25 Amazing Hobbies For Students To Develop In 2024 | Amber (2024)

Ever wondered why Norman Bates, the creepy motel owner from "Bates Motel," spent all his free time stuffing birds? Let's just say his hobby choices weren't exactly stress-relieving. But here's the thing: hobbies shouldn't fill your time with dread; they should make it fly by!

Before we dive into the examples of the best hobbies for students, let's explore some fascinating facts about the benefits of hobbies.

1. According to a prominent publisher, engaging in hobbies can reduce mortality risk by around 50%. Hobbies help decrease feelings of loneliness.

2. The hobbies provide individuals with a sense of accomplishment.

3. These hobbies for students enhance skill development and allow individuals to explore various areas of interest.

4. A survey revealed that 44% of Indians find the greatest happiness in their hobbies.

Why do we Need Hobbies?

Mental health issues are often overlooked and neglected. The ground reality is that students are quite stressed out because of many reasons that most of us choose to ignore. Unfortunately, both the educational system and the stakeholders have made conditions worse for many students. Here’s a look at the issues our students face in India.

Parental Expectations- Parental expectations for students often include achieving high academic performance, excelling in extracurricular activities, and preparing for successful careers. These expectations are driven by a desire for their children to have bright futures. Did you know that parental expectations can be a significant source of stress for students? Here are some supporting statistics:

1. Nearly two-thirds of the surveyed students reported feeling pressure from their parents to excel academically.

2. In 2018, 8% of the 130,000 total suicide cases were students.

Suicide Rates- Peer pressure, parental expectations, academic stress, and other factors can severely impact the well-being of our youth, leading to increased anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. These pressures can undermine their confidence, happiness, and overall quality of life.

How to Pick Hobbies for Students?

Unearthing the perfect hobbies for students is a fantastic way to unwind and have fun. Here are some steps to guide you:

1. Revisit your childhood: What activities did you gravitate towards as a kid? Rekindle that spark by exploring similar hobbies as an adult.

2. Consider your interests: Are you drawn to a particular topic? Dive deeper by finding a hobby related to it, such as photography or learning a new language.

3. Embrace exploration: Don't be afraid to try new things! Take introductory classes or watch online tutorials to get a taste of different activities.

4. Think social vs. solo: Do you crave interaction or prefer quiet time? Choose a group activity like a book club or a solitary pursuit like painting.

5. Focus on enjoyment: There's no pressure to become an expert. The most important factor is finding something that brings you relaxation or a sense of accomplishment.

25 Hobbies for Students

25 Amazing Hobbies For Students To Develop In 2024 | Amber (1)

Now that you know the importance of hobbies, here is a list of useful hobbies for students that will give you a few ideas on what to pick up as a new activity!

1. Blogging

Blogging is one of the best hobbies for university students. It lets them vent their emotions through writing. Having a creative writing pastime can be extremely helpful if you want to work in public relations, marketing, design, journalism, editorial positions, or social media. And earning money through blogging isn't as difficult as you might think!

2. Creative Writing

Creative writing, such as poetry and storytelling, are the best hobbies for students with outstanding communication abilities. You will have written samples you may show potential employees, just like with blogging. If you want to work in public relations, marketing, design, journalism, editorial positions, or social media, having a creative writing pastime can be extremely helpful.

3. Volunteering

Volunteering is one of the best hobbies for students, through which employers can determine whether you can work well in a team. Many businesses value teamwork, but it might be especially helpful for someone who wants to work in sales or advertising. With the help of software like VolunteerCrowd, you may keep track of volunteer opportunities and compile a volunteer transcript demonstrating your leadership and moral character. Plus, there are plenty of benefits of volunteering as a student.

4. Photography

If you want to work in the fashion or media industries, having a passion for photography can be extremely useful. Hence, photography is one of the best hobbies for students. Another benefit of photography as a hobby for university students is that it can help improve their mental health. It can also be an awesome idea for passive income for students!

5. Learning a New Language

Learning a new language is one of those hobbies that undoubtedly will improve their employability. For many employers, being bilingual is usually a bonus. Hence, this is one of the best hobbies for students. Along with improving their employability chances, learning a new language can also improve their cognitive skills, which is a win-win situation! These are just a few of the many advantages of learning a new language.

6. Singing or Playing an Instrument

Music has always been one of the therapeutic approaches for many. This is also one of those good hobbies for students, which can help them showcase their talent, particularly if they come up with their original music. This can be one of the best-interest examples for students, as research shows that music can predominantly help with education and studies.

7. Arts and Crafts

Drawing, pottery, quilting, etc., are hobbies that demonstrate creativity, open-mindedness, and a love for experimentation and trying new things. There are many offline and online opportunities to pick up these activities. This is one of the best hobbies for students as it keeps them happy and involved in something creative.

8. Cooking + Baking

Although most fun hobbies for students involve a certain degree of creativity and finesse, cooking and baking look particularly good for someone pursuing a field where creativity and attention to detail are advantages, such as marketing, engineering, or design. These hobbies example for students reveal that you have a thing for details, adhere to instructions, use initiative, and, most importantly, like trying new things.

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9. Strategic Mind Games

If you love Sudoku, backgammon, and chess, it tells a lot about your personality, whether you are patient, intelligent, analytical, logical, or love thinking strategically. Hence, this is one of the best hobbies for students, which can help increase their productivity. Chess is probably among the best hobbies for students, and the best place to learn chess is through chess.com or lichens!

10. Extreme Sports

Activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, cliff jumping/base jumping, scuba diving, and mountain bike racing show that you enjoy taking significant but measured risks and pushing the limits. These hobbies are desirable for people who wish to serve in thought leadership roles, product/department leadership jobs, and managerial positions. They are also fun sports for students.

11. Dancing

Dancing is a form of art and therapy. So, when you take up dance as a fun hobby, you only need your body and an open mind to learn new movements, techniques, and dance genres. Just play music and let your body take over. Sway, jump, or jazz—it is all up to you. Along with improving mental health, dancing also positively impacts your body. Loved by many, this interest examples for students has many online courses available.

12. Crochet

The craft of crocheting involves using a crochet hook and yarn, thread, or other materials to make textiles. Crochet isn't only for your grandmother; it's also one of the more calming pastimes for people who prefer to work on a project over many hours rather than all at once. Hence, this is one of the best hobbies for students, and if you are interested in learning this hobby, you can always check out online courses for it.

13. Paper Quilling

Paper quilling, also known as paper filigree, is a form of handicraft in which paper strips are rolled, shaped, and adhered to one another. To start this fun hobby, you don't need any prior craft experience, and the supplies are just paper and a rolling tool, making this one of the ideal hobbies for students.

14. Sewing Clothes

If you eventually decide to become a fashion designer, this is one of the compulsive hobbies for students. It is also a relaxing activity that helps a student unwind from a hectic routine, making it one of the best hobbies for students. For this fun hobby, you need a sewing machine and some skills, which you can gain from Alison.

15. Candle Making

Making Candles is one unique hobby for students, and it's simpler than you might think. As long as you have the necessary supplies, beginning this activity is simple (usually outlined in the recipes or tutorials you follow). Well, this is one of the hobbies for students who can enjoy, have fun with, and learn how to make candles through online tutorials like candle science!

16. Jewellery Design

There is no limit to creativity in today's world. Designing jewellery is an enjoyable, fun hobbies for students. It's another craft pastime that can be done in various ways. First, you must acquire the proper supplies (beads, pliers, attachments) to decide what jewellery you want to create. To surprise your friends with such a gift, learn jewellery design from Jewellers Academy!

17. Pilates

Pilates adds fun to your workout and is a fun hobby for students. Joseph Pilates created this physical training program, which focuses on strengthening, developing, and supporting the entire body. Students can find discounts like the anytime Fitness student discount to get a kickstart on their pilates journey!

18. Graphic Designing

Have you ever seen those beautiful photos on the web created on a computer? Graphic designing is one of the best hobbies for students if you are a student in arts. Graphic designing is one of the best hobbies ideas for students and a great career option for those interested in graphics!

19. Website Design

Although it is a professional talent, building your website and helping others build theirs can transform website design into a fun hobby. A basic understanding of computer usage is required, but not highly specialised knowledge. Beginners can build websites, too; the best place to learn this fun hobby for students is at webflow university!

20. Animation

One of the most sophisticated technological hobbies for students is using software to edit digital objects and figures to produce animation or moving images. While there are ways to start this activity without any prior expertise, a solid understanding of computer software usage is helpful for beginner animators.

21. Gardening

One of the beneficial hobbies for students is gardening. This activity helps one relax and feel at peace. It can also help create a positive and calming environment and imbibe the importance of responsibility. Gardening is probably among the best hobbies for students, and if you are a complete beginner, the Gardener's World will help you learn everything.

22. Journaling

Journaling is considered one of the best hobbies for students as it allows them to express their feelings more effectively. Hence, buy yourself a diary and start writing your heart away. It impacts your mental health and how you see the world around you. You can be an artist, and your journal can be your art.

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23. Knitting

Knitting is one of the best hobbies for university students. It allows them to learn the art of using thread and needles and create something new. They can mix and match different colours and make clothing pieces like table runners, cushion covers, etc. Knitting is also considered a great way to relieve stress (this has been backed by science and psychology!).

24. Reading

Escaping to a different reality is a must on students' hobbies list. Reading strengthens critical thinking, makes you more informative, and some say it opens doors to a different realm. It is like the sock that Dobby got; now, 'Dobby is free'.

25. Painting

Painting is one of the essential and very productive hobbies examples for students as it allows individuals to paint their creativity and emotions on canvas. It is more like a therapy that helps students to relieve stress and express themselves better.

And there you have it, folks! Hobbies for students are like sprinkles on a cupcake - they add that extra dash of flavour and excitement to life! Whether it's diving into a captivating book or unleashing creativity on a canvas, hobbies make every day an adventure worth savouring. Happy creating!

Does Every Student Need a Hobby?

Studies show a powerful link between hobbies and well-being. Research suggests indulging in hobbies can potentially cut your mortality risk in half. Happiness matters too - over 44% of Indians report hobbies as their biggest source of joy. Now, student life in India can be intense. Peer pressure is a constant foe, with a staggering 85% of high school students feeling its grip. Academic pressure from parents adds another layer, with nearly two-thirds of students under the weight of expectation. This pressure can be devastating. A 2021 report by the National Crime Records Bureau highlights the harsh reality of student suicides. The pandemic has worsened this issue, with a 2019 survey showing 71% of Indian youth believe mental health struggles are rising among young people. Hobbies offer an escape hatch. They provide a chance to relax, explore passions, and boost happiness. Before we unveil the ultimate hobbies list for students designed to combat student stress and unlock a world of joy, let's take a look at why you need a hobby!

Importance of Hobbies for Students

Their interests greatly influence a student's life. After a long, tiring day, you need a break from your studies to unwind and forget about your worries so you can resume with a clearer head. That's when the hobbies for students can help them feel relaxed. This is also a great way to enhance students' overall personalities. Hobbies play an essential role in the life of a student. Below, we have mentioned a few of the many benefits of hobbies for students.

1. Best Way to Destress

The habit of procrastination is only initiated when one has a lot on their plate, so students can feel bored and stressed easily. That's when hobbies can help you feel relaxed and calm. This will release happy hormones in the body and make one feel happy and joyous.

‍2. Scope for Creativity

Having a hobby increases the scope of creativity in students and helps them channel their inner artists. It also helps in relaxing their minds and practising the art that they are good at.

‍3. Social Interaction

When students engage in a hobby, they increase their social interaction with other people, which encourages peer involvement and group community. Several hobbies are good for students' mental and physical health.

Benefits of Hobbies for Students

Including these hobbies in your life will significantly increase your productivity and creativity. Striking a balance between your extracurricular interests and your academic obligations is still crucial. Students who engage in creative hobbies may develop a lifelong passion. Here are some tips for maximising the creative and productive benefits of these hobbies examples for students.

1. Time Management:

Dedicate specific time slots to your hobbies to prevent them from interfering with your studies. This approach also gives you something to look forward to, making your leisure time more enjoyable.

2. Set Goals:

Engaging in creative hobbies provides stress relief and promotes self-care. Whether it's mastering a new recipe, completing a painting, or learning a new musical piece, setting goals within your hobbies can give you a sense of accomplishment.

3. Combine Hobbies:

Sometimes, you can merge hobbies to maximise their benefits. For instance, you can listen to music while painting or write a journal about your travel experiences.

4. Learn Continuously:

Creative hobbies offer opportunities for lifelong learning. You can always improve your skills, discover new techniques, and explore different aspects of your chosen hobby.

5. Share with Others:

Sharing your hobbies with friends or joining clubs and online communities related to your interests can provide social interaction and networking opportunities.

6. Don't Overcommit:

While having multiple hobbies is beneficial, choose a few that truly resonate with you and focus your time on them.

And there you have it, folks! Hobbies for students are like sprinkles on a cupcake - they add that extra dash of flavour and excitement to life! Whether it's diving into a captivating book or unleashing creativity on a canvas, hobbies make every day an adventure worth savouring. Happy creating!

25 Amazing Hobbies For Students To Develop In 2024  | Amber (2024)
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