21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back (2024)

How often have you asked yourself questions like-Does my ex want me back? What if I bump into my ex again? Will there be the same old spark? Do they still love me? Should I wait for them to return? Should I move on? (ugh) Yes, we comprehend your confusion and frustration.

We understand that breakups are generally hard to deal with. However, the confusion that your ex might still have feelings for you is also tough. Add to this the dilemma of your own feelings and emotions. Nothing will make sense, and you will end up feeling worse, with a possible headache.

Fret not, we are here to help you out. This article will explore 21 subtle yet obvious signs your ex wants you back. Plus, we will figure out your options goingforward - should you wait or move on?

21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

1. They Often Contact You

21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back (1)

You will often find their name on your smartphones. Your ex will either drop a text or call you randomly. If nothing, they may share some relatable reels on Instagram and somehow find a way to initiate the conversation.

Notice how frequently your ex does this to understand if they are genuinely interested in talking to you.


2. They Try To Share Their Present Life Updates With You

Sharing about the happenings in their life is also a great way to talk to you. Now, this may mean two things. Firstly, they want to get some reaction from you. Maybe to see if you miss talking to them or spending time with them. Secondly, they simply want you to be a part of their life once again. And are trying to give you a hint that they would love a second chance with you.

3. They Show Subtle Jealousy

A little bit of jealousy is always a good sign in romantic relationships. Did you say that you went out with someone? Did your ex turn cold? Did they become a bit sarcastic? If yes, these subtle signs of jealousy show that they miss you, or maybe they want to be the one you hang out with.

However, there is a very fine line between being cute and irrational. So, be alert and avoid misreading their signs.


4. They Try To Make You Jealous

This is another interesting point. While you share about your dating life or hanging out with friends, they counterattack you with their own stories. These stories may or may not be true. However, they want to make you equally jealous. Or maybe they want to see if you, too, still have feelings for them.

5. They Want To Be Friends With You

Often times relationship between two people won't work because it simply isn't meant to be. However, if you still feel for someone, it seems better to be friends with them rather than completely shutting them out of your life. In such cases, your ex may want to be in touch with you and often initiate small conversations by asking about your day or health. If nothing, they try to grab your attention by sharing things about their routine. So, if you notice your ex often trying to stir up small talk with you, that is a sign that he wants to become friends despite the breakup.


6. They Wish To Meet You

Have you ever noticed your ex randomly planning to visit your place? Or did they indirectly ask you to meet them? Or plan a small get-together or trip with mutual friends?

If they frequently express their desire to meet you, maybe that is a sign your ex wants you back.

7. They Find Excuses To Talk To You

21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back (2)

How many times has your ex called you out of the blue? And upon asking the reason behind their conversation, they simply procrastinate or dismiss it. What they cannot directly express is the fact that they like talking to you or find comfort in hearing your voice.

8. They Remember Your Important Days And Text You

Somewhere deep down all of us love when someone remembers important things about us. And if that someone happens to be the person we love, it's nothing less thanbutterflies in our stomachs. Remembering important events or details about you is probably one of the clear signs that your ex wants you back.

9. They Keep A Check On Your Social Media Accounts

Your ex likes or appreciates your statuses or posts. Also, they share relatable couple reels to make you revisit a memory or give you a subtle glance at the future. If this is done frequently without expectations, then your ex is hoping to get back with you.


10. They Own Up To Their Mistakes

Owning up to one's mistake is no child's play. It takes a lot of courage to admit your mistakes and take responsibility for your actions. So, if your ex is readily taking ownership of his actions, it is a sign that he regrets the breakup.

11. The Often Bring Up Things/Memories About You

21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back (3)

Are most of your conversations related to the happy memories you shared? Does it happen often? Does your ex remember silly things about you and bring them up to lightly tease you? Are they happy reliving those memories with you? These signs also indicate that your ex is not over you and may want a second chance with you.

12. They Frequently Apologize

It is often said that an apology that comes from the heart speaks for itself. An ex apologizing for his behavior is common. However, notice his way, tone, and actions that follow his apologies. Are they mere words? Do they back their apologies with proper actions? Do they actually feel remorse or are they trying to trick you into believing them?

Well, give it time and analyze them. Chances are they'll break the pattern if they are faking it. A little time now will save you from a lot of heartaches (and headaches!)


13. They Drunk Dial or Text You

21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back (4)

This particular sign may vary from person to person and also the kind of relationship you shared with your ex. While a drunk dial or text may sound cute to some, it may be utterly frustrating for others. However, isn't it adorable to hear someone express their feelings for you when they cannot even think straight? This is acringe-y yet cute sign that your ex misses you and probably lacks the courage to express themself while sober.

14. They Compliment You

This is yet another subtle sign of appreciation. The crucial point here to remember is what their compliments are all about. Do they compliment you, your persona, and your vibe, or do they compliment your appearance? If it's the latter, your ex probably is confused between love and lust. So, here again, there is a very fine line. We would again advise you not to rush in.

15. They Make It A Point To Let You Know They Are Single

Hilarious, right? But if your ex wants to get back to you, it is necessary that they constantly make you aware of the fact that they are single. No risks! So, notice if your ex frequently asks you about your dating life or maybe randomly spills the beans about them not finding anyone attractive. These subtle signs prove that your ex is willing to get back together and does not have eyes for anyone else.

16. They Pretend To Be Happy In Their Life

Have you ever wondered if your ex is happy without you? Do they seem happy while talking to you, but their voice holds a touch of sadness? Did you misread the situation? No, you did not misread the situation. Your ex may seem happy while they are talking to you. However, if they miss you and want to get back with you, they will experience a wave of sadness while talking to you. This simply shows that they miss being with you, but are holding back for some reason, pretending to be happy without you.

17. They Have Isolated Themselves

21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back (5)

You haveheardfrom your mutual friends that your ex never meets them, never talks to them, and is never available for anything. You check his social accounts, and there is nothing new happening with them. If so, they most probably have isolated themselves from others. In such situations, the person is generally going through a lot of high emotions, is vulnerable, stuck in the past, or is in a denial phase. Often a breakup also reveals a passive-aggressive side of the affected person. As a result, they isolate themselves from others but love to keep in touch with you, hoping you'll get their sign and take them back.


18. They Are Willing To Improve

Although most exes apologize profusely, their apologies are mere words without being backed by strong actions. In other words, fake. However, if your ex accepts his mistakes, apologizes, and makes it a point to improve themself, it counts for something. Without them saying, you will start to notice subtle positive changes in their behavior. If so, maybe give them the benefit of doubt.

19. They Often Talk About A Possible Future

Talking about the future may either be direct or indirect (through reels, songs, memes, or videos.) Whatever their chosen mode of expression, they make it a point to let you know that they are eager and ready to have a future with you. We understand that this sign sounds appealing and romantic, however, please be aware. You know why you broke up in the first place. So, take your time, and do not give in to your emotions in a rush.

20. They Frequently Tell You How Much They Miss You

Only if they told you how much they miss you while you guys were together. Nevertheless, if they frequently tell or show you that they miss you, they probably do miss you a lot. Once again, we would urge you to not fall for their bare words. Let them put in the effort if they really wish to get back to you.

21. They Are Up And Available For You

This sign is almost too clear. Your ex will try their best to prove to you that they are available for you whenever you need them. Now, the most selfless form of love is when they won't expect anything in return from you, and will only be happy that they were able to console you or be available for you.

But let us warn you. This type of sign is a tad bit addictive in comparison to all the other signs. Without your realization, instinctively you will run to your ex to find comfort in them. So, unless, you are still in love with them and are willing to give them another chance, we would advise you to find someone else to rely on.

What Next - Wait Or Move On?

21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back (6)

Now that you know if your ex wants you back or not, what should be your next step? The answer to this question depends on the kind of equation both of you shared while you were in a relationship.


Ask yourself if waiting for them is worth it. Ponder upon the actual reason behind your breakup. To help you further, we have listed some dos and don'ts of getting back to your ex.

What To Do?

The foremost thing to decide if you should wait for your ex is to be honest about your feelings. Take things slowly, notice the behavior and patterns of your ex, and openly express your feelings and boundaries. Most importantly, if you do give your ex a fresh chance, take it as a new chapter of life.

How To Know It's Time To Move On?

Dr. Samar Hafeez, Consultant Psychologist and a Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach shares, “Research evidence shows that an on-again relationship with an ex has lower relationship satisfaction compared to never-broken relationships. People in renewed relationships might be expecting things to be new and different, however, if the same problems and patterns repeat there are high chances of quick disappointment, regret, resentment and sadness.”

However painful, it is always better to get out of a bad relationship. You know it's time to move on when you somehow feel guilty about taking them back, and your body starts showing negative signs like a faster heartbeat, anxiousness, etc. More importantly, if your ex was toxic or abusive and is still not ready to work on themselves or discuss and solve the issues that led to your breakup, they do not deserve another chance. Reach out to your family or friends for support and free yourself!


Most often than not, a post-breakup situation is entirely messed up with emotions scattered all over the place, affecting you mentally and emotionally. In such cases, getting signs or signals from your ex may seem hopeful, but daunting and confusing as hell. Our curated list of signs your ex wants you back will help you decide what you really want.

Furthermore, we believe not all breakups needbe permanent. While sometimes the timing is not right, other times people genuinely improve themselves to be with the person they fell for. So, if you feel for them and think it's worth giving them a second chance, well, we are rooting for you!

21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back (2024)


21 Sureshot Signs Your Ex Wants You Back? ›

When an ex wants you back but won't admit it, they will constantly seek your attention and validation. If they have a greater ego, they might be holding on to past pain. If your ex wants you back, they will ask for your advice and attention, and will try to give you their attention in return.

How do you know if your ex needs you back? ›

How to Tell If Your Ex Is Waiting for You & What to Do about It
  1. 1 Your ex reaches out and contact you.
  2. 2 They share details about their life.
  3. 3 They want to be friends again.
  4. 4 Your ex follows you on social media.
  5. 5 Your ex asks you for advice.
  6. 6 They make plans to meet up with you.
  7. 7 They remember important dates.

How to know if your ex wants you back but won't admit it? ›

When an ex wants you back but won't admit it, they will constantly seek your attention and validation. If they have a greater ego, they might be holding on to past pain. If your ex wants you back, they will ask for your advice and attention, and will try to give you their attention in return.

How do you know if your ex still loves you and wants you back? ›

  • They still reach out to you from time to time.
  • They still get jealous when they see you with someone else.
  • They still remember important dates and occasions.
  • They still get defensive when you bring up the past.
  • They still engage in friendly conversations with you.
  • They still try to make you laugh or smile.
Feb 12, 2023

How does an ex act when they want you back? ›

Often times, that will encourage them to take it further and suggest meeting up or even directly saying they want to get back together. The more direct and obvious reach outs are when your ex will say, “I miss you.” If he or she does that, they likely feel that they are really sticking their neck out and taking a risk.

How do you know if your ex still cares? ›

Make note of times they've said “I miss you.” Sometimes, your ex might say things that will directly indicate that they still care. If they are telling you that they miss you or miss being around you, this is a clear sign that they still have feelings for you. Notice if they bring up old memories.

How to know if a breakup is permanent? ›

You're at peace with your past and have accepted that it's over. There's nothing left to rekindle or reminisce about because you know it's already a closed book, and you're preoccupied with your new life. Closure after leaving narcissistic relationship. You know it's a final breakup when you decide it is.

How do you know if your ex is manifesting you back? ›

How to Tell If Your Ex Is Manifesting You: 15 Powerful Signs
  • 1 You can't stop thinking about them.
  • 2 They keep popping up in your dreams.
  • 3 You run into them unexpectedly.
  • 4 You're seeing angel numbers.
  • 5 You feel their presence when they're not around.
  • 6 You start thinking of them as your soulmate.

What makes exes come back? ›

What makes an ex come back? Your ex might return for various reasons. For example, they could miss you, still be in love, or want to work on the conflicts that ended the relationship. In other cases, they might be lonely, don't want to take responsibility for their actions, or didn't intend the breakup to be permanent.

How do you know if your ex is thinking about you? ›

If your ex is contacting you frequently or engaging with your social media often, this can be a good indicator that they are still thinking of you.

How do you know if your ex is regretting you? ›

Below are some of the potential signs your ex regrets dumping you.
  • They begin to communicate with you. ...
  • They apologize for the breakup. ...
  • They show more affection. ...
  • They discuss issues in their present relationship. ...
  • They try to atone for past mistakes. ...
  • They show pessimism about your new relationship. ...
  • They stalk you.
Nov 27, 2023

How do I know if my ex is suffering? ›

Your ex might share sad posts on social media.

You'll hear from mutual friends that he talks about how unhappy he is or that he's pitying himself. If you still see him occasionally, you might notice that he's picked up bad habits that you broke him of—this can mean that he's given up trying to improve things.

How do you test if your ex wants you back? ›

In this blog post, we'll explore some common signs that may indicate your ex is interested in rekindling your romance.
  1. They Initiate Contact. ...
  2. They Bring Up Old Memories. ...
  3. They Show Jealousy. ...
  4. They Make an Effort to Be Present. ...
  5. They Open Up. ...
  6. They Seek Your Advice or Help. ...
  7. They Drop Hints. ...
  8. Long Conversations.
Nov 1, 2023

How do you know if your ex is trying to come back? ›

If your ex really wants you back it will be quite obvious. They will text you, flirt with you, make it clear that they aren't dating anyone else, ask to see you in person, and will check up on how you're doing. Also, they will be keeping tabs on your social media accounts to see if you've moved on to someone new.

How to tell if an ex is still interested? ›

24 clear signs your ex is waiting for you
  1. They contact you again. ...
  2. They tell you about their present life events. ...
  3. They ask to be friends again. ...
  4. They ask to meet up. ...
  5. They flirt with you. ...
  6. They text you on essential days. ...
  7. They ask about your relationship status. ...
  8. They ask your friends about you.
Dec 22, 2023

How do I know if my ex would take me back? ›

There are a few signs that may indicate that your ex wants you back, such as:
  • They reach out to you often.
  • They express an interest in your life.
  • They bring up happy memories from your past relationship.
  • They compliment you often.
  • They try to make you laugh.
  • They are extra nice to you.
May 31, 2023

How do you know if you should get back with your ex? ›

You may want to consider getting an ex back if:
  • The relationship is fixable.
  • All parties have changed for the better.
  • You can rebuild trust.
  • You're willing to work to get back together.
May 13, 2024

How do you know if your ex wants you back but is scared? ›

If your ex wants you back but is scared, signs may include frequent contact, attempts at repairing past issues, and expressions of regret for the breakup. They may initiate deep, personal conversations and show continued emotional support.

How do you know if your ex is missing you? ›

List of Signs Your Ex Misses You
  • Your Ex Can't Stop Communication With You. ...
  • They Keep Pictures of You Two Together On Social Media. ...
  • Your Ex Reminisces With Friends About Experiences You Two Shared. ...
  • If Your Ex Asks People If You Mention Him or Her. ...
  • Your Ex Makes Excuses To See You.
Dec 16, 2020

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.