26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (2024)

We all have a favorite animal at one point or the other and dogs are not left out. In fact, a dog is known as man’s companion all over the world. Many native speakers say “inu” (犬) to mean ‘dog’ in Japanese. This word is probably familiar to many Japanese learners since it is often used in Japanese movies, novels, and other media. The most common phrase to say dog in Japanese is “inu” (犬). However, there are several ways to say dog in Japanese depending on the intent of the speaker. Now that you are ready to acquire knowledge on different ways to say dog in Japanese, you can also familiarize yourself with how to learn Japanese as you progress, sounds cool right? Grab a seat and let’s get started.

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (1)

Ways to Say Dog in Japanese

kaiinu飼い犬Pet dog
norainu野良犬Stray dog
konokoこの子This child
aiken愛犬Beloved dog
chuuken忠犬Loyal dog

1. inu– 犬 – Dog

The word “inu”(犬) is the most common way to say dog in Japanese. This can also work as plural. Japanese native speakers use this noun to refer to a dog or the plural form dogs since singular and plural forms in Japanese are usually the same. Additionally, it may be used to refer to someone as a spy or secret agent, as in someone else’s “dog“.

2. wanko– ワンコ – Dog

Wankois a Japanese word used to refer to a dog or a puppy. Depending on the context, it may refer to characters with similar traits to a dog: friendly, loyal, and sweet. Wanko (ワンコ) is also used to describe characters who enthusiastically love their partners, just as dogs love their owners.

3. koinu– 子犬 – Puppy

When your dog is at a young and tender age, the appropriate way to call it in Japanese is Koinu (子犬) otherwise known as a puppy in English. The word Koinu 子犬 consists of two parts: the first part of the word, 子, is thekanji for“child” or “young” and the second part, 犬, is thekanji for“dog“. Therefore, literally translated, the word means a young dog or child dog.

4. doggu– ドッグ – Dog

Japanese also incorporate and mimick some English words and culture. This is evident in the Japanese term doggu ドッグ meaning “dog”. Some non-native Japanese speakers will feel comfortable calling their dog, doggu due to the similarity in tone with the English term dog.

5. kaiinu– 飼い犬 – Pet dog

Kaiinu is a dog you take as a pet in your home. These kinds are dogs are friendly, as they serve as a companion and ease your loneliness, while also encouraging exercise and playfulness. Although, this word is not frequently used by most people it seldomly comes into usage when differentiating a pet dog from a stray dog known as norainu (野良犬), during a conversation.

6. wanchan – ワンチャン – Doggie

wanchan (ワンチャン) is another Japanese term for a dog, meaning “doggie”. This term is used mostly by children to call their cute and friendly dogs or to refer to other people’s dogs.

7. norainu – 野良犬 – Stray dog

Norainu is a term used for a dog that has no owner, a stray dog. These are the kinds of dogs that wander in the streets, and they tend to house parasites such as rabies on their body since no one takes care of them. Although they can be nice, but they can go crazy and be dangerous too.

8. konoko – この子 – This child

Konoko この子 is another way to say dog in Japanese, which literally translates to “this child”. This term is used to talk about someone’s dog to its owner. Sounds strange right? Some dogs think of themselves as human children, so they get hurt when we treat them as just an animal. Some dog owners feel the same as well. That is why some refer to dogs as konoko (この子) “this child”

9. pochi – ポチ – Pooch

“Pochi” was the most popular dog name in the Meiji Period, which is about 100 years ago in Japan. These kinds of dogs are frequently referred to as pooch just like the English dog names such as Spot or Rover.

10. ken – けん – Dog

Ken is another name to generally call dogs in Japanese. There are different kinds of breeds of ken, and the most popular ones are the 6 iconic Japan’s national dogs known as the Nikon-ken, which include the Kishu Ken, Shikoku Ken, Hokkaido Ken, and others.

11. aiken – 愛犬 – Beloved dog

Aiken (愛犬) is another Japanese word for a beloved dog. This word is used to show how much you love and cherish your dog. If you have a dog that you admire and cannot do without, the term Aiken is the perfect word to use.

12. chuuken – 忠犬 – Loyal dog

Dogs are known as man’s best friends because of their loyalty to their owners. The Japanese term to use when describing your dog as “loyal” is “Chuuken”. A breed of dog from northwestern Japan known as “Hachinko” is also referred to as the “Loyal dog” due to its faithfulness to its Master.

Ways to Describe Your Dog in Japanese

kuroi inu黒い犬Black dog
shiroi Inu白い犬White dog
kawaii inuかわいい犬Cute dog
roken老犬Old dog
ookii inu大きな犬Big dog
meinu雌犬Female dog
oinu雄犬Male dog
kyouken狂犬Mad dog
ryouken猟犬Hunting Dog

1. kuroi inu 黒い犬 – Black dog

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (3)

The Japanese term Kuroi means black and inu means dog as earlier stated, which translates the phrase kuroi inu to “Black dog”. In Japanese, dogs whose color is black are called kuroi inu meaning black dog.

2. shiroi Inu – 白い犬 – White dog

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (4)

The Japanese word for “white dog” is Shiroi inu**.**In the same way, as with the color black, Shiroi means “white”, and you can add the word Shiroi before the noun, inu (dog) to describe or refer to a white dog.

3. kawaii inu– かわいい犬 – Cute dog

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (5)

The phrase kawaii inu (可愛い犬) literally means cute dog in English. The first term kawaii means cute, tiny or lovable in Japanese, and the noun “inu” translates to dog as earlier mentioned. So, your cute and adorable dog can be referred to as a “kawaii inu”.

4. roken – 老犬 – Old dog

Are you wondering how to say old dog in Japanese? “roken” is the right word to use. Dogs between the ages of 7-11 years can be considered old dogs. Old dogs are sometimes referred to as senior citizens depending on their size and breed.

5. ookii Inu – 大きな犬 – Big dog

Ookina inu (大きな犬) is the right way to say “big dog” in Japanese. To be considered a big or large-breed dog, a dog must weigh at least 50 pounds (sometimes 70 pounds) and be taller than 24 inches.

6. meinu – 雌犬 – Female dog

There is a way to differentiate a male from a female dog in Japanese by naming them. Meinu is the word for a female dog. The word “Meinu” means female dog, which can also translate to bitch in English.

7. oinu – 雄犬 – Male dog

You call your male dog “Oinu” in Japanese to differentiate it from the female breed.

8. kyouken – 狂犬 – Mad dog

The word kyouken means “mad dog”. The term mad dog can be used in several ways depending on the speaker’s intent. a dog is considered mad when the dog is suffering from rabies and may bite indiscriminately. A dog can also be referred to as mad because of its violent disposition, the phrase Kyōbōna inu (凶暴な犬) should be used in this context.

9. ryouken – 猟犬 – Hunting Dog

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (6)

Dogs used in racing, tracking, dog conformation competition, showmanship, and so on are hunting dogs which translate to ryouken ( 猟犬) in Japanese. A Japanese breed known as Shiba inu is known to hunt for other species of animal

Different Japanese Dog Breeds in Japanese

Kishu inu紀州犬Kishu dog
Shikuku-ken四国犬Shikoku dog
Hokkaido inu北海道犬Hokkaido dog
Shiba inu柴犬Small dog
Akita inu秋田犬Akita dog

1. Kishu Inu – 紀州犬 – Kishu dog

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (7)

Kishu inu is a Japanese purebred native dog that descended from ancient medium-sized breeds and is named after the kishu region. Kishu inu are mostly used for boar and deer hunting. They are often quiet and stalk prey quietly rather than bark. They have a striking resemblance to the Hokkaido breed.

2. Shikoku-ken – 四国犬 – Shikoku dog

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (8)

From the Island of Shikoku, comes a breed of dog known as Shikoku inu. This dog is energetic, highly alert, marked with endurance, high sense, and a hunting enthusiast. It is easily identifiable with his long-haired tail, and a coat having a well-mixed of black, red, and white hair color. His conformation is strong, well-boned, compact, and mainly used by hunters

3. Hokkaido inu – 北海道犬 – Hokkaido dog

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (9)

Hokkaido inu is a friendly and loyal dog breed that serves as a companion to their human family. They are a breed noteworthy for endurance and dignity. Their temperament is faithful, docile, very alert, and bold. They also show accurate judgment and great stamina. They are brilliant thinkers and problem solvers, and they excel at tasks given to them

4. Shiba Inu – 柴犬 – Small dog

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (10)

The Shiba Inu dog breed was originally bred to flush birds and small game and was occasionally used to hunt wild boar. It is the smallest among all other Japanese dog breeds. Shiba Inus are friendly and loyal, they also have an inpatient side and may quickly become provoked by children.

5. Akita Inu – 秋田犬 – Akita Dog

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (11)

The Akita is a large and powerful dog breed with a noble and intimidating presence. They were originally used for guarding royalty and nobility in feudal Japan. These dogs are also good for hunting. As pets, they are a companion and loyal guardians of their families. They are also affectionate, respectful, and amusing dogs when properly trained and socialized.

Is it Woof woof or Wan wan?

What is the sound of dog in Japanese?

There are actually different ways in which dogs make sounds to communicate either with other dogs or their human companion. Sometimes they whine, growl, howl, sigh, groan, and most times they bark. Most times in English, we often use words like “ruff” or “woof woof” to represent dog barks, but in Japanese, dogs sound are represented with wan wan (ワンワン), similar and originating from the English “woof woof” sound for dogs. If the barking was from a small dog the term kyan kyan (キャンキャン) will be used. This term can also be used to represent a small dog that is in distress. Recently, the word wan chan (ワンちゃん) is often used by children to mean doggie and it is created by taking the sound that dogs make and then combining it with the name suffix “chan”.

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (12)

Get a Shiba Inu and Learn Japanese Now!

There are different ways to call a dog in Japanese, depending on their behavior, breed, color, function, and most importantly how close they are to their companion. One way to help with knowing how to call dogs in Japanese is to take up Japanese language courses that will assist you in how to learn Japanese and make you speak like a native in no time. One of the best platforms to learn is AmazingTalker. This online, user-friendly, affordable platform offers a wide range of Japanese courses to suit your needs, as well as native, qualified, and passionate Japanese tutorsto assist you. Some of the benefits of our platform are its flexible schedule, you can book classes based on your own schedule. The course can be customized based on your specific learning needs. Learn more Japanese like how to say good morning in Japaneseor come on start your Japanese courses with us now!

26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio (2024)


26 Ways to Say Dog in Japanese with Breed Names and Audio? ›

Some examples of Kawaii dog names are Kirei (pretty), Ai (love), Bigaku (a love for beautiful things), Chibi (small child), Akachan (baby), Chīsana (pocket-size), Aoi (the color blue), Pinku (the color pink), Kichōna (precious), and Shuga (sugar).

What are the dog commands in Japanese? ›

You can practice these basic commands, which are shown in both hiragana (characters) and romaji (anglicized version), with their pronunciation:
  • Sit おすわり osuwari (oh-soo-WAH-ree)
  • Stay まて! ...
  • Lie down ふせ fuse (foo-say)
  • Come こい koi.
  • Come (kinder version) おいで oide (oh-EE-day)
  • No だめ dame (DAH-may)
Aug 2, 2017

What is a cute Japanese name for a dog? ›

Some examples of Kawaii dog names are Kirei (pretty), Ai (love), Bigaku (a love for beautiful things), Chibi (small child), Akachan (baby), Chīsana (pocket-size), Aoi (the color blue), Pinku (the color pink), Kichōna (precious), and Shuga (sugar).

What is the name of the Japanese dog breed? ›

Which dog breeds come from Japan? There are six truly native Japanese dog breeds, also known as the Nihon-Ken breeds: Shiba Inu, Shikoku, Kishu, Kai Ken, Hokkaido and Akita. These dogs have become national treasures in Japan and are protected by the government.

What does Ken mean in Japanese dog? ›

For those who are unfamiliar with Japanese, most kanji (Sinograms) have at least two quite different pronunciations, an on['yomi] 音[読み] (Sino-Japanese reading) and a kun['yomi] 訓[読み] (native reading). In the case of 犬 ("dog"), the former is ken and the latter is inu. They both mean "dog".

What are the 6 basic dog commands? ›

Dogs are fast learners who rely on you for their training, which also helps nurture your relationship. Together, the basic commands – "Come", "Sit", "Stay", "No", "Down", "Leave it", and "Off" – will shape a good canine citizen.

What are the 4 basic dog commands? ›

  • 1) Sit. The Sit command is one of the most essential for your dog. ...
  • 2) Stay. The Stay command is another important cue and is very useful in situations where you need your dog to remain calm and stay put. ...
  • 3) Down. ...
  • 4) Leave It. ...
  • 5) Come. ...
  • 6) Engagement.
Aug 29, 2022

What does Suki mean for a dog? ›

Suki is a Japanese word that is used to express love and affection. And that describes our sweet Red Dobi girl Suki! She is very loving and affectionate, so her name is perfect for her. Suki is around a year old, likes other dogs, housebroken and crate trained.

What is the rarest dog in Japan? ›

According to the North American Shikoku Club, the Shikoku is one of the rarest Japanese dog breeds. For those lucky to know a Shikoku, you'll find a dog filled with endless energy that loves to chase whatever catches their eye.

What is the smartest Japanese dog? ›

In Japan, the Kai Ken is considered a national treasure. This is a highly intelligent breed, quick to learn and eager to please.

What Japanese dog is like a wolf? ›

Akitas are most closely genetically related to ancient wolves. They are a Japanese dog breed that is great hunters, and are often police dogs, but are also excellent family dogs.

What is demon dog in Japanese? ›

Inugami” is the name of that mythical devil, embodied here by a statue. For more than 1,000 years, Japan's been plagued by these dangerous dogs which, according to Japanese folklore, are believed to possess a person and then make them sick and malicious.

What does Hachi mean in Japanese dog? ›

Hachiko (November 10, 1923–March 8, 1935), known in Japanese as chuken Hachiko, "faithful dog Hachiko" ('hachi' meaning 'eight', a number referring to the dog's birth order in the litter, and 'ko', meaning prince or duke), was an Akita dog remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, even many years after his ...

What does Akita mean in Japanese? ›

Although Akita prefecture is mountainous there is a greater proportion of level land in it than in Yamagata. Yamagata signifies "shape of a mountain" and Akita means "autumn rice field."

What are the rules for dogs in Japan? ›

In Japan, dog owners are required to follow a number of rules and manners, such as dogs must be kept on leash and excrement must be picked up while walking a dog.

What do Japanese people say to dogs? ›

Japanese Language Commands for Dogs and Cats

Sit: おすわり (osuwari) (oh-soo-WAH-ree) Stay: まて! (mate) (MAH-tay) Lie down: ふせ (fuse) (foo-say)

What is ne po po dog training? ›

NePoPo® is a negative-positive-positive training system that allows the handler to take advantage of the benefits of both Positive Reinforcement training and Negative Reinforcement training (sometimes called “Avoidance” training). The negative-positive-positive system is where NePoPo® got its name.

What do dogs say in Japan? ›

In Japanese, cats say nyā and dogs say wan wan. The language's animal noises can be very different from English.

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