13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (2024)

Got little ones? Then chances are, you’ll have read some mom blogs. This blogging niche encompasses motherhood and parenting, as you’d expect, but can also cover areas like finance, budgeting, feminism, recipes, DIY tips, health, beauty, and more.

Successful mom bloggers infuse their blogs with plenty of personality to their blogs, or have a unique angle or perspective on motherhood. Some mom bloggers write about the blessings and struggles of being a stay-at-home mom. Others discuss balancing work life and home life with children.

There are as many ways to create a mom blog as there are moms. (And of course, writing about parenting isn’t limited to moms: there are plenty of dad blogs out there, too.)

If you’ve been considering starting your own blog, here’s a roundup of some of the best mom blogs to check out. These are inspiring, popular, and successful mom blog examples that should give you some idea of the range of possibilities that mom blogging offers.

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Blogger Examples)

  1. Clean Mama
  2. The Prairie Homestead
  3. Scary Mommy
  4. Honest Mum
  5. Moments of Musing
  6. Alpha Mom
  7. Pregnant Chicken
  8. Cup of Jo
  9. Free-Range Kids
  10. Tech Savvy Mama
  11. Wellness Mama
  12. grace grow edify

Disclosure:Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a commission. Know that I only recommend products and services I’ve personally used and stand behind. When you use one of my affiliate links, the company compensates me, which helps me run this blog and keep my in-depth content free of charge for readers (like you).

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow and Learn From in 2024 (Mom Blogger Examples)

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13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (1)

Check out my ultimate guide How to Start a Blog (on the Side) that’s been featured on Forbes, Inc and Entrepreneur.

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What is a Mom Blog?

A mom blog is a type of blog that’s written by a mother, usually sharing lessons learned through her experiences as a parent. Mom blogs often cover a wide range of topics related to motherhood, parenting tips, child development, family activities, and even product reviews. Mom bloggers use their own personal experience to connect on a deep level with their readers (often fellow mothers) and lend helpful advice. Many mom bloggers also share about their struggles and triumphs to create a sense of community & support for other moms. Ultimately, most mom bloggers are in it to connect with other mothers looking for guidance and inspiration along the parenting journey.

Try RightBlogger: My 80+ Hand-Crafted Tools for Content Creators

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (2)

Join 6,133+ creators, bloggers, marketers, writers, freelancers & entrepreneurs in using my very own kit of powerful tools for content creation: RightBlogger. You’ll unlock 80+ blogging, SEO, marketing, sales and productivity-focused tools to create content faster & more effectively today.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the best mom blogs out there… and cover some tips for starting your own money-making mom blog if that’s your thing, too.

1. Clean Mama

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (3)

Clean Mamais a mom blog by Becky Rapinchuk, centered around a cleaning system to help moms keep their homes clean and under control. It’s aimed at busy moms who want a clean, relaxing home … without having to spend hours getting it that way.

As well as offering a bunch of free printables as email sign-up incentives, Clean Mama monetizes through a Homekeeping Planner, various downloadable PDFs, and cleaning products. You’ll also spot affiliate links(particularly for Amazon).

2. The Prairie Homestead

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (4)

The Prairie Homestead was created by mom blogger Jill Winger,a homesteader in Wyoming. Her blog is about opting out of the rat race, returning to a simpler way of life, and learning to make and do things for yourself. She shares from-scratch recipes, helpful tutorials, and stories from her everyday life on the homestead.

Jill runs a couple of businesses: Genuine Beef Company (which ships grass-fed beef nationwide) and a small-town soda fountain. Her blog is also monetized through sales of her cookbook, The Prairie Homestead Cookbook, through sales of online classes to master a range of skills (including canning, heritage cooking, and creating a self-funding homestead). It’s a great inspiration for your mom blogging research.

3. Scary Mommy

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (5)

Scary Mommycovers a huge range of parenting topics, in a frank and outspoken style. Originally founded by Jill Smokler in 2008, Scary Mommy now has a wide range of different contributors and a staff of over 100 people. It’s a great place to find thought-provoking writing on all stages and aspects of parenting, plus plenty of parenting hacks, from pregnancy to the teen years and beyond.

Scary Mommy’s topics range from politics to pregnancy, to lifestyle and relationships. To make money, Scary Mommy primarily uses affiliate marketing and advertising—and they have the traffic (almost 5 million visits in December 2022) to be very successfuldoing so.

4. Honest Mum

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (6)

As you might guess from the spelling, Honest Mumis from a UK blogger—Vicki Broadbent. He writes about a range of topics through a parenting lens, including recipe posts, thoughts and tips on family life, plus stories about her kids. She’s also honest about her mental health struggles, particularly with postpartum depression.

Vicki is the author of Mumboss (called The Working Mom in North America). As well as making money through book sales, Vicki produces and features in videos, and monetizes through sponsored posts and affiliate links. Be sure to consider starting a video blog, as video is an increasingly more important content medium for mom bloggers these days.

5. Moments of Musing

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (7)

Moments of Musing(MOM) is a Latina-owned blog that focuses not just on motherhood but also on womanhood and humanity. Posts cover a wide range of topics and are written in an open, first-person essay style—tackling tricky issues like how to know whether you want another child, how to prepare young kids for your return to the office, family vacations and road trips, and much more.

Moments of Musing makes money through sponsored posts and some affiliate marketing. It’s very much a classic personal blog rather than a slick money-making enterprise, with lots of posts about family news, family photos, and fun memories.

6. Alpha Mom

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (8)

Alpha Mom posts on a range of family-related topics, covering activities, crafts, food, and more—along with advice for moms on health, relationships, and even beauty and style.

Founded by Isabel Kallman, Alpha Mom has a whole team of contributors and includes a whole range of regular columns, like the Alpha Mom Book Club. It’s monetized through several different methods: primarily affiliate marketing, but also some ads and sponsored posts.

7. Pregnant Chicken

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (9)

Pregnant Chickenis, as you probably guessed, focused primarily on pregnancy and new moms. The blog was originally created by Amy Morrison in 2010. She wanted to provide helpful resources to pregnant women and new parents.

Today, Amy has several writers helping her create content on her site. It covers almost anything you can think of regarding pregnancy and early parenthood, including breastfeeding, sleep, mental health, baby gifts, and much more.

Pregnant Chicken makes money through product sales (including new baby digital prep kits, bags, and a range of tags that humorously ask people not to touch your baby). It also uses advertising and affiliate marketing (with lots of pregnancy/baby product roundups) to bring in sales. There are occasional product giveaways, too.

8. Romy & the Bunnies

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (10)

While a lot of mom blogs focus on parenting tips and stories, Romy and the Bunniestakes a slightly different direction. This blog focuses on fashion, well-being, and beauty for moms.

This blog includes inspirational fashion advice, interviews with celebrities, and throwback pictures and stories of fashionable moms in history. It’s monetized through product sales of a range of beauty products, along with ads and affiliate links for clothing and more.

9. Cup of Jo

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (11)

A Cup of Jois a mom blog founded by journalist and influencer Joanna Goddard. It’s a lifestyle blog that covers topics like design, food, family travel, relationships, podcasts to enjoy, and more.

Joanna Goddard has a long list of credentialsincluding working at Cosmopolitanand becoming the editor-in-chief of Bene. She shifted her career from editing to writing and produced content for popular magazines including Glamour and New York.

Her blog began as a weekend hobby but eventually expanded into a full-blown career and award-winning website. Today, it’s run by a full team of people and has a range of contributors. A Cup of Jo is monetized primarily through sponsored posts and affiliate marketing.

10. Free-Range Kids

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (12)

There are plenty of different parenting philosophies out there. Some parents believe that kids should be given free time to explore without direct adult supervision. This is often called “free-range parenting” and the blog Free-Range Kidstalks all about how to effectively parent your kids this way.

This parenting blog (aimed at both moms and dads) discusses things like how to be hands-off with kids, what it means to be a helicopter parent, and why it’s beneficial to let kids become independent.

Mom Lenore Skenazy started the blog after she hit the news when she let her then nine-year-old son ride the subway by himself. Her blog was in response to the backlash she received and continues to attract a community of parents keen to give their children the freedom they need to be prepared for real life.

Lenore makes money through public speaking and book sales. The site is also part of Let Grow, a national nonprofit promoting childhood independence, and invites donations to that work.

11. Tech Savvy Mama

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (13)

Tech Savvy Mamais a blog all about navigating parenting in the age of technology. The founder, Leticia Barr, is a middle school computer science teacher and an education consultant. (You don’t need qualifications to be a mom blogger, but this definitely helps establish Leticia’s credibility.)

On her blog, she tackles common parent concerns like cyber safety and what to know about various social media apps. She talks about things like healthy screen time limits for kids and teenagers, and also the benefits of technology.

Her blog also discusses important philanthropic work that she does like offering aid to Haiti. Some posts are sponsored and you’ll also find plenty of affiliate links in Leticia’s product reviews and gift guides, helping bring in money for the blog. There are some ads on the blog, too.

12. Wellness Mama

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (14)

Creator Katie Wells established Wellness Mamaover a decade ago after reading a startling statistic at the doctor’s officeshortly after the birth of her first child: “For the first time in centuries, the current generation of children will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.”

She wanted to take action so she developed a blog to help parents make healthy choices for their children—with tips on self-care too. Wellness Mama now has a whole editorial team, plus a medical review and advisory board.

The blog covers a wide range of wellness-related topics, including natural remedies, beauty, and natural cleaning products, along with plenty of parenting and motherhood tips. It’s monetized through affiliate links and some ads.

13. grace grow edify

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (15)

Grace Grow Edifyis a Christian blog about “peaceful homeschooling” and has a focus on faith, organization, and family life.

The blog seeks to help ease the stress that may come with homeschooling, particularly for new homeschooling families, and shares insights into curriculum and educating strategies, along with advice on Bible studies and other Christian activities.

It’s monetized through selling a range of downloadable homeschooling resources and also uses affiliate links to bring in additional revenue.

Bonus: While not technically a mom blog, my mom does have a great blog on all things minimalism—check it out at The Minimalist Boomer 😊

6 Steps How to Start a Mom Blog of Your Own (Mom Blogging 101)

Want to join the mommy bloggers above by learning how to start a mom blog of your own? Here are 6 easy steps to get you started.

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Check out my ultimate guide How to Start a Blog (on the Side) that’s been featured on Forbes, Inc and Entrepreneur.

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1. Pick a Memorable Name (and Niche)

One thing that sets a blog apart from others is a memorable blog name. Try to choose a name that reflects your take on mom life and that will also resonate with your audience.

From our examples above, you can get an idea of what their blog is all about from the title. The Prairie Homestead is about homesteading; Tech Savvy Mama is clearly related to technology, and so on.

Another option is to coin a catchy neologism (“Mamavation” is a good example) or look for a fun and memorable phrase (the name of “Rage Against the Minivan” by mother-of-four Kristen Howerton is a great play on “Rage Against the Machine”).

If you’re looking for more information about how to name a blog, you can check out my comprehensive guide to naming your blog.

The other thing you should do is pick a niche. You may be thinking that your niche ismommy blogging, but take the time to go a little bit deeper with your message. There are a lot of mom blogs on the internet, so what sets yours apart? Will your blog focus on financial planning for a family? Will you share healthy recipes to cook as a family? Or maybe you want your blog to be based on humor.

Whatever it is, take some time to develop this and hone in on the audience you want to reach before you launch. Check out my list of profitable niches to gather some more inspiration.

Use My Free Keyword Research Tool

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (17)

Try my free AI-Powered Keyword Tool to get dozens of research-backed ideas for keywords & topics to write about on your blog today.

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2. Get Your Mom Blog Online (Web Hosting)

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to do with your blog, you need to find the right platform to get started.

While there are plenty of blogging sites to choose from, I almost always recommend WordPressas a your blogging platform of choice.

WordPress allows you to create a blog as simple or as complex as you like. Whether you’re a brand-new blogger or a seasoned website developer, WordPress offers the tools that you need and want.

WordPress is totally free to use but you will need to pay for web hosting to use it. For this, I suggest using Bluehost. It’s cheap, easy to use, has great support, and is one of the WordPress-recommended providers. After doing your research on blogging costs, you decide you want to start out on a tight budget, check out my picks for the best free blog sites today.

3. Design Your Mom Blog with Free Resources

When you have a young family, you probably don’t have a lot of cash to spare. The good news is that there are plenty of free tools and resources you can use to design your blog.

You can take advantage of:

  • Free WordPress Themes: If you do decide to choose WordPress for your site, there are a host of totally free themes that you can use for your blog. Many of these are easy to use and can make your blog look amazing.
  • Free WordPress Plugins: WordPress also has a huge selection of free plugins that you can use to enhance your blog.
  • Free Stock Photos: If you don’t have a lot of quality images for your site, or if you need an image of something you can’t create at home, there are a lot of stock photo sites that offer free photos. A couple of great ones to try are Unsplashand Pixabay.

4. Start Social Media Pages (and Join Facebook Groups)

Creating a strong social media presence can help get attention for your blog.

If you’re a parent, you’ve probably found many blogs yourself through Pinterest and Instagram. A beautiful Instagram feed gives your readers a glimpse into the content that you will produce on your blog, plus it helps them feel more connected to you

On Facebook, you might want to create a group that relates specifically to your blog and niche. Promote it and begin to attract followers to it. At the same time, you can join other mom groups and promote your blog at the same time. (Just be careful to read any group rules in case they don’t allow you to post links to outside sources.)

5. Brainstorm Useful Blog Post Ideas and Start Writing

One of the most rewarding parts of blogging is coming up with ideasthat will genuinely help your readers. In your brainstorming session, think about what you want to write about and what your readers want to read about.

What are some of the biggest problems that moms (and dads) face today? What can you offer that will help ease their struggles?

Need Catchy Blog Ideas?

Try my free AI-Powered Blog Title Generator Tool to get dozens of SEO-friendly headline ideas to make your blog posts stand out today.

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This doesn’t have to be overly complicated, sometimes just offering a humorous take on parenting difficulties can make someone see that they’re not alone in facing challenges.

Once you’re ready to dive into the writing process, consider finding a way to weave your own personal insights into an AI blogging process that can use tools like my free AI article writer, paragraph rewriter and the suite of 40+ AI tools inside of RightBlogger to help publish more great content, faster.

Try RightBlogger: My 80+ Hand-Crafted Tools for Content Creators

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (19)

Join 6,133+ creators, bloggers, marketers, writers, freelancers & entrepreneurs in using my very own kit of powerful tools for content creation: RightBlogger. You’ll unlock 80+ blogging, SEO, marketing, sales and productivity-focused tools to create content faster & more effectively today.

6. Promote Your Content and Grow Your Audience

Naming your blog, putting it on a great platform like WordPress, and creating killer content is the best way to lay a foundation for your blog.

But, it does nothing if you have zero traffic. And however funny, insightful, or useful your posts are, people won’t automatically stumble across them. You need to help them to find your blog—and that’s where promoting your blog comes into play.

If you’re serious about gaining traffic for your blog, check out my article on 32 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog. It’s packed with information about growing your blog.

If you want to get started fast, here are the absolute basics:

  1. Learn About SEO: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps your blog content to show up on search engines. Large, successful mom blogs have a large portion of their traffic from organic searches. Using basic SEO tips will help your posts to compete with theirs, so you can get your share of that traffic too.
  2. Start an Email List: An email list is a blogger’s best friend. It’s your primary way of communicating with your readers and letting them know when you’ve published new content. On your blog, make sure that you’re including an email sign-up form so new readers can easily join. It’s a great idea to offer a sign-up incentive, too: that could be anything from an ebook of kids’ activities to a “get your baby to sleep” audio to a guide on home decor for new parents.
  3. Find a Place to Guest Blog: Guest blogging, or guest posting,is a popular way to grow your audience. The idea behind guest posting is you create content for another blog with a broader audience and include backlinks to your page. The blog you post on gets additional relevant content; in return, you get the chance to interact with their readers.

Did These Mom Blogger Examples Inspire You to Start Your Own Mom Blog?

Perhapsyou’ve wanted an outlet for your creativity for some time. You’ve probably kicked around the idea of starting a blog, but maybe you were unsure where to begin or if you could do it, especially if you’re a busy stay-at-home parent to little ones, or a parent of slightly older kids who works full-time.

But there are many moms just like you who have started blogs. They probably weren’t too sure how to get going either, but they started by talking about their parenting experiences and sharing tips for raising kids. You could start in just the same way … and your blog could become one of the top mom blogs of the future: a great resource that spreads positivity and encouragement for fellow moms.

Ready to give it a try? I’ve got a full tutorial on starting your own blogthat will only take 10-15 minutes: maybe you could tackle it during the next nap time? 😅

Once your blog is up and running, start coming up with some of your best tips on family fun (or your favorite Disney movies or whatever you want to blog about) and check out my tips on writing a great blog post. You’ll be bringing in readers before you know it.

Ready to Start Your Blog Today?

13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (20)

Check out my ultimate guide How to Start a Blog (on the Side) that’s been featured on Forbes, Inc and Entrepreneur.

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13 Best Mom Blogs to Follow in 2024 (Mom Bloggers Examples) (2024)


Are mom blogs still popular? ›

Yes, new mom blogs today are still popping up and making money. Mom blogs were insanely popular throughout the early-mid 2010's, but the landscape has changed since people don't really follow blogs anymore the same way that they used to.

How much does the average mom blogger make? ›

Some mommy bloggers can earn a few hundred dollars per month, while others can generate a full-time income ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars per month. It's important to note that building a successful and profitable blog takes time, dedication, and consistent effort.

How do I make my mom blog successful? ›

  1. Choose a blog niche. Choosing a specific niche for your mom blog is essential to create focused and valuable content that resonates with your target audience. ...
  2. Select a blogging platform for your mom blog. ...
  3. Find the right name for your blog. ...
  4. Plan and write your mom blog content. ...
  5. Promote your blog. ...
  6. Monetize your mom blog.

What are mommy bloggers? ›

"Mommyblog" is a term reserved for blogs authored by women that are writing about family and motherhood, a subset of blogs about family-and-homemaking. These accounts of family and motherhood are sometimes anonymous.

Which blogs are currently the most popular? ›

Here are the most successful blogging categories.
  1. Food blogs. Food is one of the most popular blog categories. ...
  2. Travel blogs. Traveling is popular with most demographics, especially retired people. ...
  3. Health and fitness blogs. ...
  4. Lifestyle blogs. ...
  5. Fashion and beauty blogs. ...
  6. DIY craft blogs. ...
  7. Parenting blogs. ...
  8. Business blogs.

How to get 100,000 views on blog? ›

So, while there are no guarantees, if you publish engaging blog content once per week in a decent niche and promote it well, you could potentially reach 100,000 page views per month between 6 months and 2 years after starting. But it requires patience and perseverance.

Do most blogs make money? ›

But if there's no chance of making money from it, you'll only ever be a hobby blogger. The fact is, most people don't make money blogging (or at least not enough to become full-time bloggers). According to ProBlogger, about two-thirds of bloggers earn less than $100 a month from their blogs.

How to start a mommy blog for free? ›

10 Steps to Start a Mom Blog: A Detailed Guide
  1. Identify Your Mom Blog Niche. ...
  2. Pick a Name and Register Your Domain. ...
  3. Choose the Right Hosting Provider. ...
  4. Install WordPress. ...
  5. Select a WordPress Theme. ...
  6. Customize Blog Settings. ...
  7. Install Essential Plugins. ...
  8. Plan and Create Captivating Posts.
Jun 20, 2024

How many mommy bloggers are there? ›

The Mommy-Blog Phenomenon

Today about 4 million moms blog. And while there's no way to know how many blogs are written by Latter-day Saint moms, the number appears to be disproportionately large compared to the Church population.

Who was the first mommy blogger? ›

Once deemed “Queen of the Mommy Bloggers,” Armstrong rose to prominence in the early days of the internet with Dooce, which she launched in 2001. Heather Armstrong, founder of one of the first mommy blogs, Dooce.com, has died, according to an Instagram post on her account.

How do I name my mom blog? ›

Creative Mom Blog Names 👩‍👧
  1. Parenting Tales.
  2. A Mom, A Chicken, and a Lampshade.
  3. Crazy Mom Lady.
  4. Mom Moments.
  5. Certified Mom Boss.
  6. The Hipster Mom.
  7. The Epic Tales of Mothering.
  8. Motherhood Achievements Unlocked.
Sep 2, 2024

Are personal blogs still popular? ›

But while the internet has transformed significantly in recent years, we're here to debunk the myth. Blogging isn't dying. In fact, blogging is thriving in 2024 - and remains a relevant and profitable content marketing channel for the foreseeable future.

Do people care about blogs anymore? ›

People definitely still read blogs, and blogging is a style of long-form content unlike any other. While vlogs are also often long-form, those who prefer reading their content can't do this with videos like blogs.

Are beauty blogs still a thing? ›

Beauty blogs are one of the most popular types of blogs in the world today. Whether you're into skin care, makeup, or hair care, there are millions of people interested in reading about it. This is a highly lucrative niche because there is so much demand for information on the topic.

How much do mommy influencers make? ›

She says many mom influencers make tens of thousands of dollars. "But there is a subset of mom influencers who are making over a million dollars," she said.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.