20 Fun Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money (2024)

Money Making Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms

Staying at home with the kids is absolutely a full-time job…but it doesn’t PAY well! Many moms would love to make some extra cash with any free time they can scratch up, and the good news is there are plenty of fun hobbies for stay-at-home moms to make money!

I’ve discussed having a real at-home job as a stay at home mom, but what if you don’t want (or need) a REAL “job” and you’d rather just make some money on the side doing something you enjoy?

Whether you have a hobby you have been perfecting for years, or you are looking for something new to try your hand at, there are tons of hobbies with money making potential.


I started blogging as a stay at home mom in 2016, and I know TONS of other moms who blog as a money making hobby.

I have a friend who earns money selling jewelry she makes, and a friend who makes TONS of extra cash re-selling things she finds while she’s thrifting.

Read on to learn about how to pursue a new money-making hobby.

If you put in a little bit of effort, you can reap great rewards!

Money Making Crafts for Stay-at-Home Moms

There are so many subjects that you can pursue to make money if you are a creative person who likes to work with your hands.

It takes a little bit of practice to really hone your skills for this category, but once your crafts are perfected, people will love to buy what you create!

You can sell your goods at various online sales websites, such as Etsy, or at a local farmers market. You may also get the word out through social media or start your own website. Even though it’s a lot of work, it’s also fun to go to craft fairs.


Jewelry making is perfect for someone who has an eye for fashion and design.

If you are making jewelry to sell, it’s best to come up with a specific style so your customers will get to know your personal touch.

You can make jewelry out of so many things – it just takes a keen eye and a steady hand.

The hardware is easy enough to find. Jewelry comes in many materials. All you need to get started are some pliers,wire and wire cutters, and whatever type of media you want to use (beads, wood, metal, shell, etc.).

You may also want to purchase some type of box so you can keep all your pieces together and organized.

Crocheting or Knitting

20 Fun Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money (1)

What is the difference between crocheting and knitting? They are both done with yarn and a large tool rather than a needle, like with sewing. But crocheting uses a crochet hook, while knitting uses two needles. Knitting can be tricky because if you lose the stitch you are working on, a portion of your project may unravel. (I personally think crochet is pretty easy to pick up, and you can learn it fast!)

Many people do both; and which one you pursue depends on what you want to make.

Knitting produces looser fabric, so it is more often used for clothing projects such as hats, scarves, mittens, or sweaters.

Crocheting produces a tighter weave and is more often used for things like placemats and potholders, and it makes nice blankets in my opinon.

A girlfriend made both of my kids crocheted baby blankets when they were born, and these were not only my FAVORITE baby blankets, but I saw similar ones online and at farmers markets selling for over $150. (The truth is ANYHTING you want to make can probably be sold on Etsy or other online shops with the right marketing. Even Fairy Garden items sell there!)

It takes someone with a little patience to do either of these crafts, but your projects will be much appreciated by other people, and if you are good enough at it, there are endless items you can make for sale!


This probably isn’t a craft that you’re going to make money at QUICKLY, as quilting is a bit of an art and takes some practice, but it’s a GREAT hobby to start working on perfecting.

A quilt has three parts, the top and bottom, and the batting (or inside layer).

  • The top is usually made by sewing together pieces of fabric into a pattern.
  • The middle layer is often made of batting. This is made of fibers tangled together and squished into a layer and can come in a few different materials like cotton or synthetic blends. You can buy it in rolls and cut it to your desired size. It is the part that makes the quilt warm and plush.
  • Then the final layer is the backing. It is often one solid piece of fabric, but it is possible to use a second pieced together layer if you desire.

Once you have all three layers, you “quilt” them together by stitching throughout the quilt’s entirety in a pattern. This keeps all the pieces together and makes it so that the batting does not bunch up over time. Finally, you add a piece of border fabric and stitch it at the edges to keep everything together.

You will need some equipment to make a quilt, but if you want to start, you can buy already cut blocks or strips, and some needle and thread! Of course, the process is much easier if you have access to a sewing machine, but it is possible to make a quilt without one. You can also buy pattern books, stencils, pins, and a fabric marker to make it easier.

It can take a long time to make a quilt, and people who are good at it can sell them for quite a lot, so it is a craft worth putting some time and love. Plus, there is no end to the creativity you can put into a quilt! A quilter should have an eye for patterns and some problem-solving skills. Putting together a quilt includes a little mathematical ability because you must make the puzzle pieces AND put them together!

Making Stuffed Toys or Pillows

20 Fun Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money (2)

Now, you can step up your game by making plush stuffed animals or pillows! All you need is to cut fabrics into specific patterns, sew around the outside, and stuff with fluff.

If you want to get creative with it, you can even create your own patterns. Play around with different fabrics and types of fluff. You can even add things like voice boxes or wires, so pieces of the animal can be molded. Have fun with it!

I think you could make an entire business out of creating stuffed toys or pillows out of old baby clothes (as keepsakes).

Cake Decorating

20 Fun Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money (3)

Cake decorating is an art form.

The industry has gone way beyond just making a cake look nice. If you are just starting out, get some practice in on the basics. Once you have your general icing and piping down, you can really dive in and get creative.

There are so many great techniques you can use. From buttercream flowers to working with fondant, you can really impress your friends and followers.

To get started at home, try to build up a portfolio by taking pictures of finished cakes. Then, offer to make cakes for events and people you know. Once you have some experience under your belt, you could start a website to spread the word.

Making cards

My mom makes (and sometimes sells) GORGEOUS handmade cards. They sell for up to $10 per card!

This is something you could do even if you can only get an hour to yourself as a mom!

If you are a very artistic person who loves working with your hands, perhaps card making is in the cards for you. Whether you like to draw, paint, color, or write poetry, people buy cards for many different reasons. Find your favorite topic and start by creating a niche with your personal art.

People buy greeting cards for a variety of reasons. If you want to focus on the art, you can make blank cards, and if you have something witty or heartfelt to say, you could try out events like birthdays or get-well cards. You do not need a lot of tools for this job, just paper and your writing utensil of choice. If you want to get fancy with your designs, though, there are many other gadgets you can use.

To sell your designs, you could go it alone on social media or create a website, or you could try to sell your design to a greeting card company.

Making and Painting Pots or Mugs

20 Fun Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money (4)

People love personalized or beautifully painted mugs in their cupboard or flowerpots in the garden. You can let your creativity flow, and do not be afraid to get a little messy with this craft.

There are a few different techniques you can use for painting. Click here for a how-to guide. The best way to market your skills is to start painting and make sure you get your pictures out on social media.

If you are interested in pottery, you can take this one step farther and make your own pots and mugs out of clay. It may cost you less in materials if you do this rather than buying blank cups and mugs from the store.

Side Gigs for Moms

This next set of money-making ideas is a little less about creativity and skill and a little more about design and business savvy. But these things can still be super fun hobbies! (I’m not particularly gifted at crafty designs, so these are the kinds of hobbies I lean towards, actually.)

You would be marketing your knowledge rather than your handmade crafts. If you have any specific skill you are good at, this would be a good way to put it to use!

Blogging – my favorite of all the hobbies for stay-at-home moms to make money

You may have heard about blogging for money, although I hadn’t when I started.

Essentially, it is a website about a topic that is updated regularly with new information. Blogs can be about almost anything. If you are interested in starting one, just choose your passion and start writing!

A blog can be very personable because they are about people’s experiences, lives, and knowledge. Even if you think you are not an expert on something, you can still start a useful and engaging blog.

How do bloggers make money?

There are a number of different ways bloggers can make money – the most popular being advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored content and selling products you create. (Here is a more detailed explanation of how MY blog makes money.)

Luckily, since it is such a popular topic these days, there is a ton of information out there to explore. To get started on your own blog:

  • You need a domain name. This is the name you will use to host your blog.
  • You need a web host. This is the location of your blog. (I strongly suggest just starting with a really cheap one to see if you like it!)
  • You need a platform. That is where you can build your website and write your posts.

Once you have a bit of a following, you can set your blog up to be monetized. You can offer:

  • Products or services
  • Paid advice
  • Get paid by having ads on your site

There are many possibilities for monetization; it just depends on what type of niche you choose.

Start a YouTube Channel

This topic is similar to blogging, but by making videos. You have to be pretty confident on camera, or you have to LEARN to be confident on camera!

You would have a channel that you regularly update with new content, generally about a topic with which you are well versed. A good idea to use for a video channel rather than a blog is something that is easier or more fun to explain visually than with writing.

A good idea might be teaching makeup tutorials. Really, you can make any topic into a video channel. Just have fun with it!

Here are some tips to get started with your channel. Once you are established, you can make some money in a few different ways.


My mom and I used to make great money with our photography hobby. One summer we made over 17,000!

In photography, you can work largely by yourself or with other people, if you prefer. (Like we did. I was just along as a back up shooter and to assist her with anything she needed.)

It takes some technical ability to figure out how to work with the equipment properly. You should find a class near you or get a how-to photography book to get started. There is more to being a professional photographer than meets the eye!

This can be expensive to get started because you should invest in some good beginner equipment. Once you have some practice, you can sell your photos or sell your services as a photographer. Some topics you could start at home include food, nature, kids, portraits, pets, and so many more!


Thrifty people are always on the lookout for a good deal. If that describes you, this could be your bread and butter! There are two ways to go about making a profit from thrifting.

  1. Find high-end or name brand items for less than they are worth, then resell them at a higher price.
  2. Find items that would sell for more after being updated, like furniture.

You need a little bit of space and a few tools for your projects if you want to go this route, but if you love working with your hands, this would be right up your alley as well.

Teach an Online Class

If you have a skill worth learning and love helping people, you can teach online classes. Whether you play an instrument, are great at writing, or have a passion for one of your crafty hobbies, people will pay you for your knowledge.

Plus, it is very rewarding to see how excited people get when you have taught them something new! Keep tutoring in mind as well.

Writing Articles or Stories

If you have been told you are a great storyteller or think your technical writing skills are good, then you can make money with your love of writing! You can write content for websites or magazines if you are more technical. You can write short stories or novels for publication or for websites like kindle. It could also be fun to write children’s stories.

Good writing takes practice. Whatever style you are interested in, just start doing it and build up a portfolio, so you have something to show potential buyers.

Best Products to Sell for Stay-at-Home Moms

In this section, we’ll discuss some products you can easily sell as a stay at home mom!


If you are interested in baking, it is likely you already have some practice under your proverbial belt. This one is easy to start a business at home with, and it is likely that you already have most of the materials you need. The holidays are a great time to start out selling some baked goods.

Keep in mind- if you start selling regularly, you may need to check with your city or state to qualify your kitchen for food safety. But, if your customers like your goods, you can build a real business out of your baking!

Soap Making

20 Fun Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money (5)

Handmade soaps are very popular right now.

Pick your favorite smells and colors to get started. The soap making process involves mixing fats with lye or sodium hydroxide. You will need a kitchen scale to complete this process properly.

Be careful when working with sodium hydroxide. It is extremely corrosive. Make sure to follow safety procedures while handling it. (This is one hobby I’d try to do at nap time or after the kids are in bed!)

If you find a favorite or bestselling recipe, you can keep that in the market and continue coming up with new recipes to keep your customers invested.

One reason I think soap making is such a great money making hobby for stay at home moms is that this product will not take a ton of practice to perfect; you just need to follow the recipe and play around with which oils you use to get a result that you’re really happy with.

Homemade Bath Bombs and Scrubs

Bath bombs or bath salts, and scrubs are in a similar category as soaps, but they don’t require you to work with the lye(so that’s safer if you have little kids running around). Everyone loves a relaxing soak with a bath bomb, and scrubs are great for rejuvenating your skin. This is another product that sells at farmers markets or online for a pretty penny!

There are a few different ways to make scrubs, usually involving sugar or salt. Here’s a simple recipe for bath bombs using essential oils to get you started.

Making Candles

Making candles is fun and easy, and you can do quite a few at a time. You only need a way to melt the wax down and some suitable containers to use as molds. Look at your local thrift stores or dollar stores to find some appropriate containers. Things that will work well include:

  • jars
  • pots
  • glasses
  • vases

You cold also try making soy candles!

Selling Your Favorite MLM Brand

MLM stands for multilevel marketing, otherwise known as pyramid selling. There are many companies out there who sell their products through salespeople, not at stores. The companies often sell things like makeup or fitness products, like protein shakes, but it could really be anything that interests you.

People often choose to sell products they prefer to use and in which they believe. Here are some of the top companies, according to Bootstrap Business.

I’ll admit that this is probably my LAST choice of hobby for stay at home moms to make money, but I do personally use and love Norwex and Young Living oils, so I would consider selling either of those things. My cousin does GREAT with Tupperware!

Selling Produce / Eggs (or Even Feathers)

20 Fun Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money (6)

I’ve left this one ’till the end because it does require that you have a little space, so it won’t be practical for all stay at home moms.

But if you do have the space in your yard, and you’re a lover of all things outdoors, you could start a veggie garden (perhaps you already have one) or set up a chicken coop.

You can sell eggs (here’s the things you need to get started raising chickens) and produce to friends, family, or neighbors. I didn’t realize there was so many ways to make money by raising chickens, actually. You can even sell feathers!

You can also set up a roadside stand or enter a farmer’s market.

If you have enough product, you could sell at a larger scale to stores or restaurants. Gardening is a very rewarding hobby. Why not share the love? Here’s some of the best veggies to grow as a beginner gardener!

Cut Flowers

If you think up-scaling your edible garden would be too much work, why not try growing plants to sell? Cut flowers have sturdy stems and will stand up in a vase. Some well-known varieties you could grow are:

  • Sunflowers
  • Roses
  • Cosmos
  • And many more

You can sell your flowers directly to people or find a flower shop near you that will buy them.

If you want to take it a step further, you can learn to make flower arrangements and sell bouquets. Flowers are lovely to have on your table and brighten up a room.

Perhaps you can start a monthly subscription so people can refresh their home when the old flowers are spent!

As a Stay at Home Mom, You Can Turn the Hobbies You Love into Cash

Lack of financial wiggle room can be one of the most pressing reasons not to be a stay at home mom, and taking up any of these hobbies can help with that!

Whether you are craftsy, have a skill, or are a creative and hardworking person, there are so many hobbies out there for stay at home moms that can be both fun AND a marketable skill.

Build on something you know, or pick a few things from this list to try out new. You can surely find something you will love to bump up your income each month!

What are your favorite Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money?

20 Fun Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money (7)

20 Fun Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money (8)

20 Fun Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Make Money (2024)


What's a hobby many moms pick up? ›

Hobbies like writing, sewing, knitting, weaving, baking, cake decorating, graphic design, programming, performing, tattooing, DIY'ing, digital scrapbooking and more can make extra money.

How to make $2000 a month as a stay-at-home mom? ›

  1. 4 Simple Gigs: Turning Stay-at-Home Moms into $2000 Monthly Earners. ...
  2. Start a Blog and Get Paid to Write About Your Passions. ...
  3. Managing Social Media Allows You to Work From Anywhere. ...
  4. Unleash Your Creativity as a Freelance Graphic Designer. ...
  5. Build and Design Websites for Businesses From Home.
Jan 24, 2024

How to be a sahm and make money? ›

15 Ways to Make Money as a Stay-At-Home Mom
  1. Start a Print-On-Demand Business.
  2. Try Affiliate Marketing.
  3. Become a Digital Expert.
  4. Sell an Online Course.
  5. Become a Virtual Tutor.
  6. Give Babysitting a Go.
  7. Sell Items You Don't Need.
  8. Flip Items.

Which hobby is profitable? ›

Skill-based: Hobbies like photography, writing, editing, audio production, voice acting, dancing, etc., can be turned into service-based businesses. Product-based: If you're into knitting, sewing, jewelry-making, pottery, and painting, you can sell your products on online marketplaces like Etsy.

What is the 3 hobby rule? ›

One to keep you creative, one to keep you fit and one to make you money. As a huge proponent of hobbies, it must be said, not all hobbies are created equally, and not all serve the same purpose.

What is a good income for a stay at home mom? ›

According to a survey from Salary.com, stay-at-home moms should earn upwards of $162,581 per year. All those early mornings and late nights mean mom could be pulling in a pretty nice salary — you know, if she was actually getting paid.

How to make money as a stay at home mom in 2024? ›

5 Best Ways to Make Money as a Stay-at-Home Mom in 2024
  1. Virtual Assistant (VA) Many businesses and entrepreneurs seek virtual assistants to help with administrative tasks, customer services and social-media management. ...
  2. Transcribe Audio Files. ...
  3. Pet Sitting or House Sitting. ...
  4. Content Creation. ...
  5. E-Commerce Business.
Jul 13, 2024

What is the net worth of a stay-at-home mom? ›

The Mom Salary Survey estimated the average annual value of a stay-at-home parent as $178,201. Attaching a financial value to your household contributions as a primary caregiver is important.

Can I get paid for being a SAHM? ›

Selling used items, offering in-home child care, working as a freelance writer, and pet sitting are services that can start making money on short notice.

How do single moms afford stay at home? ›

10 Tips on How to Survive as a Single Mom Struggling Financially
  1. Change Your Financial Habits. ...
  2. Try New Budgeting Methods. ...
  3. Cut off Your Expenses. ...
  4. Move Somewhere More Affordable. ...
  5. Get Health and Life Insurance. ...
  6. Consider Ways to Increase Your Income. ...
  7. Stick to Your Financial Goals. ...
  8. Start Investing.
Jul 28, 2023

What is the rarest hobby? ›

Six of the most unusual hobbies
  • Ant farming. If you've never heard of a formicarium, you're probably not alone. ...
  • Extreme ironing. Extreme ironing really is a thing, as this extreme ironing video reveals. ...
  • Bubble football. ...
  • Cheese rolling. ...
  • Geocaching. ...
  • Drain cover spotting.

What is the number 1 hobby in the US? ›

When it comes to the most popular hobbies in the United States, cooking / baking tops the list.

What do moms search for the most? ›

In March 2022, "child tax credit" was the most popular parenting and children-related online search in the United States. During the measured period, the keyword generated an average of 1.83 million monthly online searches. Second-ranked "buy buy baby" was not far behind with an average of 1.5 million monthly searches.

What do most people take up a hobby mainly for? ›

A hobby is any activity that you frequently do for pleasure during your leisure time. This could include creative, athletic, and intellectual activities. People take up different types of hobbies that interest them, such as dancing, singing, skating, or gardening.

What is your hobby list out? ›

Names of common hobbies
  • Reading books.
  • Blogging.
  • Dancing.
  • Singing.
  • Listening to music.
  • Playing musical instruments (piano, guitar etc.)
  • Learning new languages.
  • Shopping.
Feb 1, 2024

How to find a hobby as a mother? ›

Hobbies for introverted moms
  1. HIIT workouts at home.
  2. Writing: reflect on and write about “chapters” in your life for your kids to read one day.
  3. Bread baking.
  4. Herb gardening.
  5. Study the Bible.
  6. Origami.
  7. Knitting/crotchet.
  8. Reading.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.