35 Easy Ways To Feel Like You Have Your sh*t Together After College (2024)

Table of Contents
If you just graduated in May, you might be feeling the summer slump real hard right now. Here's you...just really trying to get a hold on life. There's a pretty good chance that you feel like you have NONE of your sh*t together. 1. Keep your day (and life) structured with little deadlines and milestones. 2. Get enough rest, which is probably more than you think you need. 3. Allow yourself to feel lost and confused, because it's normal! 4. And seek out help from a professional if you think you need it. 5. Get outside. 6. Get to bed early, and wake up early. 7. Make your bed in the morning. 8. Clean up your smartphone. 9. Get your email's sh*t together. 10. Come up with a go-to answer for when people ask you what you're doing these days. 11. ...But don't be afraid to admit that you are just doing you right now, and you have no clue where that will take you. 12. If you are currently funemployed, apply to everything that seems even remotely interesting to you. 13. Take your job search out of your living room to make it somewhat more enjoyable. 14. Purge your closet and buy some new stuff that inspires you. 15. Get a fresh start with a new hairdo. 16. Try some weird new workout classes to find something you actually enjoy doing. 17. Or at least find a way to move a little during your Netflix binges. 18. Go somewhere — anywhere. 19. Create a resume that makes people actually want to hire you. 20. Make to-do lists you can finish in one day, or use an app to do it for you. 21. Read (or re-read) a really good book. 22. Listen to an inspiring Ted Talk. 23. Use ALL your college career center's resources. 24. Actually make something. 25. Do some homework to make sure you don't spend all of your savings in the first six months after graduation 26. Learn how to cook something new each week. 27. Find a low-stress, part time job. 28. Keep in touch with your favorite advisors and professors. 29. Volunteer once or twice each week. 30. Get a hobby. Apparently adults have those. 31. Look up what famous people were doing at your age. 32. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people. 33. ...And distance yourself from any toxic ones. 34. Be present and enjoy where you are 35. And turn that big question mark on the horizon into a source of hope and excitement. FAQs

Because the real world is scary and that degree did not teach us how to be functional adults.

by Caroline Kee BuzzFeed Staff

If you just graduated in May, you might be feeling the summer slump real hard right now.


The graduation high has worn off and the reality that you are now an adult and can never re-live your "college years" is settling in. Cue panic attack.

Here's you...just really trying to get a hold on life.

me trying to get a hold of my life

There's a pretty good chance that you feel like you have NONE of your sh*t together.


Right after you graduate college, you're basically a newborn baby. It's a terrifying, confusing time. So we asked BuzzFeed staffers for some simple lifestyle changes that might help you start to feel a little less batsh*t crazy and more in control of your new ~adult~ life.

1. Keep your day (and life) structured with little deadlines and milestones.


Even if all you did this week was go to yoga, (finally) send those graduation thank you notes, and NOT overdraw on your bank account at Trader Joes, those are things that should be acknowledged and celebrated.

Setting small expectations for yourself where you have to deliver something is a great way to feel more in control and accomplished. You're getting somewhere, we promise.

2. Get enough rest, which is probably more than you think you need.


Adults should be getting between 7-9 hours of sleep per night, according to the National Sleep Foundation. And even if you don't have a test or internship to prepare for with a good night's sleep, getting enough rest will help you be more productive. And yeah, we all kinda need that.

3. Allow yourself to feel lost and confused, because it's normal!

FOX / Via confusedfriendliness.tumblr.com

Talk to friends, write it down in a journal, or start blogging. Any exercise that helps you get out those built-up feelings and existential crises in your head is a productive one.

4. And seek out help from a professional if you think you need it.

35 Easy Ways To Feel Like You Have Your sh*t Together After College (8)

Chris Ritter / Via BuzzFeed Life

Venting to your friends and family can work wonders, but sometimes you need a little more than that — especially if you're dealing with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or another mental illness. If that's the case, finding a therapist you actually like can make a big difference.

5. Get outside.

NBC / Via lolmysocalledlife.tumblr.com

Simply going for a walk or hike with good ol' nature can help clear your head. The vitamin D boost can't hurt, either!

6. Get to bed early, and wake up early.


It was easy to maintain that insane sleep schedule during school when your first class didn't start until noon, but the rest of the world tends to operate on a "rise with the sun" schedule. We're not saying you can't sleep in, but, maybe try waking up at 9 instead of 11 —even if you have nowhere to be. Catching those few hours of morning sun can make you feel a little more productive and give you more hours to actually get sh*t done.

And sure, set a million reminders if you need to.

7. Make your bed in the morning.


As U.S. Navy Adm. William H. McRaven said: "If you want to change the world, you should start by making your bed." The 20-something translation: "It's like putting on sexy, fancy underwear — whether someone sees it or not, you'll feel like a grown-ass adult knowing you did it."

Seriously, just make the bed.

8. Clean up your smartphone.


Organize photos and media, get rid of old stuff that's just taking up space (like your college email app, ugh) and replace them with awesome ones that can teach you something new every day.

9. Get your email's sh*t together.

35 Easy Ways To Feel Like You Have Your sh*t Together After College (12)

Caroline Kee / BuzzFeed Life

35 Easy Ways To Feel Like You Have Your sh*t Together After College (13)

Caroline Kee / BuzzFeed Life

Organizing and cleaning up your inbox, removing yourself from old college subscriptions, and making a nice professional-sounding signature are great ways to start. You can also start fresh with a clean slate by setting up a new account where your old school and personal emails are forwarded. Check out more email hacks here.

...and P.S. YOU NEED TO ENABLE THE UNSEND FEATURE IF YOU HAVEN'T YET. It will save your impulsive (drunk) life.

10. Come up with a go-to answer for when people ask you what you're doing these days.

35 Easy Ways To Feel Like You Have Your sh*t Together After College (14)

Twitter: @factsofschool

Having an automatic stock answer for the inevitable question "What are your plans?" can help you feel less stressed when you're barraged by curious friends and family. It could be that you're applying to a program with a deadline a few months from now, thinking about jobs at a few different companies, or complete BS (have fun with it and make yourself laugh a little).

"There's always the tried and true 'Not sure yet, but i'm thinking about law school.'" —Rachel Sanders, BuzzFeed Life.

11. ...But don't be afraid to admit that you are just doing you right now, and you have no clue where that will take you.

NBC / Via burnfreezing.tumblr.com

CAN I LIVE? Admitting to yourself and others that you are completely unsure, but hopeful, about your future plans might be scary — but being honest and not feeling like you have to keep up an appearance for others can actually be very liberating.

12. If you are currently funemployed, apply to everything that seems even remotely interesting to you.

CW / Via caravaggista.tumblr.com

It's completely OK and pretty normal to not have your dream job right out of college. Keep calm and apply to everything that you're even kind of qualified for/intrigued by.

13. Take your job search out of your living room to make it somewhat more enjoyable.


Try creating a mini outdoor office in your own backyard or deck. Or switch up the scenery by doing your work from a coffee shop that has great vibes.

14. Purge your closet and buy some new stuff that inspires you.


Maybe consider donating some of those college tees, crop tops, sorority/fraternity apparel, etc. You don't need to get rid of all of it, but making room for a few grown-up clothing investments won't hurt. Like a new watch, some button-ups, or a new bag that says "I am very important and this actually isn't filled with college textbooks"

This way you'll be ready for any short-notice interviews, and if you haven't started your job yet, shopping for fall office clothes during the summer can actually save you a ton.

15. Get a fresh start with a new hairdo.


Update your current hairstyle or try something bold you've always wanted — even try going full granny if you want. Simply feeling fabulous on the outside can help you feel more put-together on the inside.

16. Try some weird new workout classes to find something you actually enjoy doing.

Comedy Central / Via BuzzFeed Life

Always wanted to try boxing? Ballet? Now's the time. Forcing your uncoordinated, post-grad body (all of the Jameson, none of the regrets) to do a physically demanding routine can keep you from concentrating on your existential angst... even if it's only for an hour or two out of the day.

17. Or at least find a way to move a little during your Netflix binges.

35 Easy Ways To Feel Like You Have Your sh*t Together After College (18)

Lauren Zaser / Alice Mongkongllite / Via BuzzFeed Life

Yes, you can get fit while watching season 2 of Orange is the New Black. Or if you don't feel like multiasking, these YouTube workouts can help you exercise without a gym membership.

18. Go somewhere — anywhere.


Always wanted to take a road trip to New Orleans? Obsessed with Thai culture? If you have leftover graduation cash or some extra money set aside, plan a summer trip and use these tricks to make it as affordable as possible. The first few months after graduation might be the last time you have this much freedom to do some serious soul-searching in your life. And it's not a bad way to spend leftover graduation money.

Even if none of your best friends can join you, here's why you shouldn't be afraid to take a leap of faith and travel solo, either.

19. Create a resume that makes people actually want to hire you.

20. Make to-do lists you can finish in one day, or use an app to do it for you.

This way you're giving yourself little goals to focus on that aren't GET A JOB / FIND AN APARTMENT / FIGURE OUT WHAT A 401K IS. One List is an app for iOS that makes personalized to-do lists more manageable.

21. Read (or re-read) a really good book.


No more classes means you can now read whatever you want, whenever you want, for fun! Losing yourself in a book can fill you with a sense of wonder and happiness, not to mention take your mind off your the hectic (real) world around you. Need suggestions? Here are some amazing twenties-friendly books to start.

...but hey, Harry Potter will never get too old, either.

22. Listen to an inspiring Ted Talk.

Especially if you kinda miss those hour-long lectures for a class you really loved. With the free TED app on iOS and Android, you can find a ton of talks from leaders committed to spreading ideas and seeking a deeper understanding of the world.

23. Use ALL your college career center's resources.


Have no shame and use the HECK out of your college's career counseling, job connections, and online alumni networks. If you aren't sure how to start, maybe ask a few older friends who graduated before you about how to get the most out of these resources.

24. Actually make something.


Activities like knitting, painting, or DIY home decoration projects can give you a small series of tasks to complete each day when you feel like you're not really doing anything. And if you ever find yourself with too many knit shoulder bags and painted plates, you may be able to sell your crafts on sites like Etsy to make some extra cash. Here are some ideas to get you started.

25. Do some homework to make sure you don't spend all of your savings in the first six months after graduation

Use an app like Mint, free on iOS and Android, to keep track of your spending, create monthly budgets, and set bill reminders. If you prefer to do it manually or offline, you can find super nifty personal finance templates online for Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers.

26. Learn how to cook something new each week.

35 Easy Ways To Feel Like You Have Your sh*t Together After College (30)

Chris Ritter / Via BuzzFeed Life

Not only is cooking a useful skill for life, but it's also a productive and fun way to channel your energy. For starters, here's how to make the perfect roast chicken, tangy salad dressing, sinfully good cake frosting, and more. BOOM, ADULTING.

27. Find a low-stress, part time job.

NBC / Via beautifuldreams-blog.tumblr.com

A random part-time job can come with a lot of bonuses: a steady income, maybe some tips, or a sweet employee discount (lookin' at you, Anthropologie). Plus, it helps provide the structure and organization you might be missing after classes end. Even if it isn't something you'd ultimately put on your resume, it can help to keep you engaged and working until you find something you really want to do.

So hit up Craigslist, ask your friends for referrals, and even try it the old fashioned way (like actually walking into a shop and asking if they're hiring).

28. Keep in touch with your favorite advisors and professors.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Via bb-shine.tumblr.com

These people did not read all 75 pages of your senior thesis for nothing. They do still exist after graduation as a resource for guidance, connections, and future opportunities. Email them, get coffee with them, whatever.

29. Volunteer once or twice each week.

VolunteerMatch is a free, location-based app that helps you find local volunteering opportunities for stuff you're passionate about.

30. Get a hobby. Apparently adults have those.


Always wanted to learn how to play the guitar? Just because you're 22 and never had time to learn in college, it doesn't mean it's too late to start and you can't get damn good at it. Even if it seems silly, like making some sick beats on Garage Band, hobbies are important... and it only gets more impossible to pick something up once you're locked into a stressful, demanding career. If you need some inspiration or just hate hobbies in general, here are some ideas that might help.

31. Look up what famous people were doing at your age.

35 Easy Ways To Feel Like You Have Your sh*t Together After College (34)

Comedy Central / Via janiefierce.tumblr.com

J.K. Rowling was basically homeless, Tina Fey was working at the child care office of a Chicago YMCA, Oprah Winfrey had just been fired from her news anchor job...you get the idea. The point is that you're probably doing JUST FINE.

32. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people.

Dreamworks / Via updowngirl.tumblr.com

These are the people you'll want around when you never hear back about that job / get your first bill you can't afford / think you'll maybe never find an apartment ever. These people will know what to say.

33. ...And distance yourself from any toxic ones.

Bravo / Via welove-thedirection.tumblr.com

Even if graduation distanced you geographically, social networks make it easy to see and subconsciously engage with these sucky people. Thankfully, freeing yourself from unhealthy relationships could be as easy as unfollowing or unfriending anyone who makes you feel poorly about yourself.

34. Be present and enjoy where you are

Comedy Central / Via comedycentral.tumblr.com

It could be as simple as being mindful of the community around you, or actively finding things to do in your environment which make you happy. Even if you feel like this phase or this city or this gig is temporary, ~spreading your roots~ can help you feel more grounded and comfortable.

35. And turn that big question mark on the horizon into a source of hope and excitement.


Today, you're the youngest you'll ever be for the rest of your life.

The possibilities are endless.

Broad City thumbnail via tumblr

  • Caroline Kee BuzzFeed Staff
35 Easy Ways To Feel Like You Have Your sh*t Together After College (2024)


How do I get my life together after college? ›

Here are four practical steps you can take to help ease the transition to life after college.
  1. Recognize Financial Success Takes Time.
  2. Be Intentional About Maintaining Relationships.
  3. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone.
  4. Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help.
Jun 7, 2023

Is feeling lonely after college normal? ›

Post-College Distress Is More Common Than You Think. The sadness, loneliness, and anxiety that Baker felt after her college graduation are uncomfortable but not uncommon, says Libby O'Brien, PhD, a licensed professional counselor and American Counseling Association expert.

How do you feel fulfilled after college? ›

How to find purpose after college
  1. Be curious and explore new career paths.
  2. Surround yourself with positive, encouraging people, even if that's done virtually.
  3. Try new things with a growth mindset.
  4. Develop a self-care plan for yourself.
  5. Take time to write out your goals, values, and passions.
Jul 12, 2022

How do you stay connected after college? ›

Here are our top six strategies for how to make friends after college and make those friendships last.
  1. Joining Community Clubs and Groups. ...
  2. Leveraging Old Connections in New Ways. ...
  3. Digital Networking and Social Media. ...
  4. Volunteering and Part-Time Engagements. ...
  5. Continued Learning and Workshops. ...
  6. Fitness and Recreational Sports.
Nov 9, 2023

Do relationships last after college? ›

And although building romantic relationships is hampered by lack of time and gender imbalance, about a third of students find a suitable partner and stay together even after graduation.

Is life after college still fun? ›

Life after graduation can be just as fun, if not more exciting. Being an adult doesn't mean you have to stop enjoying life. In fact, if you don't allow yourself to relax and have fun, are you truly living? Good memories may be behind you, but great ones that you've yet to experience are ahead.

Why is life after college hard? ›

Financial Independence: Graduates often face the responsibility of managing their finances, including bills and budgeting. Career Expectations: Reality may not align with career expectations, leading to frustration. Relocation: Some may need to relocate for work, dealing with the challenges of a new environment.

Is it normal to have less friends after college? ›

I'm not saying to completely ghost all of your college friends, but it is (unfortunately) normal to not have friends after college. I spoke with Dr. Julia Heavner, a mental health expert, about the complications of maintaining friendships after graduation, and here's what I learned.

Are people happier after college? ›

College-educated adults tend to live happier lives.

confidence, a better sense of independence, and stronger feelings of control over their lives. ⌘ College graduates tend to be more resilient and less depressed.

How do I find love after college? ›

14 tips for dating post-college
  1. Get on the apps. I know, I know. ...
  2. Branch out your social circle. Meet new people, wherever you can. ...
  3. Keep an open mind. ...
  4. Join a club that interests you. ...
  5. Be patient. ...
  6. Don't look too hard. ...
  7. Enlist a wing (wo)man. ...
  8. Make use of the larger dating pool.

Is it normal to feel weird after graduating college? ›

Graduating from college is a huge accomplishment, but it can also trigger a lot of anxiety and even depression for those going through this life transition. It's important to acknowledge your hard work to get to this place, and realize that any difficult feelings you're facing are completely normal.

Is it normal to cry after graduating college? ›

Depression in young adults may occur right after they complete university coursework, often due to pressure to get a job right away or sadness leaving their college peers and life behind, according to medical journal Addictive Behaviors Reports.

Where do people make friends after college? ›

After college, that same method works- one of the easiest ways to meet new people and have something to talk about is through your hobbies. Maybe it's through a workout class you take or a running group you're a part of. Maybe you're interested in learning how to improve your improv and stand-up comedy skills.

How do I get my life together after dropping out of college? ›

Here are some ideas for steps you might take after dropping out of college:
  1. Find an internship. ...
  2. Volunteer. ...
  3. Start an entry-level job. ...
  4. Take classes. ...
  5. Reflect on your positive experiences. ...
  6. Talk to others who chose the same path. ...
  7. Seek the help of a career counselor. ...
  8. Make a plan.
Apr 18, 2024

How do friendships change after college? ›

When friendships change, it's usually because one or both of you have had major life shifts. Keeping in touch can be difficult, which is why technology is so helpful. If you and your friends live in different places, texting and FaceTiming can really help you maintain friendships after college and into young adulthood.

How do I rebuild my social life after college? ›

Tips for making friends after college
  1. Be patient. First off, it's important to remember that building friendships can take time. ...
  2. Get to know your co-workers. ...
  3. Make friends with your friends' friends. ...
  4. Use social media. ...
  5. Join a group. ...
  6. Be a good neighbor. ...
  7. Keep the college clique going. ...
  8. Take a class.

How do you get into a relationship after college? ›

There are also plenty of dating apps out there. Once you leave college it can be hard to meet people, and these dating apps can be really helpful for finding people you may not otherwise have had a chance to meet. Don't be afraid to make the first move and ask someone out.

How to adjust to adulthood after college? ›

All Grown Up: How To Adjust To Work Life After College
  1. Acknowledge the reality that your life is transitioning. ...
  2. Decide what success means to you. ...
  3. Add variety to your schedule with new activities. ...
  4. Find local social groups to connect with people your age. ...
  5. Give yourself grace as you find your way.
Apr 29, 2024

How does life change after college? ›

Graduating college can come with many significant life changes, including moving to an unfamiliar place, starting a new job, or enrolling in post-graduate studies. With all the shifts in your life, it can be easy to forget to focus on yourself.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.