14 Expert Tips to Choose a Great Real Estate Domain Name (+ Name Generator) (2024)

A real estate domain is your online identity—the name (or technically the address) of your website, your www.hereiamworldreadytosellrealestate.com. It’s what people will type in to find you on the World Wide Web. It’s unique to you and should be a part of your overall branding and marketing strategy.

When it comes to choosing great real estate domain names, our friend Bruce Ailion is hard to beat. He was lucky enough to snag locationlocationlocation.com. But that was years ago, and all the good domain names are taken now, right?

Not so fast. If you’re struggling to come up with a domain name, you can use our expert tips and free real estate domain name generator in this article to find one that will help you dominate your market for years to come. Here’s our best advice for a killer domain name.

How to Pick a Domain Name in Real Estate

A domain is a particularly important part of your overall business. It’s how people will find you online, how you can generate leads, and how you can expand your brand. It may seem like an easy decision to make, but there are some nuances in selecting just the right domain name for you. We’re going to walk you through all of the steps and highlight the tools you’ll need to make sure you find the absolute best domain name for your business. At the end of the day, your real estate domain name should be:

  • Memorable
  • Actionable
  • Professional
  • On brand

Ready? Let’s dive in!

1. Make Sure Your Real Estate Domain Name Is Memorable

14 Expert Tips to Choose a Great Real Estate Domain Name (+ Name Generator) (1)

Let’s face it—at some point in your career, people are going to ask you what your website is. If you want people to actually visit your site, you need to make sure the name is memorable.

A good rule of thumb is to tell a friend or colleague what your domain name is and gauge their reaction. If their first response is something like, “huh?!” then that’s a pretty good sign that you need to go back to the drawing board. If they can remember your domain name two weeks later, chances are you’ve got a winner on your hands.

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2. Use Our Free Domain Name Generator

While there are a lot of sites out there that let you pick a domain name, very few offer good alternatives when the name you want is taken. That’s why we built this free real estate domain name generator. Just plug in your name, your farm area, or both, and click generate.

Real Estate Domain Name Generator

Warning: The Domain Names produced by this generator were created by our team, but it is up to you to verify their available status.

You can keep Bluehost open in another tab and then copy and paste the domain names you like from the generator to see if they’re available. Bluehost is a great option to register a name and get $2.95-per-month web hosting.

Open Bluehost

3. Add Action Words to Your Brand Name

Have a super-common name or brand and need a .com? Don’t sweat it; get creative. That’s what Clever Real Estate founder Benjamin Mizes did. Since clever.com was snapped up back in the AOL days, he decided to boil down his core goals and incorporate that into his domain name.

The result was listwithclever.com, a website with a domain that is easy to remember, catchy, uses his brand name, and even better, conveys what he wants his visitors to do: list their properties with his company.

Pretty clever, right? Make a list of action words and short phrases that might work with your name or brand: list, sell, buy with, work with—use your imagination—and test out the results.

Related Article Real Estate Branding: How to Build Your Brand (+ Case Studies)

4. Don’t Worry About Using Keywords in Your Domain Name

The cold, harsh truth about the almost religious promises that some marketers make about search engine optimization (SEO) is that they’re just wrong. Like, really wrong.

Ranking anywhere on Google can take years. Ranking on the front page for uber-competitive keywords that billion-dollar companies like Zillow are fighting for might never happen. That’s because Google doesn’t just look at keywords when ranking pages. If it did, then the first result for every search would be “what you searched”.com. Instead, they use a complex algorithm that weights your website’s value based on how old it is, how much spam is on it, keywords featured on its pages, and how many other sites link to it.

So don’t stuff keywords into your domain name unless they sound good and make sense for your brand. Ranchhousesforsaleindallas.com doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does it? It also doesn’t provide Google users looking for ranch houses in Dallas with the best answer, either.

Don’t Give Up on SEO Entirely, Though

Don’t get me wrong—just because I’m saying (from experience) that ranking on Google for competitive keywords is difficult and will take work doesn’t mean you should just give up on SEO entirely. Follow SEO best practices on your blog and engage in PR to get backlinks. Just know that you have to be in it for the long haul for any SEO you do to pay off.

Related Article Real Estate SEO: The Ultimate Guide (9 Steps to Better Ranking)

5. Does Your Domain Sounds Like a Professional Brand?

One of the main goals of real estate marketing is to get your leads into an environment you can control. After all, if you can control the environment, you can subtly nudge people into making a choice that leads to your desired outcome. Ideally, this is what your website is for. It’s an environment you can control and hopefully convince people to enter their contact info. Or, better yet, pick up the phone and call you.

Of course, no one is going to trust an environment that doesn’t sound professional. You could have the best-designed landing pages in the universe, but if they’re on johhny2222realtorzz.org, then your leads might be (justifiably) leery about giving you their personal information.

Related Article 7 Stunning Real Estate Landing Pages + 6 Hacks to Make Yours Better

6. Avoid Unique Spelling

14 Expert Tips to Choose a Great Real Estate Domain Name (+ Name Generator) (2)

With so many good real estate domain names already taken, it can be tempting to add a funky spelling, or God forbid, a hyphen to your name. But please, resist this temptation at all costs.

You only need to think for a minute or so in order to understand why. It makes your name harder to remember, it doesn’t look professional, and people could confuse your site for another real estate site with a simpler name.

So if try to get clever with a domain name like reeeelestate.com, chances are people are going to miss an E or Google will suggest the obvious “realestate.com” instead. As a general rule of thumb, if someone needs you to clarify how to spell your domain more than once, it’s not a good name.

7. Think Twice Before Using Your Personal Branding as Your Real Estate Domain Name

While using your personal branding as your domain can work great, you might want to think twice before clicking on that “buy” button on Bluehost or GoDaddy.

Are you sure that the brand you came up with two months ago is going to work for you and your business six months from now? What about six years from now? What happens if you expand your farm area? What if you end up moving? What happens if you start a team?

You can avoid the branded domain expiration date problem by choosing a brand that focuses on your name, general real estate terms, or better yet, a combination of the two.

For example, joesmithsellsrealestate.com can work well throughout Joe Smith’s entire career. Joesmithsellsmiami.com isn’t very practical if he ends up moving to Colorado.

8. Remember to Buy Out Other Top-level Domain Names

Sadly, even though lots of well-intentioned people worked very hard to come up with new top-level domains (aka TLDs such as .net and .org), pretty much everyone is still conditioned to see anything other than .com as inferior and even untrustworthy.

That means you’re going to have to get creative if you want a .com domain name. For most people, the most creative combination of words they have is their name—unless you happen to be named something very common like John Smith.

Once you buy your .com domain, always try to buy out the other TLDs of the same domain. This way, if someone types in the wrong TLD or you become so successful that rival agents buy up variations of your domain and hold them for ransom, you’re covered.

9. Ensure You Can Get Twitter, Facebook & Instagram Accounts Under the Same Name

14 Expert Tips to Choose a Great Real Estate Domain Name (+ Name Generator) (3)

Even if you have a great domain name, asking your sphere to remember obscure social media account names with dashes and numbers is a little rude. Well, maybe not rude, but at the very least, you will guarantee they don’t memorize your social media accounts.

Instead, try to come up with a domain that will fit in with your business’ social media account handles. While it becomes increasingly difficult by the day, just keep it as a goal in the back of your head when coming up with domain names.

Related Article How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads

10. Can’t Find a Catchy Real Estate Domain Name? Buy One

OK, I know I said at the top that you can get a free domain name for your real estate business, but at the end of the day, you gotta do you. That means that, if you’ve worked long and hard at creating the perfect brand that you know will kick butt online, then buying an existing real estate domain instead of getting one for free might make sense.

Just make sure to kick the tires on any domain that you buy. Use a tool like Moz to make sure it doesn’t have a high spam score on Google, has a decent domain authority, and isn’t loaded up with Russian bot spam.

Pro Tip: Scale Your Website Slowly

One all-too-common mistake agents make in building websites is signing up for an “all-in-one” real estate website platform and loading it up with bells and whistles on day one. There is a big problem with this approach: the price. These platforms sell you on “upgrades” by “tiers” for a reason. They want to try to get you to spend money today on features you won’t need for years.

Instead of feeling pressured to “upgrade” to the next “tier,” try the number one rated agent website platform on Facebook and Google with an average rating of 4.9 on Facebook and Google: AgentFire. AgentFire lets you add features to your site as you scale your business. If your business scales slowly, you upgrade your site slowly. Simple.

Visit AgentFire

11. Make Sure Your Domain Name Isn’t Taken on Google My Business

Since you need to be the local expert, one of the first things you should do before clicking yes on that new domain name is to see if anyone else is using it locally.

While trademark law can be tricky, having someone else using your name in your farm area is a non-starter, no matter what the law says. Just think, people searching for your business will find theirs first, and unless you have some serious money to spend on SEO, that’s not going to change anytime soon.

12. Don’t Expect Your Website to Rank on Google Just Because You Include Your Farm Area

Want to know a secret most SEO companies will never tell you? A huge percentage of the work they do is based on guesswork. Even worse, a guess that might be right on Monday might not be right on Wednesday, and might even switch back again on Saturday!

So that means pretty much all of the “rules” that SEO experts swear by are the online equivalent of crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. Some guess better than others, but at the end of the day, they’re still guessing.

The biggest myth by far is that adding your local town name will help you rank on Google local searches. Again, there is no hard evidence to back this up. It might work, it might not.

So, should you or shouldn’t you? If you can squeeze your town name in and it sounds professional, and the result is easy to remember, then go for it. Of course, if the only way you can include it leaves you with a 60-character domain name with hyphens … yeah, not going to work.

14 Expert Tips to Choose a Great Real Estate Domain Name (+ Name Generator) (4)

Want a shortcut that actually works? Hire a web design company that knows how to rank real estate websites on Google. Agent Image has 24 years of experience building websites for Realtors and using bleeding-edge SEO strategies to get you to the front page faster. Click the button below for 20% off.

Visit Agent Image

13. Can You Use .Realtor in Your Domain?

14 Expert Tips to Choose a Great Real Estate Domain Name (+ Name Generator) (5)

Ever since it was introduced, the TLD .Realtor has been hyped well beyond its sell-by date. As with many SEO tactics, the idea that a .Realtor domain name will automatically help you rank on Google is dubious at best.

In fact, most experts agree that Google only really treats local country domains (such as .uk) and nonprofit domains (.org) differently than all the others. Others assert that Google doesn’t treat any TLDs differently and only ranks sites by metadata and other information.

So use the .Realtor TLD for your domain name if (and only if) you’re a member of the National Association of Realtors and you like the way it sounds. You will probably not rank any better because you use it.

14. Are There Hidden Meanings in Your Domain Name?

Unless your goal as a real estate agent is to make junior high school boys giggle, then you’re going to want to make extra sure there are no hidden meanings in your domain name. Sometimes when you take two perfectly innocent words and put them together… well, you end up with something not so innocent.

Here are a few notorious examples. Can you spot why they would make a roomful of teenagers burst into laughter?

Oh, and please don’t look up these websites. 🙉🙈🙊They are here for instructive purposes only!


Excellent Real Estate Domain Name Examples

Now that we’ve explored domain names that don’t work, here are a few of my favorites. Note that these follow our guidelines. They are clever, trustworthy, memorable, and action-oriented.


Bringing It All Together

Have a tip for choosing a catchy real estate domain name that we missed? Have a favorite we’d love? Let us know in the comment section.

14 Expert Tips to Choose a Great Real Estate Domain Name (+ Name Generator) (6)


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14 Expert Tips to Choose a Great Real Estate Domain Name (+ Name Generator) (2024)


How to pick a domain name for real estate? ›

Think of domain names that are brief, memorable and simple. They should also succinctly and accurately describe your real estate business. You can't go wrong with your business name, so consider including it in your domain name. Consider using a keyword.

How do I choose a catchy domain name? ›

How to choose a domain name
  1. Choose a domain name that is easy to type.
  2. Keep it short. Use keywords.
  3. Target your area. Avoid numbers and hyphens.
  4. Be memorable.
  5. Research it.
  6. Choose a domain name extension that fits.
  7. Protect and build your brand.
  8. Act fast. Try it now!

Is .real estate a good domain? ›

Sets You Apart: realtor™ and . realestate domains are unique and help you build a strong brand identity. Elevates Your Marketing: Market yourself and your brand with a website that increases your professionalism, improves your SEO, and offers you future flexibility!

How to check if a domain name is good? ›

How to choose the best domain name in 12 steps
  1. Keep your domain name short, branded, and memorable.
  2. Avoid hyphens and numbers.
  3. Choose a .com domain extension.
  4. Check for relevant top-level domains.
  5. Include SEO keywords in your domain name.
  6. Use a domain name generator for inspiration.
  7. Research your desired domain name.
Jun 11, 2024

How much does a good domain name cost? ›

org, etc.) and any additional services bundled with the domain purchase, such as privacy protection or email hosting. In general, the average cost for a standard domain is around $10 to $20 per year for common TLDs such as .com or . net.

What is the best domain name to use? ›

How do I choose a good domain name?
  • Keep your domain name short and memorable.
  • Avoid hyphens and numbers.
  • Choose a .com domain name.
  • Include keywords for search engine optimization.
  • Use a domain name generator for inspiration.
Jun 11, 2024

What makes a strong domain name? ›

With simplicity, novelty, and memorability. Avoid inserting hyphens, numbers, or anything else that makes it sound unnatural and complicated. A great example is Pepsi.com. That domain name is leagues beyond inferior options like “Pepsi-cola.com” or “Pepsi-2-drink.com”.

What is the most reliable domain name? ›

We always recommend choosing a .com domain name. While it can be tempting to come up with clever blog names using new extensions, .com is still the most established and credible domain name extension.

What is the best username for a domain? ›

Tell what you do and not just who you are. For example, you could use your name, nickname, or initials combined with your location or favorite hobby. So instead of john.smith, try john.smith.seattle, johnny-the-foodie, or JMSnaturelover. Select a unique domain ending.

What is the most profitable domain? ›

1. Cars.com: $872 million. The most expensive domain in the history of all domain sales worldwide is Cars.com.

How do I choose a REALTOR name? ›

Keep it simple. Simple names are the most memorable. Choose a name that's three or fewer words to keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Make sure each word in your business name is easy to understand and contributes to the meaning you want to convey to your customers and clients.

What are domains in real estate? ›

A real estate domain is your online identity—the name (or technically the address) of your website, your www.hereiamworldreadytosellrealestate.com. It's what people will type in to find you on the World Wide Web.

Does it matter where I get my domain name? ›

Finding the best domain registrar is crucial for your website's success. Domain registrars are companies that register and manage domain names for websites worldwide. Selecting the right registrar is important because it can impact your website's security and functionality.

How do I check if a domain name is valid? ›

Open the Domain DNS Validation Tool. Enter a domain name or email address in the provided section and click on the "Validate DNS" button. The tool fetches the DNS records for the provided object and validates if they are accurately figured or not.

Can I put REALTOR in my domain name? ›

No, the REALTOR® marks cannot be included in the legal or DBA name of any firm. Members are authorized to use the REALTOR® marks in conjunction with the legal name of their real estate business (i.e., real estate brokerage) in advertising, signage, etc. 5.

How do I find the domain name I want? ›

Here are the steps for buying and registering your domain name.
  1. Choose a reliable domain registrar. ...
  2. Find a domain availability checker tool. ...
  3. Choose the best domain name option. ...
  4. Purchase your domain name and complete its registration. ...
  5. Verify ownership of your new domain.

Does it matter where I buy a domain name? ›

Domain registrars are companies that register and manage domain names for websites worldwide. Selecting the right registrar is important because it can impact your website's security and functionality. There are many options available, and some may have hidden fees or poor customer service.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.