12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (2024)

2. Diagnostic assessment

Diagnostic assessment is the most preferred type of assessment of learning to check a learner’s current knowledge base. Most of the time, it involves a series of questions given at the start of a class or training session to identify a learner’s strengths and weaknesses prior to learning.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (1)

While it’s mostly used at school, you can also include this assessment as part of your onboarding process to get to know your new hires and set a benchmark for tacking their skill and knowledge development. A quick tip for trainers – consider giving them the same assessment to see how they’ve made progress since joining your team!

3. Formative assessment

Unlike the diagnostic test, formative assessment for learning is administered during a training or learning session to capture a learner’s progress in real-time. It can take a variety of forms, sometimes even the combination of formal and informal assessment procedures like practice quizzes, point exercises, and even short essays.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (2)

The primary goal of this type of educational assessment is to identify how the employees are improving as they learn and, at the same time, spot any knowledge gaps, misunderstandings, or proficiency levels that they have not achieved yet. This way, trainers and instructors can immediately modify and adjust their teaching strategies to achieve a high impact learning.

4. Summative assessment

Summative assessment serves as a summary test provided at the end of a learning course or training activity. This type of assessment helps trainers and instructors define how much a learner has grown and improved over time and record their overall achievement. In contrast to the first two assessments, formative and summative assessments are formal and highly evaluative. Plus, it usually involves clear instructions, expectations, and grading rubrics. Frequently high stakes, both instructors and students work extra harder to prepare for these assessments.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (3)

Because most businesses are now operating remotely as a result of the pandemic, online summative assessments have become the norm. And thanks to a plethora of online quiz creators, creating this type of assessment is now easier than ever before. Like with EdApp’s Rapid Refresh, which can help launch your summative assessments in minutes, not days or weeks. Just input your questions and corresponding answers in their user-friendly spreadsheet, and let this type of assessment tools automatically transform your content into a series of gamified tests.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (4)

You will also benefit from the smart actionable insights and granular reports of Rapid Refresh, which will be delivered instantly upon completion of this assessment. There’s no need to manually check their assessments and generate reports – Rapid Refresh will do all of the hard work for you.

5. Skill assessment

Very simply, skill assessment helps measure a person’s ability to accomplish specific tasks. This is one of the types of performance-based assessments that's usually administered by recruiting professionals to identify whether or not a candidate meets the qualifications needed to work in a specific occupation. These skills may be innate or acquired through prior work experience, school education, or training.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (5)

Skill assessment can also be used to evaluate a person’s soft skills and determine if he or she can easily fit in and get along in the workplace.

6. Gamified assessment

Gamified or game-based assessment is a type of assessment strategy that uses various gamification elements to evaluate and gather specific information from candidates or employees, like their opinions on a certain topic or skill level. It transforms traditional tests into a game format, like memory games, true or false, and jumbled words, to make the formative assessment strategies more fun and contemporary. Quick and engaging, there’s no surprise how gamified assessment is rapidly gaining popularity among recruitment and L&D professionals across different industries.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (6)

If this type of assessment has captured your interest, EdApp LMS has the perfect solution for you. Thanks to its intuitive authoring tool, this platform can help you put together a gamified assessment in just a few steps. All you need to do is choose from its 80+ game templates and author your questions and answers. To make assessing even more engaging, you can spice it up by adding weighted scores or timers – no technical or coding expertise is needed.

7. Oral assessment

Oral assessment, as its name implies, is a popular formal assessment type that evaluates employees or candidates orally. For this method, the instructors invite their team for a face-to-face session or virtual meeting, question them directly, and assess them based on their verbal answers. Most of the time, this assessment is done casually, with no specific structured list of questions. The answers can be elaborative or straight to the point, all up to the employer or trainer’s requirements.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (7)

The best part about this type of assessment is that oral responses can never be plagiarized or copied. Plus, it offers real-time, instant results.

8. Ipsative assessment

Ipsative assessment is the practice of retaking an assessment and comparing the results from the previous performance. This type of formative evaluation helps learners identify their mistakes and areas where they still need to improve, motivating them to perform better on their next assessment. The ipsative assessment builds on the idea that learning is a process, and there’s still room for improvement for those who have achieved a lower mark on their first attempt.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (8)

If you want to administer this type of assessment, you may want to consider checking EdApp’s Brain Boost. This feature enhances the spaced repetition strategy by using an adaptive, dynamic quiz that’s based upon the SM-2 learning algorithm. Essentially, Brain Boost will send assessment questions to your learners in order to determine what they recall from their training or classes, and also what they don’t. The algorithm will indicate whether or not a learner is having difficulty remembering some topics more than others. If so, they will be assessed more frequently on those topics than ones they are already comfortable with.

9. Norm-referenced assessment

Norm-referenced assessment, also called NRT tests, is a type of assessment that significantly compares a learner’s knowledge and performance to another.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (9)

The comparison class is called the “norming group”, which typically consists of a small group of test-takers that share specific characteristics, like age, education, job position, and more. This assessment ranks learners from highest to lowest to accentuate differences among them and point out who is ahead or behind the norm. This information can assist trainers and managers in determining which members of the team require additional attention and guidance at work.

10. Criterion-referenced assessment

Criterion-referenced assessment is a type of assessment that measures a learner’s learning progress or performance based on pre-determined and agreed-upon criteria and standards.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (10)

Unlike the NRT tests, this evaluation doesn’t compare an individual against their peers. A criterion-referenced assessment directly measures up a person’s skills and abilities to the criterion, regardless of how the other test takers perform on the assessment. This, in turn, will help trainers and managers gather insights about an employee’s strengths and areas for improvement.

11. Scenario-Based Assessment

Perhaps you want to see how an individual will perform in real-world situations. Needless to say, scenario-based assessment is the way to go. This type of assessment involves a hypothetical scenario where learners are expected to apply their theoretical knowledge. Using this method, assessors will be able to see firsthand the level of expertise of their learners.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (11)

Not only does it produce a more reliable evaluation of your employee’s skills and knowledge, but this type of assessment also serves as an effective way to help your team practice and develop their skills. Scenario-based assessments provide a great opportunity to explore their role and function, without the pressure of being involved yet in a real-world situation.

12. Behavioral Assessment

Behavioral assessment, as its name suggests, is a psychological assessment that aims to assess a person’s behavior. In a workplace setting, individuals are observed in a simulated work environment and shown realistic role-related scenarios.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (12)

From there, they’ll be asked to perform the best possible actions, like solving an issue or handling a conflict. How they respond to each situation will show you whether or not they’re fit for the role.

I've been deeply entrenched in the realm of educational assessment and learning methodologies for years, from practical classroom applications to corporate training environments. Let's dive into the concepts outlined in the article:

  1. Diagnostic Assessment: This type of assessment, conducted prior to learning or training, evaluates an individual's existing knowledge or skills to identify strengths and weaknesses. It's like taking a snapshot of their current level before starting a course or program.

  2. Formative Assessment: Unlike diagnostic assessments, formative assessments occur during the learning process. They help gauge progress in real-time, identifying gaps or misunderstandings as they arise. This ongoing evaluation aids instructors in adjusting their teaching methods to enhance learning.

  3. Summative Assessment: This evaluation happens at the end of a learning period. It assesses overall achievement and growth over time. It's more formal and evaluative, often involving clear instructions and grading rubrics.

  4. Skill Assessment: This type measures an individual's ability to perform specific tasks, either innate or acquired through education, experience, or training. It's often used in recruitment to match candidates with job requirements.

  5. Gamified Assessment: A contemporary approach that incorporates elements of games into assessments to engage participants. It transforms traditional tests into formats like memory games or quizzes, making assessments more enjoyable while still gathering valuable data.

  6. Oral Assessment: This formal evaluation involves direct questioning and verbal responses, usually in face-to-face or virtual sessions. It provides instant results and original responses, preventing plagiarism.

  7. Ipsative Assessment: This involves retaking assessments and comparing results to identify areas for improvement. It's a formative evaluation aimed at motivating learners to enhance their performance.

  8. Norm-Referenced Assessment: Compares an individual's performance against a norming group to highlight differences among learners. This helps identify those needing additional attention or guidance.

  9. Criterion-Referenced Assessment: Measures an individual's performance against pre-established criteria without comparing to peers. It focuses on specific skills and abilities, aiding in understanding strengths and areas for improvement.

  10. Scenario-Based Assessment: Mimics real-world situations, allowing individuals to apply theoretical knowledge. It's effective for evaluating skills and providing practice without real-world pressure.

  11. Behavioral Assessment: This psychological evaluation observes individuals in simulated work environments to gauge their responses to role-related scenarios. It assesses how they handle various situations, crucial for assessing fitness for a role.

These assessments serve various purposes in educational and professional settings, offering insights into learners' abilities and aiding in their development and evaluation.

12 Essential Types of Assessment for work (and When and How to Use Them) | EdApp Microlearning (2024)


What are the types of assessment to be used in different learning situations? ›

What Are The Types of Assessment of Learning?
  • Diagnostic Assessment. ...
  • Formative Assessment. ...
  • Summative Assessment. ...
  • Norm-referenced assessment. ...
  • Ipsative assessment. ...
  • Criterion-referenced assessments. ...
  • Scenario-based assessment. ...
  • Oral assessment.
Jun 18, 2024

What are the types of assessment for the purpose of measuring learning? ›

Types of Assessment. There are three types of assessment: diagnostic, formative, and summative. Although are three are generally referred to simply as assessment, there are distinct differences between the three. There are three types of assessment: diagnostic, formative, and summative.

What is assessment and how is it used in learning environments? ›

Assessment for learning involves teachers using evidence about students' knowledge, understanding, and skills to inform their teaching. Sometimes referred to as 'formative assessment', it usually occurs throughout the teaching and learning process to clarify student learning and understanding.

What are some examples of assessments you use in the classroom? ›

Examples of Formative and Summative Assessments
Weekly quizzesFinal essays
1-minute reflection writing assignmentsFinal presentations
Homework assignmentsFinal reports
SurveysFinal Grades
3 more rows

What assessment methods do you use? ›

  • Written task (essay, report, reflective paper, etc.)
  • Oral presentation- in person or via video or recorded.
  • Discussion/debate/role play Participate in a “Court of Enquiry”
  • Response to observation of real or simulated professional practice.

What is the most effective type of assessment? ›

Each assessment is impactful in its own way. When assessing student understanding of developing concepts, formative assessments are most effective. This assessment type allows educators to intervene earlier than others. In establishing a baseline of student knowledge, diagnostic assessment is most effective.

What are the four major types of assessment? ›

A Guide to Types of Assessment: Diagnostic, Formative, Interim, and Summative. Assessments come in many shapes and sizes. For those who are new to assessment or just starting out, the terms can be hard to sort out or simply unfamiliar.

How to do assessment for learning? ›

6 assessment for learning strategies
  1. Direct observation. With direct observation, the teacher observes small groups or pairs of children working on a specific question posed deliberately to assess what the children know. ...
  2. Questioning. ...
  3. Feedback. ...
  4. Self-assessment. ...
  5. Peer-assessment. ...
  6. The formative use of summative assessment.

Which is the most ideal type of a traditional assessment? ›

The most widely used traditional assessment tools are multiple-choice tests, true/false tests, short answers, and essays. True/false tests: True/false items require students to make a decision and find out which of two potential responses is true. Since they are easy to score, it is easy to administer true/false tests.

How to better plan for assessment? ›

Designing an Assessment Plan
  1. Review your course learning objectives and goals.
  2. Choose and design assessments.
  3. Choose the right tools for assessments.
  4. Develop assessment criteria and rubrics.
  5. Determine your feedback strategy.

What is the best example of assessment? ›

Formative Assessment is the most powerful type of assessment for improving student understanding and performance. Examples: a very interactive class discussion; a warm-up, closure, or exit slip; a on-the-spot performance; a quiz.

What are common assessments in teaching? ›

Common assessment is a test that numerous teachers collaborate on to measure the performance of all students across different sections or classrooms. Common assessments are used to measure students' performance consistently and fairly, ensuring that all students have an equal chance of succeeding in critical subjects.

How do teachers use assessments? ›

5 ways to utilize assessment data
  • Plan individual instructional intervention. ...
  • Develop daily instructional strategies. ...
  • Determine targeted goals for students and teachers. ...
  • Monitor student and teacher progress. ...
  • Discover professional development gaps.

What are the 3 main types of assessment explain? ›

There are three main types of assessment and they relate to how the assessment is used.
  • Diagnostic. Diagnostic assessment is used to identify student strengths and weaknesses. ...
  • Formative. Formative assessment is used to monitor student progress during a teaching and learning cycle. ...
  • Summative.

What are the four types of assessments that are most commonly used in schools? ›

What Types of Student Assessments are used by Educators?
  • Traditional Assessments. Assessments can take on various forms and often serve different purposes. ...
  • Diagnostic Assessments. ...
  • Formative Assessments. ...
  • Summative Assessments. ...
  • 5. "

How to assess students with different learning styles? ›

By preparing a questionnaire or a test and having your students fill it out, you can quickly gather insights into their preferred learning methods. This allows you to tailor your lessons right from the beginning, focusing on the areas that will most benefit each student.

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