13 Common Travel Insurance Questions (and Misconceptions) Answered (2024)

13 Common Travel Insurance Questions (and Misconceptions) Answered (1)
Last Updated: 7/26/23 | July 26, 2023

Travel insurance is one of the most important things you’ll buy for your trip — no matter how long you are going away for. It is a must-have and I never leave home without it.

Yet so many travelers I talk to travel without it — often because they don’t quite understand what it is and what it does. There are a lot of misconceptions about travel insurance out there and those misconceptions are putting people in danger.

Today, I want to address those questions, concerns, and misconceptions.

Personally, I always buy travel insurance when I travel. After all, we get home insurance, life insurance, health insurance, and car insurance. Why would we not cover ourselves when we’re abroad?

Travel insurance was there when I popped an eardrum in Thailand.

It was there when I broke my camera in Italy.

It was there when a friend had to gohome after her father died.

And it was there for these people too:

13 Common Travel Insurance Questions (and Misconceptions) Answered (2)

But not this person who decided not to get it:

13 Common Travel Insurance Questions (and Misconceptions) Answered (3)

Buying travel insurance is a must. But since it is a confusing topic (try reading New York insurance law for fun. I did. It’s not fun), today I want to answer the common questions about travel insurance. These questions pop up in my inbox all the time and are the greatest points of confusion on the subject.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Travel Insurance?
  2. Is Travel Insurance Just Health Insurance?
  3. Can Go See a Doctor When I Want?
  4. Can I Get Treated for an Illness I Already Have?
  5. My Credit Card Offers Some Protection. Isn’t That Good Enough?
  6. How Does Insurance Actually Work?
  7. What About Obamacare
  8. Why Are the Reviews Bad?
  9. I Got Drunk and Hurt Myself. Will I Be Covered?
  10. Does Travel Insurance Cover Me in My Home Country?
  11. I’m a Senior. What Should I Do?
  12. Will Travel Insurance Send Me Home If I Get Injured or Sick?
  13. What About COVID-19?
  14. My Recommended Travel Insurance Company

1. What is Travel Insurance?

Travel insurance provides support, compensation, and medical care when things go wrong on the road. Depending on your policy, it could provide support and compensation if your luggage is lost, if you slip and break a bone hiking, or if you need to return home early due to a death in the family.

It’s a financial safety net for emergencies while you’re abroad.

Contrary to popular belief, travel insurance is not a substitute for health insurance in your home country — nor is it a license to be foolish! (Also, travel insurance pretty much unilaterally excludes any mishaps that occur while you’re under the influence of alcohol or drugs.) It’s your emergency parachute should something terrible happen while you’re traveling.

2. Is Travel Insurance Just Health Insurance?

No, it’s so much more than that. While there is a medical component for sudden illnesses and accidental injuries, it can also cover all sorts of additional incidents, such as:

  • Trip cancellation
  • Lost/Damaged/Stolen possessions
  • Emergency evacuation
  • Expatriation should there be a natural disaster
  • Trip interruption or delay

Travel insurance is for all-around emergencies, not just medical ones.

3. Is Travel Insurance Similar to Health Insurance? Can I Go See a Doctor When I Want?

Travel insurance is not a replacement for health insurance. It’s there for unexpected emergencies only, not regular checkups. And should you need to be sent home due to a health emergency, it will be your regular health coverage that kicks in once you’re back in your home country.

For that reason, you’ll need to make sure you have both travel insurance (for when you’re abroad) and regular health coverage (in case you get sent home with an injury)

Break a leg? Pop an eardrum? Get food poisoning or dengue? Travel insurance has you covered.

Want to go see a doctor for a physical or get a cavity filled? You’re on your own.

(If you’re a digital nomad or expat, check out SafetyWing and Insured Nomads, which both have plans that are akin to health insurance.)

4. Can I Get Treated for an Illness I Already Have?

As a general rule, most travel insurance plans don’t cover pre-existing conditions. If you get sick on the road, travel insurance is there for you. But if you need medication for an ongoing chronic disease or a medical condition you knew of before you bought the policy, you could be out of luck.

Moreover, if you get sick under one policy and then you extend it or start a new policy, most insurers will consider your illness a pre-existing condition and won’t cover it under your new policy.

In short, pre-existing conditions are generally not covered unless you find a specific plan that provides coverage for them.

5. My Credit Card Offers Some Protection. Isn’t That Good Enough?

Travel credit cards, even the very best ones, offer only limited protection. Some cards offer coverage for lost or stolen baggage, delays, and trip cancellation — but only if you booked your trip with that specific card.

In my experience (and I’ve had dozens of travel credit cards over the years) even if your card covers some things, that coverage limit is often very low. Plus, very few cards cover medical expenses, and even those that do provide limited coverage. This all means you’d have to pay out of pocket (and you’ll be surprised at just how expensive that can be!).

Bottom line: don’t rely on credit card coverage. While it’s nice to have its protection as a backup, I wouldn’t (and don’t) rely on credit cards for my primary coverage when abroad. It’s not a smart choice.

6. How Does Insurance Actually Work? Do They Mail Me a Card I Can Show the Doctor?

If you experience a major medical emergency that requires surgery, overnight hospitalization, or emergency repatriation, then you (or someone else) would contact your travel insurance company’s emergency assistance team. They can then help make arrangements and approve costs. Every insurance company has a 24-hour contact number you can call for emergencies. I always suggest travelers save this number in their phone before departure just to be safe.

For all other situations, you need to pay for the costs upfront, collect receipts, and then make a claim for reimbursem*nt from your insurer. You’ll pay out of pocket and then submit documentation to the insurance company after the fact (so there’s no need to show a card to the doctor).

Be sure to keep all documentation, file any necessary police reports, and save all receipts. Companies don’t reimburse you based on your word. Keep documentation!

7. What About Obamacare? How Does That Affect Everything?

For Americans, the ACA, or “Obamacare,” covers you only in the United States, and since travel insurance is not a replacement for health insurance, it doesn’t get you out of any state-based requirements for health insurance.

While there is no longer a nationwide tax penalty for not having health insurance, some states still do charge one. Be sure to contact a tax accountant or the ACA hotline number for more information.

Also keep in mind that, if you need to be sent home due to an injury, travel insurance will not cover your bills upon arrival back to your country of residency.

8. I Read Reviews Online. All These CompaniesSuck. What’s Up With That?

I’ve talked with hundreds of travelers over the years about insurance and received thousands of emails from people who have had insurance issues. While there are some legitimate concerns, the overwhelming majority of people I interact with haven’t read the fine print of their policy. People buy a plan, don’t read the exact wording, and then make (incorrect) assumptions about their coverage.

Naturally, they scream bloody murder when their assumptions don’t match up with reality and go on a digital tirade, leaving bad review after bad review.

And, to be honest, most people don’t write good reviews when they are helped. On the Internet, we love to scream our displeasure but rarely do we go out of our way to leave a positive review of something.

So take online reviews of insurance companies with a grain of salt. I’ve read them and most of the time, I think, “You didn’t read your policy!”

I’m by no means an insurance company defender, but if you’re going in with no documentation, no proof you owned what you lost, or you want to make a claim for something that is specifically excluded on the policy, you should expect to get denied.

Is the reimbursem*nt process fun? No. It’s a lot of paperwork and back-and-forth emails with the insurer. But when you have all your ducks in a row, you get reimbursed.

Here’s a list of my suggested insurance companies to help you get started. They’re reputable and reliable and can save you a lot of money should an accident happen.

9. I Got Drunk and Hurt Myself. Will I Be Covered?

Probably not! If you are doing something foolish (whether you’re drinking or not), insurance companies will want to know if putting yourself at unnecessary risk led to the injury. If, after investigating, they find you did, they can deny your claim. That’s not to say that they expect you to be sober your entire trip, but let’s just say you’re unlikely to get reimbursed if you’re drunk and decide that it would be a good idea to stand in the middle of the road and play chicken.

So, don’tbe foolish!

10. Does Travel Insurance Cover Me in My Home Country?

Some travel insurance can cover you at home. For example, World Nomads travel insurance covers you either 100 miles from your permanent address (for U.S. residents), outside your home province (if you’re Canadian), or outside your home country (for everyone else).

It depends on your policy, and there are always conditions on when the coverage starts and ends and where you can travel to, so check this carefully first. Some companies let you be in your home country for a short period, others won’t cover you at all. So read the fine print!

11. I’m a Senior. What Should I Do?

Unfortunately, insurance companies don’t like covering seniors as they view them as high risk. Therefore, it’s a lot harder for older travelers to find comprehensive coverage. For seniors, use Insure My Trip, an online marketplace that searches over 20 different insurance companies to help you find the best policy for your needs. It’s the best place to get insurance for anyone over 65. Just expect prices to be much higher than policies for younger travelers, as older travelers pay a premium due to their age.

You can read more about travel insurance for seniors in this post.

12. Will Travel Insurance Send Me Home If I Get Injured or Sick?

Under most circ*mstances, travel insurance will not repatriate you to your home country. In a nutshell, travel insurance is there to make sure you get the medical assistance you need should an emergency arise. Usually, that means sending you to the nearest acceptable facility — they don’t have to send you home.

So, if you break your leg hiking you’ll be taken to the nearest suitable facility and patched up. After that, the onus is on you to get home. Your policy will likely reimburse you for any part of your trip that you cancel due to your injury but it won’t pay for you to go home early (unless you have a life-threatening injury that requires advanced medical care).

If you feel this isn’t enough coverage and want additional medical transport and repatriation coverage, use a service like Medjet. They’re a membership program with affordable annual (and short-term) policies that include medical transport coverage that’s more comprehensive than what you’d find in your average travel insurance policy.

You can learn more about the program in my Medjet review.

13. What About COVID-19 and Other Pandemics?

As many found out the hard way in 2020, travel insurance historically has not covered pandemics. While many companies have made changes to their pandemic coverage (such as SafetyWing and Medjet), pandemic and COVID-19 coverage is not universal.

Be sure you understand exactly what COVID/pandemic coverage is offered before you book. Specifically, you’ll want to know whether you’re covered only for medical issues or if you have cancellation/trip interruption coverage as well.

For policies that give blanket coverage (i.e. “cancel for any reason” policies) check out Insure My Trip.

The #1 Travel Insurance Company for Travelers

My favorite travel insurance company is SafetyWing. SafetyWing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term budget travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.

I use them because I can purchase and renew my insurance policy online in a matter of minutes, they have a very friendly and responsive staff who answer questions and help solve problems via social media, they have great customer feedback, and most importantly, they provide a lot of coverage at a super affordable price.

You can use the widget below to get a quote today:


I’ve used travel insurance since my first round-the-world trip, and it’s helped me,my friends, and readers of thiswebsite. I can’t stress its importance enough.

I can also not stress enough that you need to read the fine print of your plan. Remember, travel insurance companies are for-profit. They will only reimburse you if your situation fits within the scope of your policy. The only way to know if it does is to read your plan.

Having had to use my insurance several times over the years, I genuinely hope you’re never put in a situation where you need to use yours. However, if something does happen and you need to make a claim you’ll be happy you spent the money.

Don’t avoid buying travel insurance because you read a bad review or think you’ll be OK. Accidents happen to the best of us.

Travel insurance is a safeguard against the unexpected. So, be prepared. You won’t regret it.

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner. It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Want to Travel for Free?
Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip?
Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

Ready to Book Your Trip?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

13 Common Travel Insurance Questions (and Misconceptions) Answered (2024)


What questions do they ask for travel insurance? ›

The questions will vary depending on your condition. We may ask about your treatment, if you've been prescribed any medication, and any recent medical appointments. We will not need to know the name of the medications that you take. We may also ask you about what treatment you are expecting in the future, if any.

What is the most common travel insurance claim? ›

By far, the most common and often most significant travel insurance claim is for medical emergencies. A sudden illness or injury during your trip can not only ruin your plans but also cause a severe financial strain.

What is often not covered in travel insurance? ›

According to Allianz Global Assistance, a travel insurance provider, "Trip cancellations and trip interruptions due to known, foreseeable, or expected events, epidemics, or fear of travel are generally not covered."

Do I need to declare high cholesterol on travel insurance? ›

The short answer is, yes! Although high cholesterol is often seen as a minor condition, it's important to declare it on your travel insurance policy in case of any linked conditions. That way, if something happens to you whilst you're away, you can rest assured with peace of mind that it is covered.

What counts as a pre-existing condition? ›

A pre-existing medical condition (PEMC) is an illness or injury you had before your policy began or was renewed. Examples of pre-existing medical conditions include, diabetes, asthma, high cholesterol or a long-term back condition.

What are the 5 C's of insurance? ›

The 5Cs of transformation in insurance are – communication, customization, connection, cognition and consensus. Let's look at each in turn: Communication At its core, insurance is a promise. Now, there isn't much value in a promise if you can't communicate it!

What are the three C's of insurance? ›

A number of these factors fall under what the Surety industry calls “The Three C's”; Character, Capacity, and Capital. All three of these are important to the underwriting process.

What is the leading question in insurance? ›

Many times, leading questions are used by organizations to persuade clients to make a particular decision. For example, if you wanted clients to sign up for an insurance plan, you could craft a leading question like: “When would you like to sign up for our insurance plan?

How do I win a travel insurance claim? ›

When it's time to file a claim, it's important to include all the supporting documents you're asked for, such as:
  1. Receipts and itemized bills for travel expenses.
  2. Documentation of any refunds or expense allowances from your tour operator, airline, travel agency, etc.
  3. Medical certificates and receipts.
Mar 15, 2024

What is the most expensive travel insurance claim? ›

Most expensive claims
  • Hot tub fall - $187,604. ...
  • Complications in Germany - $155,000. ...
  • Fiji fracture - $147,148. ...
  • Cancer complications - $140,148. ...
  • Pneumonia issues - $102,060. ...
  • Wrist fracture - $87,000. ...
  • Emergency treatment in Vietnam - $86,500. ...
  • Bile duct problem in Greece - $84,000.
Dec 19, 2023

What are the two 2 basic types of travel insurance? ›

There are two main types of travel insurance: trip protection plans and travel medical plans. Trip protection protects U.S. residents while traveling within the United States and abroad and is important if you don't want to lose the money you paid for your trip if you must cancel, interrupt, or delay your trip.

What is the best travel insurance to buy? ›

The Best Travel Insurance of 2024
  • Faye: Our top pick.
  • Travelex Insurance: Best for families.
  • Nationwide Travel Insurance: Best for cruise travel.
  • Tin Leg Travel Insurance: Best for customizable coverage.
  • Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection: Best for luxury travelers.

What invalidates travel insurance? ›

Your travel insurance might become invalidated if you: Fail to declare any underlying medical conditions or medications (including over-the-counter medicines) that you take. Sustain accidents or injuries whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

What should be included in travel insurance? ›

Your travel insurance should always include the following cover: medical expenses and cover for getting you home if you're injured or fall ill abroad. personal injury and cover for accidents or damage caused by you. cover for lost or damaged items.

What are the questions asked by a travel agent? ›

10 Questions Travel Agents Ask To Improve Client Onboarding
  • Have you used a travel agent before? ...
  • Where do you want to go and when? ...
  • What research have you already done on this trip? ...
  • How many people are coming and what are their ages? ...
  • Who is making the decisions? ...
  • Are you celebrating anything special?
Jan 17, 2023

Does travel insurance ask for proof? ›

No receipts for purchases are required; all you need is proof of your covered delay.

What are the risks of travel insurance? ›

Travel insurance may not cover incidents related to pre-existing conditions, high-risk activities without specific coverage, or some events occurring under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.