20 Items That Can Resell At Higher Prices (2024)

20 Items That Can Resell At Higher Prices


Claire is awake on a beautiful Saturday, but she isn’t satisfied with the state of her room. She feels that something is off, and this thought has been nagging her for some weeks. Looking around the room, she tries to figure out what could be wrong, and it hits her that she has lots of things she isn’t using anymore.

Claire sets out to arrange her room and sort things without wasting any time. Luckily, she remembers coming across Kusnap, knowing that she could sell off items she doesn’t need anymore on this site. Therefore, she would be getting more space in her room and getting money into her bank account.

Some months ago, a few of her friends became sellers on Kusnap, and they keep talking about the seamless sales process they enjoy. So, she can also join the brag now that she has things to sell.

Claire has never imagined herself as a seller, but one can never say never. Now that the opportunity has availed itself, she isn’t about to let go of the opportunity. So, Claire can see various boxes of things she doesn’t need, and she sets up to take pictures of them to upload on her Kusnap process.

In addition, Claire has done her research, and she knows the things that can resell at higher prices. If you have been curious about items that resell at higher prices, they are:



Many people have excess clothes, never knowing what to do with them. Often, you will see your wardrobe overflowing, making your room messy and becoming an issue. However, you can resell your clothes on Kusna at higher prices when they come with a tag.

People are always eager to buy clothes with tags as they feel they are more valuable. So, if you have new clothes that you haven’t worn before and you do not have plans to wears them, it’s time to resell them at higher prices.

It’s time for those clothes to make money for you than for them to sit in your wardrobe.

2.Children items

Children’s items are also things you can resell at higher prices, ranging from baby walkers to shoes to strollers and more.

It could be that you bought excess baby things when you gave birth, and you have no idea what to do with them now. Fortunately, you can resell these items at higher prices without anyone batting an eyelash.

We often see that many pregnant women forget to buy some things when they are baby shopping. Therefore, they are in a hurry to buy things at the last minute. And, these women will hurriedly buy what you are selling, irrespective of the price.

3.Art collection

People often say that artworks are priceless, and they come in handy when you are trying to resell them. Art collections always increase in value daily, so you can be sure that you will make money when you sell them.

You can target art lovers and collectors when trying to resell your art collection, as these people can never get tired of getting art pieces. Even without putting a price, you will be shocked at the price that they will offer as they place a high value on these art pieces.

However, you must ensure that these art pieces are not broken or anything.

4.Musical instruments

Do you have any musical instruments that you do not use anymore? If yes, why would you leave it for the dust to accumulate on it? Instead, it is best to sell it off as the price of these instruments increases daily.

Of course, the price you are selling would be lower than the current market price. However, we are sure that it would be higher the price you got it. Therefore, you are profiting from the musical instruments instead of throwing them away.

If you are confused about where to sell it, create a Kusnap profile and see the wonders of selling fast.


Websites can also be classified as items to resell at higher prices even though they are not physical. We often see people buying many websites that they do not need to resell at higher prices. It is because they know that many people require websites for their businesses. Therefore, you can always sell off websites for higher prices.

Website designers are one of the top-paid people globally. So, it should not be surprising that websites have a high resell price. And, if you want to make more money, you can buy websites to resell.


Woods are so expensive currently, and their prices keep going up. So, people find it hard to buy new furniture and are always on the lookout for those who wish to sell off theirs.

Therefore, if you have furniture you are not using or are tired of, you can resell it for higher prices. You will see that people will rush to buy the furniture as they know that it is still cheaper than getting brand new furniture.

Claire had just changed her furniture, all thanks to her parents. So, she used Kusnap to sell off her old furniture for a good amount.


Selling off electronics for higher prices is sometimes debatable as new technologies come out constantly. Therefore, your electronic device might be classified as an old version when you want to resell it, and you cannot sell it at higher prices.

However, this argument is subjective as it does not cut across all electronic devices, and the circ*mstances of the sales also matter.

For example, if you just got two new phones as gifts from your last birthday, you can resell one of them that you do not need at a higher price. And, it works best if many people do not have such a phone yet in your region.


Pottery is something that many people tend to overlook, but we see that other people put a high value on these items. For example, Claire felt that she had no need for most of the pottery in her room as she had never used them. Left to her, potters would not have jobs as she did not fancy these items. However, her sister was a pottery lover and brought these items to her house.

The last time Claire decided to declutter, she took these items to a pottery club, and they were willing to give her the amount she desired without any hassle. Therefore, it shows that people who love something will always pay for it.

9.Sport equipment

James was looking to get a treadmill the other day and started looking for the best prices on various online stores as most physical stores did not have it. However, when he combined the treadmill cost and the delivery fee, it was way above his budget.

He needed this equipment for his exercise routine and was almost giving up on getting it. Luckily, he saw that his neighbor had a treadmill they were not using anymore and was willing to sell it off.

James’ neighbor resold this equipment for a higher price than was gotten, but the price appealed to James as it was less than he would have spent.


Many people say that books are timeless, and we agree with their claim. For example, it could be that you have the Harry Potter books collection, and many people are looking for it. You know that it would have a high resell value in such a case.

People are often looking to get books from top authors, and they do not mind buying them for the amount you will put out.

Of course, we know that you love these books, which is why you have them in your library. However, it could be that you have double such books. Therefore, you can sell off the excess books and make money from them.

Books are some of the top items that have high resell value.


Cars are items that are debatable when it comes to reselling. And, many people argue that it would be hard to resell a car at higher prices. However, we see that it is subjective as it depends on some factors, such as the state of the car.

We see some people go the extra mile of touching up their cars before they resell them. Yes, it might cost you some money to do it, but it would be worth it in the end.

Once you retouch your car and make trendy changes, you can be sure to resell it at higher prices.

12.VHS tapes

Is there anyone who still owns VHS tapes? If you are one of such persons, allow us to tell you that you can make money by reselling it at higher prices. These VHS are valuable to many people today as it is hard to find them. Thus, referring to these tapes as vintage items is not out of place.

And, we can all agree that people are sure to pay high prices for vintage items, especially collectors. Some people usually brag about owning vintage items, and you can sell these VHS tapes to them at higher prices.

13.Domain names

People, especially business owners, try to get some domain names but are unsuccessful. For example, it could be that they have already registered a business name, but the domain name is unavailable. So, they begin to search for the owner of that domain name and do not mind paying off the person to get the domain name.

Interestingly, we see that many people are eager to exploit this line of business as they understand how it brings in money. So, they go around buying domain names, hoping to resell them at higher prices later. Therefore, we had to add domain names to our top items that can resell at higher prices.

14.Social media pages

Reselling social media pages work similarly to domain names and classify as one of the top items that can resell at higher prices. It is why you will see people growing social media pages to get a high number of followers and then sell them off to people who need them. The idea here is that people will always need social media pages for their businesses, but these business owners might not know how to grow a social media page. So, if you have a social media page with a high number of followers, you can resell it and make a profit. After all, you did not even spend much in growing the account, but you are now making a high amount from it.


People often say that lands have a high resell value, and we agree with their claim. Thus, The price of land today will not be the same price in the next month as the price increases daily. So if you have land, you can resell it at a higher price.

For example, you got land in a rural region some years ago, and that area has now become urban. So, of course, you can tell that the price for that land will be higher, and you will make more money when you resell it.

Lands are amongst the things you can sell on Kusnap.

16.Wedding dresses

What happens to your wedding dress after the event? Most times, brides spend a huge amount of money to buy a wedding dress or even make them, but these dresses end up remaining in the wardrobes or boxes after the wedding. Instead of leaving your wedding dresses in the wardrobes to accumulate dust, you can resell them for higher prices.

Some people might say that their child or relative can use the wedding dress in the future. However, allow us to tell you that such a dress will be out of style in future years. Therefore, it is best to resell it for higher prices while still in style.

17.Photography equipment

Interestingly, we see that photography equipment are also items that you can resell at higher prices. We often see that many people are interested in photography, but they do not pursue the dream because they do not have the money to get the needed gadgets. Unfortunately, photography gadgets are some of the most expensive equipment to get.

So, if you have any photography equipment you are not using anymore, you can sell it at higher prices, and you will be sure to see buyers for it. Thus, you should utilize the Kusnap platform to use and sell your photography gadgets.

18.Customized jerseys

So, you met one of the top football stars some years ago, and he gave you a customized jersey. Over the years, you have been privileged to meet more stars, and a section of your wardrobe is filled with customized jerseys. But did you know that you can make money from reselling these customized jerseys at higher prices? Of course, you will agree that the jersey’s value will be higher since it has a star’s signature, and many people would want to own customized jerseys.

Thus, customized jerseys are classified as items that you can resell at higher prices.

19.Lego sets

It will not be surprising if you are keep a confused face as you wonder why we have lego sets on our list of top items that can resell at higher prices. However, let us tell you that lego sets are in high demand. Yes, these are play items but kids, but they can sometimes be hard to get. So, it is only right that they make this list, as you can resell them for higher prices.

If you see lego sets while decluttering, you can be sure to display them on Kusnap, and you will be sure to get customers and resell them at higher prices.

20.Power tools

Claire had found some power tools while she was decluttering her space, and she decided to add them to her list of things that could resell at higher prices. Her reason was that she knew how much people longed to have their power tools and their importance in the home.

She was selling off some of her power tools because she had gotten new ones without knowing, so she now had excess. And while researching, she saw that power tools were in high demand and classified as things that one can resell at higher prices.


Here are some of the frequent questions that people ask about reselling items:

Is it illegal to resell items at higher prices?

No, it is not illegal to resell items at higher prices. However, it is always best to let buyers know the item’s state so that it won’t seem as if you are selling under pretense. If the items have been used already, it is best to state them in the description.

Can you resell on Kusnap?

Of course, you can resell on Kusnap as it is an e-commerce platform. Kusnap is there to connect buyers and sellers. So if you have an item to resell, you can advertise it on Kusnap and get buyers for it.

What product can I sell to make money?

You can sell almost anything to make money. And we have compiled a list of the top items that can resell at higher prices. So if you own any of these items, it is time to display them on Kusnap and make money.


It is unnecessary to have items you are not using when you can resell them at higher prices and make money. Therefore, if you have items you are not using that fall under the categories on our list, you should make plans to resell them.

In addition, you should also use Kusnap as your selling platform due to its ease and effectiveness.

20 Items That Can Resell At Higher Prices (2024)


What things have the highest resale value? ›

So here are the top niches or products with the highest resale value.
  • Clothes.
  • Antiques.
  • Concert Tickets.
  • Sneakers.
  • Books.
Jan 11, 2023

What items are most profitable to resell? ›

Vintage Clothes Are Among the Best-Selling Items

Reselling shoes and sneakers, vintage jewelry and accessories, but also, kitchenware and entertainment products can also be very profitable.

Is it illegal to resell items for a higher price? ›

If you legally own the item, you can legally resell. A rule of thumb to use is that if the item is unrestricted to buy, it's probably unrestricted to sell. You're also free to sell your items at whatever price you want. You can list them low or ludicrously high, it's your right as a seller.

How do you sell at higher prices? ›

Ten Strategies to Sell at Higher Prices without Losing Customers
  1. Target consumers who have more money. ...
  2. Refuse to cheapen your product. ...
  3. Sell the problem, not the solution. ...
  4. Bundle them. ...
  5. Use bonuses and free gifts. ...
  6. Build a pre-sold audience. ...
  7. Write a book. ...
  8. Give choices.
Apr 27, 2022

What items go up in value the most? ›

Antiques: Vintage and antique furniture, art, and other household items can become valuable collectibles. Coins: Some rare and historic coins can appreciate in value, especially if they are in good condition. Watches: Some luxury watches, particularly those made by high-end brands, can become valuable over time.

What is something that holds value? ›

The most common store of value in modern times has been money, currency, or a commodity like a precious metal or financial capital. The point of any store of value is risk management due to a stable demand for the underlying asset.

What items sell the easiest? ›

50 Things to Make and Sell Online
  • Earrings. Earrings are one of the simplest crafts to make and sell. ...
  • Art Prints. You can create home decoration art without printing them out. ...
  • Candles. ...
  • Artificial Plants. ...
  • Kitchen Utensil Holders. ...
  • Soap and Bath Bombs. ...
  • Perfume. ...
  • Stationery Pouches.
May 14, 2024

What are people buying the most of right now? ›

20 Most Popular Items Our Readers Are Buying Right Now
  • Coffee Makers + Mugs.
  • Knife Sharpeners.
  • Solar Lights.
  • Luggage.
  • Dental Floss.
  • Microwaves.
  • Vacuums + Steam Mops.
  • Pet Hair Remover Tools.
Jun 4, 2024

How to start reselling? ›

9 Steps to Start an Online Reselling Business
  1. Research the Market. First, decide what you want to sell. ...
  2. Select a Fulfillment Model. ...
  3. Find Suppliers. ...
  4. Create a Business Plan. ...
  5. Take Care of Legal and Financial Matters. ...
  6. Build a Website. ...
  7. Set Up a Payment System. ...
  8. Start Selling.

Is reselling worth it? ›

Have you ever bought something for a really good price and thought about reselling it somewhere else for a profit? Well, people actually do this all the time and a lot of them make good money from it. Amazon is one of the most popular places to resell products.

Can I buy clothes and resell them? ›

Lawyer: Ashley R., Esq. Yes, it is legal to resell purchased clothing.

How to sell high priced items? ›

  1. Research Your Potential Customers. ...
  2. Explain the Benefits of High-Quality Products. ...
  3. Compare Your Products with Other Expensive Items. ...
  4. Show The Downsides of Low-Quality Products. ...
  5. Avoid Odd Pricing to Make It Premium. ...
  6. Don't Offer Discounts Unnecessarily. ...
  7. Offer Guarantee and After-Sale Service.
Aug 11, 2023

What is the order to sell at higher price? ›

A limit order is an order to buy or sell a security at a specific price or better. A buy limit order can only be executed at the limit price or lower, and a sell limit order can only be executed at the limit price or higher.

Who sells goods at a higher price? ›

In summary, all entities in the chain market add value to the goods being sold, but the retailer is the one who sells the goods at a higher price compared to others. This is because retailers have additional costs and need to make a profit to sustain their business.

What increases resale value? ›

Updates, Upgrades, and Maintenance

Maintaining a property and making home improvements help increase the resale value of your home. Minor remodeling to major renovations in the kitchen and bathroom are particularly beneficial.

What holds value over time? ›

5 Common Collectibles That Increase in Value Over Time
  • Coins. Rare coins are common collector's items. ...
  • Cars. Classic cars are fun to look at but expensive to own. ...
  • Jewelry. People have been investing in jewelry for years. ...
  • Baseball Cards. It's important to keep collector's items in good condition. ...
  • Art. ...
  • Final Thoughts.

What luxury brand has the highest resale value? ›

Hermès, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton are top-performing brands in terms of average resale value, with pieces like the Hermès Constance, Hermès Picotin, Chanel Deauville Tote, and Louis Neverfull retaining an average 127%, 120%, 114%, and 136% value in 2023, respectively.”

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.