22 Ways to Travel More—Even On a Small Budget (2024)

There are plenty of people who wish they could travel more, and dozens of reasons why those same people may think that’s an unachievable goal. The phrase, “I’d like to travel more” is very often followed by, “but…”

Sure, some trips may be on the once-in-a-lifetime end of the scale, and if you’re struggling to pay bills, travel may not be in your immediate future. But if you’re looking to maximize the amount of travel you can do with limited vacation time, a busy schedule, or a tight budget, you’re in luck. We’re living in the golden age of travel, and exploring the world has never been easier, more accessible, or cheaper.

Here are 22 ways to get more travel in your life.

1. Take shorter trips more often.

When you have a limited number of vacation days from your job, using them all at once means you’ll spend the rest of the year waiting for new vacation days to kick in. Using a few here and there means you’re traveling more often throughout the year. And when international flights often cost less than traveling across the US (like NYC nonstop to Madrid for $275 roundtrip, or Los Angeles to Shanghai for $313 roundtrip), it’s easier to justify a week-long trip to Asia or a weekend jaunt to Europe.

2. Take advantage of long weekends and holidays...

This tactic has drawn criticism—and for good reason. In order tomaximize your PTO using thisspecific plan, you need at least 40 days of PTO and the company you work for must observe federal holidays. So maybe you can’t do this exact plan, but by scheduling even one or two of your trips around holidays, you can get some bonus days to extend what you already have. And if you’re not big on a major holiday that gives you extra time off at work (such as Christmas or New Year’s), use that opportunity to take a trip. You can also maximize your time in the destination by departing for your trip after work and returning late in the evening the day before you’re due back in the office.

For example, by taking off May 28–31, four days of vacation becomes nine days off work, given the weekends and Memorial Day. Rather than a long weekend, you’d then have plenty of time to head for, say, Europe.

Speaking of weekends, don’t underestimate the power of a good weekend trip! Often, it requires little to no PTO, and asour research has shown us, having further-out trips planned produces the most joy. More, shorter trips planned throughout the year = more happiness.

Note that flight and accommodation costs are known to spike around the holidays, so unfortunately this is not going to be the best way to help youtravel more on a budget.

3. ...And shoulder seasons...

Shoulder season—the period between peak season and off season—is the perfect storm of good prices, decent weather, and slightly smaller crowds. Every part of the world has its own shoulder seasons, generally based on weather. In many regions, though, spring (roughly March–April) and autumn (roughly September–October) are considered shoulder seasons. Cut down on airfare, accommodations, and activities during these times, and you could put the savings toward another shoulder-season (or even peak-season) trip.

4. ...And 2-for-1 tickets and long layovers.

Our job isn’t to make you lovelayovers, but as they are sometimes inevitable, we’re here to show you how to use them to your advantage. Picture it like a whole other city that you get to explore on the way to your final destination. Nowadays, airlines have built itineraries for the sole purpose of enabling travelers to see a new city on the way, with2-in-1 tickets andstopovers. We send quite a few of these deals to our members; two of the most recent include LAX to Rio de Janeiro with a stop in Lima, and Detroit, NYC, or Baltimore to tons of European cities with a stop in Iceland.

Once you see that layovers don’thaveto be a burden, you open up a whole new world of possibilities. And who knows, maybe you’ll fall in love with that layover destination, and it will become your next final destination.

5. Go where—and when—the deals dictate.

Most people decide where they want to go, pick their dates, and then look for flights. We recommend flipping that script. If you’re open to a range of destinations, keep an eye out for deals and book when you see something you like. Having some wiggle room around dates can also help; sometimes the price can be significantly lower if you change your dates even by a single day. By being flexible, you can save big.

>> Read our guide to using the Google Flights Explore map to find the cheapest place to go.

6. Prioritize inexpensive destinations.

We’ve all got those lists of places we’ve dreamed of going for ages, but those aren’t necessarily budget-friendly destinations. If money is what’s holding you back from more trips, help each dollar go farther by heading to places that are cheaper to travel in. Places in South America, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe, for example, tend to be on the less expensive end of the spectrum.

>> Check out our list of the world’s cheapest destinations

7. Work remotely when possible.

22 Ways to Travel More—Even On a Small Budget (1)

You don’t have to turn into a digital nomad in order to work remotely. Find out whether your company would be amenable to the idea and, if they’re open to it, give it a test run or two to prove your efficiency. The ability to work remotely, even occasionally or for part of your trip, can help you stretch out limited vacation days. Yes, you’d be working part of the day, but when you turn off your computer you’re still on vacation.

Companies like Remote Year offer programs, spanning from one month to a year, that fix you up with accommodations, professional coworking spaces, and support to make your remote work experience a little easier.

>> Read our guide to combining work and travel.

8. Examine your prioritizes and eliminate expenses.

This takes a little soul-searching and a lot of honesty, but it can be worth it. Consider the things you spend your disposable income on, and then examine whether those expenses reflect how important each thing is to you. Maybe you can swap your daily coffee shop run for coffee you make at home. You might be able to do more second-hand shopping, stretch out the time between salon visits, or cut down on ordering takeout. And perhaps you don’t really need Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and HBO. Cutting out even $80-$100 per month could quickly add up to an extra trip.

9. Stay focused on goals.

Once you’ve decided you’re going to travel more, it’s important to reinforce your commitment to that goal—especially if it requires changes to your routine. Think of any potential expenses in travel terms (this season’s must-have boots might be another night in a budget hotel, for instance). It may even help to put out visual reminders, like a guidebook or photo of the place you’re planning to visit, so you don’t lose sight of how sacrifices you’re making now will pay off later.

10. Try house sitting or home exchanges.

While house sitting (or pet sitting) means someone else’s travel schedule is dictating when and where you go, it also means you’re not paying for accommodation when you get there. And, if you own your home, doing a home exchange can be a fun way to explore another place on a budget and get someone to take care of your house while you’re gone. Sites like Trusted Housesitters connect homeowners and house and pet sitters. (Going members save on a Trusted Housesitters membership; log into Going and head to our Membership Perks page to redeem.)

11. List your own place when you’re away.

Anytime you’re out of town, listing your home on a home sharing site like Airbnb means you could make money while you’re traveling. While it can be a big undertaking to make sure you and your home are equipped for guests, it could pay off. More money in your account means more trips in the future, and more opportunity to earn while you’re away, so it’s a self-perpetuating cycle.

12. Get a side gig.

If you’ve got talents beyond what you do from 9-to-5—or if the skills you use in your day job are in demand on the freelance market—consider taking on some extra work to fill your travel fund. The ever expanding gig economy means there are dozens of options, such as selling handicrafts (like woodworking or sewing), driving for a ride-sharing company, walking dogs, tutoring, or even running errands or being a virtual assistant.

13. Use a budgeting app to save.

Financial apps can help you with just about any budgeting challenge. You Need a Budget helps you figure out how much you can spend on travel, while Acorns rounds up your purchases so you can save with minimal effort. If setting aside money for a trip feels like too much of an abstract concept, there’s an app for that, too. Albert lets you move money into a specific budget when you’re saving so you can see your money grow in a more tangible fashion.

14. Find a travel buddy or group...

22 Ways to Travel More—Even On a Small Budget (2)

When you’re not comfortable traveling alone, you’ve got options. Maybe your book group wants to plan a trip to the setting of a favorite novel, or your best friend is interested in the same trip you’ve been planning. There are lots of group tours that offer built in companionship as well. Companies like Intrepid, Contiki, and Globus offer tours based on age group, travel, style, or whatever you’re into, from river cruises to long-distance biking.

>>Get tips for traveling with friends

15. ...Or go solo.

If your friends and family aren’t into traveling and you don’t want to do a group tour, you still don’t have to turn into a homebody. There are lots of resources to make solo travel easier, from the above-mentioned tours and cruise lines (many of which don’t charge an extra fee for a single room) to virtual communities of other solo travelers sharing tips.

>> Check out some tips for solo travel from our Travel Community.

16. Negotiate for more vacation days.

Just because your company offers a certain number of vacation days doesn’t mean that’s set in stone. You may be able to get a few extra days, or work out a flex-time arrangement so that when you work overtime you can “bank” some of those hours to take additional days off. The best times to ask: when negotiating a new job, receiving a promotion, or during your annual review.

>> Get tips for negotiating more vacation time here.

17. Extend work trips.

If you’re fortunate enough to travel for work even occasionally, turn your business obligation into a fun experience by adding a day or two to your trip after you’re done with work. Even if it’s not a place you’ve always wanted to visit, part of the fun is discovering what to do there—or figuring out what side trips you can take. Depending on where you’re going, you may be able to easily and cheaply hop from your business trip destination to another spot with more personal appeal.

>> Read our tips for getting around cheaply in Europe.

18. Be sure your credit card earns rewards.

Credit card rewards can go a long way toward enriching your travel budget, so long as you don’t carry a balance. If you pay off your credit card bill each month, look into a card that offers frequent flyer miles, hotel points, or the ability to “erase” travel expenses. Then, everything from groceries to gas to a doctor’s visit can help offset the cost of your next trip; once you’ve racked up enough points, you can use those to pay for part or all of your next flight, so it’s basically nothing out of your pocket.

>> Here’s how toget started with points and miles if you’re new to the game.

19. Explore close to home.

No matter where you live, there are trips you could take from home, whether it’s for a weekend or just an afternoon. Pack a picnic and go for a scenic hike with your family. Go to a museum or gallery. Check out tours on Viator or Airbnb to find new things to do in your city. If you approach your own backyard with the same curiosity as a foreign place, you don’t even have to get on a plane to have an adventure.

20. Lose the “once-in-a-lifetime” mindset.

22 Ways to Travel More—Even On a Small Budget (3)

It’s worth repeating. We’re in the golden age of travel, and international flights can often be had for just a few hundred dollars. Yet, people still often put off their dream trips because they want to wait until they can “do it right”—whether than means splashing out on a lavish hotel or going for more than two weeks. But since they can’t “do it right” at the moment, they don’t end up doing it at all. Forget about doing it right and focus on doing it now; it may not be the exact dream trip you envisioned, but it may turn out to be exactly what you wanted.

21. Change how you define “travel.”

Using every second of your allotted two-week vacation from work in one fell swoop to take an epic overseas adventure is fantastic, but if that’s the only thing you consider “traveling” then you’re only going to get one of those per year. When the word “travel” encompasses being anywhere that’s not home for any length of time, suddenly a world of possibilities opens up.

22. Join Going.

We search dozens of websites, airlines, and OTAs to find the best deals and and when we find a cheap flight departing from you home airport, we send an email with everything you need to know to book the deal. Our members save an average of $550 per ticket with deals like $98 roundtrip to Hawaii, $486 roundtrip to Tahiti, and $270 roundtrip to Barcelona.

We search dozens of flight booking sites every day, so you don't have to. Our members save an average of $550 per ticket off average prices.

22 Ways to Travel More—Even On a Small Budget (2024)


22 Ways to Travel More—Even On a Small Budget? ›

Travel light and leave behind what you don't need. Make connections for places to stay, and earn meals through websites such as wwoof.org, helpx.net, and workaway.info. Ditch your expectations before beginning the journey and keep an open and curious mind.

How can I travel a lot with little money? ›

Travel light and leave behind what you don't need. Make connections for places to stay, and earn meals through websites such as wwoof.org, helpx.net, and workaway.info. Ditch your expectations before beginning the journey and keep an open and curious mind.

What is the cheapest way of Travelling? ›

How to travel on a budget: Our 9 best tips
  • Come up with a plan. Travelling spontaneously is great, if you have the luxury of time and money to spare. ...
  • Travel out of season. ...
  • Be accommodation-savvy. ...
  • Pack properly. ...
  • Book flights in advance… ...
  • 6. … ...
  • Embrace public transport. ...
  • Don't eat away your cash.

How can I travel more and spend less? ›

Saving on transportation is essential to traveling more and spending less. Transportation costs can add up quickly and eat into your travel budget. Road trips are great ways to cut down on travel expenses. Sometimes driving is less expensive than flying.

How can you travel but not spend too much money? ›

Avoid tourist-heavy locations, as they tend to be overpriced. Instead, visit local shops and attractions. This can help you save money as well as see a different side of your destination. Bring your own food.

Can I travel with $1000 cash? ›

The short answer is “there is no limit to how much cash you can bring to the airport for a domestic or intentional flight. However, you must declare on the FinCEN105 form that you are bringing more than $10,000 on an international flight (which includes all money being carried by anyone in your family or group).

Can I get paid to travel? ›

Besides becoming a travel storyteller, here are a couple of examples of jobs that'll let you earn a living as you travel: Trip leader: Manage trips for a travel company, get to meet new people and experience new places, and get paid in the process. Best for extroverts and those who love to geek out on logistics!

Which country is cheapest for travel? ›

The 10 Cheapest Countries to Visit
  • Indonesia. Average daily cost: $60.
  • Thailand. Average daily cost: $81. ...
  • South Africa. Average daily cost: $89. ...
  • Costa Rica. Average daily cost: $119. ...
  • Mexico. Average daily cost: $128. ...
  • Dominican Republic. Average daily cost: $133. ...
  • Turkey. Average daily cost: $131. ...
  • Portugal. Average daily cost: $114. ...

Can you travel for a living? ›

Advances in technology are bringing the world together in new ways. Many people leverage this connectedness in jobs that take them around the globe. With strategic planning, flexibility and patience, you can enjoy a career marked by travel and exploration.

Is it cheaper to fly or drive? ›

For shorter trips, driving will usually be cheaper, unless you have rewards miles or you get an awesome deal on your plane ticket. But it makes sense to check! BeFrugal.com has a Fly or Drive calculator that can estimate the true costs of driving vs. flying to any destination.

How do I drop everything and travel? ›

An incomplete list of options to get your ass abroad and exploring the world:
  1. Join a volunteer organization. ...
  2. Teach English. ...
  3. Find a source of mobile income. ...
  4. Start an online business. ...
  5. Convince your company to let you work remotely. ...
  6. Get transferred overseas. ...
  7. Find odd jobs as you travel. ...
  8. Work on a cruise or for an airline.

How can I enjoy travel more? ›

7 Tips To Make Your Travel More Enjoyable
  1. Read book or magazine.
  2. Listen to a podcast or some new music.
  3. Play a good old-fashioned game (make sure to bring a deck of cards with you)
  4. Catch up on last minute work so you don't have to worry about a deadline.

How many trips should I take a year? ›

However, most studies agree that at least two vacations a year can do wonders for your mental and physical health. Two vacations a year might seem like a lot to some and not enough to others, but that's truly the minimum number of vacations we're talking about here.

How can I travel with little money? ›

How to travel on a budget: Our 9 best tips
  1. Come up with a plan.
  2. Travel out of season.
  3. Be accommodation-savvy.
  4. Pack properly.
  5. Book flights in advance…
  6. 6. … and be smart about how you fly.
  7. Embrace public transport.
  8. Don't eat away your cash.

How much money do you realistically need to travel? ›

How much cash do you need on vacation? You should have roughly $50 to $100 per person every day of your trip.

How to save $100 or more when traveling? ›

  1. Pack light.
  2. Shop at local grocery stores.
  3. Pack snacks.
  4. Get yourself into the airport lounge.
  5. Arrive early.
  6. Get TSA PreCheck or Global Entry membership fees reimbursed.
  7. Take advantage of credit card free night certificates.
  8. Book hotel rooms on points.
May 28, 2024

How do I travel if I have no money? ›

How to travel without money – 5 ideas
  1. Volunteer for free food and accommodation. One way to travel for next to nothing is to exchange your time and effort for something in return. ...
  2. Try to find paid work as you go. ...
  3. Make use of travel networking apps. ...
  4. Avoid tourist prices. ...
  5. Choose the cheap travel methods.
Jan 24, 2023

How much cash do you need when traveling? ›

A good rule of thumb, though, is that, on average, you should plan to carry between $50 and $100 per day in the currency of the country in which you're travelling.

How can I travel legally with cash? ›

Is It Legal to Bring Large Sums of Cash on a Flight? Yes, there are no laws restricting the amount of cash you can travel with as long as you declare any amount over $10,000 when leaving or entering the United States. Domestically, you do not have to declare money.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.