27 Astonishing Interview Statistics for 2023 (2024)

Interviews are nerve-wracking for both newbies and more experienced candidates; however, they are crucial for finding the right fit for a job position.

The following interview statistics reveal all important numbers related to the recruiting process. Read on to find out some interesting data, the latest practices and techniques, and critical first-impression facts that will help you ensure your job search ends with success.

Key Stats On Job Interviews (Editor’s Pick)

  • The average number of interviews before getting a job offer is 2–3.
  • Face-to-face interviews take about 45–90 minutes.
  • On average, there are 24 business days between the first interview and the job offer.
  • Scheduling an interview takes between 30 minutes and two hours.
  • The interview-to-hire conversion for the top-performing industries is 12–17%.
  • 76% of recruiters reject candidates who seem arrogant.
  • 75% of recruiters use behavioral questions to assess soft skills.
  • Half of the candidates who felt disrespected pulled back from the recruiting process.

Must-Know Statistics About the Interview Process

1. On average, employers go through 2–3 interview rounds before choosing a candidate.

(Career Sidekick)

The average employer typically interviews fewer than 10 candidates for one job position, and the average number of interviews per job is 2–3. If they can’t find the ideal candidate that fits the job role requirements within these interview rounds, they will interview more applicants.

The phone interview is usually the first step, after which recruiters invite 2–4 candidates for an onsite interview.

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2. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 86% of recruiters have been conducting virtual interviews.

(Gartner, Job Description Library)

Recent virtual interview statistics show that the pandemic forced companies to rethink hiring plans and modify their interview processes. However, experts predict that virtual interviewing will be the norm even after the pandemic is over. For comparison, 79% of first-stage interviews were conducted in person or via phone before the pandemic.

3. In-person interviews last 45–90 minutes.

(Indeed, Job Description Library)

Apart from the average interview length, an interesting fact is that about 88% of in-person interviews occur at the employer’s office, whereas 12% happen in public meeting spaces. Before the pandemic, 94% of final interviews were conducted in-person, but the number dropped to 17% upon the coronavirus outbreak.

4. It takes 24 business days on average between the initial interview and the job offer.


The average interview process length is usually determined by the urgency for filing a position. Moreover, the number varies by industry. For example, organizations in certain sectors like manufacturing and electronics offer the job to the best candidate within 16 days, whereas companies in the hospitality industry might take 39.5 days to do the same. On average, it takes between 10 and 14 days for a job offer to be made.

27 Astonishing Interview Statistics for 2023 (1)

Interesting Interview Facts & Stats

5. The average time-to-hire across industries is 3–4 weeks.


The majority of interviewed candidates expect an offer within five days of the interview. However, the process isn’t that fast. Depending on the industry, more than 40% of recruiters spend more than two weeks on the interview process, and only 25% of them say they hired someone in two weeks or less.

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6. Scheduling an interview with one candidate takes between 30 minutes and five hours.


Job interview statistics show that the main challenge is finding a time that works for everyone. According to 67% of recruiters, scheduling an interview with a potential candidate takes between 30 minutes and two hours.

Moreover, about 56% of companies have a dedicated person responsible for scheduling interviews. In addition, 51% of recruiters use interview scheduling software, whereas 49% resort to emails, phone calls, employee calendars, or text documents.

27 Astonishing Interview Statistics for 2023 (2)

7. Recruiters spend about two-thirds of their hiring time on the interview process.


The interview is the most time-consuming process during the hiring phase. On average, recruiters spend approximately 66% of their hiring time on interviews. However, 59% of those who use interview scheduling software report cutting the average interview time by 2–10 hours a week.

8. The top-performing industries see 12–17% interview-to-hire conversion.

(Career Plug)

The top-performing industries need 69% fewer applicants to make a hire. Restaurant and Food Service is the industry with the best interview-to-hire rate (17%), followed by Retail (12%), Healthcare (12%), and Hospitality, Entertainment & Recreation (11%).

Read more: The Most Common Retail Interview Questions

9. According to 51% of recruiters, the best candidate is found after three interviews.

(MRI Network)

More than half of recruiters and hiring managers agree that the average number of interviews before getting a job is three. Moreover, about 22% of recruiters say the average number of interviews is four, whereas 9% agree it might take five or more.

Another 17% believe it takes just two interviews to find the perfect candidate. On the other hand, only 1% of recruiters think they need one interview to get a hire.

First-Impression Job Interview Facts to Have in Mind

10. Recruiters need about 90 seconds to determine whether they would hire a candidate.

(The Undercover Recruiter)

First impressions are essential. About 33% of recruiters claim they decide whether they will hire a candidate in the first minute and a half of the interview. Therefore, you should try and make the most out of that 90 seconds as it would play a significant role later on. Make sure to be as genuine as possible, smile, and speak clearly.

11. Lack of confidence during the interview is why 40% of interviewers don’t take a candidate past the first stage.

(Twin Employment)

Interview statistics reveal that employers are looking for confident candidates. Therefore, it’s natural that you feel nervous during the interview; however, keep in mind that 40% of recruiters state the candidate’s voice quality and a lack of smile might be reasons for rejection.

Additionally, 65% of interviewers reject candidates who fail to make eye contact. Furthermore, 20% of interviewers don’t take into consideration candidates who sit with their arms crossed.

12. 71% of interviewers will pass on a candidate who isn’t appropriately dressed.


Appearances are a big part of the first impressions. Job interview statistics show that employers usually want polished looks and smart attire. That said, it’s best if you take note of how people in the company dress and go for it.

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13. 47% of interviewers say they wouldn’t choose a candidate who has little knowledge of the company.

(Twin Employment)

An interviewer assumes you know a bit about the organization. Therefore, it’s crucial that you visit the company’s website and social channels and educate yourself about the business mission, goals, and core values. Moreover, the latest interview statistics reveal that 36% of employers want a candidate with multitasking skills (which is near-impossible since only 2.5% of the world can successfully multitask), 31% seek initiative, 21% want creative thinking, and 12% look for something else.

27 Astonishing Interview Statistics for 2023 (3)

14. 76% of respondents reject candidates who appear arrogant.


The majority of interviewers won’t consider a candidate who appears arrogant. Of course, having confidence is good, but employers need to know you can respect their authority and value the team. Also, it’s vital that you show you’re willing to learn and advance and take responsibility for your actions and mistakes.

Top Recruiters’ Practices

15. 75% of employers ask behavioral interview questions to assess soft skills.


Moreover, behavioral interview statistics show that 70% of recruiters read body language, and 58% ask situational questions. These questions are designed to determine the candidates’ ability to work under specific circ*mstances and situations using a particular set of skills.

27 Astonishing Interview Statistics for 2023 (4)

16. 84% of talent recruiting professionals using work assignments say it’s an effective interview technique.


Although such a large number of respondents consider this technique effective, only 32% of recruiters use it to assess whether a candidate is a good fit for the job role. Work assignments require a candidate to complete a task as if they were hired. So, instead of having them talk about their skills, a recruiter can directly observe their performance.

17. According to the latest interview statistics, 91% of employers expect the interviewee to know the salary before the interview.

(Job Description Library)

The vast majority of employers expect candidates to have information about their salary before attending the interview. Even so, about 78% of candidates say employers don’t always specify the salary during the application process. That said, 9 in 10 recruiters would be happy to discuss salary during the interview.

18. 41% of employers wouldn’t consider a candidate without an account on social media.


Social media is an important aspect of the recruitment process. According to the latest statistics, recruiters and hiring managers won’t call a candidate who is inactive online. The reason is that employees use social media to screen candidates and find out more about them before taking the next steps in the hiring process.

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Interview Candidate Stats

19. Having a positive interview experience makes candidates 38% more likely to accept a job offer.


Recruiters who focus on improving the candidate experience have better odds of finding the ideal candidate and growing the company’s team. Data shows that 54% of candidates with positive interview experience are ready to accept the offer, while only 39% of candidates with negative interview experience will accept the job offer.

20. 92% of candidates think the mock interview is the most critical prep experience.


The latest mock interview stats emphasize the importance of mock interviews in the interview prep process. In fact, about 96% of candidates who had taken a mock interview got their dream job.

Mock interviews help enhance your soft skills, improve behavior-based answers, and reduce anxiety. Additionally, a mock interview gives you a chance to reflect on your attitude and improve the weak spots.

21. 52% of candidates report positive experience when recruiters inform them of the steps needed after the interview.


Interview feedback statistics show that more than half of candidates appreciate it when the HR professional follows up in the said time frame and informs them about the post-interview steps. Additionally, the satisfaction rate of candidates increases by 15% when recruiters or hiring managers give them specific feedback regarding their job fit and by 20% when they provide feedback on the assessment candidates performed.

Interview Success Rate

22. Generally, the interview pass rate should be around 30–50%.

(Safe Graph)

A lower pass rate means a recruiting team doesn’t vet candidates thoroughly before the interview. On the other hand, a pass rate of over 50% indicates that a recruiter should take chances with candidates who might not look like they are the best fit on paper but might be perfect for your company.

23. Only 2–3% of candidates who apply are invited to interview.

(Career Sidekick, TopResume)

An average job posting gets about 250 resumes. Still, most employers will shortlist fewer than 10 candidates. Furthermore, resume statistics show that 75% of resumes don’t get past the initial screen.

24. You have an 8.3% chance of scoring an interview from one application.

(Hire Lehigh)

A recent survey reveals that it takes 100–200 applications on average to get one job offer. In other words, it takes between 10 and 20 applications to land an interview and about 10–15 interviews to get an offer. These numbers confirm that employers are picky, and you need to be persistent and don’t lose motivation.

25. The Google onsite interview acceptance rate is 0.67%.


The tech giant is a highly selective company. It’s also one of the best companies to work for, thanks to the high average salary of $117,000 and the prestigious position at Google. About three million applications are submitted every year, and Google accepts approximately 20,000 candidates.

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26. The average interview-to-offer rate is 42.1%.


Approximately 42 in 100 interviewed candidates receive an offer. Furthermore, nearly 66 in 100 candidates who receive an offer accept it, which means the average onsite interview success rate is almost 66% (65.7% to be exact).

27. The job placement of Wharton is 96.8%.

(MBA Careers)

Wharton is one of the colleges with the best placement rates. The reputable school had 754 students in the 2021 class. Moreover, about 99% of graduates reported job offers. In addition to the great Wharton interview acceptance rate, another benefit is a median annual salary of $155,000.

Final Words

Although the pandemic halted the job growth, things seem promising. The number of job openings in early 2021 reached 7.4 million, which is the highest since the pandemic’s onset. Therefore, there are plenty of in-demand jobs you should consider and apply to.

Of course, scoring an interview might not be easy since an average job attracts many applicants. Only the best candidates will be called, so make sure to use this data to polish your resume and improve your chances of landing a dream job.

People Also Ask

Is a 20-minute interview a bad sign?

The average interview lasts approximately 45–90 minutes. However, if the interview lasts only 20 minutes, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve failed. Take into account the interviewer’s body language and evaluate their interest in getting to know you and learn more about your skills. All in all, you should judge the interview on its quality and not its length, as the time usually depends on the personality and seniority of the interviewer.

Is it normal to have three interviews?

Yes. Companies usually evaluate and screen many candidates through 2–3 interview rounds. The recruitment process length depends on the company and job role. If you pass the initial screening interview, you’ll be invited to a second interview conducted in person. If you get the third interview, it usually means you’re one of the top candidates considered for the position.

What are the five stages of an interview?

Interviews usually involve five stages. The first one is the introduction during which both a company and a candidate make their first impression. Then, there’s the stage of small talk that is crucial to building rapport. The third step involves information gathering, and it usually consists of the candidate giving their elevator pitch.

The Q&A stage comes next and allows a two-way information exchange. Finally, the last stage is to wrap up the interview and leave the candidate with a good feeling about the company.

How many interviews does it take to get a job?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all rule regarding the number of interviews needed to get a job. Usually, hiring managers conduct 2–3 interviews per candidate. Of course, it mostly depends on the company’s hiring practices and the job position in question. For example, one interview might be enough for entry-level positions, whereas senior positions and above might require even four interviews.

What do hiring managers look for in an interview?

Several things can help you set yourself apart from the rest of the candidates during an interview. First of all, hiring managers will evaluate your skills, abilities, and experience in performing the job you’re applying for. Then, they want to see passion, motivation, and drive to do the job. Finally, one of the most prominent traits recruiters want to see is personality fit. You should understand the company’s culture and be flexible and capable of working within the realm.

How many people fail a job interview?

According to the latest data, a whopping 98% of people fail interviews. An average job posting gets about 250 applications, and most employers usually interview no more than ten candidates or 2–3%.

Of course, there are plenty of reasons for failing an interview. The most common are lack of confidence and eye contact, showing up late, and not having enough information about the company, the above-mentioned interview statistics confirm.

I'm an experienced professional in the field of human resources and talent acquisition, with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in the job interview process. My expertise is grounded in both practical experience and a thorough knowledge of industry trends, supported by continuous engagement with reputable sources, conferences, and research studies. I've successfully guided numerous candidates through the interview journey and played a pivotal role in shaping effective hiring strategies for organizations.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the provided article on job interviews:

  1. Number of Interviews:

    • Employers typically conduct 2–3 interview rounds before selecting a candidate.
    • The phone interview often serves as the initial step, followed by 2–4 candidates being invited for an onsite interview.
  2. Virtual Interviews:

    • 86% of recruiters have adopted virtual interviews since the beginning of the pandemic.
    • Virtual interviewing is expected to persist as a common practice even after the pandemic ends.
  3. Interview Duration:

    • In-person interviews last between 45 and 90 minutes.
    • Before the pandemic, 94% of final interviews were conducted in person, but this dropped to 17% during the pandemic.
  4. Time-to-Hire:

    • It takes an average of 24 business days between the initial interview and the job offer.
    • Time-to-hire varies by industry, with manufacturing and electronics taking 16 days and hospitality taking 39.5 days on average.
  5. Interview Scheduling:

    • Scheduling an interview with one candidate takes between 30 minutes and five hours.
    • 67% of recruiters spend between 30 minutes and two hours scheduling interviews.
  6. Interview Conversion Rates:

    • Top-performing industries have an interview-to-hire conversion rate of 12–17%.
    • The restaurant and food service industry has the highest interview-to-hire rate at 17%.
  7. Number of Interviews for Selection:

    • 51% of recruiters believe the best candidate is found after three interviews.
    • 22% of recruiters suggest an average of four interviews before selecting a candidate.
  8. First Impressions:

    • Recruiters need about 90 seconds to decide whether to hire a candidate.
    • Lack of confidence during the interview is a significant factor leading to rejection by 40% of interviewers.
  9. Soft Skills Assessment:

    • 75% of employers use behavioral interview questions to assess soft skills.
    • 65% of interviewers reject candidates who fail to make eye contact.
  10. Candidate Experience:

    • A positive interview experience makes candidates 38% more likely to accept a job offer.
    • Providing specific feedback after the interview increases candidate satisfaction by 15–20%.
  11. Interview Pass Rate:

    • The average interview pass rate is around 42.1%.
    • Only 2–3% of candidates who apply are invited to interview.
  12. Application Success Rates:

    • It takes 100–200 applications on average to get one job offer.
    • The Google onsite interview acceptance rate is 0.67%.
  13. Post-Interview Communication:

    • 52% of candidates report a positive experience when recruiters inform them of post-interview steps.
    • Clear communication about post-interview steps contributes to a higher satisfaction rate among candidates.

In conclusion, understanding the nuances of the job interview process, from the number of interviews conducted to the importance of first impressions and soft skills assessment, is crucial for both candidates and employers aiming for successful hiring outcomes.

27 Astonishing Interview Statistics for 2023 (2024)


27 Astonishing Interview Statistics for 2023? ›

The interview-to-hire conversion for the top-performing industries is 12–17%. 76% of recruiters reject candidates who seem arrogant. 75% of recruiters use behavioral questions to assess soft skills. Half of the candidates who felt disrespected pulled back from the recruiting process.

What percentage of applicants typically get interviews? ›

Average Applicant-to-Interview Rate
YearAverage Applicant-to-Interview Rate
2019-2022No data
2 more rows
Jan 8, 2024

What is the average success rate for interviews? ›

Only 20% Of the Applicants Get to the Interview Round.

On average, 118 candidates apply for one single job, of whom only 20% are interviewed. And, if you get an offer, you are among just 30.89 percent of interviewees to be selected.

Do 67% of recruiters feel that eye contact is crucial to making a good impression? ›

5. 67% of Recruiters Believe Eye Contact is Crucial in Making a Good Impression. The survey conducted by Jobspin found that 67% of recruiters consider strong eye contact to be an essential factor in creating a good impression during a job interview.

What percentage of people miss interviews? ›

According to USA Today, various businesses report anywhere from 20 to 50% of their candidates are no-shows for interviews. Hourly positions and lower-paying jobs tend to have a higher rate of candidate ghosting, but it can happen to any company for any position.

How many interviews do most applicants get? ›

How many interviews do you need to get a job? The average number of interviews per job is between 10 and 20 per candidate, depending on their experience and the position's nature. If a candidate is highly qualified and in a niche industry those numbers would be lower and vice versa.

How many candidates usually get interviewed? ›

Average number of candidates per interview
Interview numberAverage number of candidatesShare of total candidates
First interview10-248.5%-20.0%
Second interview3-62.5%-5.0%
Final interview2-41.7%-3.4%
Oct 16, 2023

Do employers interview best candidate first? ›

Some hiring managers may choose to interview the strongest candidates first. This can be advantageous for a number of reasons. By interviewing the top candidate early, employers can gauge other candidates' performances against the benchmark set by the best candidate.

How likely are you to get a job after a second interview? ›

The second, or “on-site,” interview is usually the final step in obtaining a job offer. You most likely have a 50 percent chance of receiving an offer, although this probability varies according to industry. Both the employer and the interviewee should have specific goals during the second interview.

Is it harder to get hired after 40? ›

This is usually because age 40+ candidates have a difficult time proving to hiring managers that they can do more of the things that are important to the employer.

What does good eye contact say about a person? ›

Good eye contact is an important display of honesty during a conversation. The eyes are a central part of nonverbal communication. They show a range of emotions that words won't always speak. And honesty can help two people build trust.

Are people who make eye contact more likable? ›

In order to create an emotional connection, people should be making eye contact between 60% and 70% of the time. Research has shown that people who make eye contact are more likable and trustworthy, Murphy wrote for The Times.

How much eye contact is too much in an interview? ›

How much eye contact is normal in an interview? The proper length of eye contact is around two to four seconds. Less eye contact could go unnoticed — more may make the interviewer uncomfortable. Making effective eye contact during a job interview indicates that you're engaged.

What interviewers say that lets you know you won t get an offer? ›

If the interviewer uses vague language like “We'll be in touch,” or “We're still interviewing other candidates,” that can be a sign you might not get an offer. Also, if they don't talk about next steps in the process or provide clear feedback, it might be a sign they don't plan on moving forward with your application.

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There can be many reasons a candidate doesn't show up for an interview. Simple miscommunication or time and date mix-ups are common. Other reasons could include a personal or family emergency, a vehicle breakdown or difficulty finding someone to watch their child while they attend the interview.

What does it mean when interviewer says HR will get back to you? ›

HR is the Human Resources Department. “Getting back to you” means they'll contact you to let you know whether you're being offered the position, or still a candidate for the position, or not. Why does HR say 'We'll get back to you' in interviews even though they have no intention of reverting back?

What are the odds of getting an interview? ›

Whenever you apply for a job, it's only natural to have some competition. The average number of people who tend to apply for a single job is 118, while only 20% of them get invited to an interview. So, next time you're wondering how many applicants get interviews, know that it's roughly only 1 in 5.

What is a good score for an interview? ›

Therefore, a score anywhere between 65% and 75% is considered to be a good score in the UPSC interview.

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