14 Retirement and Estate Planning A variety of tax-sheltered opportunities are available for building retirement assets. –Tax Sheltering – tax laws allow. - ppt download (2024)

Presentation on theme: "14 Retirement and Estate Planning A variety of tax-sheltered opportunities are available for building retirement assets. –Tax Sheltering – tax laws allow."— Presentation transcript:

1 14 Retirement and Estate Planning A variety of tax-sheltered opportunities are available for building retirement assets. –Tax Sheltering – tax laws allow certain income to remain exempt from income taxes or permit an adjustment, reduction, deferral, or elimination of income tax liability. Retirement – time in life when most of one’s income changes from earned income to employer-based benefits, private savings, and perhaps income from Social Security and part-time employment. 14-1

2 Misconceptions About Retirement Planning You have plenty of time to start saving for retirement … Saving just a little bit won’t help … You’ll spend less money when you retire … My retirement will only last 15 years … You can depend on Social Security and a company pension to pay your basic living expenses … Your pension benefits will increase to keep pace with inflation … Your employer’s health insurance plan and Medicare will cover all your medical expenses when you retire… Objective 1 Analyze Your Current Assets and Liabilities for Retirement and Estimate Your Retirement Living Costs 14-2

3 The Importance of Starting Early Take advantage of the time value of money –Start at age 25: Invest $127 a month At 11% APR For 40 years –Start at age 50: Invest $ 2,244 per month At 11% APR For 15 years N = 480 months I/Y = 0.9167 = 11%/12 PMT= -127 PV = 0 FV CPT = $1,092,216 N= 180 = 15 yrs x 12 I/Y= 0.9167 PMT CPT = - $2,244 PV = 0 FV= $1,020,362 14-3

4 Conducting a Financial Analysis Assets - Liabilities = Net Worth – Ideally net worth should increase each year Housing –If owned, probably your biggest single asset –If large equity, a reverse mortgage could provide additional retirement income –Sell your home, buy a less expensive one, and invest the difference Life Insurance –May reduce coverage as you near retirement and children are self-sufficient –Increase income by lowering premiums Other Investments –After retirement, consider changing your objective from growth to income 14-4

5 Estimating Retirement Living Expenses Spending patterns and where and how you live will probably change Some expenses may go down or stop:  401(k) retirement fund contributions  Work expenses - less for gas, lunches out  Clothing expenses - fewer and more casual  Housing expenses - house payment may stop if your house is paid off  Federal income taxes will probably be lower Other expenses may go up:  Life and health insurance unless your employer continues coverage  Medical expenses increase with age  Expenses for leisure activities  Gifts and contributions Inflation will increase the amount needed to cover expenses over the course of retirement 14-5

6 Objective 2 Determine Your Planned Retirement Income and Develop a Balanced Budget Based on Your Retirement Income Major Sources of Retirement Income Employer Pension Plans –Defined Contribution –Defined Benefit Public Pension Plans (e.g., Social Security) Personal Retirement Plans (e.g., Roth and Regular IRAs) Annuities 14-6

7 Plans Employer Pension Plans Defined Contribution Plans An individual account to which employer contributes a specific amount annually –Money-Purchase Pension Plans % of earnings set aside annually by employer –Stock Bonus Plans Employer’s contribution buys stock in the company –Profit-Sharing Plans Employer’s contribution depends on the company’s profits 401(k) or 403(b) Plans “Salary-reduction” plan Workers elect to reduce their salary (up to maximum amount allowed) Employee contributions are tax-deferred Some employers match a portion of workers’ contribution Funds invested in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds Vesting period 14-7

8 Employer Pension Plans Defined Benefit Plans Employer will pay a certain amount per month when workers retire based on: – Pre-retirement salary – Number of years of service Employers make investment decisions; assume risk Workers’ benefit amount stays the same regardless of how the investments perform ERISA –Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 –Sets minimum standards for pension plans –Federal government insures part of the payments promised by defined-payment plans 14-8

9 Retirement Plan Insurance Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC; www.pbgc.gov) Provides insurance program that guarantees certain benefits to eligible workers whose employers’ defined-benefit plans are not financially sound enough to pay their obligations. It does not insure defined-contribution plans. What industries have had problems with the solvency of their DB pension plans?

10 Public Pension Plans Most widely used source of retirement income, covering 97% of U.S. workers Meant as part of your retirement income, not the sole source Check annual Earnings & Benefit statement See www.ssa.govwww.ssa.gov Full retirement benefits at age 65 to 67 –Depends on year of birth –Reduced benefits at age 62 –Full retirement age being increased in gradual steps Benefits based on earnings over 35 years –Must earn a certain number (generally 40) of “quarters” to qualify Certain dependents may receive benefits Social Security 14-10

11 Personal Retirement Accounts Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) Regular (Traditional) IRA –Allows $5,000 contribution in 2010 –Contribution may be tax-deductible, depending on your tax filing status and income –Interest accumulates tax free until withdrawal –May begin withdrawing at 59 ½ –Must begin withdrawing at 70 ½ –Withdrawals are taxable income 14-11

12 Individual Retirement Accounts Roth IRA –Contributions are not tax deductible –Distributions tax free after age 59 ½ –Maximum income limits for contributions –After five years, withdrawals are tax-free and penalty-free, if: You are at least 59 ½ … or Funds used as a down payment on a first-time home purchase –Can convert a Regular IRA into a Roth IRA 14-12

13 Individual Retirement Accounts Simplified Employee Pension (SEP-IRA) –IRA funded by small business employer –Employer can make annual contributions up to $49,000 –Employee’s contributions fully tax-deductible –Simplest retirement plan for the self-employed Spousal IRA –Contributions for a nonworking spouse if filing a joint return –Same Contribution limits as Roth or Traditional IRAs 14-13

14 Rollover IRA –Traditional IRA allowing transfer of all, or a portion, of your taxable distribution from a retirement plan or other IRA Education IRA –Coverdell Education Savings Account –May give up to $2,000 a year to each child under age 18 –Contributions not tax-deductible –Tax-free distributions for education expenses Individual Retirement Accounts 14-14

15 Individual Retirement Accounts Keogh Plans –H.R. 10 plan or self-employed retirement plan –Designed for the self-employed –Annual tax-deductible contributions limited –Can be difficult to administer Limits on Personal Retirement Plans –Cannot leave money in a tax-deferred retirement plan forever (except for Roth IRA) –At retirement or by age 70½, you must begin to receive a minimum lifetime distribution 14-15

16 Anticipated Sources of Retirement Income Social Security Administration Social Security Company pension Part-time work Spouse's pension Savings 12% 27% Other 9% 401(k) 7% 7% 18% IRA 8% Home equity 5% 7% 14-16

17 Living on Your Retirement Income Estimate a retirement budget If funds are not enough: – First, make sure you are getting all the income you are entitled to – Convert assets into cash or sources of income – Consider the trade-off between spending and saving – Consider working during retirement – Dip into your nest egg cautiously and consider what you would like to leave for your heirs 14-17

18 Objective 3 Analyze the Personal and Legal Aspects of Estate Planning Your estate = everything you own Estate Planning = a definite plan for the administration and disposition of your property during your lifetime and at your death –While you work, you accumulate funds for your future and for your dependents. –As you grow older, your emphasis will shift from accumulating assets to distributing them wisely 14-18

19 Estate Planning Estate Planning Phases 1.Build estate through savings, investment and insurance 2.Ensure that your estate is distributed as you wish after your death –If married: consider needs of spouse –If single: financial affairs in order for beneficiaries –Make sure important documents are accessible, understandable, and legally proper 14-19

20 Objective 4 Distinguish Among Various Types of Wills and Trusts Wills Specifies the disposition of property after death Have an attorney draft your will to avoid difficulties A standard will can cost between $300-$400 14-20

21 Intestate and Probate Intestate –You die without a will –The state distributes your assets –May mean the state will decide on a guardian for your children –Very complicated if a “blended” family Probate –Probate court generally validates wills and makes sure your debts are paid –Expensive, lengthy, and public 14-21

22 Will Formats Holographic Will –Will that you write, date and sign, entirely in your handwriting –May not be recognized in some states Formal Will –Usually prepared with attorney’s assistance –You must sign and have two witnesses, neither of whom can be beneficiaries –Beneficiary = person you have named to receive property Statutory Will –A type of formal will on a preprinted form –Available from a lawyer or stationery store –May include provisions not in the best interest of heirs 14-22

23 Writing Your Will Selecting an Executor Executor = person willing and able to execute provisions of someone’s will (can be family member, lawyer, etc.) Tasks may include: Preparing an inventory of assets Collecting any money due and paying off debts File all income and estate tax returns Decisions about investing or selling assets to pay off debts or provide income Distribute the estate and make financial accounting to beneficiaries Selecting a Guardian Guardian = person who assumes responsibility for providing the children with personal care and managing the estate for them 14-23

24 Reasons to Review Your Will: –You move to a new state with different laws –You have sold property mentioned in the will –The size and composition of your estate has changed –You have married, divorced or remarried –Potential heirs born or died Adding a Codicil –Document that explains, adds or deletes provisions in your existing will Altering or Rewriting Your Will 14-24

25 Living Will – Allows you to specify whether or not to be kept on artificial life support “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) – May also appoint someone to make health care decisions on your behalf in case you are unable to do so 14-25

26 Power of Attorney –Legal document authorizing someone to legally act on your behalf if you become seriously ill or injured (until they revoke it or die) Health Care Power of Attorney –Combines a living will and power of attorney for use in making health-related decisions 14-26

27 Letter of Last Instruction Not legally binding Provides heirs with valuable information Could include: –Funeral/memorial preferences –Names of people to be notified of your death –Location of bank accounts, safe deposit box –Assets and debts –Social Security number –Disposition of personal effects 14-27

28 Trusts Legal arrangement through which trustee holds your assets for your benefit or that of beneficiaries –Trustee may be an individual or an institution Benefits of Trusts: –Avoid probate; transfer assets immediately –Free you from managing assets –Provide income for a surviving spouse Revocable Trust –You retain the right to end the trust or change its terms during your lifetime. –May avoid the lengthy probate process –Does not provide shelter from federal or state estate taxes Irrevocable Trust –You cannot change the terms once instituted –Used to reduce estate taxes –Avoids probate Living Trust –“Inter vivos trust”; in affect while you are alive Testamentary Trust –Established by your will; takes effect after death 14-28

29 Taxes And Estate Planning Estate Taxes –Federal tax on value of property at death –Tax on fair market value –$3.5 million exempt in 2009; no estate tax in 2010; 2011-??? Estate and Trust Federal Income Taxes –Estates and certain trusts must file tax returns –Trusts and estates must pay quarterly estimated taxes Inheritance Taxes –Tax on property left by a person in their will –Imposed by states –4 to 10% on average Gift Taxes –Tax on gifts given by one person to another in a single year –Imposed by both state and federal governments 14-29

30 Wrap Up Chapter Quiz Concept Check 14-1- Retirement Expenses That Increase and Decrease Concept Check 14-2- Difference Between Regular IRA and Roth IRA Concept Check 14-3- Important Legal Documents Concept Check 14-4- Why You Should Name a Guardian

Download ppt "14 Retirement and Estate Planning A variety of tax-sheltered opportunities are available for building retirement assets. –Tax Sheltering – tax laws allow."

14 Retirement and Estate Planning A variety of tax-sheltered opportunities are available for building retirement assets. –Tax Sheltering – tax laws allow. -  ppt download (2024)


What are tax sheltered retirement accounts? ›

A 403(b) plan (tax-sheltered annuity plan or TSA) is a retirement plan offered by public schools and certain charities. It's similar to a 401(k) plan maintained by a for-profit entity. Just as with a 401(k) plan, a 403(b) plan lets employees defer some of their salary into individual accounts.

Which retirement plans are tax deferred? ›

The 401(k) and traditional IRA are two common types of tax-deferred savings plans. Money saved by the investor is not taxed as income until it is withdrawn, usually after retirement.

How to handle retirement accounts in estate planning? ›

Retirement assets generally transfer directly to properly designated beneficiaries without passing through probate. However, the downside is that these assets are often subject to federal and state income tax, as well as possible federal and state estate tax.

What type of retirement plans are tax-free when you hit retirement age? ›

Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) – Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s have tax-free qualified withdrawals at retirement since taxes are paid on contributions. Municipal Bonds Income – A fixed-income investment that generates interest payments that are typically exempt from federal taxes.

What are the 4 main types of tax-advantaged retirement? ›

Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are retirement savings accounts with tax advantages. Types of IRAs include traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRAs, and Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRAs.

Can you withdraw from TSA? ›

Withdrawal Options

Employees can take money from their TSA plan after they separate employment or at age 59 1/2. There are many options available such as rollovers, annuities, or you can leave your money in the plan. Contact your vendor for options or paperwork.

What is the 4 rule in retirement planning? ›

The 4% rule says people should withdraw 4% of their retirement funds in the first year after retiring and take that dollar amount, adjusted for inflation, every year after. The rule seeks to establish a steady and safe income stream that will meet a retiree's current and future financial needs.

What are the three biggest pitfalls to retirement planning? ›

Overspending, investing too conservatively and veering away from your plan — these are some of the most common traps you can fall into on the way to retirement.

What is the golden rule of retirement planning? ›

Embrace the 30X thumb rule: Save 30X your annual expenses for retirement. For example, with annual expenses of ₹25,00,000 and a retirement in 20 years, aiming for a ₹7.5 Cr portfolio is recommended.

Can I cash out my pension if I leave my job? ›

Pension Options When You Leave a Job

Typically, when you leave a job with a defined benefit pension, you have a few options. You can choose to take the money as a lump sum now or take the promise of regular payments in the future, also known as an annuity. You may even be able to get a combination of both.

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

According to the $1,000 per month rule, retirees can receive $1,000 per month if they withdraw 5% annually for every $240,000 they have set aside. For example, if you aim to take out $2,000 per month, you'll need to set aside $480,000. For $3,000 per month, you would need to save $720,000, and so on.

How to get approved for hardship withdrawal? ›

To make a 401(k) hardship withdrawal, you will need to contact your employer and plan administrator and request the withdrawal. The administrator will likely require you to provide evidence of the hardship, such as medical bills or a notice of eviction.

What are tax-sheltered examples? ›

Qualified retirement accounts, certain insurance products, partnerships, municipal bonds, and real estate investments are all examples of potential tax shelters.

What are the disadvantages of a 403b? ›

Pros and cons of a 403(b)
Tax advantagesFew investment choices
High contribution limitsHigh fees
Employer matchingPenalties on early withdrawals
Shorter vesting schedulesNot always subject to ERISA
1 more row
Feb 5, 2024

Which of the following is a tax-sheltered retirement account? ›

A 403(b) plan (also called a tax-sheltered annuity or TSA plan) is a retirement plan offered by public schools and certain 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations. These frequently asked questions and answers provide general information and should not be cited as authority.

Is a Roth IRA a tax-sheltered account? ›

With a Roth IRA, you contribute after-tax dollars, your money grows tax-free, and you can generally make tax- and penalty-free withdrawals after age 59½. With a Traditional IRA, you contribute pre- or after-tax dollars, your money grows tax-deferred, and withdrawals are taxed as current income after age 59½.

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