30 Things I've Stopped Buying to Save Money and Simplify My Life (2024)

Things I’ve Stopped Buying to Simplify My Life

Table of Contents

It’s been over a year since I started simplifying my life, so I thought of looking back at this past year of my journey and listing what extraneous items I’ve been able to tick off on my minimalist bible/ minimalist living checklist.

If you’ve followed this blog for very long, you’ve probably come across my post aboutthe 13 things I stopped buying to save money. Please head over to that post if you are looking for ideas on what to stop buying to save money and how to save $1820 in 52 weeks when you’re broke.

For more money-saving ideas, check out:

  • 51 Extreme Frugality Tips for the Super Frugal
  • How to Live Frugally On One Income in 2022

Today’s list, however, is all about the thingsI have stopped buying since simplifying my life.

I’ve stopped buying these things because:

  1. They do not align with my goals.
  2. These things do not fit into my new lifestyle.
  3. They don’t add value to my life.
  4. These things also tend to own me (they demand time, organization, storage, etc.)
  5. They hurt my bank account and the environment.

I know, this list may not apply to everyone as each person’s priorities and values are different. So, please don’t treat this list as theultimate list of things minimalists don’t own or buy, because I believe there is no such thing.

But I hope that this post will inspire you to evaluate everything that you consume or buy to see whether they truly add value to your life and maybe to create your minimalist living checklist to pursue your minimalism goals.

Important:This is not to shame anyone who buys any of the things listed below. The purpose of this post is just to give you ideas on what you could stop buying to start simplifying your life.

Things I Have Stopped Buying for Myself

Tip:if you want some motivation, download thisfree frugal living trackerand see how much you’ll save by being less consumerist and more minimalist!

30 Things I've Stopped Buying to Save Money and Simplify My Life (1)

Jewelry/ accessories

I got rid of my fashion accessories because I rarely wear them. The few jewelry pieces I own were given as gifts.

Trendy clothes

I go for classic pieces that do not go out of style easily.

Trendy shoes

I avoid buying trendy shoes for the same reason as trendy clothes: they go out of style quickly.


I am a literature major, and I used to own a lot of books. I love books but they also require a lot of space. I’ve switched to buying eBooks (or borrowing), which solves the storage problems!


I used to waste a lot of money on cosmetics. I still use a couple of products, but I no longer buy extras/duplicates.

Hair and nail products

I use only shampoo and occasionally a treatment cream. I no longer buy all sorts of miracle products for hair. I’ve stopped using nail polish as well.

Bottled shampoo and conditioner

I know this is not for everyone and you might roll your eyes at this. But, when I saw theseshocking statisticsabout the amount of plastics people use as consumers, I was inspired to find alternatives to every bottled product I consume.

I’ve stopped buying bottled water and other beverages in plastic containers. And to consume fewer plastics, I also researched alternatives to my hair products. I discovered eco-friendlyshampoo barsand surprisingly, they work great for me!

Material gifts to myself

I used to reward myself with useless things such as more clothes and purses. Now, if I want to give myself a gift, it will be a gift of experience and time.


I am content with my smartphone.

Any “life-changing” beauty products

Store-bought makeup remover

I no longer waste money on makeup removers. Instead, I usecoconut oilto remove makeup.

Anythingthat doesn’t serve any purpose other than as part of a “collection.”

These things include travel souvenirs or extra purses.

Any upgrades on products or services

I am happy with the basic stuff.


I don’t know about you, but debt is one of the top things I don’t want to worry about, and this is just a personal choice.

I understand that living debt-free is not a choice for everyone. Many people have to go into debt to finish school or solve a financial emergency. But I believe that if you really commit yourself to paying off your debt, you’ll be able to do so. There are many ways you can increase your income to help you pay off debts faster. Check out the following articles!

  • 16 Low-Cost Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Moms (with High Profit!)
  • 25 Jobs for Pregnant Women that Pay Well
  • How to Sell on Amazon for Beginners with Retail Arbitrage
  • How to Start a Blog and Make Money
  • How to Become a Tax Preparer from Home
  • How to Become a Bookkeeper With No Experience
  • 13 Easy Ways To Get Paid To Watch Netflix
  • 22 Side Hustles For Single Moms

Easiest Ways to Make Money Online

Household Items I Have Stopped Buying

Home decor

Since simplifying my life, my taste for home decor has also changed. If I buy anything, it would be something that has a timeless appeal and that I would keep for a long time.

Seasonal decor

I admit, I love Christmas decorations and I used to buy new ones every year. But since simplifying my life, I’ve learned to reuse what I already have. It’s nice to have nice decor every year but I like focusing my energy and money on other things that are far more important such as the company of friends and family.

Extra kitchen stuff

I have downsized our kitchen. Read more.

Plastic scrub sponge

I’ve switched to theseplant-based scour padsfor cleaning dishes and surfaces Theylast a long time, are natural, clean well, and help the environment!

Cable TV subscription

We canceled our cable a few years ago and we’ve not looked back. It saves us at least $800 a year!

Containers/storage for stuff

With less stuff, you don’t need extra containers.

Any single-use kitchen gadget/appliance

Theyconsume space and generally don’t really make my life easier. The kitchen items I use now arelisted here.

Aerosol Sprayers

These sprayerscontain harmful chemicals.

New furniture

I want more space, not more furniture.

Complex Recipes

I love cooking but I don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, so I try to stay away from making complex recipes. Every week, I create a meal plan, not only to stick to our food budget but also to avoid wasting time figuring out what to cook every day. You can read more about my simple meal-planning tipsin this post.


I don’t know about you, but I don’t like keeping these things in the house. Besides, there’sHuluor Netflix or the Internet to rent movies from.

Grocery Items I No Longer Buy

Extra food

Wasting food is common in American households. According tothis survey,twenty percent of the food Americans buy is wasted. If you stop wasting food, you would not onlysave moneybut also help the environment.

Sugary drinks

Drink more water. It’s healthier and costs very little.


I use a multipurpose cleaner to clean our patios, floors, kitchen sink, and other surfaces. Having only one cleaner bottle frees up more kitchen space.

Kids’ Items I Have Stopped Buying

I define “extra” as extra things that don’t fit in my son’s toy box or extra clothes that don’t fit in his drawers. If I get stuff for him, I practice the 1-in-1-out rule, which simply means one has to go if I get him one thing new.

Extra toys

I don’t want to leave my son toy-less, but I don’t want toy overload either. I want to focus on giving my son experiences instead of giving him lots of material things.

Extra clothes

I am intentional about clothes as kids easily outgrow them.


While this list isn’t set in stone and it may still change as my priorities change, for now, I am happy to have rid myself of these unnecessary items.

By ticking these things off my list,I have found more time to pursue my passionssuch as writing this blog andsavingmore money(by not wasting money on things that don’t align with my goals).I have cleared the distraction of excess material things so I can focus more on what’s truly important to me.


What is your idea of minimalist living? What have you stopped buying to simplify your life andsave money?

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30 Things I've Stopped Buying to Save Money and Simplify My Life (2024)


Why can't I save enough money? ›

Debt, especially from high-interest credit cards, significantly hinders the ability to save. Lack of budgeting contributes to poor financial management and savings shortfalls. Social pressures and lifestyle inflation can lead to increased spending, further impeding savings efforts.

How can I save money and not spend so much? ›

Solutions for Overspending
  1. Leave your credit cards at home when you go out. In fact, leave your debit card at home too. ...
  2. Freeze your cards in a cup of water. ...
  3. Don't use your credit cards like a debit card. ...
  4. Create a Needs vs. ...
  5. Learn to shop smarter. ...
  6. Take the "impulse" out of impulse buys.

Why does it feel impossible to save money? ›

Saving money is hard. One of the most common reasons is that you might not have a good enough reason to save. Maybe you're overly focused on the present, or maybe you simply don't know what you want in the future. Either way, you need to get a vision for what you want to achieve with your money.

How to simplify your life in 30 days? ›

30 Day Challenge to Simplify Your Life
  1. Walk your home with a trash bag or five. ...
  2. Clean out your fridge. ...
  3. Put two things that make you happy on your bedside table. ...
  4. Simplify your phone. ...
  5. Restock anything that needs restocking in your bathroom.
  6. Restock pantry staples (with longer shelf lives) that need to be restocked.

How do I start simplifying my life? ›

Jenny Azam
  1. Declutter Your Space: Start by decluttering your living and working spaces. ...
  2. Prioritise Your Tasks: Make a to-do list and prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines. ...
  3. Learn to Say No: ...
  4. Practice Mindfulness: ...
  5. Set Realistic Goals: ...
  6. Simplify Your Digital Life: ...
  7. Practice Gratitude:
Aug 4, 2023

Why am I so broke financially? ›

In many cases, becoming broke is caused by two factors. Firstly, you may not be earning enough money. Often, this occurs suddenly after losing a job, getting sick, or being injured. Or, in some cases, you're underpaid or unable to work as much as you would like.

Why am I struggling for money? ›

It may be that you have too much credit card debt, not enough income, or you overspend on unnecessary purchases when you feel stressed or anxious. Or perhaps, it's a combination of problems. Make a separate plan for each one.

Why do poor people save money? ›

Savings and credit make a difference because income is more volatile for those hovering around the poverty line. Low-income families usually work in low-wage and temporary jobs, making them more susceptible to reduced hours and layoffs.

How to live on very little money? ›

Tips to help you live below your means
  1. Create a plan for your money. The act of assigning a job for every dollar can be empowering. ...
  2. Automate your savings. ...
  3. Pay yourself. ...
  4. Live off one income if possible. ...
  5. Look for ways to lower your discretionary expenses. ...
  6. Reflect on your financial habits. ...
  7. Drive used. ...
  8. Pay less interest.
Jul 10, 2024

How do I train myself to stop spending money? ›

Here are some ideas to help you stop spending money and build healthier financial habits:
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Visualize What You're Saving For.
  3. Always Shop with a List. ...
  4. Nix the Brand Names. ...
  5. Master Meal Prep.
  6. Consider Cash for In-store Shopping. ...
  7. Remove Temptation.
  8. Hit “Pause"
Jul 10, 2024

How to live without spending money? ›

How to live off the grid with no money
  1. Do a work exchange. If you're new to the off-grid life, a great way to start is through Worldpackers. ...
  2. Join an off-grid community. ...
  3. Find low-cost or free land. ...
  4. Construct a cabin or tiny house. ...
  5. Grow your own food. ...
  6. Fish responsibly. ...
  7. Forage for edible plants. ...
  8. Collect and filter water.

Why do I fail to save money? ›

One of the primary reasons people fail to save money is the need for more financial education. Many individuals are not adequately taught about budgeting, saving, or investing from a young age. With the necessary knowledge and skills, people may find it easier to create a realistic budget and save consistently.

Do people regret not saving money? ›

The majority of U.S. adults have regrets about their financial choices, from not saving enough for emergencies to missing out on opportunities to invest, according to recent poll results.

What happens if you can't save money? ›

Many Americans struggle to save money, but it's generally worth the effort to do so since there can be serious downsides to not stashing away cash. Those consequences can range from going into debt, facing financial hardship after losing your job, and not being able to achieve your aspirations, like homeownership.

How do I turn my life around financially? ›

39 Ways to Improve Your Personal Finances
  1. Get your overspending under control. ...
  2. Create a new budget. ...
  3. Find a budgeting app you like. ...
  4. Make a will. ...
  5. Protect your savings from inflation. ...
  6. Prepare for rising interest rates. ...
  7. Prepare now for your next major life event. ...
  8. Boost your retirement savings.

How can I live a simple life financially? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

How to save $10,000 each year? ›

6 steps to save $10,000 in a year
  1. Evaluate income and expenses. To make room for saving, you'll need a meticulous budget that outlines all your sources of income and all your expenditures. ...
  2. Make an actionable savings plan. ...
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  4. Increase your income. ...
  5. Avoid new debt. ...
  6. Invest wisely.
Apr 2, 2024

How can I enjoy life with less money? ›

Whatever your situation, here are 13 fun things to do that don't cost money with friends and family:
  1. Go on a picnic. ...
  2. Go to no-cost museum and zoo days. ...
  3. Give geocaching a try. ...
  4. Leverage your chamber of commerce. ...
  5. Take a historical city tour. ...
  6. Visit a farmers market. ...
  7. Go camping. ...
  8. Do a photography challenge.
Feb 14, 2024

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.