaxing hobby around upcycling furniture. If you build your skills, you could even pursue this as a fun way to make money from something you love.

17. Play cosy video games

Some video games can actually feel really stressful, but some bring out all the cosy vibes. Lots of people loveAnimal Crossing andStardew Valley for this, and Disney’s Dreamlight Valley is also great. If you prefer something multiplayer with more fantasy questing, something like World of Warcraft, Genshin Impact, or The Elder Scrolls Online might be a good fit.

18. Walking

Walking is something we often take for granted, but it’s a wonderful way to get some fresh air, see some new sights, and get some gentle exercise in. It’s also a calming way to live more in the present moment. Plan a walking route that you can follow every day or week, or look online for ideas on where to explore in your local area.

19. Journaling

40+ Calming and Relaxing Hobbies to Try This Year (4)

Many people find journaling to be a relaxing hobby. It’s a chance to note down what’s happened in your day, things you’re grateful for, or your ideas and wishes for the future. If you’re creative, make your ownbullet journalto track your days, hobbies, habits, and more. Use my positive journal prompts to get ideas on what to write about. For something smaller, try writing agratitude list.

20. Learn a new language

Many of us learn a language at school or college, but it doesn’t always stick with us. Use this moment as the opportunity to learn a new language and build a habit or relaxing hobby around it. Choose a culture or language you’re interested in, and dive in using an app like Duolingo.

21. Start a blog

If you want to share some of your thoughts, knowledge, and ideas with the world, why not start a blog? This is one of the best hobbies if you also want to pursue a future career in writing.

I did this back in 2014 and it’s been an incredible journey — one that’s led to lots of amazing opportunities and a new career as a freelance writer. You don’t have to pursue it professionally though — just writing and sharing can be really calming and rewarding.

Ready to start a blog? I can’t recommend my hosting providerLyricalHost* enough. They’re wonderful and so supportive! Use the code ‘NICOLA10’ to get 10% off your first payment.

22. Crafting and DIY

For some people crafting and DIY feels exhausting, but for others it’s incredibly relaxing. Watch a few craft or DIY tutorials on YouTube until you find something you’re excited to try. Pick up the materials, give it a go, and then move on to your next project.

23. Yoga

When it comes to exercise, yoga is up there as one of the more approachable and stress-relieving hobbies. It feels like it has moments for rest and relaxation built in, and it’s a great way to ease into a regular exercise habit if it’s something that’s new to you. Plus, it’s something you can enjoy even if you don’t have a lot of time.

24. Watch the sea

If you live by the sea or a body of water, or it’s not far away, this can be a super relaxing hobby. I love walking down by the sea and watching the waves, listening to the birds, and hearing the waves crash. Make this part of a weekly routine to appreciate the little things in life.

25. Play board games

I love picking up a goodboard gameto relax on a Sunday afternoon or evening. While they can be challenging, they are definitely rewarding. Don’t have anyone nearby to play board games with? You don’t have to miss out! Some of the best board games (includingWingspan) have a single-player mode.

26. Photography

If you enjoy creativity but don’t want to pursue art, photography makes a great choice. There’s a lot you can learn about the art of photography, the history of it, how different cameras work, and how to edit or process your own images… and that’s without getting into how rewarding it is to capture and share photos as part of this creative hobby.

27. Reading

Reading is one of the most relaxing hobbies out there, especially after a long day. It’s a hobby that’s built for rest and relaxation, and calls for you to find a quiet place to get lost in the pages of a new or well-loved book. Find somewhere cozy, choose a book from your reading list, and enjoy the moment.

28. Creative writing

While taking English class might have put you off creative writing, don’t let it. There are lots of different types of writing you can explore, and it can become a relaxing hobby to pursue over time. Try writing poetry, prose, short stories, comedic scripts, or even a novel to figure out your favorite way to enjoy this creative outlet.

29. Calligraphy

40+ Calming and Relaxing Hobbies to Try This Year (5)

There’s something beautiful about carefully drawn calligraphy and hand lettering. It’s definitely a skill that requires practice, but is one of those relaxing hobbies that you can keep working at every week.

30. Swimming

Swimming is probably my favourite form of exercise. It’s low impact and you can find a style and speed you like, so it’s super easy to customize to your needs, wants, or goals. Go for a casual swim once a week and enjoy lunch after, or make this your go-to fitness activity.

31. Knitting and crochet

Knitting and crochet have long been popular as hobbies. It’s no surprise, as they are relaxing hobbies that you can enjoy casually or master over time. Pick up the knitting needles and work on a scarf for someone special, or crochet a fun cardigan or throw for your bed.

32. Organize your closet

Whether you love fashion or want to simplify your closet, now’s a good time to develop a hobby around organizing your closet and picking out your outfits. Look through what you have, plan outfits you love, and donate or sell anything you no longer want or need.

33. Make a playlist

If you love music, making playlists is one of the best relaxing hobbies out there. Fire up Spotify or your music platform of choice, and get to work building personalized playlists that reflect moods, themes, artists, or random rules of your choice.

34. Do jigsaw puzzles

Opening up a new puzzle, laying out the pieces, and then leisurely putting everything together can be a great way to unwind after a busy day! What’s great about this relaxing hobby is that you can do a little each night and complete it over your own timescale. Don’t love a jigsaw puzzle? Try Sudoku orcrossword puzzles instead for another way to challenge your mind.

40+ Calming and Relaxing Hobbies to Try This Year (6)

35. Drawing and coloring

I love experimenting with drawing, or picking up anadult coloring book while my kids practice their own skills. You don’t have to have “talent” to do this for fun, and honestly it’s more fun sometimes laughing at what you’ve drawn!

36. Watch documentaries

Although some types of documentary are a more relaxing watch than others, this still makes for a really restful hobby. Plus, you can find tons of documentaries on Netflix these days. Get cozy on the sofa and focus your attention on one topic or theme for more than an hour, meaning you’re not tempted to check social media or get distracted from your time of rest.

37. Try cross stitch

If you have the patience for it and love working with small form factors, cross stitch could be a great hobby for you. Watch some tutorials or learn how to cross stitch online, then buy some materials and have a go for yourself.

38. Write letters to loved ones

It’s always lovely to check in with the people we care about. Create a relaxing hobby that’s centered around your loved ones by writing to them regularly. Keep up the habit and become pen pals, or send them a letter whenever the perfect moment comes up — like a birthday or holiday.

39. Listen to podcasts

If you prefer listening to reading books, then podcasts could be a perfect hobby for you. I love to listen to podcasts that inspire me in my business and creative endeavours, but you could find a podcast about any subject in the world world that fascinates you.

40. Make music

If you’ve always wanted to compose music, now is the perfect time to give it a try. Watch some tutorials, tune into streamers, and learn about the art of making music. When you’re happy with the basics, experiment for yourself and create your own musical arrangements and songs.

41. Painting

Painting is one of the most relaxing hobbies out there. You don’t need to perfect anything, all you need is to pick up a paintbrush, find some paints, and get experimenting. Watercolor painting can be very relaxing, as can a simple “paint by numbers” book.

42. Go fishing

While it’s not everyone’s first thought when it comes to relaxing hobbies, fishing definitely ranks up there for some of us. It can be so relaxing to head to a good fishing spot alone or with a friend and pitch up for the day, enjoy a picnic, and see what you can catch.

43. Go hiking

Hiking is a great hobby to get into if you’re active and love the idea of exploring the world around you. While you can do a really intense hike, you can also try a relaxing one and go at your own pace. The goal is to get outdoors and try something new.

44. Baking

Most of us have a favorite baked good. Now’s a good time to get into the hobby of baking, so you can enjoy your favorites more often. Try some basic recipes to build your confidence, then have a go at your own cookies, donuts, tray bakes, and more.

45. Drawing

Like painting, drawing can be a relaxing way to unwind. I love picking up a pen and just doodling away! Follow some tutorials to learn some basic drawing skills, then look for an art style you enjoy and try to come up with your own designs.

46. Try meditating

Meditating can be a great way to relax. If you feel like you need a little more calm in your life, this can be a great thing to try out. Form a meditation practice habit by adding it to your morning or evening routine, along with some self-esteem or mindfulness affirmations, and see if it works for you.

47. Go biking

Heading out for a cycle ride or exploring the trails on your mountain bike can be a fun and relaxing hobby. Dust off your bicycle and research where the best locations for cycling are in your area. Head out for a relaxing cycle on a Sunday afternoon, or organize a meetup for friends to go for a bike ride, picnic, and chill out together.

48. Singing

Singing can be a lovely way to relax and unwind. I love singing along to my favorite songs! Whether you grab a mic at home, head to a karaoke bar with friends, or want to practice your technical skills, singing can be a fun and relaxing hobby.

Relaxing hobbies: frequently asked questions

Have you got a question about finding calming, relaxing hobbies? You’re not alone! Here are the things I get asked the most and see others ask about in my groups.

What are some calming hobies?

Some of the best calming hobbies include reading, swimming, listening to podcasts, crochet, yoga, watching the sea, and more. These are all great hobby ideas if you want something that’s very calming and relaxing, instead of a hobby that’s energetic and active.

What is a good mindless hobby?

One of the best mindless hobbies is watching TV or your favorite movie. It doesn’t take a lot of energy, and it’s something you can do to unwind and relax — even if you’re also multitasking. Other great mindless hobbies include reading, knitting, coloring, doodling, and playing with Lego.

What is a cool hobby to start?

A cool hobby to start is any hobby that you personally think is cool! Some of my favorite cool hobby ideas include drawing, composing music, skateboarding, blogging, learning a new language, and starting a journal.

What hobbies make you the happiest?

The secret to finding what hobbies make you the happiest is to think about what you love and enjoy the most. This answer will be different for everyone — for some people it will be photography and creating graphics, while for others the hobby that makes them the happiest will be pottery or going for a hike.

How do I find a hobby I love?

The best way to find a hobby you love is to consider what you like and don’t like. Think about which activities excite you and give you energy, and look to build a hobby around this. Consider what you’ve shown an interest in before, and what you have fond memories of doing. Use all these thoughts to help you pinpoint which type of hobbies to try, so you can find the hobby you love.

Embrace the benefits of relaxing hobbies

Relaxing hobbies have lots of wonderful wellness and health benefits. They’re a feel-good moment set against the stressors of daily life, and it’s lovely to dothings we loveinstead ofthings we must in our free time.

I hope this guide has helped you come around to the idea of picking up a new relaxing hobby, and that you’ve found a few on the list that sound like they’re worth trying. Once you’ve found something you love, make it part of your routine — I love to add my favourite hobbies to mySunday routineto bring some extra joy at the end of the week.

I’d love to know which of these relaxing hobbies you’re most interested in, or which you already do and love. Let me know in the comments!

40+ Calming and Relaxing Hobbies to Try This Year (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.