13 Painless Tips To Enjoy Sonoma on a Budget - Travel on the Reg (2024)

Updated: 12/17/2020

You can blow a budget in rapid fashion while in wine country. Trust me. I’ve done so.

Maybe even on more than one occasion.

Learn from my mistakes and follow along to see how you can have some terrific wine times as we explore Sonoma on a budget, one of the best wine regions in the United States. I promise you’ll still have a good time!

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1. Choose Sonoma, not Napa.

Choosing the Sonoma Valley over Napa Valley is already a good decision toward sticking to a budget.

13 Painless Tips To Enjoy Sonoma on a Budget - Travel on the Reg (1)

Is Sonoma cheaper than Napa? Sonoma will always be cheaper than Napa. While Sonoma certainly has its share of wineries with tasting fees that’ll make your eyes bug out of your head, you can still build a delicious itinerary with fees in the $10-$25/range during your Sonoma on a budget wine tasting fun times.

That’s hard to do in Napa.

You’ll be in such close proximity to Napa, though, especially downtown Napa, that you may be tempted to bump over there and indulge in some fancy tastings or bucket list eateries, thinking that you can pull off Napa Valley on a budget.

How far away is Napa from Sonoma? Napa is very close to Sonoma, about a 20-minute drive.

You’re already thinking about it, aren’t you??

Seriously, save the Napa wine tasting for another day, when you’re not trying to be as budget-minded. Sonoma has plenty to offer no matter your wine preference when you’re looking to do some Sonoma wine tasting on a budget.

Fun fact: Napa gets all the glory, but Sonoma has more acres of vineyards than Napa. That means more wine production, and better prices for travelers like you.

How many wineries are in Sonoma? The number of wineries in the Sonoma Valley changes on a regular basis, but as of the most recent update, there are more than 425 wineries in Sonoma.

All that means is that you’ll have to make a couple trips out to get a broad overview of all the valley can offer you.

2. Time your trip wisely.

While it’s true that you could go to Sonoma during any month out of the year and have a fantastic time — I feel like I’ve done that at this point, by the way — there are certain times of year that tend to break the bank more aggressively than others.

When is the best time to visit Sonoma Valley? The most popular time to visit the Sonoma Valley is from June through the summer months and into October, a truly beautiful season for Sonoma wine tasting.

Keeping in mind spring and holiday breaks in those off months, you will save some money on flights and the best Sonoma hotels if you go outside of peak times.

Again, I promise you’ll still have a great time. Many tastings happen indoors, anyway.

What’s a rainy day to you when you’re having terrific wine times?

3. Go in a group, but not too large of one.

Going in a group of trusted travel buddies will allow you to share the costs of things you’ll need once you’re in the Sonoma Valley.

Stick to three to four interested parties to fill a rental car, and share the costs of that rental, gas, snacks, etc. Go beyond that and you’re talking chartered tours, and additional beds to accommodate all of those winos.

Sticking to a smaller group also leads to a better shared experience, in my opinion, and that’s priceless.

There’s something generic (and a little bit annoying) about being in a giant group, dropping into each winery with the sole purpose of drinking as much as you can in as little time as possible.

The folks pouring your drinks will thank you, too, and you’ll make memories that you can actually remember.

Bachelorette parties, I’m not judging you here. I’ve been on these bachelorette parties.

I’ve also been to wine country many times since in more manageable groups, and it’s just a different, more enjoyable experience for all involved.

4. As mentioned above, rent a car.

Those woo girl party buses are not cheap, and can lead to lapses in judgement when it comes to your spending.

There’s no reason not to get hammered when you’re on a wine bus, after all.

Then all of a sudden you’re buying stupid sh*t that you wouldn’t otherwise and wake up in a pile of receipts for dogs made out of wicker and books of poetry that made you cry at the time.

This does mean a level of sobriety is required for someone in your group.

Note: I mean it, friends. Don’t drink drunk. Don’t drive tipsy. It’s not worth it.

On my last trip to Sonoma County, it wasn’t a problem. We had a very adult time enjoying adult levels of wine, and took turns driving throughout the weekend.

It’ll be OK, I promise.

Give that day’s sober driver a hand massage after or something as payment, or share a bottle of wine back at your pad at the end of the day if you’ve got it in you.

Can you walk to wineries in Sonoma? If you stay in downtown Sonoma — or even in nearby cities in Sonoma County like Sebastopol, Healdsburg, or Santa Rosa for those Russian River Brewing Company fans — you’ll be within walking distance to all kinds of fun that you won’t need a designated driver for.

5. Stay close to downtown to keep Sonoma on a budget.

Sonoma lodging on a budget should consider more than just the price of your accommodations.

As I mentioned above, if you’re within walking distance to a plethora of eateries, including the best Sonoma County restaurants, you’re not spending more money on transportation.

Who wants to be a sober driver at the end of the night?

Can you Uber to wineries in Sonoma? You can certainly Uber to wineries in Sonoma. It’s even cheaper and more likely you won’t have a wait if you’re staying closer to downtown, so don’t discount downtown Sonoma lodging in your accommodations hunt.

If you don’t want to walk back for some reason (e.g. it’s too chilly, you’re too sleepy, you’re a bit wobbly), ordering a rideshare will set you back a lot less than if you’re in the countryside somewhere. There’s certainly something charming about staying somewhere amongst the wineries, but there’s also something charming about saving money while in Sonoma, too.

What is there to do in downtown Sonoma? Staying in downtown Sonoma, you’ll be able to experience what the locals do, as locals aren’t out there in the middle of nowhere with their wine. They’re in the city.

If you’re there in the summer months, you’ll be able to participate in their Tuesday night market on the Sonoma Plaza.

6. Don’t discount the downtown wineries.

Wine tasting in Sonoma on a budget is even easier if you make use of options downtown.

How much are wine tastings in Sonoma? Some of Sonoma’s downtown wineries have FREE tastings, like Adastra (a limited menu, but still) and Highway 12 Vineyards & Winery, and complimentary tasting in Sonoma is always a good idea. You could plan a whole weekend around all of the wineries downtown and have a marvelous time.

Just be careful with choosing your food options.

I know things can get a bit out of hand if you’ve had some wine and get to that level where you’re telling your friends you could eat a horse.

It’s best then to plan food stops ahead of time, too, giving you a better chance of clearer heads prevailing when the time comes to get your snack on.

Sonoma has lots of budget-friendly food options for you to indulge in, but there are also quite a few fancy eateries, as well.

Plan ahead so that you’re not basing your decisions on your hunger pains when mealtime comes, and avoiding that, “I’ll eat wherever, doesn’t matter,” mindset.

7. Be open to experiences that don’t involve drinking wine.

This may be hard to hear, but there are other things to do in Sonoma that don’t involve drinking wine.

I know, right? Crazy.

What is there to do in Sonoma besides wine tasting? On a recent trip, my husband and I followed stops at two wineries with a visit to Jack London State Historic Park. Granted, the idea to do so came after the consumption of quite a bit of wine, but it turned out to be a great excursion.

We took a walk through the woods to see London’s grave and dream estate, which was nicknamed the “Wolf House,” toured the cottage he died in, and met some fantastic volunteers.

13 Painless Tips To Enjoy Sonoma on a Budget - Travel on the Reg (2)

We nerded out completely, and a good time was had by all.

As Brian was the designated driver, I’m sure he appreciated an activity that didn’t involve watching me drink more flights of wine, too. The entrance fee is only $10/vehicle to explore the park, and an additional $3/person to tour the cottage.

That’s not bad for a diversion that’ll keep you busy for a couple hours.

Fun fact: Jack London quit school at 14 to escape a difficult home life and embark on a few adventures. Said adventures included runs as a sailor, a freight train-riding hobo, and an oyster thief. We all have different paths to success.

I’m not telling you that you can’t focus your wine country weekend on drinking wine.

I’m just saying that throwing a little bit of this and a little bit of that at your itinerary is a handy way to keep things from getting out of hand in terms of spending, and keep your Sonoma County budget intact.

8. Have a glass of wine.

It’s not against the rules to get a glass of wine instead of only doing wine tasting in Sonoma when you’re at a winery, especially when a glass is $12-$15 and a tasting is double that.

You won’t be trying as many wines in that case, but if your friends don’t have any communicable diseases — and you’re not traveling during a pandemic — you can each get something different and pass some sips around.

Buying a glass also allows you some flexibility on seating in a lot of places, as you’re not tied to tasting rooms in that case. It’s fun to gab with the sommeliers and get the history of the place you’re at, or some tips on what all that wine jargon means.

But it’s also fun to gab with your friends on a veranda overlooking a vineyard if you’ve found your version of the best Sonoma winery.

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Grab that glass and savor the view outside, ideally with some cheese.

What is Sonoma famous for? If you want to taste what Sonoma is known for, the Sonoma Valley is known for chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon, and pinot noir.

If you’re unsure what to order, it’s never a bad idea to talk through your preferences with a sommelier. That’s what they’re there for.

9. Share a cheese plate for lunch.

I find that if you eat your weight in cheese while having a glass of wine, you won’t have much room for lunch. Gloria Ferrer has a full menu of charcuterie options that aren’t too pricey if you’re sharing to go alongside your sparkling wines.

Lots of wineries also have deli counters where you can make your own meat and cheese plates to indulge in with your wine. Viansa Winery has pre-made options with delightful spreads and tapenade options, in addition to their meat and cheese selection.

Another good budget option is having yourself a picnic lunch with fixings you’ve picked up back in town.

Sonoma’s Best offers a decent selection of sandwiches you can take with you to feast on with some wine. Just make sure your chosen destination offers picnic facilities for visitors, as some have policies against outside food.

10. PLAN to enjoy Sonoma on a budget.

Search up which wineries have cheaper or even free tastings, allow outside food, and require reservations. Make any reservations as needed ahead of time.

As with a lot of travel, if you go in blind, it’ll often cost you dollars and time.

In wine country, you may even be shut out of places that have sold out reservations or don’t accept walk-ins.

Sonoma is casual enough that many don’t require a reservation, but it’s still best to have an idea of where you’re going so you can plan out your expenses, and your route.

Driving aimlessly through wine country is only fun for the first couple miles, and when your playlist is on its third run, things start getting a little testy.

It’s also best to know what you’ll be paying for with a reservation, and how about how long you’ll be at each location.

Some wineries have casual tastings in their tasting room, with the option of upgrading to include a tour, or snacks. Others only have seated tastings that may keep you at a winery longer than you thought.

You don’t want to be rushing to your next destination in wine country, or run the risk of being charged for a no-show because your last tasting went long.

What are the best wineries to visit in Sonoma? The best wineries to visit in Sonoma are the ones that fit your budget, and your schedule.

Apart from that, they offer you a unique experience and showcase the best of the valley. Check out my guide to Sonoma vs. Napa for more on wineries in both regions.

11. Expect to buy wine.

If you need to bring some wine back home, which I always do, consider the wineries that will give you a free tasting for a purchase of a bottle of wine.

Make sure the wine you’re choosing isn’t something that’s readily available at your corner wine shop, too, because going through the effort of schlepping wine you can find back home is a bit silly.

Note: You can get information on wine availability by doing some research online ahead of your visit to any particular winery, or just ask your sommelier about the availability of what you’re drinking. They’ll be honest.

Also, carry some cash. Conversely, invite someone along who always has cash on them for some reason.

I was recently at a winery where the sommelier was able to give us our tastings for free if we paid for the bottles we wanted to buy at the end of the tasting in cash. She was doing us a favor, but wouldn’t have been able to had we not had cash on hand.

Even if you think you’ll be able to resist bringing something home — you won’t, unless you’re some kind of Jedi master — plan to do so.

You don’t want to have to cover the costs of shipping wine because you didn’t bring some options to pack your wine in.

You don’t need to get fancy with the packing.

Pack some additional clothing to wrap around your bottle, and shove it back in the bag it came in. Keep it away from any hard objects you may have packed in there. Planes are pressurized, so there won’t be any exploding.

12. Avoid that French antique store at Cornerstone Sonoma.

You’ll find purely decorative gems like $400 blankets and purposefully rusted kitchenware at the antique shop at Cornerstone Sonoma. There’s nothing for you there.

If for some reason I’m wrong about that, what the heck are you doing on a post about Sonoma on a budget?

While at Cornerstone Sonoma, though, do go wander their gardens, drink their spirits, and sit in that hilariously large orange chair at the entrance.

You’ll have no regrets there, and it offers at least 5-8 minutes of free entertainment.

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13. Don’t get too drunk.

I know it’s hard, but try not to get too drunk.

Can you get drunk at a wine tasting? You can absolutely get drunk at a wine tasting, especially if you’re bouncing from winery to winery without much time in between to allow those sips to metabolize.

Then all of your hard planning will go out the window if you do. I promise you that.

Crazy things can happen when you’re wine drunk.

While it’s a little funny to realize you’ve signed up for a dozen wine clubs the morning after hitting it too hard in wine country, it’s not so funny considering how you’re going to pay for all those crates coming to your house on the expedited shipping you demanded at the time.

You also tend to consume more when you’ve overindulged.

That means more alcohol, more food, and more over-priced antiques. Everything seems like a great idea at the time, and if you don’t have friends reigning you in, things can get weird.

Be that “old” person that sets limits on themselves.

You’ll thank yourself when you still have a working credit card, and a lack of a hangover in the morning when it’s time to do it all again.

Do you tip at wine tastings in Sonoma? No matter what budget you’re working with, you should still be leaving tips at your winery stops.

You don’t have to tip, but you should if you’re a decent human being, especially if you’re there for a wine tasting. That sommelier is spending time explaining each taste to ensure you have a great experience.

A tip of $5-10 would be much appreciated.

Is Sonoma worth visiting? Sonoma is definitely worth visiting! The wineries are less expensive than Napa, but the scenery is just as good.

I hope I’ve made it quite clear that Sonoma is one of my favorite wine regions in not only the country, but the planet.

Do you have more tips for enjoying Sonoma on a budget? Share them in the comments!

Planning California travel? Use my guide!

Ready To Go To Sonoma?

Your Flight:I use a variety of tools to find cheap airfare, but if you’re looking to book during a particular period of time, you should useSkyscanner.

It’s a great tool for when you’re more flexible, too, as it allows you to compare travel based on length of travel, departure date, etc. Another strategy is following the major airlines to catch good deals that may come up for your city.

To get to Sonoma, I tend to book flights to Sacramento. They’re typically much cheaper than flights to San Francisco, and it’s just an easier drive there that doesn’t include a bridge crossing.

Your Accommodations:I usually book accommodations on sites likeBooking.comandHotels.com. Both offer loyalty programs, and now offer listings that are more of the home or condo rental variety, which is great.

If you’re still looking to answer, “Should we stay in Sonoma or Napa?” you obviously haven’t been paying attention.

Anyway, if you’re looking for accommodations in Sonoma, where to stay in Sonoma on a budget, and cheap Sonoma hotels, check out some well-reviewed options below fromBooking.com:

Vrbo is a good option, too, especially if you’re traveling in a group and want a few more amenities:

Seeking even more wallet-friendly accommodations? Try Hostelworld. Their picks are heavily vetted and reviewed to offer you a safe experience on a budget.

Etc.:For general travel goodies, visit myFavorite Thingspage. For more information on planning your travel, visit myTravel Toolspage.

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13 Painless Tips To Enjoy Sonoma on a Budget - Travel on the Reg (5)

More Wine Content?

  • A Guide to Oregon Wine Country
  • The Best Wine Puns That Only Get Better With Age
  • Sonoma Activities That Don’t Involve Drinking

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13 Painless Tips To Enjoy Sonoma on a Budget - Travel on the Reg (2024)


13 Painless Tips To Enjoy Sonoma on a Budget - Travel on the Reg? ›

Today, the history of the town is well preserved. City Hall, built in the heart of the plaza in the early 20th century, is still used, and the Franciscan mission San Francisco Solano, dating back to 1823, is open to the public. In addition to the history, Sonoma's shops and restaurants are well worth the visit.

How to do Sonoma on the cheap? ›

If you're on a budget, these helpful tips will help you enjoy the Napa and Sonoma region to the fullest.
  1. Go where inexpensive or complimentary tasting is the norm. ...
  2. Clip coupons. ...
  3. Talk to your concierge. ...
  4. Buy a bottle. ...
  5. Go in the off-season. ...
  6. Go with a local. ...
  7. Forget wine altogether.

Is Sonoma, CA worth visiting? ›

Today, the history of the town is well preserved. City Hall, built in the heart of the plaza in the early 20th century, is still used, and the Franciscan mission San Francisco Solano, dating back to 1823, is open to the public. In addition to the history, Sonoma's shops and restaurants are well worth the visit.

Why visit Sonoma County? ›

The rugged mountains of western Sonoma County, where the Russian River flows past redwood-topped ridges, stand over the 50-plus miles of Pacific Ocean coastline, offering stunning views along California's famed Highway 1. Coastal towns like Bodega Bay entice seafood lovers with the bounty from the ocean.

Does Sonoma have a downtown? ›

Any exploration of the town of Sonoma has to start on the downtown plaza, an eight-acre tree-filled oasis surrounded by unique shops, restaurants, tasting rooms, and historic sites.

Is Sonoma cheaper than Napa? ›

Sonoma Tastings Are More Affordable (On Average)

Though wine tasting is more expensive everywhere these days, Sonoma wine tasting is more affordable on average than Napa wine tasting. A basic tasting experience will set you back $25, $30, maybe $40 on this side of the divide.

Is it better to stay in Napa or Sonoma? ›

So my answer to the perennial “Napa or Sonoma?” question will always be Sonoma – hands-down. It's has intimate, family-run wineries, and it's filled with variety, in the wines as well as in the landscapes and local vibes. All for fewer dollars.

What is the prettiest town in Sonoma? ›

Healdsburg continues its streak as one of the hottest destinations in Wine Country. In a recently published article, luxury travel magazine Condé Nast Traveler (CNT) called it “Sonoma County's most charming town” and listed the best places to eat, stay and play during a visit.

What is the best month to visit Sonoma? ›


But if travelers don't mind brisk temperatures – and sipping vino by a cozy fire – then this could be an ideal time to visit Sonoma. Both tourist crowds and accommodation prices are lower during these months.

How many days are needed for Sonoma? ›

This county in Northern California is known for its world-class wines, but there's a lot more to it than that. From stunning coastline to pretty plazas and redwood forests, it has something for everyone. If you have 2 days in Sonoma, you'll be able to do and see the best the county has to offer.

Is Sonoma California expensive? ›

SONOMA COUNTY, CA — Sonoma County is among the pricier places to live in California, according to the Economic Policy Institute. The organization recently released its 2018 family budget calculator that estimates how costly it is to live in each of America's 3,142 counties and 611 metro areas.

Is Sonoma walkable? ›

Sonoma's downtown is very walkable, and we're a bicycle-friendly community, so park your car and start exploring. Public transit bus services are supplemented by as private transportation options including taxis, rideshare services, limos, and tour companies.

Why is Sonoma so popular? ›

Our beloved Sonoma County, California is renowned for amazing wines and legendary vineyards, as well as gorgeous organic produce and sustainable farming. Our natural beauty is our calling card, from our mountains, forests, rivers, valleys, and meadows, to all 55 miles of our Pacific Ocean coastline.

Do you need a car in Sonoma? ›

The best way to get around Sonoma is by car. It's the most economical (and the most practical) way to traverse this wide swath of Northern California. Still, to fully enjoy days spent winery hopping, it's best to opt for another mode of transport, such as a bicycle, bus or trolley.

What is Sonoma State best known for? ›

Dedicated to the liberal arts and sciences and known for its active use of technology, the SSU educational experience fosters intellectual, cognitive, social and personal growth.

What does Sonoma have to offer? ›

Check out must-see sights and activities: Sonoma Plaza, Gundlach Bundschu Winery, Wineries & Vineyards, Art Galleries.

What winery will pay you $10000 a month to work and live rent free in Sonoma? ›

This month, Murphy-Goode wine announced a new position with its team in Sonoma. Not only would the lucky candidate get to move to California -- they'd get to live there rent-free for a year, with a $10,000 monthly paycheck.

When Sonoma Vineyards reduces the price? ›

When Sonoma Vineyards reduces the price of its Cabernet Sauvignon from $15 a bottle to $12 a bottle, the result is an increase in the quantity of this wine demanded. Due to decrease in prices of cabernet sauvignon, its quantity demanded increases.

What is the best way to get around Sonoma? ›

Getting to, from, and around Sonoma can take many forms. Sonoma's downtown is very walkable, and we're a bicycle-friendly community, so park your car and start exploring. Public transit bus services are supplemented by as private transportation options including taxis, rideshare services, limos, and tour companies.

How many days should you spend in Sonoma? ›

Planning your first-ever trip to Sonoma County is a breeze with this itinerary, which includes wonderful wineries, restaurants, and relaxing experiences in three of Wine Country's most charming towns.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.