20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (2024)


20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (1)

By David Harth


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20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (2)

Goku is the greatest hero of the various Dragon Ball series. He's one of anime's most well-known heroes and has a legion of fans. The powerful Saiyan hero has battled against some of the most devastating threats in anime history, and many of his fans believe him to be unbeatable.

Many online flame wars have started over what characters Goku could and couldn't beat, with his vocal fans pretty much-denying anyone could actually beat him. The heroes and villains of Marvel are a powerful lot, but many of them wouldn't stand much of a chance against Goku. However, there are several who would be able to defeat him, many with greater ease than one would expect.

Updated on April 8th, 2024 by David Harth: Goku is an icon, with an entire generation of fans knowing and loving him. Goku is as mainstream in the US as any homegrown superhero, his adventures in the various Dragonball manga and anime series making him a legend. Goku is known for being extremely powerful and skilled, able to defeat pretty much any foe in front of him. Goku's power level easily outstrips that of most Marvel heroes and villains, but that doesn't mean that there aren't some who would be able to defeat him. Goku is formidable, but there are some whose powers he wouldn't be able to overcome.

20 Iceman Could Freeze Goku In His Tracks

Real Name:

Bobby Drake


Cryokinesis at Omega levels


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Iceman was the X-Men's comic relief for a long time. His powers allowed him to control and create ice, and become a living ice sculpture. Iceman was always formidable, but his powers were often looked at as something of a joke. Iceman has always been a lovable loser, but his powers have grown exponentially. Iceman is considered an Omega class mutant, and his control over ice has grown to a level where he was able to freeze hellfire. He can create multiple copies of himself that can act independently, and can reconstitute his body if it's destroyed. Iceman can be killed, but conventional methods don't work on him.

Goku's power levels would seem to put him above Iceman, but Iceman could hold out against Goku by throwing ice duplicates at him. This wouldn't beat Goku, but Iceman can freeze any moisture, including that within a body. Goku is an alien, so there's a chance his body isn't exactly the same as a human, but he does still need water to live and has blood. Iceman could freeze him from the inside out with a thought. It would be a last resort, but Iceman could easily defeat the Super Saiyan whenever he wants.

19 Thor Is More Powerful Than Ever Before

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (4)

Real Name:

Thor Odinson


Vast super strength and invulnerability, control over storms and lightning, the basically omnipotent Thorforce. Mjolnir enhances all of his powers and allows him to fly, fire multiple types of energy at levels that can destroy planets, and open portals to anywhere

Thor has reached new levels of power in recent years. Thor became the All-Father of Asgard after his father Odin's death, gaining access to the Odinforce - which is now called the Thorforce. Thor was able to kill Galactus - although he did have the Power Cosmic on his side at that point - and has since constantly showed off just how powerful he is. In the pantheon of powerful Marvel characters, Thor has always had a high place, but he's greater than ever. Add to that the thousands of years of battle experience and Thor is among the greatest combatants in the Ten Realms.

Goku is probably stronger than Thor at full power, but that's debatable. Both of them have amazing energy powers at similar levels, but the Thorforce is a more powerful source of power than Goku's Saiyan genes. Mjolnir is an amazing weapon and Thor is a master of it, giving Thor more combat options than Goku. When it comes to battle prowess, Goku is a better martial artist in the most technical sense, but Thor has millennia more experience than him. Thor usually holds his power in check until he realizes his foe can take it, but when he cuts loose, there are few that can withstand it. Goku is more measured and fights differently - Goku treats everything like a tournament. Thor treats it like war, and that's why he'll win. He'll go to another gear that Goku won't quickly, and take him out.

18 Blue Marvel's Control Over Anti-Matter Would Allow Him To Destroy Goku

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (5)

Real Name:

Adam Brashear


High level superhuman strength and invulnerability, flight, and anti-matter control and generation. Blue Marvel is also a scientific genius, among the smartest people on Earth



Which Saiyan Won the Battle Royale at the End of Dragon Ball Super Chapter 103?

Dragon Ball Super’s Super Hero arc concluded with an epic, all-out brawl between all of fan’s favorite saiyans; but who actually won the fight?

Blue Marvel gained his powers before the Vietnam War, while he was creating the Negative Reactor. This machine would create a bridge between the Negative Zone and the positive matter universe, harnessing the anti-matter energy to create an unending source of power. An explosion imbued him with power, making the Blue Marvel into an anti-matter battery. The racism of the time stopped his superhero career once his identity was revealed, but he still worked in the shadows for years, coming back to prominence to battle his old enemy the Anti-Man and lead the Ultimates in the modern day.

Anti-matter is an extremely volatile form of energy, annihilating positive matter on contact. Blue Marvel can control those energies completely, which gives him the power to destroy pretty much anything with a thought. Blue Marvel can lift a US battleship - which weigh 93,000 tons - which probably means Goku is stronger than he is. However, it's Blue Marvel's other powers that will make all the difference. Blue Marvel can annihilate Goku with anti-matter energy at any time he wishes, leaving the fight entirely in Blue Marvel's hands.

17 Photon's Complete Control Over Energy Takes Away Goku's Greatest Powers

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (7)

Real Name:

Monica Rambeau


Photon has complete control over the energy spectrum, allowing her to take an energy form, move many times the speed of light, absorb energy, intangibility, invisibility, and fire powerful bolts of force

Monica Rambeau gained her power while on a rescue mission to a Roxxon oil rig. She gained control over the energy spectrum and became the second Captain Marvel, joining the Avengers and becoming Chairwoman of the team. Monica lost her place as Captain Marvel when Genis-Vell, the son of the original Captain Marvel, took the mantle, and became Photon. She never reached her previous levels in the superhero community, but joining the Ultimates reminded everyone how powerful she is.

Photon doesn't have superhuman strength or durability, but she has the next best thing. She can transform into an energy form and become invisible and intagible, giving her the ultimate defense against Goku's much greater strength and fighting skill. However, where she really trumps him is with her power to control energy. Goku is known for using powerful energy attacks like his Spirit Bomb and Kamehameha, and Photon can easily control either of those attacks and turn them back on Goku. Her powers make her much more dangerous than she gets credit for; everyone likes to think that Carol Danvers is the most powerful Captain Marvel, but Monica's energy powers make her second to none.

16 Legion Has A Multitude Of Powers

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (8)

Real Name:

David Haller


Legion has the power to create mutant abilities for each of his personalities; every one of his powers is Omega-level, and he's exhibited all manner of mental powers, time-traveling abilities, and more. He's manifested two hundred personalities over the years, each one with a different power

Legion is the son of Charles Xavier and Gabrielle Haller, a Jewish woman that Xavier met while in Israel. Xavier never had time for his son, and he developed DID, which interacted with his mutant genes. As Legion, David was among the most powerful threats to the X-Men. Legion's exhibited all kinds of powers over the years and is easily among the most powerful mutants ever born. Legion's mental issues have mostly been dealt with, and he's more powerful and dangerous than ever.

Goku is ridiculously powerful, but he's never faced telepathy like Legion has access to. That makes this an easy fight for Legion. In fact, it's really only a fight if Legion wants it to be. Legion's not as powerful as his father is, but Goku has no defense against psionic power at all. Legion's level of power would allow him to completely control every Goku and take him down whenever he wants.

15 Proteus's Reality Altering Powers Will Trump Goku's Abilities

Real Name:

Kevin MacTaggert


Proteus can alter reality at the highest possible level, allowing him to control matter and energy. Proteus also has telepathic powers, and can even control the Astral Plane itself


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Proteus is the son of Moira MacTaggert. His mutant powers were a curse at first, as his energy form burned his body away, forcing him to take over other bodies. Moira found a way to inhibit his powers, but he broke free and the X-Men had to deal with him. Metal is his only weakness, and Colossus was forced to kill him to stop him the first time he broke free. However, death wasn't enough to stop him as he's functionally immortal as long as there's a body to inhabit.

Proteus's telepathic powers means that he can shut Goku down whenever he wishes, but Proteus has always been more about using his reality altering powers. Proteus can unravel Goku with a thought, and there's nothing Goku can do to hurt him, unless he gets lucky and hits Proteus with a steel beam or something metal. Proteus's powers are just too much for Goku to deal with. Omega-level mutants can do nearly anything, and even among that number Proteus is insanely powerful.

14 Red Hulk's Energy Absorption Abilities Will Give Him The Power To Defeat Goku

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (10)

Real Name:

Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross


Ross's gamma radiation power gives him all the powers of the Hulk, but instead of anger making him stronger, Red Hulk absorbs energy to become stronger

Thaddeus Ross hates Bruce Banner and has done everything in his power to destroy him, both in his civilian guise and as the Hulk. Ross eventually decided to take his grudge to the next level and was exposed to gamma radiation. He became the Red Hulk, and went on a rampage through the Marvel Universe, defeating the most powerful heroes. Unlike the Hulk, anger didn't make Red Hulk stronger - energy did. Gamma radiation was his energy of choice, but basically any energy would make him stronger.

Red Hulk's base strength was enough to beat someone like Thor, which is an extremely impressive feat. Goku is definitely stronger at a base level, but Hulks are known for their ability to take immeasurable amounts of damage. Red Hulk is no different, with his invulnerability and healing factor allowing him to survive basically anything. It's unknown whether he can come back to life by going through the Green Door, but that won't really matter in this fight. Goku will get lots of good hits but won't be able to take Red Hulk down. The moment he tries a Spirit Bomb or Kamehemeha, though, he's only going to make Red Hulk stronger. Goku is known for being on the dumb side of things, so he'll try again with even more power, making Red Hulk stronger. Goku will basically hand Red Hulk the keys to defeating him.

13 Molecule Man Could Unravel Goku At A Molecular Level

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (11)

Real Name:

Owen Reece


Molecule Man has complete control over matter and energy and was created by the Beyonders to be an integral part of the Multiverse


Goku Vs. Saitama: Who Wins?

Many fans have debated how a fight between Dragon Ball's Goku and One-Punch Man's Saitama would go, with valid points for each side.

Marvel is full of characters with cool powers, but some go above and beyond cool. That's Owen Reece in a nutshell. Known as the Molecule Man, Reece can affect things on a molecular level. Basically a god, Reece can control the building blocks of creation, making them do anything he needs to them. He's even gone toe to toe with the Beyonder and walked away.

Goku's physical power is much greater than Molecule Man's, but Owen Reece has never won a fight because he can fight well. Goku is an honorable man; he only goes all out against enemies he knows are dangerous. He can beat Molecule Man with one punch, but he'd never have a chance. Molecule Man can create impenetrable force fields and will unravel the Saiyan with a thought.

12 Galactus Is A Force Of Nature

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (13)

Real Name:

Galan Of Taa


Galactus has full control of the Power Cosmic, giving him what amounts to immeasurable power over matter and energy. He's nigh invulnerable and has godlike strength

Galactus is Marvel's most prolific killer. Unlike some, he doesn't do it out of malice or for some insatiable lust for power. Galactus feeds on worlds, serving an important role in the universe. He's also just the type of being Goku would try to battle. However, the Saiyan hero would have no chance against him.

That's not to say it's impossible for Goku to win, as he has feats that are undeniably amazing. The problems come from the fact Galactus has access to the full might of the power Cosmic. He has nearly absolute mastery over energy and matter, something that gives him multiple ways to defeat Goku. The World Devourer would quickly end the battle with Goku.

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (14)
See Also
Goku vs Thor

Real Name:

Stephen Strange


Doctor Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme, having mastered every kind of magic available to him. He manipulate energy, teleport, has mental powers, and can manipulate the building blocks of the physical world.


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Doctor Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme. His position makes him Earth's first and last line of defense against the most powerful enemies in the multiverse. He's saved the Earth numerous times from shadowy forces that would devour every living being. His mastery of magic has made him a force to be reckoned with against even gods.

Doctor Strange would definitely lose in a fistfight with Goku, but it would never come to that. While it's conceivable that Goku could eventually break through Strange's defenses, it would take a lot of time. What wouldn't take a lot of time is Strange coming up with the perfect spell to defeat Goku. The warrior wouldn't even know what hit him.

10 Emma Frost's Telepathy Would End The Battle Easily

Real Name:

Emma Frost


Emma has high level telepathic powers and the ability to transform into diamond form, losing her mental powers and gaining super strength

Marvel has some brilliant master manipulators, the best of them with their mighty telepathic powers. Emma Frost has always been an expert at using her prodigious wealth and business acumen, along with her sensational looks, to get her way. However, her telepathy is her favorite tool. Anyone without telepathic defenses is putty in her hands.

Emma Frost could withstand Goku's onslaught in her diamond form for a time, but since she can't use her telepathy then, that would just be a stopgap measure. Instead, she would just do what she always does with big, dumb, musclebound men. Emma'd lull Goku into a false sense of security with her looks and mind blast him into oblivion.

9 Black Bolt Has Complete Control Of Electrons

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (16)

Real Name:

Blackagar Boltagan


Black Bolt can control electrons, and that power is linked to his voice. Any utterance from Black Bolt releases a destructive burst of power, and he also has super strength, invulnerability, and flight

Black Bolt has defeated Marvel's most powerful combatants. The Inhuman monarch's voice is devastating. A whisper from him can cause untold devastation and a scream would shatter mountains. All of this comes from his ability to manipulate electrons, giving him access to several powers.

Black Bolt's screams wouldn't be able to keep Goku down, but they are only one weapon in his arsenal. His ability to control electrons would give him the ability to beat Goku. Black Bolt has demonstrated the power to manipulate matter, and that's the kind of power that Goku can't match.

8 No One Rivals Doom

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (17)

Real Name:

Victor Von Doom


Doom has no powers, but is among the five most intelligent people on Earth and has mastered magic. His armor gives him super strength, flight, the ability to fire powerful energy blasts, and is equipped with a variety of weapon systems


10 Reasons Super Saiyan 4 is Better Than Ultra Instinct

Goku's Ultra Instinct transformation is his strongest power, but there's a strong case to be made for why Dragon Ball GT's Super Saiyan 4 is superior.

On a sheer power level basis, Goku dwarfs Doctor Doom and his armor. Even with Doom's magic skills, Goku is still his superior in power, but that doesn't mean he's superior to Doom. Doctor Doom is much smarter than Goku could ever imagine being. He's defeated beings that Goku would find impossible to beat with just his brains, so a mental inferior like the martial artist wouldn't be a problem.

Goku is certainly dumb enough to walk into one of Doom's traps, but it wouldn't get that far. Doom's armor has proven able to drain the power of gods, so taking Goku's would be a piece of cake. At that point, it's just a remarkably skilled martial artist against a suddenly much more powerful Doom, making this a simple fight for the Latverian monarch.

7 Scarlet Witch Would Make Short Work Of Goku

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (19)

Real Name:

Wanda Maximoff


Scarlet Witch has reality altering powers and can manipulate reality

When one is as powerful as Scarlet Witch, they don't need to be a great fighter. Her reality-altering powers and sorcery skills make her an incredibly potent foe, and she has years of experience operating at the highest level of the superhero community. While Goku is certainly stronger and more skilled than Scarlet Witch, he can't really match any of her powers.

Scarlet Witch has been fighting evil for long enough to know that anyone who looks like Goku is a fighter that she's not going to want to trifle with. She has so many options for beating him that it's not funny. All it really comes down to is how Scarlet Witch wants to win the fight.

6 Hyperion Doesn't Mess Around And Would Overwhelm Goku

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (20)

Real Name:

Marcus Milton


Hyperion's Eternal physiology gives him superhuman strength, invulerability, flight, super senses, a healing factor, cosmic energy manipulation, and cosmic energy manipulation


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The Beyonder and the One-Above-All are godlike beings in the Marvel Universe, but one is definitely a more supreme being.

Goku versus Superman is the match that most want to see, but Marvel has several Superman equivalents. The most powerful is Hyperion, and much like Superman, he would end Goku. Hyperion usually hails from another universe and is frequently the most powerful hero around. One version of Hyperion beat every hero and villain on Earth, and another flew through Galactus's head, killing him.

A third version of Hyperion was an Avenger who helped defeat the Builders and the Beyonders. Hyperion is a no-nonsense hero who would make short work of Goku. While Goku could certainly match his power level eventually, the fight would never get that far. Goku's survival depends on which Hyperion he's fighting, but he'll lose against every version.

5 Professor X Would Defeat Goku Without Throwing A Punch

Real Name:

Charles Xavier


Professor X is the most powerful telepath on Earth and has limited telekinetic powers

Professor X isn't the most heroic Marvel character, but he's done a world of good for mutantkind. He's the most powerful psionic talent on Earth, which basically makes him one of the most powerful people on the planet. Xavier can defeat anyone without some kind of method of telepathic protection without throwing a punch.

Professor X can also detect threats long before they ever get near him, reacting to them with the speed of thought. While Goku could easily beat Professor X in a fistfight, it would never ever come to that. Goku doesn't have any protection against the type of assault Professor X would throw at him, which would make all the difference.

4 Jean Grey's Multitude Of Powers Would Be Too Much For Goku

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (22)

Real Name:

Jean Grey


Jean Grey has Omega-level telepathy and telekinesis

Jean Grey is one of the X-Men's most powerful members. She's considered the second most powerful psionic on the planet, after Professor X. If she's manifesting the Phoenix Force, she gets bumped up to one of the most powerful people in the entire universe, but she hasn't had those powers since she was resurrected.

However, just with her base set of telepathic and telekinetic powers, Jean Grey would easily defeat Goku. Like Professor X, she'd know Goku was coming long before he got to her, which would make the fight easy for her. Jean's telekinetic powers would allow her to hold Goku still and mentally dissect him at her leisure. Goku doesn't stand a chance against her.

3 Thanos Would Brutalize Goku

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (23)

Real Name:

Thanos Of Titan


Thanos's Eternal physiology gives him vast superhuman strength and invulnerability, can manipulate cosmic energy, and has powerful mental abilities


What New Dragon Ball Fans Need to Know Before Watching Dragon Ball Super: Broly

Dragon Ball Super: Broly is a fantastic movie, but there are some important things that curious newcomers should know before checking it out.

Thanos is the Marvel Universe's greatest villain. He's defeated some of the most powerful beings in the cosmos, out-thinking gods and overpowering cosmic beings. Thanos is superlatively powerful and fiendishly clever, which has made all the difference in his battles. As powerful as Goku is, he would not be that much of a challenge for the Mad Titan.

There's a chance that Goku's later Super Saiyan stages would allow him to overpower Thanos, but there's so much more to the villain than just power. Goku is good-natured, but a battle against Thanos would prove a grave mismatch, even if Goku proved more powerful. Between Thanos's much greater intelligence and sheer brutality, Goku would meet crushing defeat.

2 Silver Surfer's Command Of The Power Cosmic Puts Him Out Of Goku's League

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (25)

Real Name:

Norrin Radd


Silver Surfer is imbued with the Power Cosmic, giving him super strength, invulnerability, the power to move at many times the speed of light, cosmic energy manipulation, and matter manipulation

Silver Surfer is Marvel's most potent cosmic hero. He's strong, can move faster than the speed of light, can channel vast amounts of cosmic energy, and can control matter. Silver Surfer remains nigh-indestructible and has faced down some of the greatest threats the cosmos can muster.

The Power Cosmic is one of the greatest powers out there, and Silver Surfer's skill with it would allow him to make short work of Goku. Silver Surfer has pretty much every advantage in a battle against Goku, except for Goku's martial arts mastery. Surfer is so fast that Goku has little chance of hitting him. That would take Goku from his comfort zone, allowing Surfer to defeat him.

1 Hulk Would Smash Goku

Real Name:

Bruce Banner


The Hulk's gamma radiation powers give him potentially infinite strength based on how angry he is, invulnerability, and a healing factor


10 Marvel Villains Who Became Deadly Threats in Alternate Realities

Popular Marvel villains like Doctor Doom and Red Skull often face defeat, but in other realities, they became powerful tyrants who reshaped the world.

The Hulk is the strongest one there is, regardless of which Hulk is in the fight. His fighting style is rather simple, but it's brutally efficient, and his strength potential is infinite. While it's possible to beat Hulk if one acts quickly enough, once the Jade Giant starts getting angry, the fight is basically over. Goku will certainly anger Hulk, as his opening attacks wouldn't have the oomph needed to take Hulk down.

That's going to be a huge problem for Goku. While his attacks get stronger as the fight goes on, so do the Hulk's. Between his ever-increasing strength, durability, and healing factor, Hulk has what it takes to survive Goku's most powerful assaults. Goku could stay out of Hulk's way for a while, but once he gets within the Hulk's grabbing range, the fight is over.

20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (27)
Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball tells the tale of a young warrior by the name of Son Goku, a young peculiar boy with a tail who embarks on a quest to become stronger and learns of the Dragon Balls, when, once all 7 are gathered, grant any wish of choice.

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20 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Goku From Dragon Ball (2024)
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