2024 Insurance Regulatory Outlook (2024)

The future of regulatory compliance for the insurance industry will require leaders to find balance between opportunity and obligation. Explore how insurance leaders can stay on top of regulatory shifts in 2024, including artificial intelligence (AI) governance and the impact of climate change.

An overview of the topics presented in our 2024 regulatory outlook

Regulatory oversight of AI use

As the insurance industry continues to use AI to drive value, risk managers should seek to find balance between rewards and regulatory expectations. For example, Colorado’s regulatory framework for insurers—designed to help prevent bias and discrimination in AI models—is set to be fully effective in 2024. This, along with the possibility of regulatory frameworks from the federal government, comes as AI and machine learning are increasingly being used to manage claims, underwriting, and other processes throughout the insurance industry. To stay ahead, insurance leaders should adapt their compliance strategies to grow their AI capabilities while also mitigating regulatory risk.

Safeguarding solvency

Insurance regulators are exploring and implementing new compliance frameworks designed to maintain the solvency of insurers and protect consumers. Multiple subgroups within the industry, including life and homeowner insurers, should keep regulatory nuances in mind as they strive toward compliance-driven advantage. In addition, federal regulators’ decisions to potentially classify insurers as systemically important financial institutions—a distinction that comes with heightened regulatory oversight—could play a role in operations across the industry. Insurance organizations should forecast solvency requirements to capitalize on opportunities in the future.

Consumer protection and care

As consumers continue to explore insurance options, regulators are creating ways to help ensure access and inclusion while managing threats along the way. Consumer education opportunities are becoming a top priority to help share information on storm preparations, wealth generation, and retirement management. Furthermore, industry regulators are expected to further scrutinize third-party vendors’ access to consumer data and require proper documentation to show insurance product recommendations are made in good faith. Insurance regulators are looking to leverage oversight and education initiatives to help consumers make informed decisions.

Climate change and risk fitness

The impact of climate change is putting pressure on the insurance industry to build policies designed for changing environmental and weather conditions. The rising severity of wildfires, recording-breaking temperatures, and windstorms is creating an urgency for dialogue between insurers and regulators. While regulators are pushing for underwriting that addresses the increase in extreme weather conditions, some insurers are hesitant due to the financial loss that can come from policies in climate risk-prone areas. As the insurance industry continues to assess the impact of climate change on policy underwriting, compliance leaders should anticipate state and federal obligations and consider implementing requirements ahead of regulatory deadlines.

Download our report to see how you can prepare for insurance industry regulations

Put a premium on compliance resilience today

2024 will bring new regulatory considerations for the insurance industry. Collaboration between insurers and their regulators will be key to help forge a path toward a consumer- and tech-centered future as insurers work to navigate the impact of AI, risk-based capital expectations, and climate change to provide proper coverage for consumers.

Thefinancial services industry has much to prepare for in 2024. Discover howfinancial services organizations can integrate regulatory considerations intotheir strategy, keep pace with regulatory changes and enforcement priorities,and anticipate the regulatory impact on their current or future operatingmodel.

2024 Financial Services Regulatory Outlooks
If you are interested in learning more about the insurance industry, check out our 2024 financial services insurance outlook here.

Ready to talk?

The conversation doesn’t end here. Connect with our team to see how you can prepare for regulatory shifts and manage your compliance with confidence.

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2024 Insurance Regulatory Outlook (2024)


What is the outlook for personal insurance in 2024? ›

Personal lines set to drive growth again in 2024; commercial lines growth to be led by property. We forecast total direct premiums written (DPW) growth of 7.0% in 2024 – an upward revision from 5.5%, driven by momentum in personal auto – and 4.5% in 2025 after nearly 10% growth in 2022 and 2023.

What is the future outlook of insurance? ›

Over the next five years (2024‒28), we forecast that total insurance premiums will grow by 7.1% in real terms, well above the global (2.4%), emerging (5.1%) and advanced (1.7%) market averages. At this rate, India will have the fastest growing insurance sector of the G20 countries.

What is the future of insurance regulations? ›

The future of regulatory compliance for the insurance industry will require leaders to find balance between opportunity and obligation. Explore how insurance leaders can stay on top of regulatory shifts in 2024, including artificial intelligence (AI) governance and the impact of climate change.

What are the key factors affecting the insurance industry over the next 3 years? ›

As the insurance sector grapples with multifaceted challenges, identifying and understanding these risk factors is the first step in crafting a resilient strategy for the future.
  • Compliance changes. ...
  • Cybersecurity threats. ...
  • Technology changes. ...
  • Climate change & other environmental factors. ...
  • Talent shortage. ...
  • Financial risks.
Mar 21, 2024

Are insurance companies doing well in 2024? ›

The insurance industry had a difficult year in 2023. While carriers can expect to see improvements in their combined ratios and profitability in 2024, they still face many of the same challenges as the last few years.

What is the rate outlook for 2024? ›

In fourth quarter 2024 outlooks, Fannie Mae analysts anticipate 30-year rates at 6.4 percent, while the Mortgage Bankers Association predicts 6.5 percent. The National Association of Realtors projects 6.7 percent.

What is the P&C outlook for 2024? ›

We forecast P&C direct premiums written (DPW) growth of 8.0% in 2024 and 5.0% in 2025, after a close-to 10% annual gain between 2021 and 2023. Industry growth remained at 10% in 1Q24 (see Table 1), with personal lines premiums up 15% and commercial lines up just 5%.

What is the outlook for the reinsurance industry in 2024? ›

Fitch Ratings has updated its outlook for the global reinsurance sector to neutral for 2024, with expectations that trends and key credit drivers for the sector would 'remain broadly stable' for the next 12 months.

What are the three biggest issues facing the insurance industry? ›

In this blog post, we delve into the top 10 challenges currently faced by the insurance sector and explore how they are shaping the future of insurance.
  1. Cybersecurity Risks. ...
  2. Consumer Expectations and Experience. ...
  3. Talent Attraction and Retention. ...
  4. Evolving Regulatory Environment. ...
  5. Disruptive Technologies and Insurtech.
Jan 18, 2024

What will insurance look like in 10 years? ›

Leading insurers will use automation and empathy during the next decade to reach outcomes such as driving revenues and policies in force, optimizing expenses, and minimizing risks. Overall, the future of the insurance industry looks exciting. As technology advances and the world changes, insurers must adapt.

How will the insurance industry change in the future? ›

Looking ahead, new products, with more flexible features, and stronger digital experiences are necessary to enable the business model transformations many insurers want to enact. Stronger ecosystem business models will also become the primary platform for customer engagement in the future.

Will insurance agents be replaced by technology? ›

The short answer is that artificial intelligence is highly unlikely to replace independent insurance agencies. Some things require a human touch, and insurance is one of those. So, your career is safe. If you need more reassurance, consider why there will always be a need for human insurance agents.

What is the projection for the insurance industry? ›

It is forecast that the global insurance market will grow by about one trillion U.S. dollars between 2023 and 2028, reaching almost 10 trillion U.S. dollars.

Why is the insurance industry struggling? ›

Today's insurers are exposed to multiple risks, from financial risks, such as shifting interest rates, changing costs and sources of capital, and increasing claims levels due to consecutive years of significant inflation, to an array of nonfinancial risks, including extreme climate events and generative AI (gen AI).

Will insurance agents be needed in the future? ›

Independent insurance agencies are not going away. The human touch will remain crucial, especially when dealing with complex insurance products that require nuanced understanding and personal advice.

Is Medicare premiums going down in 2024? ›

Medicare premiums increased in 2024 from 2023 levels. Increases were expected after last year's unusual decrease in premium and deductible costs. To get the most from your plan, it's important to understand your out-of-pocket costs, which will vary depending on your income and the type of plan you choose.

What is the initial coverage limit for 2024? ›

This stage ends when the amount spent by you and your plan on your covered drugs adds up to equal the initial coverage limit set by Medicare for that year. In 2024 that limit is $5,030. Your monthly premium payments do not count toward reaching that limit.

What is the financial outlook for 2025? ›

As inflation slows and the effects of the projected policy rate cuts feed through the economy, real GDP growth re-accelerates to average 2.4 percent at an annualized rate by 2025H2. Calendar-year GDP growth registers 2.6 percent in 2024 and moderates to 2.1 percent in 2025.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.