20 Minute Paleo BBQ Sauce Recipe {Gluten Free} - My Natural Family (2024)

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This Paleo BBQ Sauce Recipe only takes 20 minutes to make. It's a really good, easy homemade sauce for sloppy joes, ribs, pulled pork, or whatever. I was very excited to create this recipe!

20 Minute Paleo BBQ Sauce Recipe {Gluten Free} - My Natural Family (1)

I love BBQ sauce but it has been years since I could eat it because of all the stuff I don't want to consume. So I came up with this recipe that has wholesome ingredients but still has the flavor I love.

One reason why I love this recipe is that it is so versatile. I can put in on chicken or any other meat with some sides or I can make a sloppy joe or many other things! It is wonderful to be able to make this sauce and use it for several different meals.

Making your own sauce can be very good if you want a healthy lifestyle. A lot of calories and fats come from sauce alone. A lot of people think if they make homemade healthy food it is okay to put store-bought sauce on it and it would still be good for you.

Yes, of course, it would be better than not homemade food but my point is if you want to take it to the next level let's start making our own sauce too! I think it tastes better too! You may be thinking there's no way this can be any good in only 20 minutes.

Well, I'm here to tell you that it can. Sure. It would taste better if you cooked it longer - and you totally can cook it longer if you want it to get a deep, richer flavor - but in 20 minutes you will get a sauce I think is better than any store-bought sauce and it sure as heck is a lot healthier than any store-bought sauce full of preservatives.

Plus, this costs a lot less money and is easy to make with a few ingredients. And, am I the only person in the world who HATES ketchup? Please comment below and tell me if you hate ketchup. I can't be the only person. . . I can't even explain why.

It's too concentrated on tomato flavor or something. I don't know. It's just not my favorite. Plus, most ketchup is processed, so it's best to avoid on a healthy diet anyway.

Although, my daughter LOVES, LOVES ketchup, as in, "May I please have some fries to go with my ketchup?", and she likes Annie's brand of ketchup. So, there such a thing as Clean ketchup you can buy in stores. Well, enough about ketchup . . .

If you try not to eat much sugar and/or don't like things too sweet, you could take out the honey and replace it with some extra maple syrup. You won't need as much maple syrup, because it has a stronger flavor. I hope you will be pleasantly surprised by the ingredient of balsamic vinegar in this recipe. I use it a lot in my cooking.

I use it in recipes that call for soy sauce or recipes like this where you want a deep, rich sauce. Once you try it, I hope you will agree with me that it's delish!

I get my balsamic vinegar at Costco and it's Clean there. I've heard it's not always clean, so make sure you read your label. Of course, if you're on the Clean Eating diet, that's should be something you are used to doing anyway.

I love how fast I can make this sauce and how it's good on lots of different things, like sloppy joes, hamburgers, ribs, smoked meat, pulled pork, instead of ketchup, with chicken nuggets and probably tons more things.

Check out my favorite recipe to use with this sauce - Crock Pot Paleo Sloppy Joes Recipe.



20 Minute Paleo BBQ Sauce Recipe {Gluten Free} - My Natural Family (2)

20-Minute Paleo BBQ Sauce Recipe

★★★★★5 from 27 reviews

  • Author: Rebecca Baron
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 60 minutes
  • Total Time: 70 minutes
  • Yield: 8 1x
  • Category: Sauce
  • Cuisine: Paleo
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This whips up in minutes and is really flexible. I love it on pulled pork, ribs, sloppy joes, hamburgers, chicken and more!



  • 15 oz Can Tomato Sauce
  • ¾ Cup Water
  • ¼ Cup Balsamic Vinegar
  • 2 tsp Ground Mustard
  • ⅓ Cup Raw Honey (or Vegan sweetener of choice, such as agave *)
  • 2 Tbl Pure Maple Syrup *
  • 1 tsp Real Salt *
  • ¾ tsp Onion Powder
  • 1 tsp Smoked Paprika


  1. Add all ingredients to a medium sized saucepan and whisk together.
  2. Bring to a simmer over medium/high heat.
  3. Reduce heat to medium and let simmer for 15-20 minutes, or until sauce has thickened to desired consistency.
  4. Let cool.
  5. Store in an airtight container. Will keep for several weeks in the refrigerator.

Keywords: easy, flexible, healthy, homemade

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20 Minute Paleo BBQ Sauce Recipe {Gluten Free} - My Natural Family (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.