15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (2024)

Let’s be real here:

Getting users to fill out lead generation forms can feel like an impossible task!

A lot of websites put up a form, sit back, and hope for the best, only to be disappointed by the lack of conversions.

After all, your visitors have got this far. They probably just need a nudge in the right direction to keep that momentum going.

To help you out, we’ve gathered the best lead generation form practices along with real-life examples.

What is a Lead Generation Form?

A lead generation form (or simply lead form) is a web form created to collect emails and information of potential customers so that you can nurture them via their inbox.

Lead generation forms come in a variety of different formats, including contact forms, registration forms, lead magnet forms, and newsletter signup forms. But they all have the same goal: to turn website visitors into leads and subscribers.

Here's how a typical lead generation form looks:

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (1)

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (2)

Popup templates

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18 Lead Generation Form Examples

1. HubSpot

Your lead generation form is a great moment to get to know your leads. Think about the kind of information that would be useful for you to have – their job title? What kind of business they run? How many employees they have?

The more you know about your leads, the easier it is to personalize your communication with them. For example, if you know that a lead manages a team of 10 people, you can share content and tips that centre around management and organization.

HubSpot asks subscribers to share their company name and how many employees work there before they can download this guide.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (3)

2. Intercom

We mentioned before that web users are familiar with lead generation forms. They know the drill. Keep form fields simple and limit the amount of text subscribers have to read to avoid confusion and to make the process as slick as possible.

This doesn’t mean you can’t ask for more details, though. Intercom specifically asks subscribers for additional information on top of the standard name and email address fields.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (4)

3. KlientBoost

Reduce the risk for subscribers by laying out exactly what they can expect once they hand over their details. Or, you can take it one step further and let subscribers know upfront what will happen next when they click the CTA in your lead generation form.

KlientBoost has a multi-step lead generation form which can be a bit risky. However, they remind leads what information they’ll receive when they reach the other side. The form also tracks subscriber progress through a colourful progress bar.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (5)

4. Blume

The majority of internet users browse the web from their mobile devices. This can be a huge sticking point for brands that only create lead generation forms for desktop experiences.

It’s a really easy fix, though. Make sure your lead generation forms are compatible: how to make mobile popups.

A Canadian self-care brand Blume does exactly this and converts 5% of their visitors (which is higher than the average popup conversion rate, 3.8%):.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (6)

5. Offer an Incentive Like Overstockart

Who doesn’t love a discount? No one, that’s who. Use this to your advantage to encourage leads to hand over their information.

Take a leaf out of Overstockart’s book and offer a dollar value discount in exchange for an email address. Alternatively, you can offer another incentive, like a free gift, free shipping, or a limited-time offer.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (7)


  • 18 discount code ideas

  • Discount popup: how to make

  • Lead capture strategies and examples

6. Make it Fun Like OddBalls

The lead generation process doesn’t have to be one-sided. In fact, you can make it fun for potential leads by gaming the whole thing and incorporating an interactive activity into the mix.

Make like OddBalls, an underwear brand that invites leads to “spin the wheel” to claim money off their order:

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (8)


Spin the wheel pop up guide

7. Personalise Your CTA like CrazyEgg

Consider your form from the perspective of your leads and use language to reflect that. These are the people that are going to be reading your forms and you want them to feel comfortable and like you’re speaking directly to them.

CrazyEgg does exactly this by using first-person pronouns in their lead capture popups. This targets leads directly and compels them to press that all-important sign-up button.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (9)

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (10)

Generate leads on autopilot

Make targeted popups in minutes. Drive traffic to marketing offers with onsite notifications. Convert more of your existing traffic.

➡️ Generate leads with Wisepops

8. Lemonade

Online consumers crave human connection more so than ever. They want to build relationships with the brands they invest in, which is why putting a face to your lead generation forms can be a really successful tactic.

Disruptive insurance company Lemonade is a great example of a brand that does this. They know that personal relationships are incredibly powerful in online business (particularly in a notoriously dry industry like insurance) and use that to convert more leads.

Their lead generation “bot”, Maya, is on hand to help potential leads find the right price for them.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (11)

If you're looking for lead generation tips for your B2B business:

10+ B2B lead generation strategies

9. StitchFix

Form fields are the most common element of a lead generation form, but you don’t have to solely use them. In fact, there are plenty of other ways you can extract important information from subscribers without the laborious rigmarole of endless form fields.

Take clothing subscription brand StitchFix, for example. They add click-able elements to their forms that provide an interactive approach while still getting personalised information about their leads.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (12)

10. LeadFormly

It’s a big ask for leads to hand over their email addresses. They’re going to want to know what’s in it for them, and it’s your job to clearly outline that information.

The easiest way to do this is to remind them of the benefits they’ll get in return. LeadFormly does this through punchy bullet points and by bolding key information.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (13)

11. Dropbox

Not everyone is willing to type in their email address for every website they land on. Luckily, this isn’t the only way you can capture subscribers – you can also provide them with a social signup option.

Aside from Dropbox’s eye-catching brand imagery, they also provide leads with the option to sign up using their Google account. This limits the number of steps a lead has to take and removes potential friction from the process.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (14)

12. OkDork

We can’t hammer home enough how important brand personality is. There’s so much competition around today that you need that extra pizzazz to stand out.

The key is to speak to your leads like they’re real people (because, spoiler alert, they are!).

OkDork does a great job of using conversational language to explain what leads will get when they sign up. It’s almost like speaking to a friend – plus, who doesn’t enjoy being told they’re liked?

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (15)

13. Thrillist

If your business is location-dependent or you can provide a better experience if you know where a user is based, incorporate that into your lead generation form.

You can always use a form field to ask where a lead is, or you can do what Thrillist does and identify the lead’s location automatically. This will help you personalise communication going forward and gives you a better insight into the demographics of your subscribers.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (16)

14. Blue Apron

Countdown timers are psychologically proven to increase website conversions by creating a sense of urgency – so, if you can, use them to your advantage.

Blue Apron does this in a simple but effective way by encouraging customers to claim their discount there and then before the timer runs out.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (17)


How to create a countdown timer popup

15. ClickMechanic

As well as the look and feel of your lead generation forms, there’s also an art to knowing when to serve them.

Exit-intent popups are a popular option. They capture leads that have finished browsing your site and are just about to leave. Avoid losing them completely by serving a lead generation form just before they go.

ClickMechanic uses their exit-intent popup to offer an incentive and to lay out what leads will get if they sign up – they basically bring out all the stops before the visitor parts ways.

“From our exit campaigns, we have helped over thousands of customers who were confused about what repair they might have needed,” reveals Simon Tinsley, Growth Manager at ClickMechanic.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (18)

16. Content Marketing Institute

There’s nothing like a bit of social proof to cultivate FOMO (or the dreaded Fear Of Missing Out). No one likes to feel like they’re falling behind or that their peers are cashing in on something they’re not.

Content Marketing Institute makes the most of this phenomenon by sharing how many other marketers are already signed up. After all, there’s safety in numbers, right?

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (19)

Lead Generation Forms: Best Practices

We’ll dig into the best practices in action further down. But first, here are some tips to get your lead generation forms converting from the get-go.

Customize Your Forms

Incorporate your brand colours, fonts, and recognisable visuals so visitors feel comfortable handing over their details to you.

Learn more: Examples of signup forms

Keep Leads Focused

Attention spans are at an all-time low (especially online), which means it’s hard to attract and keep the attention of website visitors before they sign up. Use punchy copy and a clear path to action to ensure they’re engaged from start to finish.


  • Guide to writing popup copy

  • Ecommerce copywriting: expert tips

  • 100 power words for more conversions

Simplicity is Key

Don’t overcomplicate things. Website visitors are no strangers to lead generation forms, so say it as it is. Keep form fields to a minimum and use easy-to-understand instructions so subscribers know exactly what to expect.

Get Creative

Don’t limit yourself to just form fields. Why not throw in some clickable alternatives and make the process a whole lot more interactive?

Learn more: Examples of great popup designs

Tweak and Optimise

It’s very unlikely that you’re going to create the most amazing, high-performing lead generation form straight off the bat. Often, it takes a little while to get right, which is why it’s important to consistently experiment with different form types and optimize each element to maximize your results.

Incorporate Brand Personality

Your brand’s personality is what makes you unique (it’s also what draws customers to you in the first place). Put this on show through personality-packed text and visuals that match your vibe.

Say Thank You

It’s a big deal for visitors to hand over their email addresses. After all, inboxes are one of the only sacred spaces we have left. Let them know how grateful you are by thanking leads for signing up and then follow up with them immediately to validate their decision.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (20)

More inspiration

➡️ 50+ website pop-up examples


Use the examples laid out here to inspire the design of your lead forms and to get some initial ideas circulating.

But remember, what works well for one brand might not work as well for another. The best thing you can do is continue to experiment with and tweak your forms until you find a formula that works for you and your unique website visitors.

15+ Lead Generation Form Examples [+Best Practices] (2024)


What are the best forms for lead generation? ›

The most common types of lead generation forms include contact forms, registration forms, and simple newsletter signup forms. Each type of form can be crucial in generating new leads, depending on your target audience and business use case.

What is the best example of lead generation? ›

We suggest trying out different lead generation strategies until you find the one or combination that works for you and your business.
  1. LinkedIn Lead Generation. ...
  2. PPC (Pay Per Click) ...
  3. Retargeting PPC Campaigns. ...
  4. Create a Referral Program. ...
  5. Write Guest Blog Posts. ...
  6. Start a Podcast. ...
  7. Hold Live Events With Your Community.

What is a lead form example? ›

Lead generation forms are a set of fields used to collect prospect information. Examples include contact forms, lead magnet forms, pop-up forms, and more. We'll go into more detail about each type below. The end goal of these forms is to gather contact information and introduce new prospects into your sales funnel.

What are the 4 L's of a lead generation strategy? ›

Effective lead generation relies on several factors, commonly referred to as the four L's of lead generation: location, leads, literature, and luxury. The first L in lead generation is location. This factor involves finding the right location for your business to attract potential customers.

How do you structure lead generation? ›

17 Tips to Creating an Effective Lead Generation Strategy
  1. #1: Start with customer research.
  2. #2: Understand your audience's needs.
  3. #3: Define goals for lead generation.
  4. #4: Have an established definition of a lead and set values for leads.
  5. #5: Create an inbound content strategy that solves these problems.

How to write lead generation? ›

Lead generation is the process of building interest in a product or service and then turning that interest into a sale. Lead gen makes the sales cycle more efficient because it focuses on the strongest and most valuable prospects. The result is greater success in new customer acquisition and conversion rates.

How to run a successful lead generation campaign? ›

17 Tips to Create and Execute a Lead Generation Campaign Strategy
  1. #1: Establish campaign objectives. ...
  2. #2: Research your audience. ...
  3. #3: Choose campaign targets. ...
  4. #4: Choose a campaign type. ...
  5. #5: Plan your content. ...
  6. #6: Create the right offer for each stage of the buying cycle. ...
  7. #7: Design and optimize the campaign.
Nov 16, 2022

What are the strategies for generating leads? ›

Strategies for how to generate sales leads include asking for referrals, conducting customer care calls, and nurturing leads. Being a trusted source of information on the internet and social media, as well as through online networking, are also lead generation strategies. In-person networking works, too.

What are the five forms of lead? ›

The Five Forms of "To Lead"
FormleadAlternative Name
Base FormleadInfinitive Form
The -S FormleadsThird Person Singular Form
Past FormledSimple Past Tense
The -ING FormleadingPresent Participle Form
1 more row

What is a sample of lead by example? ›

For example, a leader can be leading by example by accompanying the marketing team on a field visit to popularize the company's products. The leader should pitch clients the same way the marketing staff is doing, and this will boost the overall morale of the team.

What is the best form of lead generation? ›

Email capture forms. Email capture forms are the most popular way to generate leads. You must be upfront and clear about what information you are asking for and why. This transparency is important when asking for personal information, especially when building trust.

What is the fastest way to generate leads? ›

Good - then let's look at lead generation.
  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ...
  2. Paid Social and Search Advertising. ...
  3. Social Media. ...
  4. Great Site Content & Content Marketing. ...
  5. Email Drip Campaigns and Personalisation. ...
  6. Time Based or Limited Availability Offers. ...
  7. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

What is the most effective way to generate leads? ›

Strategies for how to generate sales leads include asking for referrals, conducting customer care calls, and nurturing leads. Being a trusted source of information on the internet and social media, as well as through online networking, are also lead generation strategies. In-person networking works, too.

Which of the following is the most powerful form of lead generation? ›

1. Content Marketing. Content marketing is one of the most effective lead generation strategies, as it allows you to attract potential customers who are actively searching for information and solutions related to your industry or niche.

What is the best tool when it comes to lead generation? ›

The best lead generation software and tools at a glance
HubSpotLead capture
LinkedIn, TikTok, Facebook, and GoogleLead capture with paid advertising
Google AdsDrive traffic with paid advertising
Facebook adsDrive traffic with paid advertising
17 more rows

What are the most common forms of lead? ›

The color varies, depending on the chemical form, and the most common forms are white lead (a lead carbonate compound), yellow lead (lead chromate, lead monoxide) or red lead (lead tetraoxide).

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.