30 Personal Values Examples & How To Live By Yours (2024)

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What are personal values and why do they matter?

30 personal value examples

6 questions to define your personal values

How to live by your personal values

Using personal values examples to influence your future

Personal values or core values are individual concepts that support your vision for your future. Understanding your personal values can help you create a life where you thrive.

If you’re feeling lost and need some direction, living by your personal values can aid you in turning things around. Whether you’re building connections or deciding where to live, looking at your core values can guide you.

Recognizing your personal values requires contemplation and self-reflection, but it’s worth it. So, how do you identify and make sense of these principles? Using personal values examples is a good way to spark some ideas.

What are personal values and why do they matter?

Personal values are the abstract ideals you hold near and dear. These values can heavily impact your relationships and career choices. They can also influence how you spend money. Many times, your values guide big life decisions.

Core values also serve as guiding principles essential for personal development. They define the person you want to become and help you stay true to yourself. Personal values even impact how you speak and how well you communicate.

When trying to understand core values, remember there is a difference between beliefs and values. Beliefs are things you believe to be true about the world. Values are the principles you view as important to live by and see as having worth.

A belief can be a core value, but values are not necessarily core beliefs. For example, Christianity can be both a belief and a value. However, courage is a value, not a belief. It’s a trait rather than an ideology.

Core values matter because they reflect your priorities. They help you see where you might want to spend more of your time, money, and energy. Your core values can also help you navigate compatibility with others and communicate what’s important to you.

When do personal values matter?

Personal values can matter significantly in interpersonal relationships. A 2023 study by the University of Colorado found that opposites don’t actually attract in human partners. The study suggests that, instead, you are more likely attracted to those similar to you. You probably tend to build connections with people who have shared personal values.

Values in a relationship matter tremendously, both in friendships and romantic situations. The more time you spend with someone, the more important it is to have similar personal values. It’s far easier to tolerate differences with someone you see once a week versus someone you live with.

In addition to being important in your personal life, company core values are also important in your professional life. Opposing ideals can cause coworker or team conflict. A difference in personal values is fine if you make an effort to communicate. Using conflict resolution skills with your friend, partner, or coworker can help you find common ground.

What is a personal values system?

Your personal values system is the cumulation of all your personal values. It shapes how you interact with the world around you. When faced with difficult conversations at work or challenging group projects, these are the values you lean into. Transparency in the workplace and self-discipline are examples of core values that may be components of your personal values system.

How do personal values form?

Personal values are formed by a combination of your upbringing and life experiences. A 2022 study in Personality and Individual Differences found children’s values in early childhood are observable in studies as early as ages 5 to 7. The company you keep and the choices you make shape who you become. Also, there is a significant parent-child similarity in values, meaning children often adopt value systems from their parents. However, family members can still have differing values.

Community and cultures across the world can determine how your values form. A 2019 study by Frontiers in Psychology regarding everyday creativity and personal values observed a connection between values and socio-demographic variables. Examples of cultural values include family, independence, and friendliness. For instance, the Japanese parenting style is more permissive. As a result, toddlers are very autonomous and are trusted to run small errands.

30 personal value examples

It’s OK if your mind goes blank when you first try to write down your personal values. Coming up with ideas may be easier after considering some examples.

You can take inspiration from a list of personal values examples as you brainstorm ideas. These examples can also help you see how core values can define your behavior or influence your decisions.

Dig deep and look for values that resonate with you. Here’s a list of values to give you some ideas:

1. Altruism

Altruism is selflessness for the greater good of society. When you help another human being, you’re committing an act of altruism.

2. Dependability

If you’re dependable, you’re a person that others can rely on. Valuing dependability means you enjoy that trait in others or exhibit it yourself.

3. Integrity

Having integrity in the workplace and at home means you do the right thing, even if no one is watching. Telling the truth comes naturally, and you likely don’t talk behind others’ backs.

4. Generosity

Being generous doesn’t always have to be about money. You can be generous with your time, kindness, or anything else.

5. Courage

Exhibiting courage involves knowing something scares you but doing it anyway. Because we all have different fears and weaknesses, courage looks different in everyone.

6. Gratitude

Gratitude is the act of appreciating what you have. One way to practice gratitude is by writing down what you’re grateful for each day.

7. Well-being

Well-being is being happy and healthy. When you experience long-term distress, your well-being suffers. That’s why it’s important to look after yourself.

8. Education

If you value education or learning, you love the pursuit of knowledge. The beautiful thing about life is that there’s always something new to learn.

9. Creativity

Using your imagination for work is a sign of creativity. Whether you’re writing a novel or making crafts, creativity is an expressive part of human nature.

10. Family

Family values are important to many. Spending quality time with family is a great way to show them you care. Even if you didn’t come from a close family, you may want to imagine taking care of your own one day.

11. Self-respect

Self-respect is caring about yourself and not tolerating disrespect. Sometimes this means setting boundaries, even when doing so is difficult.

12. Adaptability

Adaptability skills involve the ability to adjust to changes or difficult feelings. If you have adaptability skills, you don’t let challenging circ*mstances stop you. Instead, you go with the flow and recognize you are capable of adjusting.

13. Self-improvement

If you’re constantly looking for ways to better yourself, you value self-improvement. Hard work and goal-setting are likely big parts of your life.

14. Uniqueness

Valuing uniqueness means you cherish your individuality. You don’t mind being different and likely love the idea of going against the grain.

15. Assertiveness

Assertiveness is the act of communicating in a confident, bold manner. If you stand up for yourself, you are being assertive. Assertive versus aggressive communication styles are different. Assertiveness is one of many communication styles.

16. Giving support

Everyone needs support when they’re going through a difficult phase of life. If you value giving support, you’re there to lend a listening ear.

17. Sustainability

Do you recycle and care about the environment? If so, sustainability is likely a value of yours. You care about the state of the world and its inhabitants.

18. Open-mindedness

Open-mindedness means you’re quite open to new perspectives. You probably like meeting new people or learning about other cultures.

19. Personal growth

Personal growth involves trying to be better than you were before. This growth can be related to emotions, health, or anything else.

20. Flexibility

You demonstrate cognitive flexibility by switching from one way of thinking to another. With flexibility, you can handle last-minute projects that come your way.

21. Frugality

Being frugal involves spending money carefully and being thrifty. Frugality isn’t something everyone will understand, and that’s OK. If you value frugality, you likely know how to budget.

22. Independence

Valuing independence means you love being self-sufficient. While it’s no big deal to ask for help or company, you prefer doing things on your own.

23. Self-compassion

Self-compassion is useful when doing inner child work. Rather than criticize yourself, you realize that you’re doing your best.

24. Honesty

While most of us appreciate ethical values such as honesty in others, we don’t always exhibit them ourselves. Being honest requires bravery, and it should be done with empathy and tact.

25. Accountability

Accountability means taking ownership of your current situation. This may involve admitting to and learning from your mistakes. It may also involve taking responsibility for your goals.

26. Authenticity

Being your true self despite judgment is the ultimate sign of embracing your authentic self. When you value authenticity, you don’t pretend to be something you’re not. You’ve reached an admirable level of self-acceptance.

27. Wellness

Caring about your wellness and health goals will benefit you in the long run. Sticking to your exercise routine and a healthy diet promotes longevity.

28. Loyalty

Everyone appreciates loyalty, whether employee loyalty or that of a friend or partner. If you’re loyal, you support others through thick and thin.

29. Community

The importance of community can’t be overstated. Feeling like you belong to a group is beneficial for mental well-being. If you don’t feel a sense of community, you can create one of your own. You can do this by starting a club or friend group.

30. Self-reflection

If self-reflection is part of your core values list, you appreciate introspection. To you, deep thinking and self-awareness are desirable traits. You may respect this in others or appreciate it in yourself.

6 questions to define your personal values

Answering certain questions can help you define values in your own life. Try the following exercises to find out what matters to you. Each of your answers can help inspire you to add to your list of values.

1. What are the most meaningful moments in your life?

Think about the most important moments in your life and what made them meaningful. Perhaps your most meaningful moment was when your purpose in life was clear. Maybe this was your wedding day or the day you graduated med school. Understanding meaningful moments can help you define your core values.

2. What are the moments where you felt least satisfied?

Thinking about moments where you didn’t feel satisfied can help you determine what you don’t value. Such memories can give you ideas of what should be added to your core values list. For instance, do you remember feeling unsatisfied by a surprise party? If so, predictability could be a great addition to your list.

30 Personal Values Examples & How To Live By Yours (3)

3. Who inspires you?

By thinking about who inspires you, you can recognize the positive personality traits you value in others. Reflect on what you like about those you admire and respect. It’s possible you share common core values.

4. What makes you angry?

Things that oppose your values bring out strong feelings. When defining your true values, think about what angers you. If you recall a moment you were lied to as upsetting, you likely value honesty. This exercise can help you add to your core values list.

5. What is your ideal environment?

Your ideal environment can say a lot about your core values. Imagine a place and point in time where you felt completely at ease. If you’re satisfied in a tranquil environment with sunlight in the morning, you might value peace. If you feel best when out in the forest, time in nature may be one of your core values.

6. What are you most proud of?

Is there a personality trait that you’re especially proud of? Many of your common core values are traits you already exhibit. Perhaps you’re proud when someone compliments your creativity or hard work. Or maybe you take pride in your job or ability to make friends at work. This can help you figure out your values and priorities in life.

How to live by your personal values

Defining your values can ultimately steer you in the right direction. When your behavior aligns with your values, you’re living authentically. An authentic and aligned life can make you feel proud.

Consider which values might conflict

Some items on your core values list may be at odds with each other, which can lead to internal conflict. For example, you might value both creativity and stability. This type of conflict is a common struggle many face when choosing a career path. Ultimately, only you can make the right choices for yourself.

Use your values to set goals

Create a life you’re proud of by using your core values list to set goals. Reminding yourself what you value most can help motivate you to make an action plan to achieve your goals.

Strengthen your values with good habits

You can use certain values as inspiration to practice healthy habits. If you value creativity, make it a mission to complete a project idea every week. Or if you want to be more positive, make it a point to start every morning with positive affirmations. Changing your behaviors to more accurately reflect your values can lead to fulfillment.

Practice inner work

Inner Work® is the collective of internal practices you engage in. Practicing Inner Work is crucial for self-improvement. This might revolve around examining your feelings, behaviors, or any other area of personal development. When you ask yourself what you want in life and do the work to change, your personal values can shine through.

Using personal values examples to influence your future

Hopefully, the personal values examples listed have inspired you to think of your own values. Identifying your values can clarify any changes you need to make. Making these changes can help you realize your true self and be content with life.

Self-discovery and transformation are much easier with an expert to guide you. A coach can help you discover your values or integrate them into your life. Get started with personal coaching sessions today to start making value-driven changes in your life.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Learn how to leverage your natural strengths to determine your next steps and meet your goals faster.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Learn how to leverage your natural strengths to determine your next steps and meet your goals faster.


Published April 30, 2024

30 Personal Values Examples & How To Live By Yours (2024)


30 Personal Values Examples & How To Live By Yours? ›

A good way of starting to do this is to look back on your life – to identify when you felt really good, and really confident that you were making good choices. Find examples from both your career and personal life. This will ensure some balance in your answers.

How do you answer what values do you live by? ›

A good way of starting to do this is to look back on your life – to identify when you felt really good, and really confident that you were making good choices. Find examples from both your career and personal life. This will ensure some balance in your answers.

What are my values do I live my life accordingly? ›

Your values are the beliefs and principles that you believe are important in the way that you live and work. They (should) determine your priorities, and guide your decisions and the way you act towards others. When the things that you do, and the way that you behave, match your values, life is usually good.

What are your personal values How do you define & live by them? ›

Our personal values are the ideals we choose to live by (or at least try to). They're like our moral compass, guiding our decisions and actions. They are the principles that are most important to us as individuals and help us live a fulfilling life.

What are your top 3 personal values? ›

The top three values that many people worldwide share include family, honesty, and respect. Family is often cited as one of the most important values in life because it provides a sense of belonging and security. Having a loving family to turn to can help bring stability, joy, and comfort.

What are your personal values sample answer? ›

Empathy and responsibility are central to my personal ethos. They guide me in understanding others' perspectives and fulfilling my obligations with care.”

What 3 values do you live by daily? ›

  • Respect : Respect others and get respect.
  • Love : Love has to be in your root. ...
  • Talk to your parents : If you talk to them, they feel good. ...
  • Reward others : Those who deserve, reward them.
  • Live and let others live : You should live in a beautiful way, and help others also to do the same.
Apr 5, 2016

What are the 12 living values? ›

Currently being implemented in 85 countries, the program helps teachers and parents facilitate children and youth exploring universal values that would be present in a better world - co-operation, freedom, happiness, honesty, humility, love, peace, respect, responsibility, simplicity, tolerance and unity.

How do I figure out what my values are? ›

  1. Step 1: Identify the times when you were happiest. ...
  2. Step 2: Identify the times when you were most proud. ...
  3. Step 3: Identify the times when you were most fulfilled and satisfied. ...
  4. Step 4: Determine your top values, based on your experiences of happiness,
  5. Step 5: Prioritize your top values. ...
  6. Step 6: Reaffirm your values.

What are the 5 basic values? ›

  • 5 Core Values that Define Success for Every Individual. Christopher D. ...
  • Honesty. Honesty should be the bedrock of your foundation, as it will define who you are before you even allow others to know more about you. ...
  • Fire. ...
  • Hard Work. ...
  • Confidence. ...
  • Perseverance.
Apr 28, 2017

What is a personal value and examples? ›

Personal Values are “broad desirable goals that motivate people's actions and serve as guiding principles in their lives". Examples of personal values include donating to charity or spending time with family. Everyone has values, but each person has a different value set.

When someone asks you what your values are? ›

Your values are the principles that guide your decisions and actions, and they reflect what matters most to you. They also influence how you fit into the culture and vision of the organization you want to work for.

What are your life values and purpose? ›

Your life purpose is who you are at your core. Identifying your core values brings you back to your center. Values remind you who you are and who you're meant to be in the world. They're gentle guide rails to keep us on our path and help us choose actions that are aligned with what we really want.

What is the highest value in life? ›

  • Honesty. It refers to integrity and sincerity in our actions and relationships. ...
  • Solidarity. One of the most important human values is solidarity. ...
  • Responsibility. ...
  • Empathy. ...
  • Gratitude. ...
  • Tolerance. ...
  • Generosity. ...
  • Self-discipline.
May 10, 2023

What were your top 5 values? ›

Here's a list of values to give you some ideas:
  • Altruism. Altruism is selflessness for the greater good of society. ...
  • Dependability. If you're dependable, you're a person that others can rely on. ...
  • Integrity. ...
  • Generosity. ...
  • Courage. ...
  • Gratitude. ...
  • Well-being. ...
  • Education.

How many personal values should you have? ›

Most people will identify with 10 or 20 values. However, if many values on the list are important to you, then nothing is truly a driver. The most difficult work comes in focusing the list of values that you identify with—Brené calls these second-tier values—down to just two.

How to respond to what are your values? ›

When the interviewer asks you about your values, don't just list them or recite them from memory. Instead, answer with specific examples that illustrate how you live by your values and how they have helped you achieve your goals or overcome challenges.

What is one value you live your life by? ›

Kindness. Treating others with kindness can be an important life value, especially when it comes to forming and maintaining relationships. Kindness is one of the important values to have because it influences the way you view the world and treat other people, regardless of their background or actions.

What are some examples of values in life? ›

30 personal value examples
  • Altruism. Altruism is selflessness for the greater good of society. ...
  • Dependability. If you're dependable, you're a person that others can rely on. ...
  • Integrity. ...
  • Generosity. ...
  • Courage. ...
  • Gratitude. ...
  • Well-being. ...
  • Education.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.