19 Reasons Your Blog Isn't Getting Traffic (2024)

If you run a blog and haven’t seen an increase in traffic, you’re not alone. I have been there. My first 2 blogs failed and I had to start again, which many people do. One of the reasons a blog can fail is because it gets no traffic – which can be seriously demotivating to continue. However, if you’re at the point of giving up, take a look at these reasons why your blog isn’t getting traffic and try and put into action some of the tips I provide.

If you’re looking for reasons to start a blog, this article will help you understand how much time and effort is required to make it successful.

Not Promoting or ‘Marketing’

If you publish a blog post, hoping that the traffic will come by itself, you will be waiting a very long time. To drive traffic to your blog, you need to have a strategy for promoting it, whether paid or organically. If you rely too heavily on SEO and organic traffic, it will take longer to grow. Instead, you should be promoting your content across multiple channels whilst at the same time building on your SEO.

Some methods you could consider:

  • Share on Social Media: Share your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
  • Email Marketing: Send out newsletters to your email subscribers with links to your latest blog posts.
  • Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for other blogs to reach a new audience and drive traffic back to your site.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers in your niche to promote your blog.
  • Engage in Online Communities: Post in online forums and communities such as Quora and Reddit.
  • Run Paid Ads: Invest in paid ads like Google, Facebook, or sponsored posts on relevant websites.
  • Content Syndication: Publish your content on platforms like Medium or LinkedIn to reach a wider audience.

Not Implementing SEO Best Practices

Search Engine Optimization or ‘SEO’ is the process of optimizing your website and its content to help it rank higher on search engines. If you aren’t getting any traffic to your blog, it could be (and more than likely is) down to SEO factors. For example, did you know that less than 1% of searchers click on the second page of Google results? (Backlinko).

There are hundreds of different factors to consider when it comes to SEO, some of the important ones I will cover further down, but this will be something you work on regularly every week – you don’t have to do them all in one day.

You can check out the Google documentation on SEO or look up some external resources – just be sure to fact-check as there is a lot of misinformation in the SEO world.

Some of the key SEO practices you should follow include:

  • Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords that your target audience is searching for.
  • Strategic Keyword Placement: Include your primary keyword in the title, headings, and throughout the content. However, avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Compelling Title and Meta Description: Craft a click-worthy title and meta description that include your primary keyword.
  • Optimize Headings: Use headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your content effectively. Include keywords in at least some of your headings.
  • Quality, In-Depth Content: Provide valuable, informative, and well-researched content. Longer content tends to rank better, but the key is depth and quality, not just length.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your blog is mobile-friendly, as Google predominantly uses mobile-first indexing.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Optimize images, minimize HTTP requests, and use caching to improve your blog’s loading speed.
  • Internal and External Linking: Link to relevant internal pages of your website and credible external sources.
  • Use of Alt Text in Images: Always include descriptive alt text for images, incorporating keywords where appropriate.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your content updated and refresh old posts with current information and keywords.
  • Consider E-E-A-T: Understand Google’s Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness factors.

Publishing Fully AI Generated Content

If you have been using ChatGPT to create all your posts, this could be one of the reasons you are not getting traffic to your blog. Using AI to help create content is ok, creating and publishing unedited AI-generated content is not. You should be using AI to support your content creation, not replace it, otherwise, you lose that human touch and join the millions of other AI articles that are all the same tone, style, and outdated information.

You have to look at it from different perspectives; does AI content provide value to an audience, does it match search intent, and does it produce high-quality content? In general, the answer is no. If you are going to start ranking on Google and getting traffic in 2024, your content needs to be high-quality – which AI cannot do.

Here are some things you should consider with the use of AI:

  • Idea Generation: Use AI to help brainstorm ideas or explore new angles on topics.
  • Draft Creation: AI can assist in creating initial drafts or outlines, which you can then expand and refine.
  • Content Enhancement: Use AI to enhance your content by suggesting synonyms for overused words, improving sentence structure, or optimizing readability.
  • Personal Touch: Always edit AI-generated content to inject your personal style and voice.
  • Fact-Checking: Double-check all facts and figures provided by AI.
  • Avoid Plagiarism: Ensure that the AI-generated content is original. Some AI tools may reproduce existing content.
  • Balance with Human Insight: Combine AI efficiency with human insight and creativity. AI should support, not replace, the human element in your blogging.

Ignoring Search Intent

Search intent refers to the ‘intent’ or purpose behind a user’s search query and not only is it an important part of SEO, it’s a key ranking factor in Google’s algorithm and should not be ignored by any means. Each piece of content you create for your blog should satisfy the user’s search intent for that query.

For example, if the user searched for ‘best running shoes’ they would expect to find product roundups and reviews, up-to-date, with links to purchase products like in the example below.

19 Reasons Your Blog Isn't Getting Traffic (1)

However, if you created an article for ‘best running shoes’ but it was more of an informational post on the history of the best running shoes, it would completely mismatch the search intent of the user and Google would likely not rank the article > resulting in no traffic.

There’s a lot more to consider with search intent, which you can find out more from Backlinko. However, here are some tips:

  • Analyze SERPs for Clues: Look for your target keywords, preferably using incognito mode for unbiased results. The types of content that rank highest can indicate the search intent. For example, if the top results are product pages, the intent is likely transactional.
  • Evaluate Existing Content: Review your current content to see how well it matches the intended search queries.
  • Examine Ambiguous Intent: Sometimes a query may have multiple intents. For instance, a search for “sliding doors” could bring up results for both the product and the film. In such cases, focus on satisfying the specific intent relevant to your audience.
  • Use AI: AI can provide a list of likely search intents for a given query, helping you cover various angles and ensure your content addresses the most relevant aspects.
  • Optimize Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Use language in your titles and descriptions that align with the search intent. Words like ‘buy’ or ‘get’ signal transactional intent, whereas ‘learn’ or ‘discover’ might indicate informational intent.
  • Pay Attention to SERP Features: Features like ‘People also ask’ boxes or image packs can hint at the search intent and guide you on how to structure your content.
  • Check Content Format and Structure: Ensure that your content’s format matches the user’s intent, whether it’s a listicle, a detailed guide, a product page, etc.
  • Get Human Feedback: Get real people to review your content for alignment with the intended search query.

Not Updating Old Content

Writing and publishing blog posts are one thing, but do you actually keep them up to date? If you don’t, your pages will be demoted in search results by Google – due to their focus on relevant and helpful content. I have experienced this firsthand – one of my older blogs was consistently drawing in traffic and ranking for numerous keywords, however, the articles that were timely, such as ‘X best products 2023’ have dropped to 0 impressions and 0 clicks due to being dated.

In a SEMrush survey, 53% of people noted that engagement increased and 49% noted that rankings and traffic increased – demonstrating the importance of updating content.

19 Reasons Your Blog Isn't Getting Traffic (2)

It’s important that you manage the content you produce, whether it’s in a calendar, project management tool, or a spreadsheet. I use Notion to track blog posts and create automated reminders for 6 months and 1 year, with bullet points listing the key information that should be checked and refreshed.

Some tips:

  • Optimize SEO Elements: Update meta descriptions, title tags, and headers to include current SEO best practices. Ensure your keyword strategy is still effective and adjust as necessary.
  • Add New Information: Integrate the latest research, data, and developments related to the topic. This not only refreshes the content but also adds value for readers.
  • Improve Visual Elements: Replace old images or graphics with high-quality, relevant media. Consider adding videos or infographics.
  • Increase Internal Linking: Add links to newer content where relevant. This can help boost traffic across your site and improve SEO.
  • Address User Intent: Re-evaluate the user intent behind the search queries leading to your page. Ensure the content aligns with what users are currently looking for and adjust the focus if needed.
  • Expand or Consolidate: Consider whether content can be expanded or if several short posts on the same topic can be made into a single guide.
  • Check for Broken Links: Audit your content for any broken links and either update them with the correct URLs or replace them with more relevant sources.
  • Re-promote: Once updated, re-promote your content through social media, newsletters, and other channels.

Not Linking Internally

Internal linking is the process of adding a hyperlink from one piece of content to another, within your own website. This should be done for every post, whilst using best practices for anchor text and relevancy. Not only is it an important part of SEO as it tells Google where to find other relevant pages and index/rank them, but it also helps users navigate for further reading. Additionally, if you have external authoritative sites linking to one of your articles, every internal link within that article will pass on some of that authority – with a small rank boost.

For example, SEMrush visualized how Google crawlers discover new pages by following internal links from existing indexed pages to others that are linked within.

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This doesn’t mean you should spam 100+ links to every page on your blog. Instead, the links should be placed carefully – where most beneficial to the user. For example, this could be on words or phrases that might need more explaining – like if I wrote ‘follow Google’s E-E-A-T policy’ I could link to an article I wrote on ‘What is Google E-E-A-T’.

Some tips:

  • Use Descriptive Anchor Text: Use clear and relevant anchor text that gives users and search engines information about the page you’re linking to. Avoid phrases like “click here.”
  • Link High and Low: Connect your high-authority pages to your lower-authority pages to help distribute page authority more evenly across your site.
  • Ensure Relevance: Make sure that the internal links are contextually relevant to the content they are embedded in.
  • Use a Reasonable Number of Links: Too many links can dilute the value of each link and may overwhelm readers.
  • Optimize Link Placement: Links higher up in the content may carry more weight than those at the bottom. Place important internal links where they are more likely to be clicked.
  • Regularly Audit Your Links: Over time, some links may become broken due to changes in your site structure or the deletion of pages.

Not Including Media

Another reason your blog isn’t getting traffic could be that you aren’t adding any form of media to the posts. This could be basic images or video content, or it could be infographics, custom charts, and even GIFs. This adds more value to the user experience, helps boost image SEO, and can also encourage other sites to link back to your posts as a resource for said media.

Of course, you don’t HAVE to add every form of media possible to every post, but you should add it where it makes sense. For example, your audience might prefer a complex topic illustrated on a custom image rather than lengthy paragraphs. Neil Patel covered a best image practice guide for blog posts which you might find useful.

  • Relevance is Key: Ensure media (images, videos, infographics) directly relates to your content.
  • Optimize File Size: Compress images and videos to improve page load speed.
  • Use Alt Text: Describe media using alt text for SEO and accessibility.
  • High-Quality Images: Use clear, high-resolution images.
  • Consistent Style: Maintain a consistent style for all media to strengthen brand identity.
  • Consider Placement: Position media at points where it breaks text and adds value.
  • Use Captions: Use captions to explain the media’s relevance if not immediately obvious.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure media displays well on mobile devices.
  • Use Infographics: Where complex data is involved, use infographics for clearer understanding.
  • Use Screenshots: When explaining tutorials or reviews, screenshots can be very effective.

Poor Quality Content

Poor quality content could be a reason why your blog is not getting traffic. Whether it’s due to the impact that low-quality content has on SEO or from a poor user experience perspective. Poor quality content could include many different factors:

  • Spelling and Grammar Errors
  • Incoherent Structure or Flow
  • Poor Readability
  • Lack of Depth
  • Inaccurate Information
  • Plagiarism
  • Irrelevant Content
  • Overuse of Keywords
  • No Clear Purpose
  • Poor Formatting
  • Lack of Visual Appeal
  • Not Audience-Oriented

A common mistake people make when writing for a blog is believing that everything they write is the best version of that content on the internet. Unfortunately, this is not the case, I’ve seen it myself. When I first started writing blogs, I believed that my content was the best – it was far from it – but when you create the content yourself, you are biased towards your own work.

Here are some tips:

  • Understand Your Audience: Tailor your content to meet the interests, needs, and level of understanding of your target audience.
  • Comprehensive Research: Conduct thorough research to provide accurate, up-to-date, and detailed information.
  • Clear, Engaging Headlines: Craft headlines that capture attention and accurately reflect the content’s subject matter.
  • Structured Format: Organize content logically with clear introductions, subheadings, and conclusions. Use bullet points or lists to break down complex information.
  • Simple and Clear Language: Use language that’s easy to understand. Avoid jargon unless your audience is familiar with it.
  • Originality: Provide unique perspectives or insights. Avoid plagiarism and ensure your content adds value beyond what’s already available.
  • Proofread and Edit: Carefully review your content for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors to maintain professionalism.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Be open to feedback and ready to update your content for accuracy and relevance.

Not Choosing a Niche (Building Topical Authority / Expertise)

In order to rank on Google and get organic traffic, establishing your blog in a niche is essential. This will allow you to build ‘topical authority’ and become an ‘expert’ in the eyes of Google’s algorithm. For example, if you had a running and fitness blog with 100 posts about running shoes, you would find it much easier to rank organically as opposed to a tech blog adding a post about running shoes.

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Similar to the image I shared before: look at the top results for ‘best running shoes’ they are all running websites. Of course, you don’t have to choose a niche but know that if you go broad when starting out – it will be extremely difficult and challenging to rank and get traffic. AHrefs covers more about topical authority here.

  • Interests and Passions: Start with topics you’re genuinely interested in. This passion will reflect in your content, making it more engaging and authentic.
  • Identify Your Expertise: Consider areas where you have knowledge or skills. Establishing authority is easier when you’re an expert in a subject.
  • Research Demand: Research to find out if there’s a demand for content in your chosen niche.
  • Competitor Analysis: Sometimes, highly saturated niches can be challenging, but too little competition might indicate low interest.
  • Profitability Potential: If monetization is a goal, consider the niche’s potential for profit.
  • Scope for Long-Term Content: Choose a niche that allows you to create content consistently over time.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: Consider if the niche can adapt and grow with changes in trends and technology.
  • Unique Angle: Find a unique angle or approach within your niche to stand out. This could be a particular style, focus, or perspective that differentiates you.

Being In A Competitive Niche or YMYL

To follow up on the previous point, you might also struggle to get traffic if your blog is in a highly competitive niche. This could be specific niches in general such as personal finance, health, and travel. Not only is blogging itself competitive with over 600 million blogs worldwide and 7.5 million posts a day, but if your blog falls under YMYL with Google, it’s going to be even more difficult to rank and generate organic traffic.

YMYL or Your Money Your Life are topics that ‘could significantly impact the health, financial stability, or safety of people, or the welfare or well-being of society’. Any content that falls under these topics – Google’s algorithms will focus more heavily on E-E-A-T to ensure the sites creating the content are qualified to do so. For example, a blog on healthcare could seriously impact a reader’s life – this should be content from someone qualified and with demonstrated expertise across digital channels.

There aren’t many tips for this one except to focus heavily on E-E-A-T which you can read more about here.

Poor User Experience

If a user doesn’t have a good experience on your website, they will leave and likely never come back – avoiding your site when it appears in the search results in the future. For example, statistics show that if a website takes more than three seconds to load,40%of the people will leave that site. People expect high-quality and modern experiences when browsing the internet these days, and your blog should be no exception.

This all starts before the user even sees a single item on your website:

  • There’s the title/description telling the user what to expect; if you use ‘clickbait’ to entice them to visit and don’t deliver, they will leave.
  • If your website takes too long to load, the user will leave.

Then you have to consider the design:

  • If your blog is crowded with ads and popups, the user will leave.
  • If the design has a poor font/color/size/theme/background/layout, the user will leave.

Then the content itself:

  • If the content is full of affiliate links, spam, ‘click here’ and doesn’t deliver on the search intent, the user will leave.
  • If the content has mistakes, doesn’t read correctly, isn’t set out with headings and paragraphs, etc. The user will leave.

There are many other factors to consider with user experience and ignoring any of these can likely result in a loss of traffic or no traffic at all to your blog.

Some tips:

  • Responsive Design: Ensure your blog is responsive, meaning it adjusts seamlessly to various screen sizes, including mobiles, tablets, and desktops.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and minify CSS and JavaScript to enhance your site’s speed.
  • Easy Navigation: Your blog should have a well-organized menu, a search bar, and a logical structure that allows users to find content easily.
  • Readability: Use clear, easy-to-read fonts and ensure that the text contrasts sufficiently with the background.
  • Engaging Content: Provide valuable and engaging content that is well-researched and thoughtfully presented.
  • Accessibility: Use alt text for images, ensure keyboard navigability, and use ARIA landmarks where appropriate.
  • Minimize Pop-ups: While pop-ups can be effective for promotions, they can also be intrusive and negatively impact UX.

Hit By A Manual Action

If you receive a manual action or a penalty, it’s not only an indicator as to why you aren’t getting traffic to your blog – it’s also a sign you have been doing something very wrong. According to Google guidelines:

‘Google issues a manual action against a site when a human reviewer at Google has determined that pages on the site are not compliant withGoogle’s spam policies

Generally, manual actions are given to sites that are deliberately trying to manipulate Google’s algorithm into ranking their content. For example, purchasing backlinks or purchasing high authority domains and using them to rank and earn revenue from ads or affiliates.

The only tip for this one is to familiarize yourself with the spam policies listed above and be sure you don’t try to manipulate search rankings.

You can check if you have any manual actions in Google Search Console > Security & Manual Actions.

19 Reasons Your Blog Isn't Getting Traffic (5)

Not Optimizing For Mobile

This is another point that falls under the ‘SEO’ umbrella, especially as Google determines indexing and rankings based on the mobile version of the site first (mobile-first indexing). This is no surprise since internet traffic on mobile devices has been increasing yearly since 2015 (Exploding Topics)

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Mobile optimization covers many different aspects of your website – with a heavy focus on the technical side of things such as coding, file formats, and URL structures. It also covers the use of high-quality images, correct video formats, and structured data.

If you aren’t getting traffic to your blog and the mobile version is slow, messy, and unusable, it might not be optimized correctly and you will need to take a look at it. Consider using PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrix for initial indicators.

Some tips for optimizing for mobile:

  • Responsive Design: Use a responsive web design that automatically adjusts to fit the screen size of various devices.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Optimize images, minify code, and leverage browser caching to improve speed. Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool is useful here.
  • Accessible and Readable Content: Ensure your text is easily readable on smaller screens without the need for zooming.
  • Easy Navigation: Simplify your site’s navigation for mobile users. This could mean a simplified menu, a search bar, or clearly labeled buttons.
  • Touchscreen-Friendly Design: Ensure buttons and links are easy to tap, and there’s enough space between them to prevent accidental clicks.
  • Ad Placement: Be mindful of ad placement on mobile. Ads should not obstruct your content or disrupt the user experience.

Not Optimizing Title & Meta Descriptions

Not only do titles and meta descriptions need to be optimized with keywords for SEO but they also need to appeal to the user. If your titles are plain, boring, too long, too short, or don’t make sense to the user, there’s no reason for them to click through and read your blog. That’s if Google even decides your content should rank based on that.

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You need to create catchy and enticing titles that make the user want to click your article but also refrain from clickbait that tricks the user into clicking. It should still match the content of the article. The meta description should explain to the user what the article is about – building upon the title slightly.

Here are some tips:

  • Accurate and Descriptive Titles: Ensure it accurately reflects the content of the page and gives users a clear idea of the content they can expect.
  • Use Target Keywords: This helps with both search engine optimization and makes the relevance of the page clear to users.
  • Unique Titles for Each Page: Every page on your site should have a unique title tag to avoid confusion.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions: While meta descriptions don’t directly impact search rankings, they are vital for click-through rates.
  • Include a Call to Action: Encourage users to take action, such as “Learn more,” “Get started,” or “Read our guide.”
  • Keep Within Length Limits: Ideally, keep your titles under 60 characters and meta descriptions under 160 characters to prevent them from being cut off in search results.
  • Avoid Overuse of Keywords: Keyword stuffing in titles and descriptions can be penalized by search engines and turn off potential visitors.

Lack of Domain Authority or Website Authority

Without going into the complexities of it, both the terms ‘Domain Authority‘ and ‘Website Authority‘ are terms invented by SEO companies that, in a nutshell, determine how likely your website/blog will rank on the SERPs. Generally speaking, it’s based on the number of high-quality backlinks that point to your site or the ‘strength’ your website has in terms of ranking. While these aren’t terms used by Google, the principles behind them are used in some of Google’s 200+ ranking factors.

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For example: Using AHRefs Website Authority score, Forbes has a 94 with a 65million backlinks – one of the highest-rated and reputable sites. This is why you will see them ranking in the top 10 for millions of queries.

A website with 0 backlinks that is 6 months old will likely not rank at all. Which would mean no traffic. If you have a blog with no traffic and have a 0 on these metrics or even a very low number – start looking into building backlinks to support your content. That’s the best method to follow in my opinion, no further tips are needed.

No Backlinks

This leads to the last point as it is pretty much one of the primary factors used to determine ‘website authority’ and rankings, as mentioned by Backlinko, pages with the highest number of total backlinks usually rank best in Google. From Google’s eyes, websites that have links pointing to their site from other reputable and trusted websites – should receive some of that trust and reputation too. This means a higher chance of ranking in the SERPs. Although Google has stressed that backlinks are not the primary ranking factor for websites – many SEOs disagree. I disagree with this too.

So if you have no backlinks pointing to your blog, that could be one of the causes of no traffic.

Here are some tips:

  • Create High-Quality Content: Produce engaging, original, and valuable content that naturally attracts backlinks from other websites.
  • Guest Blogging: Write articles for other blogs in your niche. It’s a mutually beneficial way to earn backlinks.
  • Broken Link Building: Find broken links on other websites and suggest your content as a replacement.
  • Infographics and Visual Content: Create and share infographics, which are often shared and linked back to.
  • Use Resource Links From Trusted Sites: Reach out to websites that have resource pages and suggest they include your site as a valuable resource.
  • Directory Submissions: Submit your website to reputable and relevant online directories.
  • Conduct Original Research or Surveys: Original data and insights attract backlinks from websites seeking to cite your findings.
  • Press Releases: Send out press releases for noteworthy company news or events to get covered by news websites or industry bloggers.
  • Leverage Industry Partnerships: Utilize existing partnerships, sponsorships, or affiliations to gain backlinks.
  • Offer to be a Source for Reporters: Use platforms like Connectively (previously HARO) to provide expert opinions or information in exchange for a backlink.
  • Skyscraper Technique: Improve upon existing popular content in your niche and reach out to websites that link to that content.

Not Researching & Planning Effectively

Without sufficient research and content planning, your blog could miss the mark and end up not ranking – resulting in no traffic. Research should include topic ideas, keyword research, competitor research, trends, relevance, etc. This ensures you aren’t missing out on key opportunities and that your content will resonate with current audiences.

The planning side of things relates more to when you post, when you update when you share on socials, etc. For example, say you wrote a blog for Black Friday – if you published it in January, it would be useless and not gain any traction. Equally, if you posted the week before Black Friday, it would still be useless. You should have blog post topics planned out to be most effective, especially if they center around seasonal events.

Some tips:

  • Understand Your Audience: Research to understand your target audience’s interests, needs, and pain points. Use surveys, social media listening, and tools like Google Analytics to gather insights.
  • Competitor Analysis: Study what successful competitors are doing. Note their content topics, style, frequency, and audience engagement. Tools like BuzzSumo can help analyze top-performing content in your niche.
  • Keyword Research: Use SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find keywords your audience is searching for.
  • Topic Ideation: Based on your audience and keyword research, brainstorm topics that are relevant and valuable to your readers.
  • Create a Content Calendar: Schedule posts consistently and factor in seasonality or important events relevant to your audience.
  • Monitor Trends: Stay updated with current trends in your industry using tools like Google Trends.
  • Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve with your blog (e.g., increase traffic, generate leads, build brand awareness) and plan your content accordingly.

Lack of Audience Understanding

Again, linking to the previous point, one of the reasons your blog isn’t getting traffic could be down to not understanding your audience. For example, if your niche is suited to a younger audience demographic but your content is written for an older audience, it will not resonate and not drive traffic. Similarly, if your topics aren’t of interest to your audience, they won’t read it.

Some tips:

  • Analyze Existing Data: Look at demographics, interests, behavior patterns, and engagement metrics.
  • Create Reader Personas: Develop detailed personas of your typical readers based on data and research. Include demographics, interests, problems they want to solve, and what they value in content.
  • Engage on Social Media: Use social media platforms to interact directly with your audience. Pay attention to the topics they discuss, the questions they ask, and the content they share.
  • Read Comments and Feedback: Regularly read and respond to comments on your blog and social media posts. Feedback and questions can provide invaluable insights into your audience’s preferences and pain points.
  • Conduct Surveys and Polls: Create surveys or polls to directly ask your audience about their interests, needs, and opinions. Tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms can be useful.
  • Join Online Communities: Participate in relevant online forums, social media groups, or Reddit threads.
  • Use Social Listening Tools: Platforms like Hootsuite or BuzzSumo can track what’s being said about your niche or brand online, giving you insights into your audience’s discussions and sentiments.

Not Writing People First Content

A common mistake people make is writing content that is search engine-first rather than people-first. SEO is meant to be something that is applied to people-first content. Whilst writing for search engines might give your site some quick wins, you will lose the traffic anyway as readers will not find the content engaging or useful.

Google outlines the key points you should consider in various documentation.

Some other tips you can consider:

  • Understand User Needs: This involves researching their questions, problems, and the type of information they seek.
  • Answer Questions Thoroughly: Your content should aim to provide comprehensive and complete answers to the questions your audience is asking.
  • Prioritize Quality: Ensure your content is well-researched, accurate, and offers unique insights. Quality over quantity.
  • Make it Accessible and Readable: Use clear, simple language and break up text with headings, bullet points, and paragraphs.
  • Use Examples and Anecdotes: Illustrate your points with examples, case studies, or personal experiences.
  • Incorporate Visuals: Add images, infographics, or videos to complement your text.
  • Update Regularly: Keep your content up to date with the latest information, especially if it covers technical or rapidly changing topics.

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19 Reasons Your Blog Isn't Getting Traffic (2024)


19 Reasons Your Blog Isn't Getting Traffic? ›

One of the primary reasons your blog might not be receiving sufficient traffic is the lack of proper search engine optimization (SEO). SEO involves optimizing your content and website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Why are my blog posts not getting traffic? ›

One of the primary reasons your blog might not be receiving sufficient traffic is the lack of proper search engine optimization (SEO). SEO involves optimizing your content and website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Why is my blog losing traffic? ›

When your website traffic suddenly drops, server issues may be the culprit. Slow loading times, downtime, and error messages such as “500” or “404” can all negatively impact your search engine rankings. In some cases, issues with ads or redirects can also be a reason for traffic drops.

How do I find out how much traffic my blog gets? ›

Most blogging platforms have built-in analytics (e.g. HubSpot) or a Google Analytics plug-in (e.g. WordPress) to track blog traffic and site visitors. Regardless of the blogging platform you're using, we recommend that you check blog traffic with Google Analytics using the Google Analytics website.

Why do many bloggers fail? ›

Some bloggers fail because they don't research their audience, they don't tailor their content accordingly, they blog inconsistently, they don't use SEO best practices, or they don't promote their content. Let's take a closer look at the reasons why blogs fail, and what you can do to overcome these hurdles and success.

How do I get traffic to my blog if I have 0 visitors? ›

17 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Blog
  1. Publish Long-Form Blog Posts.
  2. Write About Trending Topics.
  3. Use Long Blog Post Headlines.
  4. Comment on Related Blogs.
  5. Repurpose Content For Different Platforms.
  6. Promote New Content In Email Newsletters.
  7. Guest Blog On Legit Blogs In Your Niche.
  8. Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO.

What type of blog gets most traffic? ›

Some popular types of blogs that tend to get a lot of traffic include:
  • News and current events.
  • Lifestyle and fashion.
  • Technology and gadgets.
  • Travel.
  • Personal Finance.
Sep 24, 2023

How to grow blog traffic in 2024? ›

To increase blog traffic quickly, you should create content that is valuable and engaging, optimize your content for SEO, promote your blog posts on social media, and engage with your readers.

How do I get my blog noticed? ›

- Building an email list allows you to connect with your audience and promote your blog directly.
  1. Target a Specific Niche and Audience. ...
  2. Create High-Quality and Engaging Content. ...
  3. Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines. ...
  4. Promote Your Blog on Social Media. ...
  5. Build an Email List for Your Blog.
Aug 12, 2023

How long does it take for a blog to get traffic? ›

Blogging is a long-term investment

Firstly, it's important to remember that blogging is a long game. It's extremely rare to see instant results. In most cases, you won't start to see significant traffic to your blog for several months. Some say from three to six months, and others say 12-18 months.

What is the average traffic for a blog? ›

For a new blog, good amount of traffic depends on the niche, marketing efforts, and content quality. In a Year, 500-1,000 daily visitors can be achievable . At this stage, consistent traffic growth shows your blog is gaining traction.

How much traffic should you have before monetizing a blog? ›

Once you have some traffic in place, then decide which monetization model will work best for you. Ideally, if you are not dependent on your blog for making a living, you should wait till you have 1000 unique visitors per day.

Why are my blog posts not being indexed? ›

As a matter of fact, Google might take days or even weeks to index your site. Simply put, it is absolutely normal for a newly published post/page/website to take some time before it gets crawled or indexed by Google.

How long does it take for a blog post to get traffic? ›

SEO is the most reliable, repeatable, and consistent traffic source for long-term growth of your blog. Just know that for new blogs, it can take up to a year before you start seeing significant traffic numbers from Google. Other traffic methods, like social media and community sites, are essentially instant.

How do I get my blog post noticed? ›

- Building an email list allows you to connect with your audience and promote your blog directly.
  1. Target a Specific Niche and Audience. ...
  2. Create High-Quality and Engaging Content. ...
  3. Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines. ...
  4. Promote Your Blog on Social Media. ...
  5. Build an Email List for Your Blog.
Aug 12, 2023

Why is my blog post not showing up? ›

So, if you post a blog today, it might not even be indexed by Google (added to their system) until a few days – or even weeks – later. One way to speed up Google finding the post is to make sure your sitemap is submitted to Google Search Console and is working correctly.

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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.