13 Useful Customer Service Phrases (+5 to Avoid) | Sprinklr (2024)

In a busy office, Alex, an IT helpdesk professional, was contacted by Mark, a stressed-out project manager. Mark’s system was acting up, causing him a lot of trouble.

Alex could tell this was a grave issue, impacting Mark's productivity and morale. Taking complete ownership of the scenario, Alex reassured Mark saying, "I understand this is urgent for you. Would you please give me a moment to look into the matter?"

The calmly-spoken yet confident expression had the desired impact. Mark was visibly relieved, and clearly delighted when Alex resolved the issue, rewarding him with a glowing review post-interaction. That's the long and short impact of using the right customer service expressions.

Saying the right thing has always been a big part of every satisfactory interaction, and customer service is the one field where it’s even more crucial. Seemingly foundational skills, customer support agents have to be formally trained on managing various scenarios with appropriate customer service phrases.

In this blog, we will share 13 expressions that expert customer service representatives use adeptly and 5 expressions they avoid to control conversations and craft memorable customer experiences. Let's get started.

Table of Contents

  • 7 useful customer service phrases you should know
  • Customer service phrases for handling complaints and escalations
  • Customer service power phrases to boost customer satisfaction
  • 5 customer service phrases to avoid at all costs
  • Keep customers at the heart of conversations with Sprinklr AI+

7 useful customer service phrases you should know

Managing emotions can be challenging in a contact center environment which is fraught with repetitive cases, tight SLAs and agitated callers day after day. Here are seven customer service phrases that can help you combat extreme emotions and maintain composure in testing customer service scenarios.

1. "I appreciate your patience."

Considering today’s dynamic customer loyalties, acknowledging and expressing gratitude for a customer's patience is a small yet impactful gesture. It recognizes the value of their time and conveys customer empathy.

Example: "We sincerely appreciate your patience as we diligently work to resolve the technical glitch. We understand that your time is precious. Your patience during this process is invaluable."

Pro tip: To avoid stretched wait time and customer frustration, consider deflecting calls to 24/7 customer support channels like instant messaging platforms (WhatsApp, Telecom, etc).

2. "I'm happy to help you."

Reassurance is one of the cornerstones of positive customer conversations. This phrase is a warm invitation, assuring customers they are not alone in facing challenges and that support is readily available. It can be used towards the end of conversations to encourage customers to divulge lingering questions or doubts - a first step towards open communication.

Example: "Rest assured, I'm here to assist you in navigating any challenges you may encounter with our product. Your satisfaction is paramount, and I'm fully committed to ensuring a seamless experience."

Learn More: Your Complete Guide to Customer Satisfaction

3. "Let me take care of that for you."

Taking ownership of an issue is a powerful demonstration of commitment. This customer service phrase communicates a sense of assurance and personal responsibility in resolving the customer's concern. However, words should be followed by pertinent action to preserve customer trust. Therefore, provide regular updates on issue resolution progress, keeping the customer in the loop and satisfied.

Example: "I apologize for the inconvenience caused by the billing error. Allow me to take care of that for you immediately, ensuring the necessary corrections are made in your account without further delay."

Pro tip: A case may linger for some time, passing many agents before reaching a resolution. In this case, handling agents should write copious call notes and summaries, passing content and case disposition to the next agent in the queue. Sprinklr AI+ leverages integrated LLM models to auto-summarize cases and simplify after-call work for overworked agents.

4. "Is there anything else I can assist you with today?"

Beyond addressing the immediate issue, this phrase extends an olive branch of comprehensive support. It encourages an ongoing conversation, demonstrating a commitment to the customer's holistic needs.

Example: "Now that we've successfully resolved your technical issue, may I inquire if there's anything else I can assist you with today? Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're here to support you at every touchpoint."

Pro tip: Leverage Sprinklr's AI-powered knowledge base software to unlock contextual references and share them with customers on chat. This will reduce agent contact volume and drive faster resolutions.

5. "I understand how you feel."

Connecting on an emotional level is a powerful form of communication. This phrase communicates empathy, acknowledging the customer's emotions and demonstrating a genuine customer-centric mindset.

Example: "Experiencing challenges with our service can be frustrating. I genuinely understand how you feel, and I want to assure you that your concerns are heard. We are dedicated to resolving this issue to enhance your overall experience."

Pro tip: In the fast-paced life of contact centers, some tips on cultivating customer empathy can help your agents big time:

  • Try not to interrupt the customer when they are sharing their issue.
  • Summarize their concern to ensure you have understood them correctly.
  • Gain a deeper understanding by asking clarifying questions.

6. "Your satisfaction is our priority."

Placing the customer at the center of attention is the essence of customer-centricity. This phrase reiterates the company's commitment to meeting customer needs and ensuring their ultimate satisfaction.

Example: "Your satisfaction is not just a goal but our unwavering commitment. We'll tirelessly work to resolve this matter to your complete satisfaction. Your feedback is valued and essential in our continuous efforts to enhance our services."

Pro tip: Implement customer satisfaction surveys and actively seek feedback to improve your products and services continuously.

7. "I apologize for any inconvenience caused."

A sincere apology goes a long way in customer service. It goes beyond words and demonstrates humility and accountability. Acknowledgment and apology set the stage for constructive problem resolution.

Example: "I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the unexpected shipping delay. Please understand that we are actively working to expedite your order. Your patience and understanding during this process are genuinely appreciated."

Dive Deeper: How to Preserve the Human Touch in Customer Service

Customer service phrases for handling complaints and escalations

Incorporating sensible phrases into interactions can significantly enhance the customer experience in tricky situations like escalations or request refusals. Remember, communicating genuine understanding and a willingness to address their concerns are key to successful customer conversations.

Here are customer service phrases that can help put customers at ease during tricky situations and respond to customer complaints masterfully.

1. "As much as I'd love to help but"

Understanding and acknowledging the customer's emotions is crucial. However, sometimes you may receive unfeasible requests that breach company policies or are beyond your scope. Denying such requests with a straight no is not advisable. Rather, try to explain the improbability of granting the request and cushion the blow with this customer service phrase.

Example: "I apologize for the inconvenience, but we cannot process this request. Thank you for taking the time to share it with us."

Encourage your customer service team to use language that validates the customer's requests without bluntly dismissing them.

2. "Great question! Let me quickly help you out."

Oftentimes, customer service reps are faced with tricky and controversial questions to which answers are not readily available. Instead of saying "I don't know" or something alike, buy some time from the customer by leveraging this customer service expression. But don't forget to revert with comprehensive responses on the promised day.

Example: "Your question about our pricing terms is justified. Let me get back to you with the answer in 2-3 business days. Hope that works for you."

3. "I understand where you're coming from."

Customers who are vocal about their issues are like quality check gatekeepers for your company. It is important to appreciate critical feedback and acknowledge customer difficulties. Instead of taking criticism personally and turning offensive, use the above customer service phrase and open the door to collaborative problem-solving.

Example: "It sounds like you've had a challenging experience with our analytics tool. Your insights are invaluable, and we are dedicated to refining our services to meet your needs better."

Pro tip: Today, there are Generative AI-enriched customer support platforms like Sprinklr AI+ that humanize responses, tailoring the tonality according to the customer scenario, needs and context. The platform integrates with prevalent generative AI models like ChatGPT, generating human-like responses that agents can use as-is with a click, giving customer support an unimaginable scale and efficiency in tricky situations.

Interesting Read: 10 Customer Service Coaching Tips to Supercharge Your Support Teams

Customer service power phrases to boost customer satisfaction

When delivered authentically and thoughtfully, power phrases contribute to issue resolution and customer relationship building. Remember to match these phrases with actions and strive for continuous improvement. Here are some power phrases to skyrocket your customer satisfaction.

1. "I have a solution for you."

This empowering phrase signifies a proactive stance in problem-solving and shows that a tangible solution is readily available. When presenting the solution, consider incorporating visual aids such as screenshots or tutorial videos. This caters to different learning preferences and enhances the clarity of the provided solution.

Suppose a customer reaches out to you stating, "My phone's camera is acting up, I cannot take clear photos. I want it solved now!" You reassure the customer, saying, "I have a solution for you. Please give me a moment to share it." Then, send them a troubleshooting video, resolving the issue efficiently through visual aid.

2. "I'll personally ensure this gets resolved."

This phrase adds a personal touch to customer service, emphasizing accountability and dedication. It communicates that the customer's issue is not merely a ticket but a matter a committed team member takes seriously. Use this phrase judiciously, and follow through on your commitment. Provide regular updates, especially when delays or complexities are involved, to help maintain trust.

For example, "I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the shipping delay. I want to assure you that I'll personally oversee the resolution of this matter. Your satisfaction is crucial to us, and I'm committed to ensuring a swift and satisfactory resolution to this issue."

3. "What can I do to make this right for you?"

This phrase focuses on finding a solution that meets the customer's needs, demonstrating a proactive and customer-centric approach. It empowers the customer by giving them a sense of control and input in the resolution process.

For example, "I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused and would like to make it up to you. Please let me know what I can do to make it right for you. If it's within company policies and my scope, I will make sure it's done."

Also Read: 11 Proven Customer Service Tips to Master

5 customer service phrases to avoid at all costs

Hasty, inarticulate customer support phrases can aggravate situations and lead to escalations. Dented customer relationships are hard to salvage in this ultra-competitive era where customers call the shots. Let's discuss some negative customer service expressions that are best avoided.

1. "It's not our policy."

Responding strictly to policy can make customers feel like they are against a bureaucratic wall. It hinders the potential for creative problem-solving and customer satisfaction.

Suppose a customer demands a refund post the set period. Instead of leading with policy limitations, you can try positively framing the response. For instance, "While our standard policy is within 30 days, I understand your exceptional circ*mstances might warrant a deadline relaxation. Let me explore some options."

2. "I don't know."

Responding uncertainly without offering a path forward can make customers feel unsupported. It's essential to provide reassurance or seek assistance to resolve the issue.

If you don't have an immediate answer, express a willingness to find out and follow up promptly. For example, "I'm not sure at the moment, but I'll find the information and get back to you with a solution."

3. "You're wrong."

Disputing the customer's perspective can escalate conflicts and damage relationships. Maintaining a respectful tone and working towards understanding their point of view is crucial.

Suppose a customer says, "I was promised a discount." You can tailor your response to "I apologize for any confusion. Let me review the details, and we'll work together on resolving this."

Additional Read: How to Build a Customer Service Strategy for Today's Customers?

4. "That's not my department."

Redirecting customers without offering assistance can lead to frustration. Taking ownership of their concerns and guiding them through the appropriate customer service channels is important.

For example,

Customer: "I have a billing issue."

Agent: "That's not my department; you'll need to contact billing."

Pro tip: Use Sprinklr's IVR deflection capability to help customers reach the right department and resolve their issues in the first contact. It uses AI chatbots to let callers select their issues from a multi-level menu, reducing call volume and live agent costs.

5. "You'll have to wait."

Implying that the customer's time is not a priority can lead to dissatisfaction. Timely communication of resolution progress and delay is crucial for expectation setting.

Instead of making the customer wait indefinitely, provide an estimated wait time and assure them their concern will be addressed as soon as possible. For instance, "I apologize for the wait. We're experiencing higher volumes, but we'll prioritize your request and an agent will be with you shortly."

Also Read: How to Leverage a Call Center Agent Performance Scorecard

Keep customers at the heart of conversations with Sprinklr AI+

The importance of call center coaching cannot be overstated. It protects your brand's reputation and boosts the confidence of your agents. The phrases and advice will set your teams for success and serve as training resources for newbie agents.

Consider Sprinklr AI+ to level up your agent skills and help them navigate tricky customer service scenarios with innovative features like:

  • Tone moderation

Optimize replies for tone, relevancy and correctness to increase your agents' first-call resolution rate. Enable your agents to obtain knowledge base responses while simultaneously automating case summaries and disposition.

  • No-code conversational bots

Increase self-service rates through Conversational AI+ bots to provide deeply contextual and appropriate replies. For quicker deployment, automate the finding of top contact drivers, intent development and bot testing.

  • Automated quality monitoring

Eliminate subjectivity and bias from agent performance evaluation via Sprinklr AI's 30+ scoring parameters, including opening and closing statements. Generate scorecards at team and agent levels, standardizing organizational norms and building a high-performance culture.

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13 Useful Customer Service Phrases (+5 to Avoid) | Sprinklr (2024)


What are the five forbidden phrases in customer service? ›

7 Common Customer Service Phrases to Avoid
  • 7 customer service phrases you should never say.
  • “I don't understand” Communication is hard. ...
  • “Calm down” ...
  • “There's nothing we can do / I can't help you” ...
  • “That's impossible” ...
  • “I'm not sure / I guess” ...
  • “I'll get back to you / Let me check” ...
  • “No”

What are the 5 most important things in customer service? ›

10 customer service skills for success
  1. Empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand another person's emotions and perspective. ...
  2. Problem solving. Being able to solve problems is key to customer service. ...
  3. Communication. ...
  4. Active listening. ...
  5. Technical knowledge. ...
  6. Patience. ...
  7. Tenacity. ...
  8. Adaptability.
Apr 3, 2024

What are four phrases to avoid when working in customer service? ›

Customer Service Phrases to Avoid
  • "Give me one second to look into that ... "
  • "Unfortunately, no ... "
  • "I can't help with that."
  • "Actually ... "
  • "You misheard me."
  • "I'm sorry."
  • "Can I put you on hold?"
  • "I don't see your account information in our database."
Jan 22, 2021

What are the key phrases in customer service? ›

Happy To Help! 47 Professional Customer Service Phrases That Work Like Magic
  • I see what you mean.
  • Thanks for reaching out.
  • I totally understand.
  • I'm not sure, let's find out!
  • I know this must be frustrating.
  • I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with this!
  • We're working on a solution for this.
Feb 5, 2024

What are the 5 R's of customer service? ›

As the last step, you should remove the defect so other customers don't experience the same issue. The 5 R's—response, recognition, relief, resolution, and removal—are straightforward to list, yet often prove challenging in complex environments.

What are the 5 E's of customer service? ›

This is a map of the five stages that customers walk through – Entice, Enter, Engage, Exit, and Extend. For each stage, we want to note our customers' thoughts and footprints, as well as their positive and negative feelings.

What are the 5 C's of customer service? ›

I call these the 5 “Cs” – Communication, Consistency, Collaboration, Company-Wide Adoption, and Efficiency (I realize this last one is cheating). In this two-part blog, we'll explore how to use these steps to improve your company's practices.

What are the 5 A's in customer service? ›

In the 5As Customer Framework, each 'A' is a journey stage represented by Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act, and Advocate. Aware – this is the entry point for the consumer.

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Empathetic phrases for upset customers
  • “I understand how frustrating that must be.” ...
  • “That would upset me, too.” ...
  • “I'm sorry you're going through this.” ...
  • “Thank you for bringing that to our attention.” ...
  • “I absolutely understand why you would want that.” ...
  • “Thank you for understanding.”
Feb 23, 2023

What are stop words in customer service? ›

Stop words are commonly used words excluded from text processing tasks like natural language processing and search engine algorithms. These words, such as "the," "and" and "is," are considered insignificant because they do not carry much meaning and occur frequently in the English language.

What are powerful words in call center? ›

Tactfully using power words such as “I understand”, “I will”, “I can”, “I acknowledge”, “I appreciate”, and “I assure you” throughout the entire conversation is a big part of building rapport. A customer wants and deserves to be heard and understood in their quest for support from a customer service department.

What are the reassuring phrases for customer service? ›

Reassuring the customer

We're going to take care of this for you.” “I'm on it right now, and I assure you we're doing everything we can to resolve this quickly.” “Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're committed to getting this right for you.”

What are some forbidden phrases to use when handling customers? ›

How to Deal with Unhappy Customers, and the Six Forbidden Phrases
  • The Irate Customer.
  • The Insistent Customer.
  • The Indecisive Customer.
  • 1. “ I don't know” ...
  • “I can't do that.” Preferred Response: “I can help you in this way.”
  • 3. “ You'll have to...” ...
  • “Just a second.” ...
  • “No” at the beginning of a sentence.
Mar 1, 2022

What do the 5 C's of customer service stand for? ›

Compensation, Culture, Communication, Compassion, Care

Our team at VIPdesk Connect compiled the 5 C's that make up the perfect recipe for customer service success.

Which of the following phrases should never be said to a customer? ›

Sentences like 'that's not so bad', 'that's not a problem', etc. downplay the customer's problems, leaving him feeling silly and unimportant. That's never a good idea. Oftentimes these sentences appear when a customer comes with a problem to which there is an easy fix.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.