12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (2024)

Whether you have worked on the ward for many years or are beginning your career as a locum nurse, even completing your placement year, tackling your first 12 hour shift can be somewhat daunting. It is important to make sure that, while your primary focus will be on caring for patients, you also take time to care for yourself. Twelve hour shifts can put your body under immense pressure, and it will take time for your body to get used to the change in routine.

With this in mind, having many years of experience filling nursing positions, we have picked up a number of helpful tips that we share with our candidates. We’ve compiled these in this article to create a comprehensive guide for those working 12 hour nursing shifts.

How To Get Through A 12 Hour Nursing Shift

There are several different benefits of opting to take on 12 hour shifts, as opposed to the regular 8 hours, the first of which is fewer handovers. When working on a unit that has a frequent turnover of staff throughout the day, it can prove tricky to stay organised with reporting and communication. There will be a constant relay of information from one nurse to another, increasing the likelihood of miscommunication. Working with the same group of professionals, on the other hand, means that everyone will remain organised with their tasks.

Another key advantage of working longer shifts is that it often becomes easier to maintain a steady work-life balance. 12 hour shifts are likely to be scheduled in 3-day segments with a 4-day weekend to follow. This will allow nurses extra days off to spend time with their family, enjoy their favourite hobby or even pursue further education in an area they have a particular interest in.

Although often seen as tedious, 12 hour shifts are actually a fantastic way to advance in your nursing career. Whether you are approaching your first longer shift or are experienced yet hoping for some fresh advice, our ten tips for working 12 hour shifts are guaranteed to make working on the ward more manageable.

  • Prepare Your Uniform The Night Before
  • Bring Plenty Of Food
  • Stay Hydrated
  • Wear Compression Socks
  • Leave The Unit During Breaks
  • Invest In Comfortable Shoes
  • Stay Busy
  • Be Organised
  • Get Lots Of Rest
  • Correct Deficiencies

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (1)

1. Prepare Your Uniform The Night Before

Preparing your uniform the night before is a super easy lifestyle change to adopt and ideal for helping your day to start stress-free.

The night before your shift, make sure that your uniform is washed, dried and ironed. You can then hang it up, ready to pop on the following morning. In doing this, you can avoid any last-minute panics right before you’re due to leave. It will give you just that little extra time to make a nutritious breakfast, watch the news or simply relax with a cup of tea. A morning free from hassle is the perfect way to begin your shift in a positive, productive mood.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (2)

2. Bring Plenty Of Food

Working in a hospital means that you may not always get to take your breaks when you had hoped. If an emergency begins to unfold, naturally, this will need to be seen to before you head off for your break. Due to this, we strongly recommend keeping plenty of nutritious snacks handy. This means that if your break has been rescheduled, you can quickly refuel before your energy levels begin to plummet. When choosing snacks, aim to go for those that will provide slow-releasing energy instead of a quick sugar fix. Bananas are an excellent source of energy, along with granola bars and nuts. More information on snacks for nurses on the go can be found on Daily Nurse.

When it comes to your lunch break itself, we recommend avoiding heavy, greasy foods since these can negatively impact your energy levels. There are so many delicious, nutritious and energy-rich options that can be prepared ahead of time and taken with you to your shift. The Nerdy Nurse has put together a list of 20 easy lunch ideas, from BBQ chicken salad to lemon pesto pasta.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (3)

3. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is vital in not only keeping you alert but also ensuring that you stay healthy. Dehydration can have a detrimental impact on the body, causing you to feel lightheaded, tired and nauseous – the last thing you need during a 12 hour shift!

Not everyone naturally drinks their daily intake of water, and many have to force themselves to stay hydrated. Luckily, there are a number of different ways that you can get into the routine of drinking water, including the following:

  • Use An App: Most nurses keep their phones in their pockets during their shifts, which means downloading a hydration app would be ideal. Daily Water is a great app which not only allows you to track your intake but will also send regular reminders.
  • Marked Water Bottles: Seeing your progress is a fantastic way to keep you motivated. Water bottles that are marked with the hours of the day allow you to keep track of how far you are towards meeting your goal. Marked water bottles can be picked up from Aqua Tracker for less than £10.
  • Herbal Tea: Many avoid drinking water merely down to the fact that they are not keen on the taste. If this is the case for you, experimenting with herbal teas is a great way to encourage yourself to stay hydrated. Herbal teas not only help you to drink your daily intake but also come alongside a plethora of health benefits. You can find out more about this on Develop Good Habits.

For more ideas on how you can begin drinking more water, take a look at Self.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (4)

4. Wear Compression Socks

You have probably had plenty of patients who have been advised to wear compression socks after operations, but you would be surprised how much they can help you during your long shifts.

Twelve hours shifts involve 90% being on your feet and rushing around the ward, which can begin to impact your health. Those that spend a vast majority of their day on their feet are at high risk of varicose veins due to the lack of blood flow. Varicose veins can begin to cause discomfort, making your legs ache, feet swell, and muscles cramp. Wearing compression socks will promote healthy blood flow and stop swelling, reducing fatigue and the amount of lactic acid that builds up in the legs. These socks can be picked up for a low price from sites such as Day Long.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (5)

5. Leave The Unit During Breaks

Staring at the same four walls for 12 hours straight is going to make you feel tired, unproductive and, let’s face it, grumpy. With this in mind, we suggest using your break to your full advantage. Instead of eating your lunch at the nurse’s station, leave the unit for a change of scenery. Whether you sit outside or drive to a nearby location, venturing away from the workplace will help you to clear your mind and recuperate your thoughts. You will arrive back at your shift feeling revitalised and ready to take on the last few hours.

During your break, try to find something that will help you to take your mind off the hustle and bustle of the ward. Whether you read a book, listen to music, or pop on a nursing podcast, find a method that will help you to relax.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (6)

6. Invest In Comfortable Shoes

Comfortable shoes that support your feet will be one of your most valuable investments as a nurse. As covered in tip four, you will be spending almost all of your shift on your feet, so you need shoes that will stop aching and blisters forming. Some important factors to consider when searching for shoes are:

  • Slip Resistance: The flooring on units is regularly cleaned to ensure the environment remains hygienic, which means that slip-resistant shoes are imperative. You can rush around as much as you need without worrying about slipping hazards.
  • Lightweight: Wearing heavy shoes means that you will leave your shift with super achy, swollen feet. Instead, opt for a lightweight pair of shoes that feel comfortable.
  • Support: Ensuring that your shoes provide back and ankle support means that you will prevent the risk of pain, strains or injuries. Test out the shoes and their level of support before making the purchase.

If you’re stuck for inspiration on what type of shoes would be best, take a look at Runner Click for the ten best-reviewed.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (7)

7. Stay Busy

The busier you are, the quicker the time will fly. While there is nothing wrong with taking ten minutes to relax in quieter moments of the day, perhaps to grab a coffee, sitting any longer will make your shift drag.

Aim to be as proactive as possible, spending your free moments helping out other members of the team. Helping to tick a few tasks off their to-do list will not only ease stress but also help you build relationships. You never know; there might be a day when you are rushed off your feet, and their help will prove invaluable.

Not only will grabbing extra opportunities with two hands forge strong relationships with colleagues, but it will also enhance your learning and professional development. You might get the chance to learn a new skill or further your knowledge on a topic you’re a little unsure about.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (8)

8. Be Organised

A lot can happen in the space of 12 hours, which means that staying organised is vital in ensuring that you do not forget any tasks.

Always arrive a little earlier than when you’re due to start to give you plenty of time to read through your handover. Use this, along with basic nursing tasks, to create a tick list for the day. You will then be able to keep track of what has been completed and what may need to be passed on to the next nurses. Keep your list with you at all times to tick off as you go along and add on any additional tasks.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (9)

9. Get Lots Of Rest

Getting plenty of rest is vital in keeping you healthy, both physically and mentally. Lack of sleep will not only reduce concentration and productivity but also impact your immune system.

If you are struggling to get a good night’s sleep and seem always to feel tired, we suggest experimenting with the Sleep Cycle app. The Sleep Cycle app will analyse your sleeping pattern, tracking your movements and determining how long you stay in each phase. The information will then be used to set your alarm to wake you when you are at your lightest sleeping stage. Waking up during a light stage will make you feel immediately more awake from the moment you jump out of bed.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (10)

10. Correct Deficiencies

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause tiredness and low mood, both of which have the potential to affect your ability to cope with 12 hour shifts at work. As experts in healthcare recruitment, we highly recommend that all medical professionals take the time to be assessed for nutrient deficiencies, should they experience any signs of deficiency. This way, they can take supplements as recommended by their doctor to correct any deficiencies. This should resolve resulting fatigue and brain fog and help protect health in the long term. However, supplements should not be used as a substitute for a healthy, balanced diet; rather, they should be taken alongside sufficient, nutritious food when recommended. Taking too many vitamins can also be harmful to health, which is why it’s important to talk to your doctor before beginning any kind of dietary supplement.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (11)

Follow Our Tips For Nurses Working 12 Hour Shifts

Taking on 12 hour shifts is an incredibly exciting step in your career. It will provide you with a whole host of new experiences, skills and knowledge that will help you to progress in your role. As experts with many years of experience in filling nursing jobs, we can testify that longer shifts are most definitely made easier when you take the time to care for yourself, ensuring that you maintain optimum health and energy through your shifts. For more tips on coping with the stressors of being a nurse, check out our previous article for our work-life balance tips for nurses. If you would like to become a candidate for nursing positions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team, who are more than happy to assist and answer any questions you may have.

12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them (2024)


12 Hour Nursing Shifts: Our Tips For Getting Through Them? ›

Working for twelve hours straight can be exhausting, and there are times when your shift may run longer. An extended workday and irregular hours, like the night shift, can lead to burnout. Many nurses prefer to schedule "weekends" between their 12-hour shifts.

How to make 12-hour shifts easier? ›

How to survive a 12-hour shift
  1. Get proper sleep. Ensure you get between seven and nine hours before your 12-hour shift to maintain mental alertness and focus throughout the day (or night).
  2. Stay organized. ...
  3. Keep busy. ...
  4. Take scheduled breaks. ...
  5. Consume caffeine wisely. ...
  6. Practice mindfulness. ...
  7. Stay active. ...
  8. Engage in conversation.

Are 12-hour shifts hard in nursing? ›

Working for twelve hours straight can be exhausting, and there are times when your shift may run longer. An extended workday and irregular hours, like the night shift, can lead to burnout. Many nurses prefer to schedule "weekends" between their 12-hour shifts.

How to cope with a 12-hour shift? ›

10 tips to thrive during a 12-hour shift
  1. Prioritise a good night's sleep. It all starts with quality sleep. ...
  2. Begin with a wholesome breakfast. ...
  3. Stay hydrated. ...
  4. Smart snacking. ...
  5. Comfortable footwear. ...
  6. Take short breaks. ...
  7. Connect with colleagues. ...
  8. Utilise mindfulness technology.
Feb 14, 2024

How to mentally prepare for a 12 hour shift? ›

How to survive my 12 hour shift?
  1. Prepare ahead. This is the key to working stress-free throughout your shift. ...
  2. Get adequate sleep. ...
  3. Think of healthy lunch. ...
  4. Take advantage of the breaks. ...
  5. Drink lots of water. ...
  6. Set a goal and remind yourself to achieve it. ...
  7. Include healthy supplements.
Jan 25, 2024

How many hours of sleep do I need after a 12 hour shift? ›

For those undertaking 12-hour night shifts, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is crucial for overall well-being. A targeted sleep window of 7-9 hours should be aimed for, just as one would during daytime work hours.

Does your body get used to 12-hour shifts? ›

MYTH #6 - Any worker can get used to a 12-hour shift schedule if he or she truly makes an effort. FACT: Most workers can easily adapt to 12-hour shift schedules. However, for some workers, the 12-hour shift can be extremely difficult.

How do I survive my first 12-hour night shift? ›

Things You Should Know

Start a new sleep schedule before your first shift and stick to it. Get at least 7 hours of sleep during the day and take naps as needed. Eat right and stay hydrated. Consume lots of protein and whole grains before your shift for energy and snack lightly throughout the shift.

Are 3/12-hour shifts worth it? ›

Shortened Work Week: In most hospitals, working three 12-hour shifts means four days off each week. The extended break is advantageous if you have a longer commute or require child care. You get less time on the road and more time with your family than those working the traditional 9 to 5.

What percent of nurses work 12 hour shifts? ›

A study of over 22 000 hospital staff registered nurses (RNs) from 577 hospitals showed that 65-80% of the nurses work 12-hour shifts, with the 8-hour shift weighing in at only 14-30%.

What are the side effects of working 12 hour shifts? ›

When you are working for 12 hours there is often little time before, during and after your shifts to eat healthy meals or exercise properly. This combined with fatigue and other adverse factors can result in some serious health risks including depression, anxiety and insomnia.

How to survive 3 12 hour shifts in a row? ›

How to survive three 12-hour shifts in a row?
  1. Get enough sleep and rest between shifts.
  2. Stay hydrated and eat nutritious meals.
  3. Take breaks and stretch throughout the shift.
  4. Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends and family.
  5. Use your days off to rest and recharge.
Jul 16, 2022

How to survive 12 hour nursing shifts? ›

How To Get Through A 12 Hour Nursing Shift
  1. Prepare Your Uniform The Night Before.
  2. Bring Plenty Of Food.
  3. Stay Hydrated.
  4. Wear Compression Socks.
  5. Leave The Unit During Breaks.
  6. Invest In Comfortable Shoes.
  7. Stay Busy.
  8. Be Organised.
Jul 18, 2022

How to make a 12 hour shift bearable? ›

Prepare your food and drink to eat at work. Get plenty of rest during your off hours. Take breaks, don't eat too much at breaks, take rest at regular intervals, get exercise and sleep.

How do you stay energized for a 12 hour shift? ›

4 Tips for Powering Through 12-hour Shifts
  1. Sleep matters. Their advice about sleep focuses on both quantity and timing. ...
  2. Get organized. ...
  3. Stay busy on the job. ...
  4. Take every scheduled break.

How do you stay healthy while working 12 hour shifts? ›

While working long twelve-hour shifts, try to keep a consistent schedule as well. Plan and use your breaks wisely. During your breaks, make sure to use the restroom, drink plenty of water, and eat a snack. This way, you can maintain the same energy levels throughout the day or night.

How to get through a 12 hour shift on your feet? ›

5 tips to help prevent achy feet on a long shift
  1. Wear the right shoes. Feet swell the more you stay on them. ...
  2. Add support. If your feet ache, you may need more support inside your shoes. ...
  3. Stay clean. ...
  4. Use compression socks. ...
  5. Keep healthy.
May 17, 2023

How do I survive my first 12 hour night shift? ›

Things You Should Know

Start a new sleep schedule before your first shift and stick to it. Get at least 7 hours of sleep during the day and take naps as needed. Eat right and stay hydrated. Consume lots of protein and whole grains before your shift for energy and snack lightly throughout the shift.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.