120 Most Profitable Blog Niche Ideas to Write About (2024)

120 Most Profitable Blog Niche Ideas to Write About (1)

So, you want to create a blog that will draw in tons of readers and eventually make you a profit. Good call. With people spending more time online than ever before, a high-quality blog that tackles an in-demand topic could be a very successful endeavor.

That said, unless you’re breaking ground on a very new or different topic, there’s probably quite a bit of competition out there when it comes to this type of website. With this in mind, it’s really important that you consider which blogging niches will help you cut through the noise of everything already out the blogosphere. Let’s talk about why narrowing your focus is so important and then take a look at 120 most profitable blog niche ideas you can write about, and learn how to make a website around.

Start Your Site

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What is a blog niche?

A blog niche is a specialized topic area that you’ll be focusing on when writing content. Blogging niches allow you to narrow down your audience and craft content that is much more relevant for them.

As a result, readers are more likely to become blog subscribers and you’ll be able to build authority and position yourself as a thought leader. Plus, you’ll be making it much easier for search engines to identify what your blog is about and increase your chances of ranking on high positions, which in turn will bring even more readers.

There are many types of blogs you can choose to focus on, ranging from the highly technical to the more personal or creative. Some of the most common ways of brainstorming blog niche ideas include:

  • Industry based, such as a cryptocurrency or art blog.

  • Audience based, by targeting audiences like small business owners, SEO professionals or newlyweds.

  • Subject based, like news content and movie reviews.

To understand how popular some blogging niches are, we took a look at traffic to well-known blogs by niche. Bear in mind, not all blogs will reach these traffic levels, but the numbers give some idea of how popular a blog niche can be or get. For example, the fitness blog, Men's Health receives up to 42 million visitors a month.

Looking at food blogging, this study from RankIQ, shows that food blogging is the most profitable niche and it generates the highest median income for this type of bloggers. Food blogs also make up most of the blogs with more than 50,000 average visitors a month, compared to other blog niches. The second highest earning blog niche is personal finance.

The four highest traffic generating blog niches are food, lifestyle, travel, arts/crafts, and they, according to RankIQ, make up 74% of all high traffic blogs.

How to find your blogging niche

As you learn how to start a blog, choosing the right niche is crucial for building a strong foundation. Before we deep-dive into the pool of blog niche ideas, let’s take a look at some questions you should be asking yourself as you consider the different options.

  • What are you passionate about?

  • What do you have the most experience and knowledge in?

  • Is this something that people are interested in?

You’re most likely starting from a place where you have already considered the first two points. After all, you want to find a blogging niche that doesn’t bore you and about which you have a lot of things to write about. The third one, however, will require a bit more external research.

In order to determine the potential reach of a niche, you’ll need to do some keyword research to prove the viability of its topics. Doing so will allow you to determine whether there is enough interest in the content for you to build a successful blog about it. Additionally, you’ll be able to see whether you’ll be able to monetize your blog through ads, sponsored content or a paywall in the long run.

If a blog niche idea can’t check off all these requirements, then explore a different one. Even though the passion and experience might be there, it’s very hard to stay devoted to something that doesn’t reach a significant number of people or make you money.

120 best blog niche ideas to write about

As you set out to start a blog and embark on your content creation journey, take a look at the following blog niche ideas list to see how you can specialize your content on some of the most popular blog topics. We've organized the following 120 blog ideas into 20 main categories:

  1. Finance

  2. Business

  3. Marketing

  4. Sales

  5. Design and development

  6. Technology

  7. Education

  8. News

  9. Entertainment

  10. Travel

  11. Food and drink

  12. Beauty and fashion

  13. Health and fitness

  14. Relationships

  15. Gaming

  16. Science and medicine

  17. Home ownership

  18. Lifestyle and hobbies

  19. Pets

  20. Your own journey

01. Finance

Money management is something everyone is concerned with, from the adolescent working to get their first credit card to the entrepreneur wanting to exponentially grow their personal savings (see how to start a finance blog). But there are ways to niche down and focus on a particular type of expert content.

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Frugal living

  • Budgeting

  • Saving for retirement

  • Investing

  • Financial independence

  • NFTs

  • Personal finance

02. Business

Whether your audience wants to learn how to run a business or simply advance in their career, they will always turn to specialized business blogs for advice.

  • Building a startup

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Freelancing

  • Business finance management

  • Productivity hacks

  • Hiring and outsourcing

  • How to start a business

  • Starting an eCommerce business

03. Marketing

Although marketing is technically part of business, they’re certainly considered an entirely different breed of blogs. There are many well-established marketing blogs in the space, so make sure you have a unique perspective or insights to bring to the table.

  • Content marketing

  • Social media marketing

  • Email marketing

  • Search engine optimization

  • Pay-per-click advertising

  • Copywriting

  • Digital marketing

  • Affiliate marketing

  • YouTube marketing

  • Advertising strategies

Learn more: How to start a marketing blog

04. Sales

There are many professionals across many industries who’d be interested in learning how to level up their sales skills, such as sales managers, sales reps and small business owners. As a result, you’ll want to choose a suitable topic niche for your sales blog and target audience.

  • B2B sales

  • B2C sales

  • Sales process and strategy

  • Sales hacks and templates

  • Sales software and apps

  • Sales management

05. Design and development

Having a website is essential in today’s world. With so many people looking to create a strong online presence, it’s no wonder that they’ll need equally powerful content to guide them on how to design their own compelling website.

  • Web design

  • UX design

  • Web development

  • App development

  • eCommerce

  • Website security

Learn more: How to start a graphic design blog

06. Technology

Technology is transforming every inch of our lives. As such, it’s an overarching topic that could just as well cater to a business audience as a consumer one.

  • Software reviews

  • Business automation

  • Consumer electronics

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Apple products

  • Android products

Learn more: How to start a tech blog

07. Education

Education is a good topic to get into if you want a future-proof blog. Whether your blog serves as an academic resource or points your readers to relevant institutions and programs, there are numerous ways in which you can narrow down your focus.

  • Study hacks

  • SAT prep

  • Online courses

  • Language learning

  • College-to-career prep

  • K-12 blog for parents

  • Homeschooling

Learn more: How to start a teaching blog

08. News

While there are huge news publications that are impossible to compete with as a blogger, there are also creative ways to win in this space so long as you carve out a unique blogging niche for yourself.

  • Local

  • Sports (see how to start a sports blog)

  • Pop culture

  • Politics

  • Silicon Valley

  • Investigative articles

09. Entertainment

Traditionally a section within larger news publications, entertainment-focused sites have been rapidly growing with the popularization of social media. Nowadays, this highly popular category has developed a long list of potential blog niches ideas to center your content on.

  • Movie reviews

  • Music reviews

  • TV show guides

  • Celebrity gossip

  • Celebrity interviews

  • Arts and culture

Learn more: How to start a music blog

10. Travel

Travel blogging is about knowing exactly what your audience’s wanderlust looks like. Keep in mind that photography also plays a huge role in starting a travel blog, so make sure to add visual content.

  • Local travel tips

  • Travel deals

  • Travel hacks

  • RV life

  • Digital nomads

  • Living abroad

Looking to monetize your blog? Take a look at this part of our online course on how to start a blog.

11. Food and drink

If you have a strong culinary background or a passion for baking, it makes sense that you want to start a food blog. Rather than trying to write about every single dish or drink you’ve ever tried, focus on a blogging niche and use your blog as an excuse to continuously try new things.

  • Restaurant and bar reviews

  • Homebrewing

  • Baking and cooking tips

  • Vegan recipes

  • Dieting tips

  • Healthy eating

  • Baby and toddler food ideas

  • Recipes

12. Beauty and fashion

Trends come and go in the blink of an eye, so consumers are always in need of fresh content and inspiration. Plus, that means you’ll never have to break your brain in search of new topics for your beauty blog or fashion blog, no matter which blog niche you decide to focus on.

  • Product reviews

  • Makeup tutorials

  • Healthy hair

  • Skincare tips

  • Fashion trends

  • Affordable beauty DIY

13. Health and fitness

As people become more mindful about their physical and mental well-being, they’re starving for content that teaches them a better way to live and manage their emotions. This need can be filled by starting a health blog.

  • Self-care

  • Men’s health

  • Women’s health

  • Mental health

  • Sports

  • Workout and exercise routines and tips

  • Coaching tips

Learn more: How to start a fitness blog

14. Relationships

There are many kinds of relationships one will have to navigate over the course of their lives and it never gets easier. A relationship blog that’s relatable and empathetic is very likely to resonate with readers.

  • Co-living tips

  • Dating

  • Wedding planning

  • Pregnancy

  • Parenting

  • Navigating divorce

Learn more: How to start a Mom blog

15. Gaming

Games are a well-loved pastime that simply doesn’t get old. From board games to video games, most platforms and series tend to have strong fan bases, which means a very avid readership if you can nail the type of niche content they’re looking for. See our guide on how to start a gaming blog to learn more.

  • Game reviews

  • Gaming tips, tutorials, and walkthroughs

  • Playstation games

  • XBOX games

  • RPGs

  • Board games

16. Science and medicine

Whether it has grounding in our world or worlds beyond, people are fascinated by science, nature and medicine. Most content in these blogging niches requires a close attention to detail, lots of research, and statistical proof—so be prepared.

  • Medical news and breakthroughs

  • Medical condition-specific blogs

  • Psychology

  • Science stories and interviews

  • Environmentalism

  • Outer space

17. Home ownership

Marie Kondo isn’t the only person who can get people excited about what they can do to make their homes look and feel better. And as people spend more time at home, they’re going to look for newer ways to spruce things up in.

  • Interior design

  • Tiny home trends and inspiration

  • Organization hacks

  • Home renovation

  • Moving cross-country

  • Feng shui

  • DIY (do it yourself)

Learn more: How to start a real estate blog

18. Lifestyle and hobbies

This all comes down to what you’re personally interested in, how large of a community there is around it and the variety of content you can cover. It can be anything from book blogging to photography.

  • Photography

  • Writing

  • DIY hacks

  • Arts and crafts

  • Knitting

  • Books

  • Gardening

Learn more: How to start a lifestyle blog

19. Pets

People are in love with their pets… and with other people’s furry companions. As such, animal-centric blogs can serve as valuable resources for pet owners, but can also be entertaining distractions for others.

  • Dog parenting tips

  • Dog training

  • Inspiring pets

  • Adopt-don’t-shop stories

  • Cute animal pics and memes

  • Pet health and wellness

20. Your own journey

Have you survived an illness? Come back from a huge loss? Visited all 50 states in the U.S.? Starting a personal blog to tell your unique story can inspire others who want to hear and learn from you.

  • Successful entrepreneurship

  • Nomadic lifestyle

  • Child-free life

  • Gambling addiction recovery

  • Nightmare client stories

  • Dealing with depression

How to start a niche blog

Once you’ve chosen your blogging niche, build a home for all your written content by taking the following steps:

  • Choose a blog website template that embodies your blog niche and matches your tone and style.

  • Register a domain name that is memorable and makes your blog easily identifiable.

  • Learn how to write blog posts that build your authority and organically rank on search engines. Then, check out these blog post templates for inspiration.

  • Maintain your blog with great website performance and strong website security that keep your content continuously accessible to readers.

  • Find ways to promote your blog to reach a wider audience.

Which blogging niche is best for you?

Blogging is a vital source of content that not only establishes your brand’s voice and identity, but adds value to existing and potential users by providing them with authoritative trustworthy information that will help them throughout their user journey and engagement with your products/services.

Opyhr Hanan, Blog Growth and SEO Outreach Specialist

The best blogging niches for you are the ones that you're most passionate about and knowledgeable in. It's important to choose a niche that you will enjoy writing about and that provides value to your readers. You should also consider potential profitability, but this shouldn't be the only factor in your decision. Make sure you're an authority in your niche so you can establish yourself as a trustworthy figure in your field.

If you're not sure which niche is right for you, try brainstorming a list of topics that you're interested in and where you think you have something unique to offer. You can also do some research to see what other bloggers are writing about and what topics are trending.

Once you have a few niche ideas in mind, you can narrow it down by considering your target audience and your goals for your blog. Do you want to write for a general audience or a more specific one? Are you interested in sharing your personal experiences or providing expert advice? Do you want to make money from your blog through advertising, affiliate marketing or selling your own products and services?

Once you have a good understanding of your niche, you can start developing your blog content and building your audience.

Here are some additional tips for choosing a blogging niche:

  • Choose a niche that is evergreen, meaning that it will be popular for years to come.

  • Choose a niche that is broad enough so that you have plenty of content ideas, but narrow enough so that you can become an expert in your field.

  • Choose a niche that is profitable. You can do this by researching which niches have high-paying advertising opportunities and affiliate programs.

What are the best blog niches for beginners?

  • Personal development: topics such as self-improcement, goal-setting and time management. Make sure you share your own personal experiences and growth journeys.

  • Budget shopping tips: draw on your own experiences of managing a household budget to write tips for others, including how to find the best grocery deals, or which stores are best for which sale items.

  • Home decor: blog about budget-friendly home decor ideas, DIY projects and organization tips.

  • Healthy living and fitness for beginners: write about simple workouts, include healthy recipes and other tips for getting fit. If this is something you've done with success, so use your experiences as you blog.

  • Freelancing and remote work: share insights into freelancing platforms, productivity tips and work-from-home strategies.

What are the best blog niche ideas for teenagers?

  • Teen lifestyle and fashion: cover the latest fashion trends and beauty tips.

  • Study tips: blog about tried and tested study techniques, time management tips and how to handle stress at exam time.

  • Tech and gaming: blog about popular online games and gadgets.

  • Creative art projects: blog about your own creative projects, include tips for getting started

  • Teen entrepreneurship: write about how teens can start a business of their own, while juggling school work and family commitments

Blog niche ideas FAQ

What are some good blog topics?

Often the best blog topics are those you're the most passionate about and know the most about. It's always easiest to write what you know and to write for an audience you understand. Interested in a lot of things? Maybe focus on blog topics that have been proven to be popular with online readers.

Can you start a blog as a side hustle?

What are the most profitable blog niches?

How do I choose a profitable niche for my blog?

What kind of blog topics are popular?

120 Most Profitable Blog Niche Ideas to Write About (2024)


120 Most Profitable Blog Niche Ideas to Write About? ›

Cater to market demand and grow your business by dropshipping in the most profitable dropshipping niches in 2024. Best niches: POD, CBD products, health & beauty, swimwear, fashion, pet supplies, furniture & decor, and many more.

Which blog niche makes the most money? ›

13 Profitable Blogging Niche Ideas
  1. Niche: Health and Wellness. ...
  2. Niche: Personal Finance. ...
  3. Niche: Travel and Adventure. ...
  4. Niche: Parenting and Family. ...
  5. Niche: Personal Development. ...
  6. Niche: Home and Garden. ...
  7. Niche: Parenting and Family. ...
  8. Niche: Sustainable Living and Eco-Friendly Practices.

What blog niches get most traffic? ›

Okay now that we've covered the basics, let's dive in and go over the top niches in the blogging industry:
  • Making Money Online. Have you ever read an online income report? ...
  • Mommy/Parenting. Next up on the list is the ever-so-popular mommy blog! ...
  • Personal Finance. ...
  • Food. ...
  • Fashion & Beauty. ...
  • Lifestyle. ...
  • Travel. ...
  • Health & Fitness.

Which niche is most profitable? ›

10 Most Profitable Business Niches
  • Fashion.
  • Finance.
  • Food.
  • Gaming.
  • Health and Fitness.
  • Pet Care.
  • Self-Improvement.
  • Travel.
Dec 6, 2023

What niche is trending in 2024? ›

Cater to market demand and grow your business by dropshipping in the most profitable dropshipping niches in 2024. Best niches: POD, CBD products, health & beauty, swimwear, fashion, pet supplies, furniture & decor, and many more.

How to find low competition niches? ›

To identify a low competition niche market, entrepreneurs should conduct research to identify consumer trends and preferences, as well as gaps in the marketplace that they can fill. They should also evaluate the competition and analyze the demand for products or services in the niche.

How do I get huge traffic on my blog? ›

How to Get Traffic to Your Blog (14 Actionable Tips)
  1. Do Keyword Research for Every Blog Post.
  2. Follow a Content Calendar.
  3. Create Evergreen Content.
  4. Leverage Long-Form Blog Posts.
  5. Get New Topic Ideas with Keyword Gap.
  6. Follow Google's E-E-A-T Guidelines.
  7. Improve Your On-Page SEO.
  8. Create Engaging Infographics.
Feb 12, 2024

Which blog is most searched? ›

  1. Food blogs. Food blogs come in several flavors. ...
  2. Travel blogs. Before planning a trip, we tend to do a lot of research on both Google and social media. ...
  3. Health and fitness blogs. ...
  4. Lifestyle blogs. ...
  5. Fashion and beauty blogs. ...
  6. Photography blogs. ...
  7. Personal blogs. ...
  8. DIY craft blogs.

What is one of the most common ways bloggers can earn an income? ›

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common income streams for professional bloggers. This earning opportunity tasks you with promoting a third party's products — usually using a link or promo code that's unique to your blog — in exchange for commission earned on each affiliate product sold.

How do I find a niche to write about? ›

How to Choose Your Niche as a Writer
  1. Figure Out What You Love. If you love what you write about, you're much more likely to be successful at it. ...
  2. Identify Your Strengths. ...
  3. Practice, Practice, Practice. ...
  4. Connect With Others In Your Industry of Interest. ...
  5. Brainstorm Regularly. ...
  6. SEO Writing. ...
  7. Technical Writing. ...
  8. Ghostwriting.
Jul 5, 2023

What is a high end niche? ›

A luxury niche can be represented by any product or service where the cost goes far beyond what a person would normally pay; often because of added convenience. Then desirability sets the item apart. For example, a luxury item can be anything from a tube of lipstick to a hotel property.

What is a wealth niche? ›

Niche wealth is predicated on the idea that in a world of broad strokes, the fine details are not only precious but also profitable. It's about finding that intersection between your passions, skills, and an untapped market, then honing in with laser focus.

What product niche sells the most? ›

Here are some current examples of ecommerce niches for online businesses that offer high-demand products.
  1. Personal protection. ...
  2. Cosmetics and skincare products. ...
  3. Meal replacements and protein powders. ...
  4. Eco-friendly products. ...
  5. Men's grooming products. ...
  6. Nutrition and wellness. ...
  7. Home office equipment. ...
  8. Pet products.
Apr 19, 2024

What type of blog makes the most money? ›

The best blogs to make money include finance blogs, travel blogs, food and recipe blogs, fashion and beauty blogs, and technology blogs. The profitability often depends on niche, audience engagement, content quality, and monetization strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertisem*nts.

What kind of blogs are profitable? ›

Several types of blogs can be profitable if you know how to manage them strategically but here are the most common:
  • Business and marketing blogs.
  • Finance blog.
  • Health blogs.
  • Fashion blogs.
  • DIY and crafts blogs.
  • Nutrition and food blogs.
  • Lifestyle blogs.
  • Travel blogs: How to make money as a travel blogger.

Which niche pays the most Google Adsense? ›


Thus, with an average Cost-per-Click of $19,87 and a monthly search volume of 398K, Insurance fairly tops the list of the best Adsense niches and is one of the most profitable keywords of the lot.

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Article information

Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6294

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.