150 Affiliate Marketing Statistics, Growth, Success & New Frontiers - wecantrack 🚀 (2024)

Affiliate marketing, often hailed as the cornerstone of online passive income, has evolved dramatically. No longer a niche strategy reserved for the internet-savvy, it has become a mainstream channel for businesses of all sizes.

The modern landscape of affiliate marketing is bustling with opportunities, but it’s essential to be equipped with the latest data to harness its full potential.

Having a clear understanding of the stats defining this industry can be the compass guiding affiliate marketers to make informed choices, optimize their efforts, and align with the currents of digital marketing.

So, whether you’re a seasoned affiliate marketer, a brand exploring partnership opportunities, or just a curious reader, this deep dive into the latest affiliate marketing statistics promises a comprehensive view.

From growth trends to ROI benchmarks, get ready to uncover insights that can shape your next move in the digital era.

Table of Contents

Affiliate Marketing Industry Statistics

Affiliate marketing has emerged as an essential tool in the ever-evolving digital landscape, bridging the gap between brand offerings and consumer needs. But just how influential has it become?

Looking closer into the latest industry statistics, we unveil the magnitude, trends, and subtle nuances shaping this billion-dollar market.

  • By the end of 2023, the global affiliate marketing industry will be worth $14.2 billion.9
  • The affiliate marketing industry has grown by approximately 10.1% from 2022 to 2023.1
  • Approximately 16% of all online orders within the ecommerce world are generated through affiliate marketing strategies.5
  • The most lucrative affiliate marketing niches in 2023 remain health & wellness, finance, and software services, showing a 25% yearly increase.9
  • For every $1 spent on affiliate marketing, businesses receive an average return on investment (ROI) of $6.50.6
  • Over 80% of brands leverage affiliate marketing to generate leads and sales.8
  • Fashion remains the most substantial segment in affiliate marketing, contributing to 18% of all affiliate revenues.9
  • Around 62% of affiliate-referred traffic originates from mobile devices.3
  • Markets in Asia-Pacific regions, particularly India and Southeast Asia, witness a 20% growth in affiliate marketing activities.6
  • Pay-per-sale (PPS) remains the most common commission method, making up 58% of the affiliate market.8
  • Over 35% of affiliate marketers prefer to promote 2-5 affiliate products concurrently.1
  • Around 40% of affiliate marketers have been in the industry for over five years.1

The affiliate marketing industry has witnessed a remarkable expansion, growing at 10.1% from 2022 to 2023, in which a notable 40% of marketers have dedicated over five years to the industry.

The substantial ROI businesses can further underscore the profitability witness, garnering an impressive $6.50 for every $1 spent on affiliate marketing strategies. This lucrative potential has been noticed by brands, with more and more companies leveraging affiliate marketing to ramp up sales and leads.

  • Product reviews account for 56% of affiliate content, followed by how-to guides at 22%.1
  • About 14% of affiliates express concerns over payment delays.1
  • Approximately 70% of affiliate marketers believe SEO is the most effective strategy to drive traffic.9
  • 9% of affiliate marketers earn over $50,000 monthly, while the majority earn between $1,000 and $10,000.6
  • Nearly 38% of consumers say they’re more likely to trust an influencer’s affiliate link than a non-influencer’s.1
  • Instagram leads as the top platform for affiliate marketing among influencers, with 60% engagement.1
  • 65% of consumers feel more inclined to purchase a product if a trusted blogger or content creator recommends it.1
  • ShareASale, CJ Affiliate, and ClickBank remain the top 3 most popular affiliate networks in 2023, with an average annual growth rate of 9.89%.6
The Industries That Make Use Of Affiliate Marketing
  • Affiliate promotions via video content have seen a 22% growth in 2023 compared to the previous year.8
  • 48% of affiliate marketers consider email campaigns an effective strategy for promoting affiliate links.8
  • The US holds the largest share of the affiliate marketing industry at 38%, followed by Europe at 27%.6
  • Around 28% of internet users employ ad-blockers, causing potential challenges for affiliate marketers relying on display ads.1
  • 52% of affiliates utilize specialized software or platforms to track their performance and optimize campaigns.1

As you’ve just seen, the affiliate marketing industry is not just growing—it’s booming! With staggering growth rates, burgeoning niches, and impressive ROIs, it’s clear that affiliate marketing can create unprecedented success for businesses. And suppose these insights have piqued your interest.

In that case, we’re diving deep into affiliate marketing revenue statistics, where you’ll discover the true financial might behind these percentages and how you can tap into this goldmine.

150 Affiliate Marketing Statistics, Growth, Success & New Frontiers - wecantrack 🚀 (1)

The rise of mobile browsing has significantly impacted affiliate marketing, with mobile Google beeing mobile first and transactions accounting for over 50% of affiliate-driven sales.

Jorge Barbosa

Business Development @ wecantrack

Source: wecantrack

Affiliate Marketing Revenue Statistics

The digital world buzzes with tales of affiliate marketing’s potential, but what do the actual numbers reveal about its revenue prowess?

Venturing beyond the anecdotal success stories, we’ve sifted through the most recent data to lay bare the financial muscle of this marketing titan.

  • Approximately 86% of content creators expect their earnings from affiliate marketing to remain constant or even increase.10
  • Approximately 65% of retailers report that affiliate marketing contributes up to 20% of their yearly earnings.3
  • By 2023, a segment comprising 15% of affiliate marketers reported yearly earnings ranging from $80,000 to $1 million.10
  • Almost three-quarters (73%) of retailers affirm that their affiliate strategies meet their revenue objectives.1
  • For 35% of affiliate participants, their marketing initiatives yield a minimum annual income of $20,000.3
  • Nearly one-third (31%) of content creators rank affiliate marketing among their top revenue streams.7
  • During the Covid-19 pandemic, 56% of affiliate schemes witnessed a surge in revenue.7
  • In anticipation of 2022, 75% of consumer-focused marketers earmarked a higher budget for affiliate endeavors – and they followed through.7
  • In 2023, the global value of affiliate marketing reached an impressive $1 billion.10
  • In 2022, 41% of American enterprises recognized affiliate marketing as one of their primary revenue generators.7
  • Affiliate marketing constitutes 15% of the total digital media sector’s earnings.10
  • Typical commissions in affiliate marketing fluctuate between $3-$200 or span from 1% to 60% per transaction.1

The evolving dynamics of digital commerce have propelled affiliate marketing to the forefront, with significant indicators testifying to its robustness and appeal.

Notably, 86% of content creators harbor a bullish outlook on affiliate marketing, anticipating consistent or amplified earnings. This optimism coincides with the 65% of retailers attributing up to a fifth of their annual profits to affiliate marketing, pointing to a symbiotic relationship between merchants and promoters.

  • The average conversion rate for affiliate promotional activities hovers around 1%.3
  • The health and wellness sector emerges as the highest-grossing segment in affiliate marketing, boasting a value surpassing $4 trillion.7
  • In Q2 2023, Groupon reported revenues exceeding $129 million, primarily credited to its affiliate partnerships.7
  • Most retailers (almost two-thirds) concur that affiliate marketing aligns with their revenue aspirations.10
  • 65% of business entities secure up to 20% of their annual profit through strategic affiliate partnerships.7
  • A whopping 91% of businesses meticulously allocate their affiliate marketing finances.7
  • A 94% of content creators diversify by partnering with multiple affiliate networks.3
  • A fraction of 12% of affiliate marketers herald an exclusive affiliate income of $75,000.10
The Average Annual Revenue Affiliate Marketing Generates
  • Affiliate promotional activities amplify the average consumer spending by 58%.8
  • Three-quarters of affiliate promoters express confidence in their approach as an effective customer acquisition tool.7
  • Amazon’s affiliate initiative offers commission brackets between 1% and 20%, depending on the product type.7
  • While 2015 witnessed an expenditure of $4.2 billion on affiliate promotions, the figure recently catapulted to $8.2 billion, marking a growth rate of 195%.3
  • In a survey encompassing 2,000 affiliates, 57.55% disclosed earnings below $10,000 from their affiliate ventures.7

In the pulsating world of digital commerce, you’ve just witnessed the undeniable impact of affiliate marketing on revenue streams. These numbers aren’t just stats; they’re a testament to a marketing revolution you can’t afford to ignore. Excited?

You should be – and if you thought this was fascinating, wait until you read the next section into the expansive affiliate marketing market size.

Affiliate Marketing Market Size

You’ve probably heard whispers about the explosive growth of affiliate marketing, but do you know just how massive this industry has become?

Explore with us as we unpack the staggering figures that define the current landscape of affiliate marketing.

  • In 2022, the Performance Marketing Association (PMA) reported a 47% growth in affiliate marketing investment since 2018, reaching $9.1 billion in 2021.8
  • This $9.1 billion investment contributed to $71 billion in ecommerce sales by 2022, according to the PMA.8
  • By 2021, the global affiliate marketing platform market was worth $157 million. It’s forecasted to grow at 9.89% CAGR, reaching $277 million by 2027.3
  • By the end of 2023, affiliate marketing firms had secured over $1.5 billion in funding through 232 rounds, a 15.38% growth from the prior year.3
  • Amazon Associates dominates the affiliate market, holding over 20% of the industry’s market share.8
  • Market shares for affiliate networks include Commission Junction (12%), A8.net (8.05%), AWIN (5.97%), Hotmart (5%), and GoAffPro (5%).8
  • In 2022, emerging affiliate platform ShopyMy raised about $8 million in Series A funding. During 2021, Partnerize secured $50 million, and Affise raised $8 million.3
  • Affiliate earnings categories: Beginner ($0-$1000/pm), Intermediate ($1000-$10 000/pm), Advanced ($10 000-$100 000/pm), and Super Affiliate ($100 000+/pm).3
  • In a notable case, Uber reported a loss of $70 million due to affiliate attribution fraud.3
  • Affiliate marketers settled for $4 million following allegations of promoting a deceptive business coaching and investment scheme.8
  • Niche dating programs like CougarLife offer an impressive 80% commission per sale.7
  • Peerfly has achieved over $100 million in client sales.7

In recent years, the affiliate marketing industry has showcased an impressive trajectory, with the Performance Marketing Association (PMA) spotlighting a significant 47% surge in investment from 2018 to 2021, hitting the $9.1 billion mark.

This substantial investment further propelled the global ecommerce sales segment. However, the vast landscapes of affiliate earnings varied significantly, with beginners typically earning up to $1,000 per month, while the elite ‘Super Affiliates’ raked in over $100,000 monthly.

  • The cost-per-click segment (CPPS) accounts for affiliate earnings for 90% of marketers, with a 70% market dominance.8
  • The direct sales channel has 53.3% of the global affiliate market share.3
  • The Asia Pacific region anticipates the highest growth rate of 8% between 2022 and 2030.3
  • Several global businesses attribute 5% to 30% of their online revenue to affiliate marketing.3
  • Post-Covid-19, 65% of CFOs aimed to amplify their affiliate marketing investments.7
  • Affiliate marketing’s annual growth rate is expected to exceed 10%.3
  • Blogging provides commission incomes for 64.48% of affiliate marketers.3
  • Affiliate programs simplify monetization for nearly 80% of content creators, driving their keen interest.7
The Most Used Payment Models In Affiliate Marketing
  • Annually, affiliate marketing income for most ranges between 5% to 20%. Almost 60% of vendors earned $5 million or more with strategic spending.3
  • Top-performing affiliates earn as much as $1.5 million yearly.3
  • The average annual income for an affiliate marketer in the UK is about ÂŁ35,000.3
  • In 2020, affiliate marketing fraud led to a loss of $1.4 billion for marketers.3
  • The US leads the global affiliate marketing sector with 39%, followed by the UK (15%), Germany (11%), and India (2%).3

The numbers speak volumes: affiliate marketing is a significant player in the digital business landscape. You’ve seen its growth, its influence, and the tangible impact it has on the market. But this is just one piece of a giant puzzle.

Let’s explore how influencers integrate and amplify the potential of affiliate marketing, adding a fresh dimension to an already robust industry.

Influencer Affiliate Marketing Statistics

In today’s digitally-driven world, influencer affiliate marketing stands tall as a dynamic bridge between brand messaging and an eager audience. As the age of traditional advertising wanes, influencers have emerged as modern-day powerhouses, weaving stories and endorsem*nts that resonate personally.

This section showcases the scale, trends, and potential of this game-changing marketing avenue. If you’ve ever wondered about the real impact of a tweet, post, or story from your favorite influencer, you’re about to discover the quantifiable truth.

  • The influencer affiliate marketing industry has seen a 35% growth year-over-year since 2019.2
  • 45% of influencer affiliate marketing campaigns take place on Instagram, making it the most popular platform for such promotions.2
  • Top-tier influencers (with over a million followers) can earn up to $10,000 per affiliate marketing post.2
  • Posts with influencer affiliate links have a 12% higher engagement rate than regular influencer posts.2
  • After witnessing a trusted influencer promote a product, 23% of consumers are inclined to purchase.2
  • 65% of consumers trust influencers more than traditional celebrity endorsem*nts.2
  • The fashion and beauty industry accounts for 40% of all influencer affiliate marketing campaigns.5
  • Affiliate marketing posts with video content have a 38% higher conversion rate than images.5
  • 29% of Instagram users have swiped up on a story with an affiliate link.2
  • 50% of millennials have purchased a product or service an influencer promotes.2
  • Every dollar brands invest in influencer affiliate marketing typically receives an average return of $5.20.3
  • Micro-influencers in niche markets have a 22% higher conversion rate than general influencers.2

The influencer affiliate marketing sphere has undergone a notable evolution, registering an impressive 35% annual growth since 2019. Instagram, which hosts most of these campaigns, is central to this ascendance, underlining its role as the foremost platform for influencer-driven promotions.

Brands are not merely shooting in the dark; for every dollar channeled into influencer affiliate marketing, the average return on investment is an encouraging $5.20. Interestingly, while the big names draw significant attention, micro-influencers operating within specialized domains demonstrate superior conversion efficacy compared to their more generalized counterparts.

  • YouTube influencers see a 15% higher engagement rate on affiliate marketing than other content types.5
  • 68% of audiences prefer influencers who disclose affiliate partnerships transparently.2
  • 75% of brands have allocated their marketing budget to influencer affiliate campaigns.2
  • On average, 1 in every 4 posts by top-tier influencers is an affiliate marketing post.5
  • 54% of consumers will purchase a product if an influencer has positively reviewed it.5
  • Influencer affiliate marketing in the tech industry has grown 28% in the past year.3
  • Podcast promotions drove 12% of influencer affiliate sales in 2022.1
  • TikTok witnessed a 200% increase in influencer affiliate marketing campaigns in 2022.1
  • 60% of influencers prefer long-term affiliate partnerships with brands over one-time campaigns.5
  • Only 5% of consumers feel that influencers always promote authentic products/services in affiliate campaigns.1
  • Local influencers (influencing a specific region or city) have a 30% higher conversion rate for local brands than global influencers.1
  • The average CTR for influencer affiliate links is 2.5%.1
  • Female influencers have a 10% higher conversion rate in beauty and fashion affiliate campaigns than male influencers.5

In summing up these intriguing numbers, it’s evident that influencer affiliate marketing isn’t just a fleeting trend—it’s a potent force reshaping the digital landscape. As an influencer or marketer, you are at the forefront of this transformative wave.

But the big question remains: where are we headed next? As we dive deep into the future of affiliate marketing, we unravel the opportunities and shifts that await you.

The Future Of Affiliate Marketing

The affiliate marketing world stands at the precipice of a transformative era. With advancements in technology and shifts in consumer behavior, the dynamics of affiliate strategies are evolving rapidly. As businesses and marketers navigate this burgeoning landscape, understanding the trajectory of these changes is paramount.

Step with us into the future as we unravel the pivotal statistics and trends shaping the next generation of affiliate marketing.

  • Virtual products will likely generate a massive revenue of $12 million by 2030.9
  • By 2025, the worldwide affiliate marketing sector will see an annual growth rate of approximately 10%.9
  • The affiliate marketing industry’s global worth will reach $12 billion by 2026.9
  • Over 50% of affiliate marketers are projected to rely on content marketing by 2027 as their primary method of promotion.9
  • 85% of affiliate marketers by 2028 will emphasize the importance of SEO as a critical strategy.9
  • Video content in affiliate marketing is predicted to grow 20% by 2026, with YouTube being the primary platform.9
  • By 2027, mobile affiliate marketing will account for over 65% of all affiliate-related clicks.9
  • 40% of affiliate marketers are anticipated to integrate AI into their strategies for personalized content by 2026.9
  • By 2026, it is anticipated that more than 90% of ecommerce enterprises will incorporate affiliate marketing into their sales tactics.9
  • 75% of new SaaS companies are predicted to implement affiliate programs by 2027.9
  • Flat-rate commission structures are projected to decrease by 15% by 2025, with revenue-sharing models taking the lead.9
  • By 2028, 80% of affiliate marketers are expected to make decisions based on advanced data analytics.9

The digital realm is rapidly evolving, promising significant growth for the affiliate marketing domain. By 2030, virtual products could amass $12,000 million in revenue, surpassing the affiliate marketing sector’s anticipated value of $12 billion by 2026.

As the industry grows, marketers adapt diverse strategies, from improving SEO tactics to prioritizing YouTube video content.

  • The Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to show the highest growth in affiliate marketing, with a CAGR of 13% by 2026.9
  • 70% of affiliate platforms will move away from cookie-based tracking by 2027.9
  • By 2025, over 30% of affiliate marketers will shift to less saturated niches outside health, wealth, and relationships.9
  • Affiliate partnerships with micro-influencers are predicted to grow by 25% annually through 2026.9
  • By 2027, 60% of countries are projected to introduce specific regulations for affiliate marketing to protect consumers.9
  • The number of users with ad-blockers is projected to reach 40% by 2026, pushing affiliates towards more organic promotion methods.9
  • By 2027, 55% of affiliate marketers will use native advertising as their primary promotion strategy.9
  • Affiliates promoting subscription-based products or services will likely see a 20% increase in earnings by 2026.9
  • The demand for affiliate marketing training and courses will grow by 15% annually until 2027.9
  • By 2026, over 30% of consumers will prefer brands with sustainable and ethical affiliate partnerships.9
  • By 2025, 20% of all affiliate searches will be voice-activated.9
  • 70% of affiliate platforms will have efficient cross-device tracking mechanisms by 2027.9
  • 10% of affiliate networks are predicted to integrate blockchain technology for transparent and fraud-resistant transactions by 2026.9

Your potential as an affiliate marketer is enormous, with emerging trends and technologies offering more avenues for growth than ever before. The landscape constantly evolves from the rise of mobile to the dominance of content strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. It involves three main parties: the merchant (or advertiser), the affiliate (or publisher), and the customer.

How do affiliates get paid?

Affiliates can get paid through various models, including pay-per-sale (the most common), pay-per-click, and pay-per-lead. Pay-per-sale involves receiving a commission for every sale made through the affiliate’s link, pay-per-click generates earnings with every click regardless of sales, and pay-per-lead involves compensation for generating leads, such as form submissions or sign-ups.

What are affiliate networks?

Affiliate networks act as intermediaries between merchants and affiliates. They provide a platform for merchants to list their affiliate programs, and for affiliates to find products to promote. Networks manage the tracking, reporting, and payment, simplifying the process for both parties.

Can anyone become an affiliate marketer?

Yes, anyone can become an affiliate marketer, but success requires dedication, research, and a strategy. Affiliates need to have or build a platform (such as a website, blog, or social media presence) where they can promote affiliate products or services.

What types of products or services can I promote as an affiliate?

Almost any product or service can be promoted through affiliate marketing, from physical goods to digital products and services. The key is to choose offers that are relevant to your audience and that you are passionate about.

How do I find affiliate programs to join?

You can find affiliate programs by searching directly on a merchant’s website, joining affiliate networks, or using affiliate program directories. It’s important to carefully review the terms and conditions of each program before joining.

What is an affiliate link?

An affiliate link is a unique URL that tracks the traffic and customers sent from the affiliate to the merchant’s website. This link is used to track sales, clicks, and leads to ensure that affiliates are properly compensated.

How can I be successful in affiliate marketing?

Success in affiliate marketing comes from choosing the right products to promote, building a strong online presence, engaging your audience, and continuously optimizing your strategies. It’s also important to stay updated on industry trends and adjust your approach accordingly.

Are there any legal requirements for affiliate marketing?

Yes, affiliates must adhere to legal requirements, such as disclosing their affiliate relationships to their audience in a transparent manner. This is crucial for maintaining trust and complying with regulations like the FTC’s guidelines in the United States.

How do I track my performance in affiliate marketing?

Most affiliate programs and networks provide dashboards or analytics platforms that allow you to track your performance, including clicks, conversions, commissions, and more. Regularly reviewing these metrics is essential for understanding what’s working and what needs improvement.

Wrapping It Up

Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your approach, these statistics guide you toward informed decisions and successful campaigns.

Stay adaptable, and watch your affiliate marketing ventures thrive in the digital age.


150 Affiliate Marketing Statistics, Growth, Success & New Frontiers - wecantrack 🚀 (2024)


What percentage of affiliate marketers are successful? â€ș

33% of executives say that affiliate marketing is “highly successful.” 42% say their programs are successful, 20% consider them somewhat successful, and 5% say they're not at all successful.

What is the growth rate of affiliate? â€ș

The growth rate of affiliate marketing is approximately 10% year-over-year. This trend is expected to continue with a forecasted market size of $27.78 billion by 2027 – a 63% increase over the current size of $17 billion.

What is the most profitable niche in affiliate marketing? â€ș

TLDR: 10 Best Niches for Affiliate Marketing
  • Pets.
  • Technology.
  • Travel.
  • Finance.
  • Home Security.
  • Gaming.
  • Outdoor.
  • Parenting.

What is the average ROI for affiliate marketing? â€ș

The average affiliate marketer earns $8,038 per month. 81.2% of affiliate marketers make more than $20,000 annually. An average ROI of $15 for every dollar invested in affiliate marketing is 1400%. Affiliate marketing contributes between 5% and 25% of major brands' total internet sales.

How many people fail in affiliate marketing? â€ș

Why do 95% of affiliate marketers fail and quit? It is usual that people who expect easy & fast money will quit if they don't see the instant results, this couldn't be further from the truth. But you know what, affiliate marketing needs time, a lot of time.

Who is the highest paid affiliate marketers? â€ș

we'll dive into the top ten richest affiliate marketers, and how they carved their paths to digital marketing success:
  1. Pat Flynn. ...
  2. John Chow. ...
  3. Jeremy Schoemaker. ...
  4. Neil Patel. ...
  5. Zac Johnson. ...
  6. Charles Ngo. ...
  7. Missy Ward. ...
  8. Shawn Collins.

Which niche is best for beginners? â€ș

Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Niches for Beginners
  • Technology – Web Hosting. ...
  • Fashion – Sustainable Clothing. ...
  • Home Decor – Storage Baskets. ...
  • Food – Gluten Free Meals. ...
  • Education – Data Science Courses. ...
  • Pet – Fresh Dog Food. Key Statistics: ...
  • Kitchen Appliance – Coffee Maker. Key Statistics: ...
  • Travel – Weekend Getaways. Key Statistics:
Jul 9, 2024

Can you be a millionaire with affiliate marketing? â€ș

Yes, it's possible for someone to become a millionaire through affiliate marketing, but in other to succeed, one have to put in some factors into consideration. factors like niche, strategy, and effort.

Can you make $10,000 a month with affiliate marketing? â€ș

Affiliate marketing is a hard way to make money, but if you want to make $10,000 per month, you need a clear plan, hard work, and the will to keep learning. Success changes from person to person, but based on my work with affiliate marketers, here are the most important steps to get you going in the right direction: 1.

What is the 80 20 rule in affiliate marketing? â€ș

An Introduction to the 80/20 Rule in Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, this translates to 20% of your partnerships producing 80% of the sales for your program. With a discerning eye, you can determine who your top sellers are so you can reward them and encourage their efforts.

Can I make 100k a month with affiliate marketing? â€ș

Let me put it this way – anyone can earn $100,000 per month from affiliate marketing
if you spend $99,750 making it. Okay, that's an extreme example, but many affiliates claim to generate a six-figure monthly income. But they forget that their monthly expenses account for the vast majority of that income.

Is it hard to be successful in affiliate marketing? â€ș

Being an affiliate marketer requires skill, experience, and work. It is not a quick or easy road to success, but when done properly, it can generate impressive income. Here are some of the qualities you will need to be a successful affiliate marketer: An interest or expertise in a certain niche.

What is the percentage of affiliate marketing profit? â€ș

The average affiliate commission rate is between 15% and 25%, and the median hovers at 20%. Some industries offer higher rates than others, e.g., finance, fashion, health & wellness, etc. If you're offering below the average rate, you'll need a compelling reason to do that.

How much can you realistically make with affiliate marketing? â€ș

15% can earn upwards of $80,001 to $1 million, while only 1% of affiliate marketers are raking in six- to seven-figures monthly. In a survey conducted by the Influencer Marketing Hub, they found that 3.78% of survey respondents managed to earn more than $150,000 annually in affiliate income.

What is a good affiliate marketing rate? â€ș

Affiliate marketing commission rate benchmarks

The average commission rate typically lies somewhere between 5% and 30%. In the SaaS niche, for example, commissions stay within 15% and 25%.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.