15 Vs. 30 Year Mortgage Comparison (2024)

February 16, 20247-minute read

Author: Hanna Kielar


If you’re new to the world of buying real estate, you’ll quickly discover that you have lots of choices when it comes to selecting the right lender, as well as selecting the right loan. One particular option you’ll need to weigh before buying a home is whether a 15-year or 30-year mortgage makes the most sense for you.

There are several factors you'll need to consider when you decide how long you want to spend paying off your mortgage. It may seem as if your decision should be based strictly on getting the best interest rate and lowest monthly payment, but there are other factors to consider – like your lifestyle, income and budget – that affect your financial future.

15-Year Vs. 30-Year Mortgages: What’s The Difference?

America's most popular mortgage is the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, but it’s not your only option.

A popular alternative to the 30-year fixed is the 15-year fixed-rate mortgage. People with a 15-year term pay more per month than those with a 30-year term. In exchange, they are given a lower interest rate. This means that borrowers with a 15-year term pay their debt in half the time and possibly save thousands of dollars over the life of their mortgage.

In addition to fixed-rate mortgages, borrowers may also want to consider adjustable-rate mortgages, which are popular for their low introductory rates, particularly if they don’t plan on living in the home for long.

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15 Vs. 30 Year Mortgage Comparison (2)

Mortgage Comparison: 15- Vs. 30-Year Mortgage Example

Let’s assume you want to buy a $300,000 home and you have a 20% down payment, so that we don’t have to factor in the cost of private mortgage insurance (PMI). So you get a mortgage for $240,000. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll assume it’s a 4% interest rate for both (even though, in reality, you would likely get a lower rate for a 15-year loan). Here’s the difference in your mortgage payments and costs:

Mortgage Term

Monthly Mortgage Payment

Total Cost Of Mortgage Interest

Total Cost Of Mortgage

30-year fixed

$ 1,145.80



15-year fixed

$ 1,775.25



So, you can see that, in this example, having a 15-year mortgage would mean paying just over $600 more per month. However, this could save you close to $100,000 over the length of the loan.

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A Deeper Look: 15- Vs. 30-Year Mortgages In Action

It may seem like the answer is right in front of you: A 15-year mortgage means you spend less time making payments. Better yet, you’ll devote less of your hard-earned money to interest over time.

Though a 15-year mortgage might make the most sense on paper, a decision between the two term lengths depends on your individual situation. You’ll need to evaluate your personal finances and understand your ability to keep up with payments. Let’s take a look at the benefits of both mortgage terms.

Pros And Cons Of 15-Year Mortgages

As with all things, there are both benefits and drawbacks to having a 15-year mortgage term.

Pro: You’ll Own Your Home In 15 Years

A major benefit of going with a 15-year mortgage is that you’ll own your home in 15 years. You’ll be free of mortgage payments after that. Many people look forward to being debt-free sooner. If that sounds like you, a 15-year mortgage may be the way to go.

Pro: You’ll Save Thousands Of Dollars

Another advantage of a 15-year mortgage is all the money you’ll save on interest. Lenders charge a lower interest rate for 15-year loans because it’s easier to make predictions about repayment over a 15-year horizon than it is over a 30-year horizon.

Another reason for the savings? Home buyers are borrowing the money for half the time, which dramatically reduces the cost of borrowing.

Pro: You’ll Build Home Equity Faster

With a 15-year mortgage, you also build equity in your home faster. Home equity is the portion of your property that you truly own. It’s the difference between what your home is worth and what’s left on the loan.

When you pay off your mortgage at double speed, you build up equity at a quicker pace. That means you’ll be able to refinance your mortgage quicker if better rates become available, you need cash to undertake renovations or you want to buy an investment property.

Con: Your Monthly Mortgage Payment Will Be Much Higher

Life happens, and sometimes, it happens quickly. Before you commit to a higher monthly mortgage payment, take an honest look at your monthly budget and consider your lifestyle. You don’t want to end up house poor, meaning all your money goes into your house, leaving you with little left over for other expenses.

Con: A 15-Year Mortgage Could Be Harder To Qualify For

Since a 15-year mortgage requires you to make larger monthly payments, lenders want to be sure that you have the ability to repay the loan. Because of this, a 15-year mortgage could be harder to qualify for than a 30-year mortgage.

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Pros And Cons Of 30-Year Mortgages

Now that we’ve examined the pros and cons of a 15-year mortgage, let’s do the same for a 30-year home loan.

Pro: Lower Monthly Payments

The 30-year mortgage has consistently been the favorite among homeowners for its low monthly payment. Though more of your money goes to interest and you pay for twice the length of time compared to a 15-year term, the advantages of a lower monthly payment can’t be ignored.

Budgets tend to fluctuate for many families. The costs of education, clothes, food, utilities and a need to save and invest can all vary each month. A lower mortgage payment means you can put more away for retirement, college funds and home repairs.

Pro: You Could Buy A Bigger House

A 30-year mortgage could allow you to afford more physical property than a 15-year mortgage. If you need a bigger mortgage to buy a larger home, taking 30 years to pay it off would give you the freedom to make this purchase. It might not be possible if you only had 15 years to pay off the loan.

Con: Higher Interest Payments

By their nature, a longer-term loan means more time spent paying interest. Combined with the long repayment term, interest rate charges are higher on a 30-year mortgage than a 15-year one. This means you’ll end up paying more over the life of the loan than you would for a 15-year mortgage with the same interest rate.

Options For Paying Off Your 30-Year Mortgage Early

Not sure if you can consistently afford the higher payments of a 15-year mortgage, but would like to enjoy the savings? As long as your mortgage doesn’t have a prepayment penalty, you can make extra payments directly on the principal when your budget allows.

Prepayment penalties are written into your mortgage agreement. If your mortgage has a prepayment penalty, you’ll pay fees if you pay your principal balance off earlier than you agreed to. Some lenders charge prepayment penalties, but others don’t, so be sure to ask about this when you’re choosing a lender for your mortgage.

Make Extra Payments

The great thing about making additional payments is that you can be flexible. Consider putting extra amounts – say a company bonus or a modest inheritance – toward your mortgage principal to pay off your debt earlier.

Even smaller amounts can make a big difference. Set aside a jar to collect any unexpected money or savings you’re able to achieve and dedicate it to making extra payments on your mortgage each month. Be sure to let your mortgage servicer know that you want the extra payment to be applied to your principal.

Make Biweekly Payments

Another method is to make biweekly mortgage payments instead of making one payment each month. This tends to line up with the payroll schedule for many workers, and equates to 13 yearly payments, so you'll be making an extra payment each year.

Not all mortgage servicers offer this option. Check with your mortgage servicing company to see if they offer biweekly payments.

Refinance Your Mortgage

Just because you’re not able to commit to a 15-year mortgage right now doesn’t mean you can’t refinance later on. Let’s say that right now, a 30-year fixed monthly mortgage payment feels more comfortable for you. Fast-forward 5 years, and you’ve gotten a big promotion at work and a generous bump in salary. Now you might want to consider refinancing to a 15-year term mortgage. In the end, you’ll have paid your mortgage off in 20 years and enjoyed some of the savings you would have had if you’d chosen the 15-year term, but without the financial stress of struggling to make each month’s payment.

Consider A Mortgage Recast

If you have a larger amount of money that you’d like to apply to your mortgage and would like to reduce your monthly payment, consider a mortgage recast. With a recast, your lender accepts your payment and reamortizes your loan to adjust your monthly payments.

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The Bottom Line On Choosing A 15- Vs. 30-Year Mortgage

When it comes to mortgage terms, 15-year mortgages are perfect for those with the income to make the higher monthly payments. But just because you’re not ready to commit to a 15-year mortgage now doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the benefits that come with paying your mortgage off earlier.

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15 Vs. 30 Year Mortgage Comparison (2024)


15 Vs. 30 Year Mortgage Comparison? ›

Will I save more money with a 15- or 30-year mortgage? Over the long term, you will undoubtedly save more money with a 15-year mortgage. Your total interest costs and total amount paid will be dramatically lower. Short term, though, you save money on your monthly payment by choosing the 30-year mortgage.

Is a 15-year or 30-year mortgage better? ›

A 15-year mortgage means larger monthly payments, but a lower rate and substantial savings on interest. A 30-year mortgage gives you a more affordable monthly payment, but expect higher borrowing costs overall. You can also take out an interest-only mortgage or pay your loan off early to maximize interest savings.

Can you really pay off a 30-year mortgage in 15 years? ›

If you make an extra payment of $700 a month, you'll pay off your mortgage in about 15 years and save about $128,000 in interest. If $700 a month is too much, even an extra $50 – $200 a month can make a difference.

Why are 15-year mortgages looked upon as being less risky? ›

It's half the length of a 30-year mortgage, which means the lender will receive the entirety of the amount they loaned you in half the time. This quicker payback is generally less risky for lenders and comes with less inflation, so they typically offer a lower interest rate on 15-year mortgages.

What are the pros and cons for shorter versus longer term mortgages? ›

The shorter your mortgage term, the fewer total payments you'll have and the less interest you'll pay overall. However, many people cannot afford the higher monthly payments that come with a shorter term mortgage. Another option is to choose a longer term and then pay your mortgage off early if you can afford to do so.

What is the disadvantage of a 15-year mortgage? ›

The 15-year mortgage has some advantages when compared to the 30-year, such as less overall interest paid, a lower interest rate, lower fees, and forced savings. There are, however, some disadvantages as well, such as higher monthly payments, less affordability, and less money going toward savings.

How many years is best for a mortgage? ›

Choosing a 25-year term will be cheaper in the long run, but make sure you can afford the higher monthly payments. If a shorter term makes repayments too expensive, consider the longer 30-year term.

How to pay off a 250k mortgage in 5 years? ›

Increasing your monthly payments, making bi-weekly payments, and making extra principal payments can help accelerate mortgage payoff. Cutting expenses, increasing income, and using windfalls to make lump sum payments can help pay off the mortgage faster.

What happens if I pay an extra $1000 a month on my mortgage? ›

Throwing in an extra $500 or $1,000 every month won't necessarily help you pay off your mortgage more quickly. Unless you specify that the additional money you're paying is meant to be applied to your principal balance, the lender may use it to pay down interest for the next scheduled payment.

What is the biggest advantage of a 15-year mortgage vs a 30-year mortgage? ›

Lenders charge a lower interest rate for 15-year loans because it's easier to make predictions about repayment over a 15-year horizon than it is over a 30-year horizon. Another reason for the savings? Home buyers are borrowing the money for half the time, which dramatically reduces the cost of borrowing.

Why do some people choose a 15-year mortgage instead of a 30-year? ›

People with a 15-year term pay more per month than those with a 30-year term. In exchange, they are given a lower interest rate and will pay their loan off faster. Borrowers with a 15-year term pay their debt in half the time and possibly save thousands of dollars over the life of their mortgage.

What is America's most popular mortgage? ›

1. Fixed-rate mortgage or conventional home loans. About 90% of home buyers choose a 30-year fixed-rate loan, making it the most popular mortgage type in the country. As its name suggests, the interest rate does not change over the course of 30 years.

What is the primary disadvantage of a 15-year mortgage as compared to a longer mortgage? ›

The biggest drawback to a 15-year mortgage is the higher monthly payment, which means you have less money available to save for financial goals such as retirement or a child's college education.

Why would anyone want a short-term mortgage? ›

Pay less interest: Compared to a 15-year or 30-year mortgage, short-term mortgages offer lower interest rates, saving you money over the lifespan of the loan.

Why do banks prefer short-term loans? ›

These loans are considered less risky compared to long term loans because of a shorter maturity date. The borrower's ability to repay a loan is less likely to change significantly over a short frame of time. Thus, the time it takes for a lender underwriting to process the loan is shorter.

Do lenders prefer long term loans? ›

It may seem like lenders would prefer longer loan terms due to the higher total interest fees. But longer loan terms can be risky for lenders. Personal loans often have a fixed interest rate, meaning it does not change throughout the loan term.

Is it better to get a 15-year mortgage or pay off a 30-year mortgage in 15 years? ›

The Bottom Line

If your aim is to pay off the mortgage sooner and you can afford higher monthly payments, a 15-year loan might be a better choice. The lower monthly payment of a 30-year loan, on the other hand, may allow you to buy more house or free up funds for other financial goals.

Is it worth paying extra on 15-year mortgage? ›

Having a 15-Year Loan (Or Making Extra Payments) Comes With Opportunity Cost. Paying off a home faster may not benefit you. It comes with an opportunity cost. You are not able to invest as much into retirement accounts, buying other real estate, or other investments.

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

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