21 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Leader (+Tips to Grow) (2024)

21 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Leader (+Tips to Grow) (1)

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    21 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Leader (+Tips to Grow) (2)

    Whether you’re an individual contributor or a manager, you understand the importance of effective leadership. But, it can be hard to pinpoint the leadership qualities that make someone so inspiring.

    Think back to the best boss you ever had. What was that person like?
    They probably possessed leadership qualities like active listening, confidence, and the ability to motivate others. As a result, you likely accomplished your best work and loved your job while under their leadership.

    At its core, leadership transcends the simple act of managing a team—it is an art and a science that requires a deep understanding of interpersonal dynamics, strategic foresight, and personal integrity. Effective leadership is about empowering team members to excel and uniting them toward common goals. True leaders inspire trust and admiration through their actions and words, and they foster environments where creativity and efficiency flourish.

    Let’s define leadership and examine its 21 most important characteristics. We’ll also share some tips for developing leadership skills and show you how to exercise those skills in the workplace.

    Defining effective leadership

    Effective leadership involves various essential characteristics such as emotional intelligence, decision-making proficiency, strategic vision, communication skills, and the ability to inspire and motivate.

    Each of these dimensions plays a crucial role in the leader's ability to guide their team effectively. Leadership is not just about leading others; it is also about personal growth and the development of an authentic and impactful leadership style.

    21 core qualities of a good leader

    Anyone can call themselves a leader. But to make an impact on your organization or your team, you need to learn a few essential leadership qualities. If you can start living out these characteristics, you’ll see your career grow and your team thrive.

    Let’s break down 21 essential qualities of a good leader in the workplace.

    1. Drive

    Great leaders aren’t passive. They’re highly motivated, and they truly believe in the vision of the organization.

    This passion is contagious. Employees with a driven leader are motivated to work harder themselves.

    2. Resilience

    Being the one in charge isn’t easy. 37% of managers report that they felt a lot of stress on their most recent workday. But when you’re a leader, you can’t let the non-stop challenges dishearten you — adaptability and resilienceare key.

    It’s okay to feel frustrated sometimes, but good leaders work on their mental fitness continuously and push forward despite the hardship. In fact, they often take pleasure in overcoming obstacles through creative problem-solving.

    3. Integrity and honesty

    It’s essential for leaders to act with authenticity, honesty, integrity, and reliability. These qualities are essential for building trust within a team. Leaders who demonstrate ethical behavior and transparency in their decisions cultivate a culture of trust that permeates through all levels of an organization.

    Employees need to know that a leader will behave ethically. That they won’t say one thing and do another. Or that if they make a mistake, they’ll take responsibility rather than blaming the team.

    Integrity means treating employees fairly and upholding the company's values. This not only inspires trust in other team members but also encourages them to act with integrity.

    “The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower

    4. A desire to learn

    If you’re promoted into a leadership position, you probably already know a lot. You’ve developed your skills and gained experience in your field.

    But there’s always more to learn. Great leaders have a growth mindset — they’re on a constant quest for knowledge and personal development.

    5. Self-awareness

    Self-awareness goes hand in hand with the desire to learn. In this case, it’s the desire to learn about yourself and what you could do better.

    One of the most important leadership qualities is humility. Good leaders understand their strengths and work to improve their weaknesses. Self-awareness can also help a leader develop a leadership style that fits their personality.

    A good way for leaders to develop self-awareness is to solicit feedback from employees or peers. Don’t be insulted by criticism — this is simply information to help you become a better leader.

    6. Confidence

    Leaders have to make big decisions, and these decisions often come with big risks. It can scary being a leader because when you’re the one taking the risk, you’ll also probably shoulder the blame if things go wrong. But that’s just part of the gig.

    To be a leader, you need to have the confidence to act decisively in high-stakes situations. Rather than showing anxiety in your behavior, you must be calm, collected, and resolute.

    Moreover, there are always people who disagree with the leader’s decisions. While it’s important to listen to other viewpoints, a leader can’t back down in the face of criticism or conflict. They need to have the self-confidence to brush off the people who doubt them and trust their intuition when they know they’re making the right choice.

    7. Positivity

    As a leader, you don’t have to be chipper all the time. But you do have to pass a sense of optimism on to your employees.

    Employees like working for positive people. Out of managers rated by their employees as “great,” 79% have a positive attitude.

    8. Realism

    While employees appreciate a positive attitude, unrealistic expectations are not so well-received. A great leader expects their team members to succeed and then makes it possible.

    If employees realize that they’re never able to achieve what the boss or leader asks for, they’ll stop trying.

    A good leader keeps objectives optimistic but reasonable so that the team can experience a sense of accomplishment if they put in the work.

    9. Creativity and innovation

    According to a study from Linkedin, creativity is the number one soft skill in short supply in the workplace. Creative leaders solve problems in unique, innovative ways. They’re willing to experiment and think outside the box.

    But creativity isn’t just about having the occasional brainstorming session. True innovation requires a sustained effort to foster an environment where new ideas are welcomed and valued. As a leader, it’s crucial to encourage your team to think outside the conventional boundaries and challenge the status quo.

    Leaders can try setting up systems that reward creative thinking and actively participate in creative processes. They can also regularly schedule time for team members to pursue passion projects or hackathons and ensure everyone feels safe proposing unconventional solutions without fear of ridicule or rejection.

    Remember, the most innovative leaders are those who see potential where others see obstacles.

    10. Communication skills

    Great leadership is all about communication. If you don’t have good communication skills, none of the other leadership qualities or characteristics on this list mean anything. You won’t be able to get through to the people you’re supposed to lead, and that will have detrimental effects on your team and your organization.

    Clarity is especially important. According to the Predictive Index People Management Study, out of managers rated “bad” by their employees, 58% don’t communicate clear expectations. This can be immensely frustrating and disheartening for the whole team.

    That means effective communication, including nonverbal communication, is one of the most important leadership qualities you can develop. Mastering nonverbal communication—like posture, gestures, and eye contact—can reinforce messages, build trust, and subtly influence team dynamics.

    11. Listening skills

    Communicating well isn’t just about talking. Active listening is essential for building trust and rapport with your team.

    Good listening skills help a leader understand what employees need and where their pain points are, which shows the employees that their boss really cares.

    The best leaders balance opposing characteristics and know how to engage completely with what another person is saying while remaining open-minded about hearing new thoughts.

    12. Empathy

    An empathetic leader is compassionate and knows how to connect with others.

    They care about the needs and hopes of their team members. Instead of jumping to harsh conclusions if an employee’s performance dips, they seek to understand the root cause.

    This kind of emotional intelligence builds trust and helps the leader have better insight into their team.

    “Emotional intelligence is the ability to use emotion to increase your own and others’ success” — Annie McKee

    13. Decision-making

    Part of being a leader is making decisions — and a lot of them. Because of this, a leader needs to know how to make decisions both efficiently and effectively.

    While leaders will have to make small decisions every day, they’ll also have to make big decisions that affect their team and even their organization as a whole.

    Being aware of cognitive biases can improve decision-making. Developing self-awareness helps leaders anticipate potential failures and make more informed choices.

    14. Strategic mindset

    Employees who get promoted into management were excellent in past roles, getting every step right and showing great attention to detail.

    But leaders have to see the big picture.

    15. An eye for talent

    Good leaders create new leaders.

    Part of leadership is choosing the right people for the job and then helping those people develop their own skills. A great leader can recognize and foster leadership traits even in the most junior members of the team.

    16. The ability to motivate

    True leaders inspire and motivate their followers.

    In a work setting, a great way to do this is to show appreciation for your team members and recognize their achievements. 79% of people that quit their job say it’s because of a “lack of appreciation.”

    Being an excellent leader motivates employees in and of itself. Employee engagement is higher when their manager is doing a great job.

    17. The ability to delegate

    Though leaders care deeply that every aspect of their team’s work is done well, it’s important to trust your employees to handle their own pieces of the puzzle.

    In return, they’ll trust you to take the lead on vision and strategy. Delegating responsibilities can also help everyone feel like they are contributing to the team.

    18. Professional expertise

    Leaders should be highly skilled and knowledgeable in their field.

    That doesn’t always mean technical competence. For example, the CEO of a software company might not know how to write code. But they should definitely have a deep knowledge of the industry and products.

    It’s that kind of expertise that lets a great leader craft an intelligent and achievable vision.

    19. Embracing and leading change

    In today's rapidly evolving market, adaptability is more than a leadership quality—it's a survival skill. Effective leaders must not only manage change but also drive it.

    To lead your team through the tides of change, start by clearly communicating the reasons behind changes and how they align with the broader organizational goals. Be transparent about the challenges and maintain open channels of communication to address any concerns your team might have.

    Additionally, empower your team by involving them in finding solutions and decision-making processes, which can help ease transitions and foster a sense of ownership among team members.

    20. Visionary leadership

    A visionary leader doesn’t just set goals but inspires their team to envision and achieve a shared future. To cultivate and communicate a compelling vision, start by understanding the core values and strengths of your team, and then connect these to a larger purpose.

    Make sure your vision is clear, concise, and consistently communicated, using stories and examples that resonate emotionally.

    Leaders should also demonstrate how each team member’s work contributes to this vision, providing motivation and clarity. Remember, a powerful vision acts as a north star, guiding and aligning all efforts towards achieving strategic goals.

    21. Technology and industry knowledge

    In a world driven by rapid technological advancements, staying abreast of industry trends is not just beneficial; it's imperative for leadership effectiveness.

    Leaders should make a concerted effort to keep updated with the latest technologies and industry shifts. This could mean subscribing to relevant trade publications, attending industry conferences, or undertaking courses in emerging fields.

    By integrating this knowledge into strategic planning and daily decision-making, you not only enhance your credibility but also position your team to capitalize on new opportunities and innovate ahead of the curve.

    21 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Leader (+Tips to Grow) (3)

    What defines a good leader?

    We’ve shared the 18 most important qualities that should be part of your leadership development — but every leader has a unique style. You’ll determine your own style over time, combining these leadership qualities with your own ingenious methods of supporting your team.

    That said, outstanding leaders have one fundamental trait in common: they can take a vision and turn it into real results. This isn’t something they do alone — leadership skills are people skills (aka soft skills) first and foremost. Excellent leaders also have the ability to inspire those they lead. Unfortunately, these elusive leadership characteristics can be hard to find.

    Too many organizations lack indispensable leadership talent. In fact, only 42% of business leaders and 30% of HR professionals say that their organization’s leadership quality is high overall.

    Here’s the good news: leadership skills can be developed. Any motivated person has the potential to become a good, or even great, leader.

    Watch out for these qualities of a poor leader

    Sometimes the qualities of an excellent leader and a terrible one are surprisingly similar. If you want to evolve into a better leader yourself or help develop one on your team, you’ll need to pay close attention to certain traits.

    Here are the most common character traits that are detrimental to anyone who wants to step into a leadership role:

    • Lack of vision: Inadequate leaders can do a lot of the same things good leaders do. But the leader’s decisions need to have a purpose, such as driving the team closer to the business’s strategic goals. If there doesn’t seem to be a clear, easy-to-communicate vision behind what employees are asked to do, they’ll quickly lose trust in their boss.
    • Inability to produce results: It’s simple. No leader succeeds at everything all the time, but the excellent ones will have something to show for their efforts.
    • Uninspiring: If an individual can’t uplift, motivate, or inspire others, they’ll need to learn how before they can be a good leader. That’s because leadership isn’t something you do by yourself — it’s about the people you lead.
    • Overconfidence: A good leader is dauntless — they can confidently take on challenges. But poor leaders can have a lot of confidence and take risks, too. If they’re co*cky, presumptuous, or arrogant, they have a lot to learn before becoming a leader.
    • Apathy: Too many people come to their jobs without feeling a sense of investment or ownership in their work. This can cause them to produce sloppy work and even have negative relationships with coworkers. This trait will be a major obstacle to anyone who wants to be a great leader.

    How to deveop effective leadership qualities

    So maybe you saw yourself in some of those negative leadership characteristics. Don’t worry — we’re all human, and we all have room to enhance our leadership skills, no matter our stage of life or job title.

    Here are a few tips for how you can start improving your leadership abilities today.

    1. Perform an inventory of your leadership skills

    It’s hard to improve your leadership skills if you don’t know where you’re lacking. Because of this, one of the very first things you should do is take an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses in leadership.

    You can use our list of 18 traits above to do this. Consider each quality, and ask yourself:

    • “Do I naturally possess this trait?”
    • “How do I demonstrate this trait in my work and personal life?”
    • “Do I use this trait in a leadership capacity? If so, how?”
    • “If I feel like I’m lacking in this area, is this a skill I would like to develop?”

    You can also use a structured approach like the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to evaluate each leadership trait:

    • Strengths: What leadership qualities do I already possess?
    • Weaknesses: Where do I falter as a leader?
    • Opportunities: What chances do I have to use or improve these skills?
    • Threats: What obstacles do I face in developing these skills?

    It can also be beneficial to ask others for feedback, such as friends, colleagues, or even your boss. Because they know you well and may have even worked with you, they can provide valuable insight into your strengths and weaknesses.

    2. Set goals

    Once you know which skills you’re good at and which you need to improve, you can set tangible goals in order to become a better leader.

    For example, let’s say you lack positivity. In order to develop this trait, you could start keeping a gratitude journal that you write in every morning. This way, you start consciously focusing on the good in your life.

    Consider following the SMART framework for your goals. Once you've identified areas for improvement, ensure your gaols are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). For instance, if you want to improve your decision-making skills, you might set a goal to attend a decision-making workshop by the end of the quarter, or to read two books on strategic thinking in the next two months.

    3. Seek out opportunities to practice

    One of the best ways to better yourself is through practice. If you want to develop new leadership skills or utilize ones you already possess, you need to seek out leadership opportunities that will challenge you.

    This could be volunteering to lead a team at work. It could also be mentoring someone new at your company, for example.

    4. Workplace development

    Consider leadership training. This could be something your work offers, or you may need to seek out courses on your own. Alternatively, you could work with a coach who can help you map out a development plan and stay on track to reach your goals.

    You should let your boss know about your intentions. They can likely help you find resources and give you opportunities to practice your leadership skills.

    Formal education and training

    Many leaders enhance their skills through formal education such as MBA programs, leadership workshops, or industry-specific training. These programs help to sharpen strategic thinking, management skills, and other important leadership qualities.

    Mentorship and coaching

    Working with mentors or coaches can provide leaders with valuable insights and feedback that are crucial for personal and professional growth. Mentors serve as role models and guides, offering advice based on their own experiences and successes.

    Practical experience

    There is no substitute for hands-on experience. Taking on leadership roles, even in small projects, helps develop crucial skills like team management, problem-solving, and decision-making. Each leadership opportunity is a learning experience that builds competence and confidence.

    Networking and industry engagement

    Engaging with other leaders and professionals through platforms like LinkedIn allows for the exchange of ideas and strategies. Networking not only provides learning opportunities but also helps leaders stay abreast of industry trends and new management practices.

    Self-study and personal development

    Reading leadership books, listening to podcasts, and engaging with thought-provoking content can help leaders gain new perspectives and ideas that can be applied in their professional lives.

    Enroll in leadership development workshops or online courses. Websites like Coursera or LinkedIn Learning offer courses in leadership fundamentals, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and more.

    How to use leadership qualities in the workplace

    You don’t have to be in a management position to exercise the qualities of an exceptional leader. Leaders are the ones who help and motivate the people around them. They have good ideas and set a good example.

    Employees at any level can have leadership qualities. In fact, anyone who hopes to be promoted into a leadership position in the future should work on developing the traits of a leader today.

    Let’s look at ways you can use leadership qualities in the workplace.

    1. Build strengths and overcome weaknesses

    Find conscious opportunities in the workplace where you can further develop your strengths or work to overcome your weaknesses.

    For example, maybe your listening skills leave something to be desired. The next time you talk to a colleague about a project, make a conscious effort to remember each point and follow up on the significant ones.

    2. Be a knowledge sponge

    Learn everything you can about your industry and your organization. Seek out training for new skills. You can do this through self-directed learning, or you can participate in formal programs. You can also utilize learning modes such as microlearning.

    You might have all the skills you need for your current position, but learning new things opens up future possibilities. If you’re already in a management role, continuing to learn will help you have better ideas and develop a stronger strategy.

    3. Develop your people skills

    Every day is a new opportunity to become a better leader by improving your people skills. Whether you’re starting an entry-level job or taking on a major leadership role, you’ll have many chances to:

    • Build relationships with your colleagues
    • Communicate clearly
    • Listen actively
    • Be patient and empathetic
    • Learn to negotiate and diffuse conflict

    4. Do outstanding work

    In other words, lead by example. Go above and beyond expectations, and you’ll inspire others to do the same.

    Use leadership qualities to be a better leader

    Leadership qualities aren’t mysterious attributes that some people possess and others never will. Instead, being a leader involves concrete skills that anyone, at any level of the business, can develop.

    BetterUp enables organizations to develop strong leadership capabilities in all employees — not just the C-suite.

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    Learn how to leverage your natural strengths to determine your next steps and meet your goals faster.

    Understand Yourself Better:

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    Learn how to leverage your natural strengths to determine your next steps and meet your goals faster.

    Published April 19, 2024

    21 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Leader (+Tips to Grow) (2024)


    What are the 21 qualities of a leader? ›

    These qualities are as follows: Character, Charisma, Commitment, Communication, Competence, Courage, Discernment, Focus, Generosity, Initiative, Listening, Passion, Positive Attitude, Problem Solving, Relationships, Responsibility, Security, Self-Discipline, Servanthood, Teachability, and Vision.

    What type of 21 indispensable qualities of a leader that the sharper it is, the sharper you are? ›

    Focus: The Sharper It Is, The Sharper You Are

    Focus 70% of your time and energy developing your strengths. Focus 25% on growing and trying new things. Focus 5% on improving areas of weakness.

    What are the qualities of a good leader explain your answer? ›

    A good leader should have integrity, self-awareness, courage, respect, compassion, and resilience. They should be learning agile and flex their influence while communicating the vision, showing gratitude, and collaborating effectively.

    What are the 14 qualities of great leaders? ›

    14 Effective Leadership Skills
    • Great communication. Effective leadership begins with excellent communication skills. ...
    • Excellent organisation. ...
    • Efficient delegation. ...
    • Establishing trust. ...
    • Being knowledge-hungry. ...
    • Empathy. ...
    • Taking accountability. ...
    • Being generous.
    Sep 9, 2024

    What is 21st leadership? ›

    21st-century leadership is how managers and leaders adopt a modern mindset so that they're equipped to deal with the unique challenges of the 21st century. This theory draws upon leadership behavior, skills, and qualities that can only be garnered and adopted through careful study and training.

    What are the 4 most important qualities of a leader? ›

    Successful leaders stand out by displaying qualities such as integrity, clear communication, accountability, vision, and self-awareness.

    What leadership traits and behaviours are essential in the 21 c? ›

    Strong strategic compass: The 21st century requires leaders and executive teams to have a strong strategic compass. Great leaders need to have strong self-awareness, need to be passionate visionaries, should have great clarity of purpose and should have a clear sense of direction while leading their teams.

    Who wrote the book entitled 21 indispensable qualities of a leader? ›

    In the tradition of his CBA bestseller The 21 Irrefutable laws of Leadership and his sell-out seminars, author John C. Maxwell now provides a concise, accessible leadership book that helps readers become more effective leaders from the inside out.

    What are the six essential qualities of a great leader? ›

    6 qualities of a great leader
    • Great leaders win their team's trust. ...
    • Great leaders have a clear vision and are decisive. ...
    • Great leaders invest in their team's future. ...
    • Great leaders embrace failure and learn from their mistakes. ...
    • Great leaders listen. ...
    • Great leaders lead by example.

    What are the 7 leadership qualities of great leaders? ›

    7 Qualities Great Leaders Demonstrate
    • Self-aware.
    • Collaborative.
    • Passionate.
    • Open-minded.
    • Agile, Adaptable, and Flexible.
    • Empowering, Motivating.
    • Innovative.

    What are 5 good leaders? ›

    List of examples of good leaders
    • Mahatma Gandhi – The World's Most Influential Anti-War Leader. ...
    • Martin Luther King Jr — Celebrated Civil Rights Activist. ...
    • Nelson Mandela – A Freedom Fighter. ...
    • Winston Churchill – A Steadfast Leader. ...
    • 5. Walt Disney – The Participatory Leader. ...
    • Colin Powell – A Situational Leader.
    Sep 22, 2023

    What are 5 characteristics of leadership? ›

    5 Characteristics Every Good Leader Should Have
    • Decisiveness. The ability to make decisions, particularly when under pressure, is an important skill to master. ...
    • Trustworthiness. ...
    • Empowerment of others. ...
    • Clear communication. ...
    • Resilience.

    What are 10 characteristics of good leaders? ›

    What Makes A Good Leader? 10 Essential Qualities To Learn
    • They communicate clearly. ...
    • They're passionate about their work. ...
    • They don't care about being popular. ...
    • They keep their minds open. ...
    • They work for their employees. ...
    • They're positive and encouraging. ...
    • They respect others. ...
    • They build relationships.

    What skills does a good leader need? ›

    8 key leadership skills you need to know about:
    • Relationship building.
    • Agility and adaptability.
    • Innovation and creativity.
    • Employee motivation.
    • Decision-making.
    • Conflict management.
    • Negotiation.
    • Critical Thinking.

    What are the four characteristics of effective leaders? ›

    Effective leaders are competent, skilled, secure, and considerate. These leaders find time for everyone; they are genuine and authentic in their communications and actions.

    What are the 3 traits of great leaders? ›

    The three most important qualities of a leader are emotional intelligence, compassion, and the ability to inspire greatness in their employees. These qualities are essential for engaging and retaining talented employees and helping those employees thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

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    Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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    Author information

    Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

    Birthday: 1994-08-17

    Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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    Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

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    Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.